Star Wars: Battlefront 2 will have a story mode, free updates

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Finn and Captain Phasma will be playable

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Star Wars: Battlefront was by any measure a successful game, but its brevity left many players wanting more. It appears EA was listening to player feedback, and Battlefront 2 🍰;looks to fix many of the complaints players had about the fir♍st title.

Instead of being a multiplayer-only title, Battlefront 2 will feature a single-player campaign, featuring all three eras of Star Wars’ story. The Naboo map was shown off extensively after the trailer, and clone troopers battled droids throughout the capital city. DICE apparently brought in some of the best Battlefront players to their headquarters in Stockholm to help design the new game’s upgrades and unlocks.

In addition to split-screen multiplayer, EA announced that all maps and downloads will be free and available to everyone who purchases Battlefront 2. It sounds like the game will have much more longevity tha♏n its predecessor after it launches this fall.

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Image of Kevin McClusky
Kevin McClusky
I'm a longtime member of Destructoid, and you may have known me in a prior life as Qalamari. In other words, hi. I've been here a long time. There's a good chance I'm older than you. I write freelance articles for other publications, so you might see my name elsewhere occasionally. Disclosure: I wrote a paid testimonial for the Speedify VPN service in April 2017.