You know what they say! The more the merrier!
Former biggest star in the world Jim Carrey’s Twitter account is a goldmine. Basically a Canadian Jaden Smith, it’s a mixture of vague truisms, philosophical contemplation and some . The solid let us see that the characters Carey became renowned for didn’t always start or stay on the screen. I hope to God that’s the case for the upcoming , in which Carey will be playing Eggman, because he just confirmed it will be live-action.
While promoting his new Showtime show Kidding at the Television Critics Association, Carey fielded questions on a number of his endeavours, including the changing landscape of comedy, his paintings about an orange man, and most importantly, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Carey didn’t provide many details, but he did confirm the movie will not be animated, meaning Carey will be suiting up as Dr. Robotnik for real in a performance he says will be “Magic!… mixed with desperation.” Calling it now, Carey will be a better Eggman than Danny DeVito ever could.
Of course a Sonic the Hedgehog movie would be live action. Sonic Team has consistently shown their adeptness with graphical fidelity and style in both and , so it’s fitting that a series with so, so many missteps won’t be utilizing that talent except probably for a CGI Sonic and friends. Don’t get me wrong, I’m hyped as shit for this movie as I’d pay full price for a 90-minute monologue of Carrey dressed as Robotnik, let alone this strange mashup of the two of the 90s biggest stars. I just hope it doesn’t play it safe like the painfully forgettable Ratchet and Clank. I want this movie to go full Bizzaro universe; get Jeff Bridges on෴ the phone to play . DeVito can be Tails.
Published: Aug 8, 2018 05:00 pm