Monster Hunter Rise amiibo

Sunbreak is giving us three new Monster Hunter Rise amiibo

A Palamute, Malzeno, and a Palico

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More Monster Hunter Rise amiibo are on the way, according to the recent Game Awards te🌼aser.

It was easy to miss! At the very end of the trailer for Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak‘s Elgado region, due in “summer 2022,” was a stinger for three new . You have the Palamute (Canye Malzeno X), Malzeno, and Palico (Felyne Malzeno X) models.

All of them will provide layered armor (read: transmog) in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, with the Palamute and Palico likely impacting those two helpers, with the middle Malzeno enemy doling out armor for your pr🍸otagonist. This would line up with the prior amiibo model, which did the same thing, and gave the player Magnamalo armor for that same monster-type amiibo.

Monster Hunter has a complicated history with amiibo. Although Rise has been fairly straightforward with worldwide releases to boot, Stories and Stories 2 have been more annoying with Japan-exclusives outside of the July 2021 wave for the latter (which was still annoying to find). Thankfully, these Sunbreak amiibo will follow the same pattern as the Rise proper ones, and will be available all over

As always, you can check out every amiibo figure ever made on this up to date list we’ve been compiling for seven years.

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Chris Carter
Managing Editor/Reviews Director
Managing Editor - Chris has been enjoying Destructoid avidly since 2008. He finally decided to take the next step in January of 2009 blogging on the site. Now, he's staff!