betvisa888 cricket betCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // Probably About Video Games Mon, 20 Feb 2023 23:12:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa loginCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Tue, 24 Jan 2023 03:30:28 +0000 // Call of Duty DMZ

The fan-favorite mode makes a return

Infinity Ward tried some new things with the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II �some of them stuck like semtex, and some of them didn't. One change that many players are excited to see reverted is the game's Hardcore mode, or more specifically, its return to the game with MWII's Season 2. The news came via the official Infinity Ward Twitter account, where they announced the return of the mode that makes an already-difficult game even harder. In addition, the studio stated that more updates on what to expect from Season 2 will be coming later this week on their blog.

Hardcore mode isn't for the faint of heart, as it gives players significantly less health, reduces the HUD down to a minimum, and turns friendly fire on. As usual, players will be able to access Hardcore mode through a specific playlist, so don't worry about getting roped into these games by accident �although I wouldn't put it past anyone considering how unnecessarily confusing Modern Warfare II's UI is. The mode dates all the way back to the original Modern Warfare in 2007, so I don't real?ly understand why they didn't include it from launch to begin with. Oh well, something to l??ook forward to I guess.


Season 2 has already been delayed two weeks to February 15, as was correctly predicted by known Call of Duty data miner CODSploitz. In addition to Hardcore mode, the update will include the return of Resurgence mode, as well as "a brand new small map" and ??"new multiplayer maps, new modes?, weapons and much more."

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// 0 359346
betvisa888 liveCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Wed, 18 Jan 2023 20:30:39 +0000 // Call of Duty DMZ

Man, that's a lot of 2's

[Update: This morning, the official Call of Duty Twitter released an update stating that Season 2 for both Warzone 2.0 and MWII will be dropping on February 15. Warzone 2.0 will see the return of Resurgence and will also get a "brand new small map," while MWII will get some "new multiplayer maps, new mo??des, weapons and much more."]

Call of Duty fans have been anxiously awaiting Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II's second season, but based on some new info, it looks like they're going to have to wait a couple more weeks. Neither Activision nor Infinity Ward have?? officially announced any dates yet regarding the new season, but fans have surmised that the release date was supposed to be February 1 by looking at the days left on the Season 1 battle pass.

Based on a tweet from known data miner CODSploitz, Season 2 wi??ll allegedly drop on or around February 15. By mining for the dates of the last Season 1 bundle, CODSploitz claims to have found that the final Scavenger bundle will be available in ??the store from February 2-15 -- hence the supposed Season 2 delay to that date, or sometime after it. CODSploitz's predictions have been right in the past, so we'll have to see if this one helps or hurts his track record when Season 2 finally drops.


The last major update we saw for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II came in the form of Season 1 Reloaded from back in December. That update came with bug fixes, which added the Chimera a??ssault rifle, the brand new Raid mode, and my personal favorite, the Shipment 6v6 multiplayer map. There's been some speculation that Season 2 will bring another new Raid episode, but other than that, the second season will likely be full of surprises.

Related: How to Win Hardpoint in COD MW2 Ranked Play Prima Games

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// 0 358603
betvisa cricketCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Wed, 30 Nov 2022 21:00:59 +0000 // DMZ shooting

DMZ's success might be marking the end of an era

Anyone who was within a hundred-mile radius of the video game industry from 2018-2020 was no stranger to battle royale modes. Suddenly titles like Fortnite and PUBG were some of the biggest games in the world, and it seemed like every franchise wanted a piece of the pie. We had Call of Duty enter the mix with Warzone, the character-focused Apex Legends, and we even got a battle royale mode for Tetris. Tetris!

It feels like we're fina?lly growing tired of the mode these days (or at the very least, the release of new battle royale-themed modes have slowed down significantly), and it leaves me wondering, which hot new mode will take over as the trendsetting game t??ype?

After seeing the success of Call of Duty's new DMZ mode, well, that's where I'd put my money. It's only been out for a few weeks, but players have been pretty vocal about how much they enjoy DMZ's twist on a Warzone-like game mode. While the mode was released alongside the refreshed release of the battle royale mode, now called Warzone 2.0, it seems to me that DMZ is threateni?ng to overshadow its wel??l-loved predecessor.

DMZ, which stands for "demilitarized zone," drops players into a large, open map with the goal of reaching exfil points to successfully extract from the game, hopefully with all of the loot they managed to accrue in tow. The map has points of interest and optional objectives that players can complete, as well as both AI and player enemies to contend with. Activision is calling it an "open-world, narrative-focused extraction mode." I've yet to see the narra??tive element reveal itself, although these days people often throw the word around in places where I don't think it's warranted. So I guess we'll see.

It all started in Tarkov

Unless there's some other secret extraction-centered game out there that I don't know about, it appears that the still-supported 2017 title Escape from Tarkov pioneered the combination open world/scripted mode that we see today. The game is described as "realistic" and "hardcore," with minimal UI and brutal encounters. While I've not played Tarkov myself, the sense I get is that it was a niche, unforgiving type of game that players really had to dig into to enjoy (along the lines of something like Rust), the core mechanics of which Call of Duty modified to make their own ??version more mainstream-friendly.

As I was reading more about Tarkov to learn a bit more about where this new game type came from, a few quotes really stuck out to me. In 2020, PC Gamer's Steven Messner called it "a daunting and savage evolution of battle royale" and "a new vein of potential for online shooters." Messner was ahead of the curve, methinks, because after seeing how fans have taken to Call of Duty's take on an extraction mode, I get the feeling it'll be the new wave that sweeps?? over the online multiplayer genre.

Everyone wants a free-to-play mode, because let's face it: they make a buttload of money. With the battle royale craze now settling to a simmer, anyone who's going to want to play one will stick to the big-name titles that have established staying power, like Fortnite, Warzone, and Apex Legends.? Trends are trends, whether they're in fashion, cinema, or slang, and anything that becomes popular is bound to grow tiresome and overplayed eventuall?y. That doesn't mean battle royale should or will go away forever, but the hype machine of the public eye will inevitably move on to newer, shinier toys.

escape from tarkov truck

BR's reign may be coming to an end

If a new IP were looking to break into the multiplayer space, however, or at least add a new game mode to draw in new players, all they'd have to do is put their own spin on extraction and voila, they're riding the trends yet again. I was never much of a battle royale person myself, but I do remember wondering back in 2018 as I stared down the giant Battle Bus on top of the Fortnite booth at E3 what the next game type would be to take over the industry with the same ferocity �and whether I would be pulled a??long with the current when it finally came along.

Escape from Tarkov actually released in closed beta in 2017, the exact same year as PUBG and Fortnite's battle royale mode. It may have been eclipsed by the all-powerful BR mode, but it's only a matter of time before everyone and their mother is releasing an extraction game type. I'm looking forward to seeing how other releases will continue to iterate on the genre's tentpole mechanics, and whether DMZ will be able to hold ??onto the ??extraction mode throne.

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// 0 351930
betvisa cricketCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Fri, 18 Nov 2022 21:07:19 +0000 //

This year's Call of Duty is sleeker than most

The last few months of 2022 have been absolutely insane when it comes to game releases, so it’s been really telling of ?which games I’ve enjoyed the most based on what I’ve been drawn to playing these days. Even with newly-dropped titles like Overwatch 2 and God of War Ragnarok, I find myself going back to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II over and over again. 

I’m relatively new to the Call of Duty series, having picked it up with Cold War for the first time a few years ago with encouragement from a frie?nd. Now CoD has basically become part of ??my daily r??outine, even if it’s just for a few rounds of Domination on my lunch break.

I know that some of my opinions about the series tend to clash with lon??g-time fans, but I’ve actually ??enjoyed jumping into the middle of things for the first time without any other expectations and just going with the flow. Makes me feel like I can have a fresh perspective, you know?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (PC, PS5, PS5 [reviewed], Xbox One, Xbox Series X)
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Released: October 28, 2022
MSRP: $59.99

The strongest CoD story mode I've played

Let’s start with my usual ?domain �the single player campaign. No??t gonna lie, some of the other story mode campaigns in the series have felt like a bit of a slog to me. I couldn’t tell you one thing that happened in Cold War, and Vanguard’s story consisted of a bunch of smaller, disconnected vignettes, and being bopped around from charact?er to character made it kinda hard to care about anything.

Modern Warfare II, on the other hand, was a pleasan??t surprise. The Call of Duty campaigns are known for their nonstop action and some??what bombastic set pieces, and they definitely delivered on that front. Maybe I’ve just played too many Naughty Dog games, but this time around, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that they took some notes from the famed single player developer �there was a good handful of set pieces that felt like something out of an Uncharted game, and I mean that in the best possible way.

Sure, there were huge explosions and stealth-centered sniper missions, but?? a lot of the levels were more restrained in their design, instead focusing more on using the environment in compelling, creative ways that would switch up gameplay without compromising the grounded feeling Infinity Ward was going for. The result was that nothing overstayed its welcome (except for one air support level), and the gameplay always felt fresh and varied, rather than simply throwing me into a battle arena with endless hordes of enemies over and over again.

One of ??the levels?? introduces a crafting mechanic using objects you find in the environment (again, it felt very Last of Us), and I felt myself pull back. Too many times I’ve seen a game implement such mechanics under the guise of adding more “depth�only for them to just bog everything down with unnecessary tedium.? Within the constraints of that level, it worked well enough that I can’t co?mplain too much. In the final level, they brought the crafting back in a way that made a lot of sense and helped heighten the story. That is not the kind of narrative design I usually expect to see from a Call of Duty game, ??so I was pleasantly surprised to say the least.

Characters that feel like characters

When it comes to the cast, it all clicked for me. It’s fair that for the most part, the series hasn’t placed a large focus on its stor?ytelling, because it’s always been about the gameplay anyway, but what I’ve come to expect is all of the dialogue melding together into an endless stream of battle chatter and angry men yelling at each other. Usually when it comes to the CoD campaigns, I have a horrible time differentiating between all of the different characters in the first place, and h?ave to come up with nicknames to keep them all straight (for example, I called Soap “Zefron�for the first half because I thought his character model bore a striking resemblance to the only and only Zac).

But don’t worry, I did end up learning all their names this time because Infinity Ward put a lot ??of effort into the writing for this one, and it shows. A good portion of the campaign is still the usual war jargon and belligerent yelling, but I was truly shocked to see some genuinely fun and interesting conve??rsations happen between the characters that didn’t have to do with their immediate actions. 

A particul?arly endearing exchange between Soap and Ghost went vir??al on Tiktok where they discussed mundanities like the logistics of Ghost never taking off his mask, or what kind of drinks they want to have �all in the face of the most desperate, fight-for-their-lives part of the campaign. I know it’s kind of lame to say, but it was by far my favorite moment from a Call of Duty story mode that I’ve ever played! 

I got a real sense of why these two characters are friends and t?rust each other, and you can feel the familiarity and camaraderie of two people who have had to look out for their buddy in countless life or death situations. There were other great moments like this, too, but for the most part, that mission is everything I’ve wanted the CoD campaigns to be. It didn’t comp??romise on the action, but it actually made me car?e about who these people are. Well done there.

When it comes to graphics, well, this is one of the best-looking games I’ve ever played. That’s expected when it’s a next gen game that I’m also playing on a PS5, but I was still taken aback by how realistic the pre-rendered cutsc?enes looked. There were multiple water levels, too, and you better believe that’s some of the best-looking water I’ve seen in a game. 

Despite a few slow moments, Modern Warfare II is by far the most fun I’ve had playing a Call of Duty campaign, and I highly recommend it to anyone who even remotely likes single pla??yer experiences.

More good stuff from multiplayer

Of course, the story campaign ?is only one small piece of the experience �let’s talk multiplayer. First person shooters have b??een one of my favorite game genres for a long time, and of course CoD has some of the best FPS gameplay out there, period. I know any given COD multiplayer has mixed reviews from some of the more seasoned ?players; but for a casual like me, I’ve been pretty happy with MWII’s multiplayer experience so far.

The guns have the punchiness that I liked about Vanguard, but the movement feels a lot smoother than before. There’s also more customization with the attachments than? ever before, which is perfect for players who really like to fine tune every aspect of their loadout to fully min-max their build.

The ratio of maps that I really enjoy playing o??n versus the ones I don’t is better i?n MWII than the previous games in the series I’ve played, t??hat’s for sure. The design feels nicely balanced on pretty much every map so far, and I’ve yet to play in an environment that feels impossible to n?avigate because the snipers just set up shop and are taking pot shots without engaging with the objectives (looking at you, The Pines and Red Star).

While Domination still remains my favorite CoD mode, I have to admit that I’ve been intrigued by the inclusion of Headquart?ers, Search and Destroy, and Knockout, among others. These classic modes are relatively new to me, and given that Call of Duty’s whole thing is just finding new exc?uses for you to shoot at the enemy, I’m always pl??eased to see how creative the CoD studios have been in making up new, engaging game modes. I guess it’s? all been decades in the making, so think of this as an all star list of classic MP modes �at least that’s what it feels like to me.

The third person mo??des are a bit uncanny to see in a CoD game, but they’re a good time, and also a great way to level up you?r guns given that it’s easier to aim in third person without a scop?e. Ground War and Invasion are great options for players who want an in-between of regular MP and Battle Royale, or who just want to experience the usual MP gameplay experience on a larger scale.

Co-op wasn't for me

I was pretty excited to try out the multiplayer co-op m?issions, because I hadn’t played something like that in a Call of Duty game before. Unfortunately, though, they were the biggest let down of this title for me. They felt a bit janky and buggy at times, and the AI was the silliest I’ve seen in the series in a while. While you can sit through a len??gthy briefing cutscene before each mission, my friend and I would still find ourselves at?? a loss of what to do once we got into the game.

The co-op modes basically come down to infiltrate a base and destroy a thing, o?r defend a base by killing huge waves of enemies. I imagine they’re a fun time if you like going for high scores, seeing as they give you a star rating at the end based on how well you did, but I found the co-op missions to be the least engaging part of the Modern Warfare II experience. I think I’ll just go back to Domination and ??Team De?athmatch.

There have also been some bugs with multiplayer that Infinity W?ard has been dealing with since the beta, including everything from messed up footstep audio to issues joining a party with friends to invisible walls that seem to be left in on the new Shoot House map. In an ideal world, every game would be free of bugs, but for the most part, I haven’t encountered anything that’s not the usual fa??re for a large, online game launch like this. Compared to Overwatch 2, playing Modern Warfare II has been a walk in the park.

I think my PS4 Pro might be on the way out anyway, but I’ve had some real issues with lag and loading into games on my previous gen console (I sometimes had to give up the PS5 because I share one with my roommate). At this point it feels pretty obvious that devs are excited to take advantage o?f what next gen consoles are capable of, but it’s a shame that some players are ??gonna be left behind in the process.

I agree with the complaints about the UI, but it’s certainly not game-breaking for me. I’ve had particular frustrations trying to send party invites to friends, because I can seemingly do it from like three equally confusing places in the menus. ??The main menu is the worst of it, because things are unnecessarily hard to find now, and the new addition of Warzone 2.0 has ??only hidden everything behind yet another screen you ??????????????????????????have to click through. No thanks.

In the end, it comes together

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is certain?ly not a perfect game, but for all its flaws, it’s my favorite CoD game that I’ve played so far. The story mode was a blast, and the multiplayer is just as a?ddicting as ever. It’s one of the best looking games we may have so far, and I recommend playing it on a next gen cons??ole or souped-up PC if you can to see it at its full potential. Infinity Ward has proven yet again that Call of Duty is at the forefront of the FPS genre, ??and I’m really impressed with how they ?continue to drive the series forward.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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// 0 350646
betvisa888 betCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Thu, 17 Nov 2022 00:00:06 +0000 // Modern Warfare II multiplayer

Old habits die hard

The game mode offerings in the Call of Duty franchise have really expanded over the years, and with the recent release of Modern Warfare II, there are more modes than ever before. Excluding Warzone as its own, separate thing, the base Call of Duty multiplayer experience has 11 different game types in the main MP playlist, n?ot including the co-op campaign modes you can play with a buddy. You've got the classics in there like Team Deathmatch and Kill Confirmed, but there are also some new modes to try out like Headquarters and Pri??son Rescue.

While I've certainly had a ton of fun throwing myself into some games to try out modes I don't usually play, I am very much a creature of habit -- Domination is by far my favorite mode, and a lot of the time I'll load into the game with it as the only game mode I have selected without a second thought. The pacing is usually just right for me to get into the flow of things, and it's always pretty easy to tell where enemies might be coming from based on which points they have control of. I'm bad enough at CoD as is, and the randomness of modes like Team De?athmatch and Free-fo??r-All are a bit much for me.

I was pleasantly surprised, however, to try out Headquarters, which basically feels like a mix between Domination and Hardpoint. It's been "featured in all Call of Duty games until (and including) Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and returns in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", according to the fan wiki, but it's entirely new to? me. Sometimes I feel like some of the more fringe modes can be a bit too much of a gameplay-mechanic salad, but Headquarters has a well-balanced, fresh concept without being too tedious. Basically, different points unlock one at a time around the map, and it's up to your team to try and capture that point (the titular Headquarte??rs) before the enemy team does.

call of duty team deathmatch

One you or the enemy team capture the point, whoever controls it has to try and hold onto the Headquarters as long as possible with respawns turned off, and once the opposing team kills the team with control, the cycle resets and a new point unlocks elsewhere on the map. I haven't quite figured out the best strats for Headquarters yet, but I know for a fact I'm gonna be throwing it into my rotation. I've been a CoD bro for three mainline games now (starting with Cold War), and this mode is by far my favorite of any of the new ones I've seen in my short time on the Call of Duty scene.

While the Ground War modes are a good in-between option for someone who wants to play Warzone Lite, it's still not quite my thing either. I found for CoD specifically? I prefer the smaller maps as a fan of close-quarters combat and SMGs, and even the larger maps in the traditional MP modes are too overwhelming for me, like Taraq. But that's most because I get sniped repeatedly while try??ing to run to the point out in the open, because I'm not exactly a pro player. If I like Domination so much, though, there is a chance I could end up enjoying the Ground War version. I'll keep that in mind when I eventually tire of the usual maps.


One Modern Warfare II game mode that surpised me was Search and Destroy. Mind you, it's usually a mode I avoid like the plague because my K/D is shameful and I prefer not to spend most of the game spectating, but after some coaxing from my friend, I gave it a shot. Just like when I was getting into Call of Duty in the first place, I recognize it's another rhythm I need to get into that's different from what I'm used to. Once I get the hang of it, though, I think the slower, higher tension gameplay might be something I really love. Plus, I don't have to worry about learning how the buying thing works like in CS:GO or Valorant, and I can't stress how nice that is for a playe??r like me. ??Baby steps.

I plan to sit down with my buddy and keep trying Search and Destroy and maybe some more Prison Rescue, but for now, I think I'm gonna sti?ck to a Do?mination/Headquarters playlist.

Which Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II game modes have you been unable to put down? What do you think of the ne??w modes? What are your favorite maps?

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// 0 350082
betvisa cricketCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Wed, 09 Nov 2022 22:30:57 +0000 // call of duty modern warfare ii steam pc

Honestly same

After decades of gamers thirsting over the sexy, sexy female video game characters out there, it looks like our favorite virtual himbos are finally getting the mainstream attention they deserve. In case you missed it, Tiktok is currently obsessed with Ghost from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, and posting countless videos of scenes from ?the game, skits, and fan art have flooded the app. Just like the withdrawn kings to come before him like Darcy, Rochester, and Heathcliff, fans are drawn to the cold, aloof nature of a mysterious male character.

Simon "Ghost" Riley was first introduced in the original Modern Warfare game and its subsequent sequel, and was brought back for the reboot. He's one of the main recurring characters in Modern Warfare II, and while I have to be honest that all of the char?acters in the game mostly look and sound the same to me, Ghost is easy? to pick out because he never shows his face, and perpetually wears a skull mask.


One scene that's getting players particularly hot and bothered is a conversation in the Modern Warfare II campaign between Ghost and his squad mate John "Soap" MacTavish, wherein the two discuss Ghost's mask and what he looks like underneath it. The conversation certainly has a playful tone that we're not used to seeing as much in Call of Duty games, and was a nice respite from the endless stream of monotonous tactic??al chatter.

While plenty of fans on Tiktok are having a blast depicting Ghost in a goofier (and sluttier) like than usual, some players aren't too thrilled about the new characterization -- the protests range from series veterans expressing their distaste for a change in Ghost's characterization, to claiming that "Ghost would be disappointed in you," to straight up homophobic harassment.


The Call of Duty franchise has been known as one of the most bro-y gaming properties around basically sin??ce it started all the way back in the early 2000s, and a large part of the player base has actually served in the armed forces. While the series is just about as masculine as it gets, they're fun games, and the type of new players who are jumping in diversify more and more with each release. Most of the fans who are posting sexy Ghost content are certainly taking the flirty subtext of the game and running with it to a meme-worthy extreme, it's their own way to reclaim the hyper-masculinity of the games.

Whether a player is enjoying the game through an ironic lens or taking it stone-cold seriously, the throughline is that both players have an appreciation of the game in their own way. Call of Duty can be hardcore? and intense while also being camp -- b??oth can be true at the same time.

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// 0 349441
betvisa casinoCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Tue, 08 Nov 2022 17:00:53 +0000 // modern warfare ii one billion revenue sales call of duty

Blood Money

Recent bullet-pumping sequel Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II continues to smash all-time series records, with the stunning revelation that Activision's latest military shooter has raked in a staggering $1 billion USD in revenue within its first 10 days of release.

This financial feat is just the latest in a series of records broken by Modern Warfare II, which is already the fastest-selling entry in the series to date and also broke the storied franchise's milestone for Most Concurrent Steam Users, (with a peak of 263,174 players on launch night). The previous record to hit the Big Billion was held by the excellent 2012 entry Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, which hit the 10-digit mark in 15 days.


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II continues the reboot/reboot storyline that began with 2019's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The plot details a violent, globe-trotting campaign that sees Task Force 141, once again headed up by Captain Price, attempt to dismantle a dangerous arms cartel that threatens to bring death and destruction to the United State??s. In curious fashion, the game works as both a brand new title and a prequel to the previous Modern Warfare releases from the mid-'00s.

Following on from the relatively blah welcoming received by 2021's Call of Duty Vanguard. Activision will no doubt be breathing a sigh of relief that, for now at any rate, the Call of Duty franchise remains untarnished from both a popularity and financial standpoint, with MWII's success likely pointin??g to further years of entries in one of the industry's most lucrative franchises.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available now on PlayStation,?? PC (Steam/, and Xbox.

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// 0 349264
betvisa888 betCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Thu, 03 Nov 2022 22:00:58 +0000 //

The Kastov-74u ban has begun in Modern Warfare II

It always takes a few weeks to adjust after a new Call of Duty game comes out (or any online multiplayer game, really), including server issues, any outstanding bugs, and of course, balancing out any mechanics that might give players an advantage over others. Apparently, that's exactly the case with the Kastov-74u, which has been banned in pro tournaments lately. The gun is based on the real world AK-47 submachine gun, but in Modern Warfare II, it's actually classified as an assault rifle.

Basically, the Kastov-74u rips through enemies at clos?e range like a submachine gun, but also does well at mid-range, which make?s it more akin to an assault rifle. While it's not unheard of for players to get creative with their loadouts and use guns for plays that they weren't originally intended for (close range quick-scoping with a sniper rifle being the most famous example of this), but the Kastov is missing the balance that makes for a fair fight, according to the pro players.

The bans started rolling in only three days after the professional season started in the first place -- if there's one thing we can always rely on, it's pro gamers optimizing a game in the shortest amount of time possible. As a casual Call of Duty pl?ayer, it never ceases me to see how players can suss out the most powerful builds?? on what seems like intuition to me, but then again I guess that's why they're professionals at this.

In wake of the bans, streamer and pro Call of Duty player Swagg shared his favorite Kastov-74u loadout, which features the BR209 Barrel, Merc Foregrip Underbarrel, and the True-Tac Grip Rear Grip. It's a simple build, featuring only three out of a possible five attachments, but apparently adding too many of the Modern Warfare II attachments can hinder you more than they help you in some cases.

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// 0 348925
betvisa loginCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Thu, 03 Nov 2022 20:00:56 +0000 // call of duty modern warfare ii ranked mode delay 2023

Stand Down, Soldier

Developer Treyarch has confirmed that its recently released blockbuster shooter Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II will not ??be receiving Ranked Play anytime soon, with the Seriouz B??iznezz mode tabled to arrive in-game sometime in 2023.

While Modern Warfare II's man??y multiplayer modes are already up and running, the league-based ranked version remains in development at the studio, with the company still beavering away on features such as leaderboards, competitive rewards, distinct skill divisions, and exclusive ranked modes. Aside from "2023", an expected arrival time was not announced.


Posting on Twitter, Treyarch also confirmed that it was to start sunsetting League Play modes for previous entries Call of Duty: Vanguard and Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War. Anyone looking to bag their last remaining ranked rewards for those titles needs to lock 'n' load, as the games' respective ranking will be shutting down on November 22. Of course, both titles will remain available to play online, (which is good as, incredibly, I'm still playing Black Ops Cold War on occasion.)

While the delay in ranked play for Modern Warfare II is not ideal, it will likely not make a dent in the shooter sequel's incredible success. The new sequel is the biggest release in the CoD franchise's storied history, having pulled in over $800 million USD in its opening weekend while simultaneously smashing all concurrent player records ??for the franchise on Steam. Ranked Mode might still be some way away, but the community seems far too enga??ged in rat-a-tat-tat action right now to pay it much mind.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is ava?ilable now on PlayStation, PC, and Xbox platforms.

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// 0 348809
betvisa casinoCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Wed, 02 Nov 2022 16:00:45 +0000 // call of duty modern warfare ii launch records activision

Biggest opening in franchise history

Activision has proudly announced that its recent release Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II has smashed all pre?vious launch records held by the storied franchise, having raked in an incredible $800 million USD in sales over the course of its initial launch ?weekend.

Released on PlayStation, PC, and Xbox platforms on October 28, Modern Warfare II immediately became the most successful entertainment product of 2022. Not only has the rat-a-tat-tat sequel beat out the Call of Duty franchise's own launch record �previously held by 2011's Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 �but MWII has also surpassed the combined opening box office revenue of blockbuster movies Top Gun: Maverick and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.


As previously reported, Modern Warfare II also smashed all previous Call of Duty records in regards to concurrent Steam players this past weekend, with an amazing 263,174 players logging in simultaneously on Sunday, October 30. These impressive numbers will most certainly be welcomed by the money men at Activision Blizzard, given that 2021's Call of Duty: Vanguard was one of the franchise's most underperforming releases �Though, obviously, "underperforming" in a CoD sense j?ust means "mega-millions" instead of "ultra-millions".

As always, however, the new release has not been without its fair share of controversy. Some players were bewildered by a sequence in the Modern Warfare II campaign in which the player points guns at unarmed civilians in order to "de-escalate" a situation. Additionally, a real-life hotel situated in Amsterdam is considering legal action afte??r their resort was allegedly featured in a violent action sequence without the?? company's consent.

A Call of Duty title asking for forgiveness instead of permission? Shock Horror!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is availabl??e now on PlayStation, PC, and Xbox platforms.

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// 0 348684
betvisa888Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Mon, 31 Oct 2022 22:30:47 +0000 //

Modern Warfare II's Breenbergh Hotel map's days might be numbered

The Call of Duty series has featured digital recreations of real places for years, including everything from  for the newly-released Modern Warfare II, that includes a whole level that's meant to replicate the streets of Amsterdam closely to real life as possible. That included a hotel called the Conservatorium, which is indeed beautiful, but it seems the management is displeased with the building's inclusion in the game as a Modern Warfare II map.

As originally reported by Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant (and translated by PC Gamer)?, the hotel's manager Roy Tomassen has released a statement implying that they might take legal action against Activision. "Breenbergh" is the level in question, and features the hotel in both a multiplayer map, ??as well as in the single-player campaign as part of a larger map that recreates the streets of Amsterdam.

"We have taken note of the fact that the Conservatorium Hote?l is undesirably the scene of the new Call of Duty. More generally, we don't support games that seem to ??encourage the use of violence. The game in no way reflects our core values ​​and we regret our apparent and unwanted involvement," Tomassen said.


"Breenbergh" is not the only map shrouded in controversy over its recreation of a real-world place -- the Valderas Museum map was heavily featured in the Modern Warfare II beta, and is an eerily accurate representation of the Getty Museum in Los Angeles. One ??of the most uncanny experiences I've had in games was running around and shooting at enemies on the Valderas map, all the while picturing the pleasant afternoons I had spent hanging out with f??riends in that exact spot.

Turns out the Getty wasn't too pleased about the game using the game's famous architecture, so the map is not present in the final game. Looks like Breenburgh might be headed toward the same fate, because believe it or not, buildings and architecture can actually be copyrighted, so in ?the eyes of the law, Activision was actua??lly in the wrong.

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// 0 348535
betvisa cricketCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Thu, 27 Oct 2022 23:00:23 +0000 //

The first Modern Warfare II DLC honors those in the military

The newest mainline Call of Duty game, Modern Warfare II, is out tomorrow, and fans are beyond excited to get into the game. There's a lot to try out with the new multiplayer maps and the single-player campaign, plus the revamped battle royale mode that's coming out in November, and as if that wasn't enough, Activision already announced the game's first DLC. It's called the Endowm?ent Protector pack, and it's already available for purchase at the in-game store.

All of the proceeds from the Modern Warfare II DLC will go to Activision Blizzard's Call of Duty Endowment, the company's very own charity that assists military veterans in the US and UK in finding new jobs after they return from service. The pack will run players $10, with proceeds from the sales going directly to the Call of Duty ??Endowment up to $4 million. The most notable items in the pack include a skin called "T??he Protector" for Operator Hutch, along with blueprints for the Protector's Companion rifle and the Duty Calls sniper rifle. The rest of the items are as follows:

  • "Frontline Stripes" Vehicle Skin
  • "Tagged" Weapon Charm
  • "Ready for Anything" Animated Calling Card
  • "Mermen" Calling Card
  • "Seeing Double" Static Animated Emblem
  • One Double XP Token, One Double Weapon XP Token

As another special perk for those who serve, Activision has also partnered with USAA to give the Protector Pack away completely free to current and former members of the military in the US. The Call of Duty series relies entirely on the stories and real-life actions of military members (like pulling from real-life battles, for example), so it seems only fitting that they would give some of their massive profits back to those who inspired the?? games in the first place. I would love to see ?Activision do even more to support vets in the future, but for now, this is a good enough place to start.

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// 0 348317
betvisa casinoCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // // Wed, 28 Sep 2022 22:00:03 +0000 // Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta fixes coming after beta

The studio has big fixes incoming for Modern Warfare II

Getting to play a game's beta before its release is definitely exciting, but it's not without its downsides �because said game isn't out yet, it can come with a whole slew of bugs that still need working out, which can range from minor inconveniences to game-breaking issues. While the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta was a blast to play, of course, a few problems have stood out to players more than others. Specifically, players complained about imbalanced footsteps audio, as well as issues with enem??y visibili??ty.

No need to fret, though, because Infinity Ward has announced that they're already on the case to fix these bugs, and more, before Modern Warfare II's full launch. "While sentiment around footstep audio was more positive in Beta Weekend Two, we have seen your continued feedback on the volume of footsteps and will continue to balance enemy/friendly footstep audio ahead of launch," the studio said in a press release addressed to players.

"Enemy visibility i??s something that came up throughout both weekends of our Beta. While many of you remarked on the improvement in Weekend Two, we’ll look to tweak increased e?nemy visibility to allow for better visual tracking of opponents that is not solely the traditional nameplate."


Players were also having difficulty with their lobbies disbanding, and that's yet another detail that Infinity Ward has promised to iro?n out. Other improvements include continued weapon tuning, tweaks to the camera in the new third-person mode, and fixes to the AI navigation in Invasion mode.

Even with all the bugs, Modern Warfare II so far captures the feeling of some of the best the franchise has to offer, and I am absolutely stoked to play more of it. If anyone needs me, I'll be playing the Shiphaus 24/7 playlist in Vanguard until full release next month.

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// 0 346200
betvisa888 cricket betCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Mon, 08 Aug 2022 21:00:24 +0000 //

Get ready for the Call of Duty beta in September

This year's entry in the Call of Duty franchise is right around the corner, and while we're gearing up for the release on October 28, Activision has a ton of stuff lined up to keep us satiated until then. During the conclusion of the 2022 season of the Call of Duty League, players got a teaser for the upcoming Call of Duty: Next presentation, which is an "era-defining franchise event showcasing the immediate future of Call of Duty" that will be broadcast on September 15.

The presentation will highlight what's next for Call of Duty, including updates on Modern Warfare II, Call of Duty: Warzone, as well as the mobile version of Warzone known as Project Aurora. Activision will also be doing a full reveal of the multiplayer from MWII, which will include our favorite streamers "playing the games in real time." There is also a promise of other surprises, so we have even more to look forward to when the time ??comes.

The following day marks the first weekend of the Call of Duty: MWII beta.

[caption id="attachment_338602" align="alignnone" width="1920"]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta schedule The Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta schedule covers two weekends.[/caption]

Here's when you can play the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta on PC, PlayStation, and Xbox

Weekend 1 is available for those who pre-ordered the game on PlayStation 4 or PlayS?tation 5, or those who received a beta code, and begins September 16 at 10AM PST. The rest of the weekend, starting at 10AM PST on September 18, is available to all players on PlayStation platforms regardless of pre-order status.

Weekend 2 is ??????????????????????????the same, but includes all platforms �anyone who has pre-ordered the game or secured a beta code on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, or pre-purchased for PC on or Steam, can begin playing the beta at 10AM PST on Thursday, Septembe?r 22.

Xbox and PC players can join for the rest of the open beta weekend, starting Saturday, September 24 at 10AM PST through Monday, September 26 regardless of their Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II pre-order status. PlayStation players are free to partak??e in Weekend 2 as well.

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// 0 338579
betvisa cricketCall of Duty: Modern Warfare II Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Thu, 09 Jun 2022 18:31:56 +0000 // Modern Warfare II campaign footage

Doors and corners

After the big reveal earlier this week, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II popped up again to show off some campaign footage. Today's Summer Game Fest trailer showed the spec ops team storming and clearing an oil rig, hunting for info al??ong the way.

The mission, called Dark Water, starts with the team hooking up and zipping up top, before gradually breaching and clearing their way through. It's all fairly reminiscent of the oil rig mission in the previous Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. That is, until they exfiltrate and head to a?? sh?ip.

The crew takes a speedboat over and storms a ship. It feels like another Modern Warfare throwback, with cover and the level itself tilting and waning with the wa??ves.


Otherwise, it seemed like fairly standard Call of Duty campaign footage. There's plenty of moving and shooting, gadgets, and more. Familiar faces return from Task Force 141, as well as reimagined versions of older Modern Warfare characters like "Soap" MacTavish. There are some new operators ??in the mix, too.

Modern Warfare changes, occassionally

Activision revealed more about its plans for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II earlier this week, including a confirmation that it's moving to a new engine. Both Modern Warfare II and the new Warzone experience, dubbed Warzone 2.0, will be on the same engine. Sadly, this also means that current inventory for players won't jump over to the new Warzone.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II arrives O??ct. 28, 2022 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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