Black Dahlia is FINALLY making Skullgirls an offer it can’t refuse

Death Walks in High Heels

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It’s taken almost 10 long, loooong years of waiting, but it’s finally happening. As announced by Autumn Games this afternoon, the ice-cold assassin of the Medici Mafia, Black Dahlia, is preparing to make her terrifying presence felt in fantastic tag-team fighter Skullgirls — the third DLC character from the title’s Season One Pass.

To date, Black Dahlia has only featured as an NPC within the Skullgirls universe, but that does not mean that she hasn’t made her presence fully felt. Rising through the ranks of the Medici crime family, Black Dahlia sits as the left hand of boss Lorenzo Medici, where she operates as both his bodyguard and hired gun. Dahlia is responsible for numerous heinous acts within the Skullgirls timeline, including the killing of The Fishbone Gang, the q♔uartering of Ms. Fortune, and, most horribly of all, the cold-hearted murder of young Sienna Contiello, now resurrected as roster member Squigly.

Black Dahlia is a merciless, cruel, and morally abhorrent figure within Skullgirls’ cartoonish universe. And while it goes against every fiber of my moral being, she also happens to be my favorite character. I’m so excited for her arrival.

In addition to the reveal of Black Dahlia, Autumn Games has offered up a new trailer for the incoming DLC character Umbrella, who operates at the far cuter and 200% more wholesome end of the Skullgirls spectrum. The teams at Hidden Variable and Future Club have been working exceptionally hard on this rain-based cutie-patootie, who is the younger sister of alluring roster mainstay Parasoul. Umbrella, (along with her new stage), will be joining Skullgirls early 2022.

The Skullgirls Season One Pass offers up four additional characters — including Annie of the Stars, Umbrella, Black Dahlia, and a fourth unannounced character — as well as a digital soundtrack and art compendium. It is available to purchase now on all platforms. Skullgirls 2nd Encore is available now on PS4, PC, Xbox One, ෴a🐼nd Nintendo Switch.

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Image of Chris Moyse
Chris Moyse
Senior Editor - Chris has been playing video games since the 1980s and writing about them since the 1880s. Graduated from Galaxy High with honors. Twitter: @ChrisxMoyse