Twitch streamer Kai Cenat has been taken into c♎ustody afte𝔉r a giveaway event held in New York city took a turn.
Cenat and another str🗹eamer/social media influen💦cer, Fanum, were set to host a giveaway in Union Square, as archived by . The day arrived, and a massive crowd reportedly showed up today for the event.
Cenat , advertising PlayStation 5s and gift cards to give away, before leaving his bus and heading out. Things took a turn though, into what could be described as a “bit of a commotion.” It’s unclear what sparked this turn at this time.
The New York Police Department mobilized with an estimated 1,000 officers, per . Several caught glimpses of the chaos, ranging from🍃 what looks like people spraying fire extinguಌishers to Cenat being taken into custody.
NYPD later confirmed that when the crowd grew too large, they declared it an “unlawful assembly” and began to clear the area. The NYPD chief of police Jeffrey Maddrey said officers filled a bus with arrestees, but did not confirm how many were in custody following the New York giveaway event-gone-south.
A spokesperson confirmed to NBC New York that Cenat and “numerous” other people were in custody. It’s not clear yet if any charges will be filed, though Maddrey did suggest that “inciting a riot” could be considered.
Watch live as NYPD executives brief t🌃he media on an ongoing incident in Manhattan.
Cenat is a popular streamer who garnered headlines earlier this year for a on Twitch, previously held by others like Tyler “Ninja” Blevins and Ludwig Ahgren.
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Published: Aug 4, 2023 06:52 pm