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Sons of the Forest: How to reach maximum sentiment with Virginia

Best friends forever!

There’s a long list of achievements available through Sons of the Forest. Some of them are fairly basic, while others come with a long list of things to do. ‘Chivalry is not Dead’ is one such achievement, as it ent✃ails reaching maximum sentiment with Virginia, whicꦫh isn’t straightforward.

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Virginia is a three-legged, three-armed mutated human who approaches your base at random times before runninꦡg away when you approach, at least in the beginning. As she becomes more used to your presence, she’ll become more brave and eventually learn to trust you. 

Gaining Virginia’s trust is important, because she will🔯 not only occasionally bring you meat or plants to help with your survival, but she’ll also lead you to nearby Points of Interest where you’ll be able to pick up supplies or further the story.

How to befriend Virginia

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To begin with, when Virginia approaches your base, you should holster any weapons that you’re carrying and go about business as usual, giving her plenty of space. If you get too close, she’ll run away and you’ll need to start all over again. If she returns often and seems to hover around the same place every time, make a torch and set it up for her, offering a little warmth. 

Once Virginia has warmed up to you and is no longer running away when you approach, you can arm her with firearms (more than one, thanks to her extra arm!). If you go off exploring the island, she will follow you and bring gifts, but if you’re on your base, she can help to protect it should any mutants attack. It’s a good idea to put a GPS tracker on Virginia as⛦ it allowsꩵ you to see where she is on the island at all times. 

After that, all that’s left to do🐟 is increase your sentiment level until you unlock the ‘Chivalry is not Dead’ achievement.

How to reach Maximum sentiment with Virginia 

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Here’s a few things you can do to increase sentiment with Virginia:

  • Watch her dance
  • If she points out an enemy, kill them
  • Assist or revive her if she’s injured
  • Build a Drying Rack and leave food out for her to eat
  • Provide her with clothing or other gifts

You’ll know when you’re doing well w♉ith her, because Virginia will begin to stay closꦓe to you, bring you gifts, and sometimes sit beside you at a campfire. 

Bear in mind that no matter how far you’ve increased your sentiment with Virginia, you can always backtrack on this project by accident. Take care not to aim a gun at her and most of all, make sure she doesn’t die because she cannot be revived.

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.