betvisa888Game Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // Probably About Video Games Tue, 22 Oct 2024 19:00:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888Game Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Tue, 22 Oct 2024 19:00:34 +0000 // Metamorphosis Collection Header

The Game Boy Color wasn’t exactly the best platform for horror unless you count, like, Resident Evil Gaiden and Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare. Anyway, now’s a good time to get into some indie Game Boy Color horror, like what’s packed into the Metamorphosis Collection. You can even get a physical ?cartridge if you’re into that sort o??f thing (I am).

The three games included are Opossum Country, Decline, and Specimen 134, all by Ben Jelter. Two of these games, Opossum Country and Decline are available already on, so you can play them right now for free. They were created for game jams. Specimen 134, on the oth?er hand, is a completely new game. It’s also supposedly a lot longer than the other two. However, there is a de?mo of it that you can try.

Metamorphosis Collection Product Shot
Image via Incube8 Games

I’ve played Decline and Opossum Country. They’re creepy short-form adventure titles. Decline is about a police detective on the verge of retirement solving a supernatural mystery. Opossum Country, on the other hand, is about a gig food delivery person riding up to a creepy ?trai??ler park full of evasive people.

A lot of development for Nintendo’s old handheld platform has been spurred by GB Studio, a development suite that makes creating games on the platform a lot more accessible. It’s pretty neat. I’ve only done a bit of dabbling in it, but it seems pretty intuitive and simple to use. It’s resulted in some interestingly designed games that wouldn’t have been marketable during the handheld’s lif??e, giving the platform new life.

For Metamorphosis Collection. You can get the digital version for $13.99. But the real fun is with the physical cartridge, which comes with a box, instructions, and a sticker sheet for $59.99. If you order before Hallowe’en, you’ll get a translucent blood-red cartridge instead of the usual smokey black. Either way, it’s pretty neat. I’m on the verge of pulling the trigger on a pu?rchase.

Preorders for Metamorphosis Collection are open now, an??d physical editions will ship later in Novemb??er.

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// 0 623931
betvisa888Game Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Wed, 25 Oct 2023 21:47:27 +0000 // Bram Stoker Dracula Dark Reign Game Boy Color logo.

In the year 2024, a new Castlevania-l??ike title is coming our way - for the Game Boy Colo?r.

Coming to us courtesy of Incube8 Games and the development team at Spacebot Interactive, Dracula: Dark Reign is unique in that it's the first video game ever to be equipped with the Stoker license. Bram Stoker published his iconic novel Dracula in 1897.

Bram's great-grandnephew Dacre Stoker created the StokerVerse label alongside his partner Chris McAuley. The duo aims to publish ga??mes, comics, and novels under the StokerVerse banner. Each of these is inspired by the works of Bram Stoker.

Because Dark Reign sports the StokerVerse license, it's able to take a deep dive into the world of the 1897 novel. Players will take on the role of the story's protagonist, Jonathan Harker, as he attempts to escape the vampire's castle. The upcoming Game Boy Color Metroidvania title even features a never-before-seen prologue to the original book that's pulled from ??Bram Stoker's personal notes.

Incube8 Games promises a "unique blend of storytelling, exploration, and action" within Dracula: Dark Reign. All of which is based?? on Stoker's source material f?rom many, many years ago.

Dracula: Dark Reign makes its physical Game Boy Color cartridge debut in 2024 for $59.99. A future Digital Edition is also planned that will be playable via PC or Mac emulators. A demo is available for players to try out on the Dracula: Dark Reign demo page.

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// 0 419807
betvisa casinoGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Mon, 18 Sep 2023 21:00:00 +0000 // Quest for Camelot Header

Quest for Camelot isn’t the first kusoge that Nintendo has put on one of its Nintendo Switch Online retro catalogs, but it may be the strangest. I mean, was it that easy to get permission from Warner Bros? Surely, no one asked for this. No one at Nintendo could have possibly been looking at a list of GBC games and zeroed in on this as something that absolutely needed to be on the service. I think every game, r?egardless of how bad, deserves to be available on modern platforms, but from a business sense, why would anyone choose?????????????????????????? this game?

What actually convinced me to play it is the fact that it’s developed by the bane of my existence: Titus. As I always say, “It ain’t no fun if there’s a fox on the box.�But, more strangely, it was published by Nintendo thems??elves. That may be part of what helped it get its spot in the Switch’s Game Boy Color channel, but it also raises more questions.

Quest for Camelot Plant Boss
Screenshot by Destructoid

We eat ham and jam and spam a lot

Quest for Camelot is a 1998 film that I r??emember existing. I remember watching it, but I don’t remember a??nything else. So, I did what any games journalist would do: I read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia. As it turns out, the game (also released in 1998) kind of sort of follows the plot.

You play as Kayley, who dreams of ??following in her dead father’s footsteps and becoming a knight. Meanwhile, Ruber has his own ambitions of stealing Excalibur from King Arthur. Mistakes happen, and Excalibur falls into a Forbidden Forest?. Kayley then embarks on a quest to obtain the enchanted cutlery and defeat Ruber, because revenge would just be so sweet.

The game itself borrows heavily from The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening, which is probably the nicest thing someone could say about it. The inventory works largely the same, with you mapping specific items to the two buttons. It ??doesn’t use the same world design, instead choosing a level-based structure with a lot of very context-specific items. I guess what I’m saying is that it doesn’t benefit whatsoever from copying a better ??game.

The second nicest thing that could be said is that its moment-to-moment gameplay isn’t that bad. You hit things with your sword, and those things die after a few hits, and it feels okay. You gain experience and l??evel up, but there’s no way to view how close you are to the next level. And that’s about it. That’s the moment-to-moment gameplay. Everything beyond that is awful.

Game Boy Color cinematics
Screenshot by Destructoid

Real cinema

I don’t often expect much from movie tie-in games. There are certainly examples of some good ones, but they’re crowded out by the more common cash-grabs. It’s not difficult to understan??d. Developers often work under strict deadlines to meet the movie’s release, publishers can have some unreasonable expectations, and it’s hard to get excited when working based on a license they might have no interest in.

Quest for Camelot largely exudes that. It is such a slapdash game, that I had to use a guide to figure out its ?logic. For instance, at the end of the first leve?l, you fight Ruber. After swatting him enough, he starts spinning on the spot before launching toward the top of the screen. I followed him, only to see him give another pirouette before disappearing entirely.

Then I was left standing there. Nothing had happened. I waited for the level to end, but it didn’t come. I circled the room, looking for a way out, but there was none. So, it was off to find a guide. As it turns out, I had to walk to th??e very bottom of the room, then a hole would open up, and I was supposed to fall into it. Oh, right. Obviously.

Further on, after one of the worst top-down platforming sections I’ve yet to encounter, I had to collect dragon eggs. I was sure t??hat I had them all, but the dragon just kept telling me to go get all of them. Closer inspection of the guide was necessary. I had to exit the cave I w?as in and then jump right to an exit that looked like it shouldn’t exist. There was no spot to land. It looked like any other non-specific barrier in the game. I would have perpetually wandered in circles before even thinking to jump over there.

Quest for Camelot glitched inventory
Screenshot by Destructoid

Missingno's revenge

These sorts of moments crop up throughout the game. There’s one level where you have to backtrack from one end to the next just to get a horse so you can return back to where you were. One of the worst moments involves a boss that requires you to u??se a stick to harm it. However, the collision detection for the stick requires ?you to get within a single pixel of the boss in order for it to detect. It’s excruciating.

The moments where you’re not having issues like these driven beneath your fingernails feel so refreshing. That’s despite the fact that Quest for Camelot is crammed with technical issues. I’m not certain if t?hese exist in the original release, but the Switch version has visual glitches (like when my entire inventory turned into Missingno) and noticeable load times.?? Generally speaking, it's not bad looking game. Although, Kaylee seems to walk with a limp that I don't think was intentional.

It’s always bizarre to see loading times in a ROM-based game. But while simply going back and forth between levels leads to a few seconds of waiting, talking to a character involves some hesitation as well, just to bring up the dialogue box. These aren’t terribly long, mind you. However, it does make Quest for Camelot ??feel a lot more sluggish than just about everything else of the era.

Quest for Camelot Gilly the Fish
Screenshot by Destructoid

Sweet mercy of death

Death in Quest for Camelot is also pretty nasty. There’s no checkpoint system, so the only way to continue is to do so from a save. The save system, however, is tied to an item in your inventory. That’s no so bad, but then you have to pay 30 gems just to use it. Then you have? to wait for all the loading screens, so eventually, I just turned to using the Switch’s save states. It’s kind of neat that you can’t even rely on the bare minimum when it comes to Titus ?games.

In general, Quest for Camelot isn’t the worst movie-licensed games I’ve played. I still can’t believe I played through the entirety of Total Recall on NES. However, it’s still not very good, and it’s based on a license that wasn’t great to begin with. The on??ly reason I see for it being on Sw??itch’s Game Boy Color channel is that it was initially published by Nintendo, but that still means they’d need permission from Warner Bros. I’m guessing they’re not all that protective of the license.

Titus was also planning an N64 game based on Quest for Camelot but canceled it in 1999. I feel like that is probably a blessing, but at the same time, I’m always curious to know the answer to the question, “Just how bad could it possibly be?�/p>

For previous Weekly Kusoge, check this link!

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// 0 406421
betvisa cricketGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Thu, 27 Jul 2023 02:17:55 +0000 // Zelda Oracle Games

We've already had one legendary Legend of Zelda game released in 2023, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for more. Starting today, The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons are now available for the Nintendo Switch Online service. Like with other classic Game Boy and Game Boy Color titles, you?? only need the standard NSO subscription to access these two bizar??re and wonderful games.

If you missed out on the Oracle titles, the games are the product of a developer known as Flagship, which released several high-profile titles and ports between 1998 and 2006. It developed four Zelda games for portable consoles during that time, including the original Four Swords and Minish Cap. The Oracle games marked the company's first sho??t at the franchise, and it did not disappoint.

Released less than a month before the arrival of the Game Boy Advance in North America, both titles take place far away from the well-known lands of Hyrule. Link is thrust into adventures that have him traveling through time or manipulating the seasons for his advantage. While each game comes with its own final boss (something I talked about earlier this year during Zelda week), players who purchased and beat both games could link their save data to unlock the true villa??in behind it all.

Spoiler alert: you already know who it is.


As you can see from the trailer above, you will be able to access that extra bit of post-game content with Nintendo Switch Online. I can only imagine Nintendo is cooking up an SP version of these titles that'll launch players straight into that final battle. Meanwhile, I'm still here twiddling my thumbs for an SP cut of Earthbound Beginnings.

With this, there are only two more previously announced Game Boy games heading to NSO, including the likely Japan-only The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls and the delightful Pokémon Trading Card Game. After that, it's anyone's guess, but I hope Nintendo and Capcom find a way to bring Mega Man V to the service.

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// 0 393747
betvisa888 liveGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Mon, 03 Jul 2023 20:30:10 +0000 // Game Boy Mini Camera inside of a game boy

Pixelated perfection

There's something enamoring abou?t the 1998 Game Boy Camera. ??Sure, it wasn't a photographer's best friend, but its all-in-one camera and software made it a delightful piece of tech from Nintendo. It turned a handheld game console into a digital camera for budding photographers.

Even 25 years later, the Game Boy Camera is still being celebrated. But few support the quirky device more than Christopher Graves, who recently reworked the entire thing to fit into a (basically) standard-size Game Boy cartridge. This is the Game Boy Mini Camera.

[caption id="attachment_390099" align="alignnone" width="640"]Game boy cartridge comparisons Photos By Christopher Graves[/caption]

The Game Boy Mini Camera Mod

On the surface, the Game Boy Mini Camera takes Nintendo's iconic peripheral and shrinks it down. Thanks to Graves' wor?k, this homebrew creation makes the Game Boy Camera look remarkably similar to any other cartridge for the system. This lets it run on any Game ??Boy model, including the chunky DMG launch model.

It packs some interesting new technology too. For starters, the Game Boy Mini Camera contains a custom PCB from fellow enthusiast Martin Refseth. This allows for stored images to stick around, no batteries required. The camera itself retains its mapper chip and sensor, and the lens ??itself has been taken from an iPhone XR.

Graves showcases the slight differences with the lenses in a Twitter thread, though it doe?s re?tain the same 2-bit picture quality despite the more modern lens array.

This isn't Graves' first rodeo modifying this nostalgic piece of tech. For an especially impressive example, take a look at the Game Boy Camera M. This takes a Game Boy Pocket and turns it into a dedicated Game Boy Camera machine, with the ability to swap lenses and adjust focus. It modernizes the 2-bit digital camera to do more, while still retaining its pixelated charm. They've also created a Macro lens, stretching the limits of 2-bit photography.

Graves describes the Game Boy Mini Camera as a "selfish project," with no plans to sell to other enthusiasts. However, Graves' mentioned that they will "more than likely" release the files to th??e public, allowing anyone to make one themselves.

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// 0 390081
betvisa888 cricket betGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Tue, 13 Jun 2023 16:00:15 +0000 // Grimace's Birthday Header

They know my weakness

It looks like McDonald’s is trying to go viral with a new advergame. Normally I’d have no part in this, but they know my weakness. Grimace’s Birthday was developed for the Ga??me Boy Color hardware. Well played, Mcdonald’s.

Developed by Krool Toys, you can play Grimace’s Birthday right from your browser on a site made to look like it was created before the dotcom bubble burst. However, enterprising people on the internet have been ??able to pull the ROM file from the site, and, as it turns out, it does actually run on official hardware through the use of an Everdrive or similar device.

[caption id="attachment_386506" align="alignnone" width="640"]Grimace's Birthday Skateboarding Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

Mystery Meat

Perhaps more surprising is that Grimace’s Birthday is actually good. I suppose this is less surprising if you know who is behind the Krool Toys moniker. It’s actually Brian Taylor (Pearacidic) on programming duties and Tom Lockwood (Gumpyfunction) on art and design. Both are indie developers well versed in the Game Boy’s hardware. Tom Lockwood, in particular, did a fangame of the “Dinne?r with Andre�gag from the Simpsons on Game Boy.

So, when you have that in mind, it’s actually no surprise that Grimace’s Birthday is rather quality. It’s short, which seems expected given the subject matter, but despite that, it manages to cram ?in a bunch of well-executed variety.

You play as Grimace, the purple slab of mystery meat. As the title implies, it’s his birthday, but a few notable figures didn’t show up. Not taking any excuses, Grimace sets out?? to round them up.

You start off on a skateboard, which includes mechanics for grinding on rails to get t??o higher levels. There’s an incentive to grab all the purple shakes in the level (pureed Grimace?), but they’re mostly for score. Your only solid objective is to reach the end of the level. The next set of levels has Grimace on foot, which has to be he??ll for his knees. There are enemies that harrow the purple mountain, and a bubble power-up that lets him float.

And then ??ther??e’s a mini-game that you get to choose, and that’s it. It’s over.

[caption id="attachment_386509" align="alignnone" width="640"]Grimace on the highwire Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]


It’s natural that Grimace’s Birthday is so short. McDonald’s isn’t selling the title, so you’re getting what you paid for. The reall??y tragic part here is that the mechanics don’t really get the opportuni?ty to shine.

Beyond that we have the aesthetic of the game, which it executes well. From the early-�0s-looking site to the fact that Grimace and his food-related pals all talk like Gen-Zs, the whole thing feels infectiously pulled off. I give McDonald’s a lot of flak for food that tastes like delicious but unconvincing facsimiles ??and it??s contribution to the downfall of human existence, but I have a strong affection for kitsch.

It kind of disgusts me that I have nostalgia for insidious advertising. The whole McDonaldLand concept was a way to indoctrinate children into a loyal devotion to the brand. The company largely dropped Ronald and his pals when fingers began to point around the obesity epidemic. And yet, I kind of miss it because it was fun. I hate that.

But that’s what Grimace’s Birthday is. It offers a fun application of the characters in a solid product m?ade to draw attention to the brand. Kudos to the devs for their execution. Would I buy? this if it was sold on a cartridge? Yes. But that shame is all mine.

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// 0 386504
betvisa888 cricket betGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Thu, 23 Feb 2023 20:00:04 +0000 //

'Pin-Poké-Ball' didn't have the same pizzazz

The Pokémon franchise is no stranger to excellent spinoffs. Between the lauded Mystery Dungeon crossovers, the well-regarded (if seldom played) Pokkén Tournament, and, of course, the cultural juggernaut that is Pokémon GO, there's been a Pokémon game for just about every genre imaginable. Once upon a time, there were even two excellent Pokémon pinball games.

The original Pokémon Pinball is something of an oddity, even when viewed amid the eclectic Game Boy Color library. Released three years after the first Pokémon generation in Japan, and just a few months before Pokémon Yellow arrived in North America, the game was little more than two digital pinball tables with Pokémon theming. The two tables were "Red" and "Blue," an?d they were?? excellent.

Gotta catch 'em all!

The most unique element of Pokémon Pinball is its catching mechanic. The eponymous pinball is, of cours??e, a Pokéball, so it figures that you'd be able to catch Pokémon?? with it. To do this, you carry out a couple of archaic bumper-bouncing rituals to make a Pokémon spawn in the center of the table, then you bonk that Pokémon in the head a couple of times to catch it.


It's not all that revolutionary �target-hitting goals in pinball machines are about as common as little sil??ver balls �but it does wring some interesting digital charm out of a genre known for its tactility. When you catch a Pokémon, f??or instance, it's added to your Pokédex, which helps the player maintain a bit of a personal bond with their personal cartridges. As they say, you've gotta catch 'em all.

Pokémon Pinball finds a few other novel ideas in its Pokémon theming; certain Pokémon, for instance, can only be captured in specific areas, and your area is randomly selected at the start of a game. You can also trigger a totally different target-hitting minigame to evolve your Pokémon and further flesh out that Pokédex. It's full of charming concepts like this that make it feel less like a pinball machine in your pocket and more like a complete Pokémon game... that happens to also be a pinball machine in your po??c??ket.

A sequel, kinda

A few years after Pokémon Pinball had come and gone, it received a sequel for the Game Boy Advance. Well, okay, it was a sequel in the same way Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire were sequels to Pokémon Red and Blue. Fittingly, the game was called Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire.


The tables in Ruby and Sapphire are nearly identical to those found in the original game. Pokémon from later generations have been sprinkled about, and spaces that were previously occupied by static obstacles now feature more involved mechanical additions like a hatchery and a PokéMart offering small upgrades. The table is now a single scrolling screen rather than two distinct screens, and the physics engine and graphical quality have received a loving touch-up. In most respects, it is simply Pokémon Pinball but better.

One area where Ruby and Sapphire sets itself apart from the original game is in its bonus stages. The original Pokémon Pinball has bonus stages, where the ball is sent to a mini-table to achieve some simple goals, but they're all fairly boring (Serebii has a great list outlining them if you're truly curious). Ruby and Sapphire's bonus stages are leagues better, allowing you to play pinball-basketball with Spheals or hunt down an invisible Kecleon. These bonus stages hint at a rich iterative history to come for Pokémon Pinball, a franchise rich with potential to reimagin?e Pokémon in new and interesting contexts.

And then, nothing.

Unfortunately, since Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire's 2003 release, the franchise has been entirely dormant. I'm inclined to chalk this up to the death of the handheld game, a concept I've lamented in the past. Pokémon Pinball is not the kind of game you sit down with for hours at a time. It doesn't look like much on a big screen, and its simplification of the "gotta catch 'em all" philosophy doesn't translate to home gaming quite as well as the genuine article. But if you have a Game Boy Color or a Game Boy Advance with a Pokémon Pinball game loaded onto it, you're guaranteed a cou???ple of damn good hours.


Even without a dedicated handheld to call home, I'd love to see Pokémon Pinball return one of these days. This year marks Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire's 20th anniversary, an?d digital pinball technology has come a long way in the last two decades. I genuinely want to see the series make a comeback of some kind, even if that just means giving the same tables one more chance as DLC for one of the various pinball games on the Nintendo Switch. Hell, I'd be overjoyed to s??ee either game on Nintendo Switch Online �at the time of writing, neither has been confirmed for the Game Boy or Game Boy Advance lines.

What I really want, though, is a brand new Pokémon Pinball game. For the last few years, Pokémon Pinball developer Jupiter Corporation has been near-exclusively developing games for the Picross series, and I don't think anyone would be too terribly upset if they took some time off from that noble endeavor. So hey, why not bring back Pokémon Pinball? Right after you bring back Pokémon Sleep.

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// 0 365122
betvisa888 betGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - براہ راست کرکٹ | // // Tue, 29 Nov 2022 23:00:57 +0000 //

Choices were made.

[Everyone welcome Sam Arthurs to Destructoid! As you may have noticed, we put out a call for freelancers recently, and Sam answered that call. They have experience writing for several websites, including Gameranx, and they love creepy indie horror games and creepy Metroidvanias, which in fact rule - Chris Carter.]

Now that we've all been down a Pokémon rabbit hole for over a week, it's natural to contemplate the important questions. Who i?s the cutest pocket monster of all time? While coming up with this list, I thought long and hard about how to best answer this impossible question, and I landed on writing about the objectively cute versus my own odd sense of cuteness.

For example, I think scrawny little Salandit has a shifty look about him, and I just want to put him in my pocket.? Not everyone would rank him as highly as I would though. Instead, here are 10 Pokémon that I think most of us can agree are adorable?.

#10 Cubone


Cubone makes the list for being such a sad baby. It seems so hardcore at first, wearing its mother's skull as a helmet and wielding a bone as a weapon. But it's also quick to burst into tears and is considered the "lonely Pokémon." If that doesn't make you just ?want to hug it, then I don't know what will.

#9 Pikachu

Pikachu is a star for a reason. ?T??his lightning mouse looks cuddly, definitely has a sense of humor, and runs on the cutest little feet. There's also something so special about a wide-eyed, squishy teddy bear with boundaries. Try to hug a Pikachu before it's ready, and you will regret it.

#8 Rockruff

Rockruff is a fluffy rock puppy who just wants to play. The way it prances as it walks makes you feel happy that it is happy.  With its folded ears and fluffy tail, it looks sweet and gentle, but Rockruff shows off its scrappy side with a habit of biting and playing rock chicken. It throw??s the rocks around its neck at the ground and attacks if its opponent flinches. What a good boi!

#7 Dratini

Dratini is a water noodle with big eyes and winglike fins on the side of its head. It's shy, often running away when you try to capture it, and it ?has an adorable coo-i??ng sound. It sleeps curled up in a small ball on the shore. I rest my case.

#6 Rowlet

Rowlet looks very polite with its leaf bowtie. It is a very good listener, turning to face its trainer while waiting on commands. Rowlet is sle??epy during the day, but it finds tight, dark spaces comforting. Don't be surprised if you find one nest?ing in your bag.

#5 Bidoof


Okay, fine. Bidoof is basically just a cutesy beaver. It is only a foot tall and lives by the water where it constantly gnaws on wood to keep its teeth from growing too long. However, it is in the category of "plump mouse" in the Pokedex, and I can't handle how cute that is. Its abilities are "Simple" and "Unaware," and then you look at this image of a round-faced, bucktoothed, fluffy groundhog with small webbed feet. Bidoof i?s perfect.

#4 Mew

Mew may be powerful and mysterious, but it is also playful and sweet. Whether or not its strange look is cute i??s debatable, but the way it floats around, spinning and giggling with its hands over its mouth is definitely cute. It is kind of cat-like with its mewing sound and tendency to delight in gently pranking people.

#3 Sprigatito

Of the newest generation of starter Pokémon, Sprigatito is hands-down the cutest. This grassy-green kitten has big eyes and fluff on his neck, face, and? tail. He's a happy cat who often purrs and smiles, and there isn't much cuter in this world than a happy cat.

#2 Eevee

Eevee is the OG sweetheart Pokémon. Nothing but big ears and fluff, Eevee has so much potential to evolve into some lovely and powerful Pokémon, but I wouldn't blame you if you let it stay small and sweet for as long as possible. It loves to be petted and held, so it make??s a perfect companion.

#1 Shaymin

Land Forme

According to the Pokedex, Shaymin is only eight inches tall! This grassy hedgehog is innocence incarnate. It can turn polluted land into a lush field of flowers, where it likes to hang out. It wears a bi??g flower on its head, smiles a lot, and has tiny feet. Don't you just want to scoop it up?

Related: The 10 fastest Pokemon in Pokemon? Scarlet & V??iolet on Dot Esports

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// 0 351810
betvisa loginGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Fri, 03 Sep 2021 16:30:20 +0000 // Nintendo Switch dock and controller

More handheld games for another handheld

The Nintendo Switch Online library may be expanding to new platforms. According to several reports??, ?Game Boy and Game Boy Color games are headed to the Switch Online service.

First reported over on the "Nate the Hate" channel, both Nintendo Life and Eurogamer have corroborated the addition of Game Boy and Game Boy Color games wit?h their own sources. Eurogamer also mentions it's heard that other retro platforms are "on the cards."


Currently, the Nintendo Switch On??line library focuses on NES and SNES games. But it's already reached a point where it feels like it could use some variety, and Game Bo??y games could be a good way of making that happen.

If expanded out to Game Boy games, that opens the door for the original Link's Awakening. Maybe even Wario Land, Kirby's Dream Land, and the first two Pokemon generations.

There are still some lingering SNES games that could make it onto the service (this is where you hear the cries of those holding out hope for Super Mario RPG), bu??t the addition of both Game Boy a??nd Game Boy Color games to Nintendo Switch Online could be a big boost to the service's lineup.

We'll see if and when Nintendo confirms this news, as the company's building up to Metroid Dread in the fall and a new WarioWare just around the corner.

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// 0 282604
betvisa888 betGame Boy Color Archives – Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Wed, 31 Mar 2021 21:45:00 +0000 //

Hold onto your carts

The Analogue Pocket, a new machine that can pla??y a breadth of portable games, is delaying shipments due to a shortage of n??ecessary components.

Analogue confirmed in an announcement tha??t the current global state of affairs has created supply chain challenges outside the company's control. The new shipping window for t??he Pocket is set for Oct. 2021.

"There have been sudden and severe electrical component shortages as well as logistical issues leading to a domino effect of challenges for nearly everyone in the industry," the blog says. It also backlinks two news stories, including one about the Ever Given, the?? boat that was stuck in the Suez Can??al.

Analogue says it is working to get the Poc??ket out as fast as possible, and that those who pre-ordered and would like to cancel for a full refund should reach out to Analogue Support.

The Pocket was revealed in 2019 as a multi-video-game-system portable handheld. It's set to be ab??le to play Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games out of the box, and adapters will allow it to play other systems' games, including the Game Gear and Neo Geo Pocket Color. 

It's also set to have the ability to dock and connect to an HDTV, and on the console itself, it will have a 615ppi LCD with 1600x1440 resolution. Basically, a super-powe??red Game Boy.

Analogue also noted on Twitter that its S??uper Nt will be restocked in April, while the Mega Sg and DAC will follow shortly ?after.

The post Analogue Pocket shipments delayed to October appeared first on Destructoid.

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