betvisa cricketGame Development Archives – Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // Probably About Video Games Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:29:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 cricket betGame Development Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Wed, 13 Mar 2024 14:29:16 +0000 // The Unreal Engine logo on a black background with the number 5.4 crudely written in red to one side.

No doubt about it, Unreal Engine is probably the world's most popula?r video game development toolkits. It's also free to use, with Epic Games taking a cut whenever games earn above a certain threshold. However, if you're a non-game company, you will need to pay for the software soon enough.

In a recent news post over on the Unreal Engine website,? a new pricing scheme is being introduced with the release of version 5.4 in April. This will only affect those who are working on non-gaming projects, but there are at least a few additional criteria to go with that.


The post goes on to s?ay that non-game outfits will need to pay a "seat based" fee on an annual basis,? but only if they meet the following:

  • You are a company that generates over $1 million in annual gross revenue
  • You do not create games
  • And you do not create applications licensed to third-party end users and rely on Unreal Engine code at runtime

Fear not, video game studios

The price "per seat" will be $1,850 and �just to reiterate �is only intended for companies that are using Unreal for something that's not a game. Examples given include linear content for film and TV, "?immersive experiences" that aren't sold to the public, such as theme park rides, and products that "incorporate Unreal Engine code at runtime and are not licensed to third parties."

However, if you're a games company, the new pricing structure will not affect ??you. In the past, Epic Games has charged a 5% fee for any titles powered by UE that earn over $1 million in "lifetime gross revenue". T?his is not being changed.

Unreal Engine will also continue to be free for "students, educators, hobbyists, and companies generating less than $1 million in annual gross revenue." Are you hearing this, Unity?

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// 0 477019
betvisa liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Wed, 22 Nov 2023 15:32:53 +0000 // GameMaker logo with a blurry screenshot from Hotline Miami behind it.

Oh, it's been a trying time for developers, especially those who've been hurt by Unity's recent new controversial fees. As a result, many have been hightailing it outta there, look??ing for alternatives. In the midst of all this, one company has decided to engage in so??me savvy business acumen.

GameMaker has decided to go in the opposite direction and make itself free. A recent post on the company's website is celebrating Thanksgiving by offering a free-to-use license for non-commercial purposes. On top of thi?s, there's also a new "one-time fee" for a commercial license, replacing its Creator/Indie subscriptions, while Enterprise remains the same.


While it can't be assumed that this is in direct response to Unity's "Runtime Fee," GameMaker head Russell Kay says the team has seen "other platforms making awkward moves with their pricing and terms," so saw fit to go in the other direction. Mum's the word??, Kay. Mum's the word.

If you haven't heard of it, you soon will

Offering support for all kinds of platforms, including Android, iOS, Amazon TV, Raspberry ??Pi, as well as Windows and modern consoles, GameMaker is ??one more alternative for developers to use.

If you've ever played Hotline Miami or Undertale (or both), then you've played a GameMaker title before. And with free u??sage for non-commercial endeavors being offered, there's probably going to be a few more people eager to jump ship.

As for what's going on with Unity at the moment, alongside the carnage it's created, the company may also be laying off staff. You know, that thing that's been a plague on the industry this year and is almost certainly going to make people dislike Unity even ?more? Yeah, that thing.

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// 0 431582
betvisa casinoGame Development Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Mon, 26 Jun 2023 13:00:46 +0000 // The Elder Scrolls 6: mountains in the distance.

Possibly next-gen?

We're already painfully aware that Bethesda is taking its sweet time with The Elder Scrolls 6. However, there may be longer to wait still, as even the Head of Xbox Gaming, Phil Spencer, admits he doesn't even know what platform it's going to be on. There may be a few more years to go until the anticipate??d sequel ever sees the light of day.

And exactly how long are we talking? Well, according to journalist Stephen Totilo, (reporting on the Microsoft/Activision court case), Spencer npted that Elder Scrolls 6 could be "five-plus years away." If true, this would put the elusive Skyrim follow-up on track for a 2028 release at the earliest. As such, it could mean that the long-awaited Bethesda RPG is actually on deck for gaming's next generation.


According to a recent report from The Verge, Spencer did say in a 2021 interview that it will be exclusive to Xbox, though it doesn't necessarily mean it will be this generation's Xbox. When questioned about this today, the executive doesn't recall ever making such a statement. And so, it stands, we're not really any closer to understanding what's happening with the next Elder Scrolls installment. A couple of years ago, Todd ??Howard said the game was still in early? development.

All we can really hope is that once Starfield is released this September, ??then Bethesda will be w?illing to spill a few more beans. We can assume that, for now, the studio is just keeping its cards close to its chest.

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// 0 388629
betvisa liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Fri, 14 Oct 2022 20:30:45 +0000 //

Blizzard is happy with where the game is

Overwatch 2's launch has been nothing short of tumultuous, which game-breaking bugs and supposed DDoS attacks abound. There's still a lot left to b??e cleaned up, and while Blizzard has been clear that they're working to improve the game and fix the bugs as fast as they can, the company has made it clear that they won't be tweaking character stats or abilities for a couple of months.

A blog post from Blizzard's website (via Eurogamer) let players in on how the devs are feeling about the current state of the game -- when it comes to hero balancing, "[they] have been happy to see that no hero’s overall power level is far out of line with [their] goals." The post goes on to say that the team is planning rebalancing changes for Overwatch 2's upcoming Season Two (with the ?exception of some changes made to Zarya for the Total Mayhem mode that will be dropping on October 25). The only thing is, though, that's not coming until D??ecember of this year, so we'll have a while to wait.

Overwatch 2 beta support heroes

According to Blizzard, all of the heroes are currently in a good spot, with every character on the roster currently sitting with ??a win rate that falls between 45% and 55%. We don't know for sure all of the heroes that are going to get changes come Season Two, but they'll be "keeping a close eye on" heroes like Genji, Sombra, Symmetra, and Torbjorn for now.

Having played Overwatch 2 consistently since it dropped, I kind of wish Blizzard was planning to implement some rebalancing changes sooner. Due to the nature of how the heroes work in the first place, Overwatch is one of those games where one character or another is super overpowered. Reaper and Sigma, for example, are two characters that I feel are pretty OP right now, but they were barely mentioned in the blog post. Here's hoping Blizzard gets it all sorted out in the coming months, because despite myself (and the free-to-play cash-grabiness of it all), I'm actually having a lot of fun playing Overwatch again.

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// 0 347430
betvisa888 cricket betGame Development Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Fri, 30 Sep 2022 22:00:48 +0000 //

It's a waiting game

Anyone who's been into games for more than like a day knows how long the wait can be for our favorite titles to release. Game delays are a dime a dozen these days, but for some fans, the wait is so long, you start to wonder if you'll ever get to see the Promised Land. While the development cycle can be anywhere from a year or two to six or seven years at most, there are some games out there that we've been waiting much, much longer for. One of those games is Beyond Good & Evil 2, a long-awaited sequel to Ubisoft's beloved classic. It's been so long since the game was initially teased at Ubidays 2008, in fact, that the title is considered the longest-awaited AAA game of all time.

The previous record-holder in this regard was Duke Nukem Forever �players had to wait over 14 years from its announcement in 1997 to its release in 2011 (or 5,156 days, to be exact). We've now been waiting 5,236 days for Beyond Good & Evil 2 as of the writing of this post, an??d it doesn't look like we'll be getting any updates any time soon.

Ubisoft did release a full trailer for the game at E3 back in 2017 that looked pretty good, but I guess it would have been a pretty bad omen if it didn't considering they had supposedly been?? working on it for nine years at that point.


Some Reddit users have pointed out that we wait so long for some games that they become something of an urban legend. Beyond Good & Evil 2 certainly fits the bill there, along with Half-Life 3 and whatever project Ken Levine is supp??osedly working on.

Part of me wants to respect whatever difficulties are likely going on behind the scenes to draw development out this much, but another part of me is so beyond curious to hear about any development drama. Oh well, if it's anything interesting, Jason Schreier will prob??ably write a book about it eventually.

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// 0 346379
betvisa cricketGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Wed, 28 Sep 2022 22:00:03 +0000 // Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta fixes coming after beta

The studio has big fixes incoming for Modern Warfare II

Getting to play a game's beta before its release is definitely exciting, but it's not without its downsides �because said game isn't out yet, it can come with a whole slew of bugs that still need working out, which can range from minor inconveniences to game-breaking issues. While the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II beta was a blast to play, of course, a few problems have stood out to players more than others. Specifically, players complained about im??balanced footsteps audio, as well as issues with enemy visibility.

No need to fret, though, because Infinity Ward has announced that they're already on the case to fix these bugs, and more, before Modern Warfare II's full launch. "While sentiment around footstep audio was more positive in Beta Weekend Two, we have seen your continued feedback on the volume of footsteps and will continue to balance enemy/friendly footstep audio ahead of launch," the studio said in a press release addressed to players.

"Enemy visibility is something that came up throughout both weekends of our Beta. While many of you remarked on the improv??ement in Weekend Two, we’ll look to tweak increased enemy visibility to allow for better visual tracking of opponents that is not solely the traditional nameplate."


Players were also having difficulty with their lobbies disbanding, and that's yet another detail that Infinity Ward has promised to iron out. Other improvements include continued weapon tuning, tweaks to the camera in the new third-person mode, and fixes to the AI navig??ation in Invasion mode.

Even with all the bugs, Modern Warfare II so far captures the feeling of some of the best the franchise has to offer, and I am absolutely stoked to play more of it. If anyone needs me, I'll be playing the Shiphaus 24/7 playlist in Vanguard until full release next month.

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// 0 346200
betvisa888 cricket betGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Tue, 27 Sep 2022 21:00:20 +0000 //

Developers aren't hiding things from you, I promise

In the wake of the GTA VI leaks last week, a lot of people online made it very clear that they don’t know anything about how video games are?? made and embarrassed themselv??es online. One particularly egregious comment stated that visuals are the first thing finished in game development �which is just laughably false. Look, I’m as ?privy to making false assumptions as the next person, but "fans" going out of their way to harass game developers because they refuse to use Google’s most basic functionality is no one’s fault but their own.

I don’t mean to be harsh, and it is true that game development ca?n be exclusive and gate-keepy �especially to those of marginalized back??grounds. But when it comes to situations where player expectations clash with the reality of what it’s like to make games, players often seem to revert to the argument that game developers are too secretive about what goes on behind the scenes.

There’s an endless list of reasons why leaks suck, but players seeing early footage of a highly anticipated title before the devs are ready to show something is up there. It’s like having someone walk in on you while you’re changing. That's why all these takes about the game looking "unfinished" are so mindbogglingly silly �it literally is unfinished.

Then there’s the issue with social media making everyone feel like an expert, and feel like they need to share their unwarranted opinions �which is something none of us are immune to. Seeking out game?? devs online with some entitled crybaby comments about something they know absolutely nothing about, though, is when gamers really cross the line.

Just like how working in food service or retail helps you have a lot more empathy for the people working in toug??h situations, educating ourselves about how games are actually made can help players u?nderstand what's really going on and will save everyone a headache in the long run.

What's with the secrecy?

I will say that larger studios working on high?ly anticipated projects can be particularly withholding �not only is the content of their games confidential, but a lot of proprietary tools like engines or assets are trade secrets they don’t want anyone passing around. If your whole brand is built on prestige, you don’t want anyone seeing broken builds of your game, you know? However, once a game comes out, a lot of stuff becomes fair game in a retrospective “this is how we made our masterpiece�kind of way.

But what really gets my goat is that while gamers are whining about cults of devs deliberately hiding secrets from them, there have been a wealth of resources?? detailing every aspect of how development works right under their noses �and none of it is all that hard to find.


Let’s start with the fact that a lot of developers took to Twitter in response to the leaks (and the reaction to the leaks) to assure the belligerent players that having incomplete visuals is indeed the hallmark of a game that they are still working on. While this kind of thing is less common with larger studios because of all the corporate bureaucracy, indie devs do that shit for fun all the time.

If you join any kind of indie game community, whether it’s on Twitter, Reddit, Discord, Tumblr, and so on, small devs and teams are constantly releasing up-to-date footage of how they’re progressing through making their games. This includes anything from art and animation, lighting, implementi??ng new gameplay features, and more.

Sharing is caring

Take Squirrel with a Gun, for example �the idea for the ridiculous indie title started as a joke because someone thought it would be funny to give a photorealistic squirrel a gun (it is very funny, by the way). Dan DeEntremont kept developing the idea into a full-blown game, and every step along the way, he showed his followers updates of new features he was adding. When the game is finished and out, the developer’s Twitter feed will serve as a cool kind of time capsule where you can see the progress of the i?dea from inception to full implementation and releas?e.


Then there’s the wealth of talks and presentations given by the developers themselves. There’s a huge industry conference every year in the spring called the Game Developers Conference, or GDC, where devs from all kinds of studios, backgrounds, and even countrie?s come together to talk about how they make games. This isn’t an E3-style thing where they’re putting on a show to entertain prospective players �it’s an industry-centric event for professionals to present their findings in one of the mos??t academic settings you can get with games.

The talks cover every topic under the sun, from in-depth discussions of how a programming team implemented state-of-the-art enemy AI, to lighting artists talking about innovations in their field, to narrative writers presenting possible new frameworks to revolutionize interactive storytelli??ng techniques.

GDC talks are full of the brightest minds in games laying all of their work out on the table for everyone to see, and while the full archive of pretty mu?ch every GDC talk ever given is unfortunately locked behind a hefty paywall (something that I understand, but should be entirely free in my opinion), there are still hundreds of them available for anyone to watch for free on YouTube right now.

If you haven't heard of Noclip Documentaries, those are also an absolute must to watch. Along with games journalists like Jason Schreier, they're doing some of the most important investigative work in the industry right now. They have some of the content we'd expect, like making-of interviews with devs and coverage of fun news, like a player demaking Bloodborne to look like a PS1 game.


But what they're best known for are some of their more hard-hitting pieces, like a documentary-style investigation as to what happened in Telltale's final hours that led to its closure, or an exposé about abuse at some of Annapurna's smaller indie studios?. Noclip always does amazing research and has interviews with those actually involved in what they're covering -- overall, it's just good journalism.

Full disclosure

Some studios just outright make documentaries about how they make their games. A favorite of mine is Grounded: The Making of The Last of Us, w??hich includes interviews with designers from ??pretty much every discipline who detail how they brought their own passion to make the game what it is.

I’m also a huge fan of the developer commentary Valve added to Portal 2, which allows you to hear stories about the game’s creation while you’re actually playing through the game. Studio MDHR has also released some in-depth footage of their process in making Cuphead, my favorite of wh??ich is a look?? into a recording session for the game’s soundtrack.


Think that’s more than enough to get players started? Wrong. We haven’t even touched on the print stuff yet. There are so, so many great books about game development out there. The Art of Game Design: A Book of Lenses by Jesse Schell is a great read for anyone interested in getting into the fundamentals of game desig??n.

Jason Schreier’s Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories of How Video Games Are Made and Press Reset: Ruin and Recovery in the Video Game Industry are some of the most approachable resources for play?ers to understand?? how game studios actually operate.

Former Naughty Dog developers came together to publish an entire book about how they created the AI for The Last of Us, which goes into a ton of detail �including some scary-looking math. There are books from the creators of classics like Tomb Raider and Doom, and games writers compiled a series of writings about the team that made the SEGA Dreamcast.

There are some awesome podcasts out there that interview developers as well, like Game Maker’s Notebook or Game Dev Advice: The Game Developer’s Podcast â€?GDC even has its own podcast as well. Point i??s, if you’re interested in learning more about how any given ??studio made any given game, there is something on the internet for you.


Long story short: do your research and don't harass people

Nothing will compare to actual??ly being at a studio working with other developers, but gamers don’t have a right to complain that studios are keeping them in the dark when it comes to the development process. If a studio isn’t telling us something, it’s usually because they want to make sure all of their ducks are in a row before going public. Making games is so volatile and things change really fast, that if you’re too premature in releasing your in??fo, it can easily backfire. We see this all the time with delays or games that promise more than they can actually deliver.

I understand that waiting for games patiently can be a difficult thing to do, but part of the reality of being in this industry, whether it’s as a professional or a fan, is tempering exp??ectations in an understanding that making games takes a really, really long time, and that developers don’t owe us anything during the development cycle.

I know I’m only yelling at a small, loud min?ority here, but if nothing else, looking through resources like these can be a lot of fun for any hobbyists who are just interested in learning more about what goes into the games we love playing.

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// 0 345974
betvisa cricketGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Mon, 26 Sep 2022 21:00:33 +0000 // Netflix is building its own games studio

The streaming giant is officially working on its own games

After years of sitting atop the throne of online streaming services, Netflix has been in somewhat of a decline recently, despite the popularity of shows like Stranger Things. Netflix told us a while ago that it was going to be entering the games space, but now it's doubling down �the company just announced that it will be opening its very own internal games studios to create its own projects.

The studio is set to be established in Helsinki, Finland, which "is home to some of the best game talent in the world," and Marko Lastikka will be serving as the studio director. Netflix is building this new studio "from scratch," and will be its second studio in Helinski along with Next Games. Night School Studio and Boss Fight Entertainment round out the lineup of studios that are now? under the Netflix umbrella.

We can't expect anything to come out in the next year or two, because Netflix is still "building the foundation" of the games studio right now. Looks like w?e're gonna have to con?tinue to be patient to see what Netflix is planning on the interactive front.


This is a huge step for Netflix considering it's a realm that other streaming platforms haven't really tried yet. Amazon has had its fair share of interactive projects, including New World, but they have struggled to get off the ground. After the success of titles like Bandersnatch or the newly-released indie interactive narrative series We Are OFK, there's a precedent of?? fans really ??enjoying media that falls squarely between TV and games.

It's a whole landscape that not many ??have vent??ured into, but I could see it as a whole new way to open up interactive storytelling to audiences who have never tried them before. My dad couldn't get the hang of a Telltale game to save his life, but he could handle something with simple choices no problem. It sounds like Netflix is also gearing its development toward more traditionally interactive games as well, but if anyone is going to fill that gap in the market, it's them.

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// 0 345946
betvisa loginGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Wed, 17 Aug 2022 22:00:04 +0000 //

What could have been...

Of all the Marvel heroes, Iron Man has to be one of the most well-loved, thanks to Robert Downey Jr.'s portrayal of the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark. There have been a few Iron Man games over the years, including a 2008 release from SEGA in conjunction with the film (and a sequel in 2010), as well as a well-received VR game in 2020. Even with those titles, it still feels like Iron Man needs a big, bombastic game a la Insomniac's Spider-Man. Well, the dream of an open-world Iron Man game almost became reality, according to a MinnMax interview with Christofer Sundberg, founder of Avalanche Studios (who are best known for the Just Cause series).


Sundberg left the studio in 2019, but in the interview, he confirmed that Avalanche had been making an open-world Iron Man game for "a couple of years," news of which had circulated as rumors and hadn't been officially confirmed until now. Apparently play??ers would have been able to fly anywhere they wanted on the map, and even punch enemies through walls with Iron? Man's rocket-powered gloves. The game was ultimately cancelled in 2012, and whatever caused the game to fizzle out remains a mystery.

Just Cause's gameplay feels pretty similar to what an open-world Iron Man game might feel like, so in theory, it wasn't a huge leap for Avalanche to make given?? their track record.

In the time since, it feels like Insomniac has taken up the mantle of AAA, single-player superhero games, first with Spider-Man, and now with the highly-anticipated Wolverine. Adding Iron Man to ?that ?list is small potatoes at this point, so there's always the possibility that Avalanche's concept could live on.

It's a sh?ame that projects get scrapped all the time in the games industry, but with an idea this cool, someone has to pick it up... right?

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// 0 340190
betvisa888 casinoGame Development Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Thu, 28 Jul 2022 19:56:47 +0000 // Cardboard Computer

Whatever's coming from Cardboard Computer, it'll be worth the wait

Kentucky Route Zero is probably in my top five favorite games of all time. The game's whole feel, its subject matter, the process that went into making it �I'm fascinated by the whole thing, which is why I'm so thrilled to get absolutely any news from the development team behind it, otherwise known as Cardboard Computer. While it hasn't been all that long since the release of Kentucky Route Zero's final act back in 2020, the team has been hard at work on their new project, as they showed during the Annapurna Interactive Showcase.

While we have almost no information about what type of game it will be, where it will be set, any story points, etc., we did get a brief look at Cardboard Computer's new workflow, and wh??????????????????????????at little we saw already has me giddy to learn more. Developers Jake Elliot, Tamas Kemenczy, and Ben Babbitt showed off their new animation software, which utilized some kind of face-mapping tech rigged up to a character model.


They stated that this is the first project where they will be focusing more on performance, and while Kentucky Route Zero was a fairly slow, static game, this new project will be more "lively" with fully-animated characters. The story will also be more upbeat this time, they said after reminding themselves that while Kentucky Route Zero had comedic moments, it was ultimately a tragedy. Apparently they started working on the new game right away after Kentucky Route Zero wrapped up, and they've had ?this idea kickin??g around for as long as their debut title.

I'm thrilled to even get an update, and will ??be awaiting any more with bated breath. Although the details are sparse right now, Cardboard Computer is one of those developers that I have faith will deliver something amazing every time.

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// 0 337087
betvisa888 liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Wed, 20 Jul 2022 21:45:20 +0000 //

Bruce Straley returns to the game industry with a new studio, Wildflower Interactive

For long-time fans of Naughty Dog, seeing industry vet Bruce Straley step away from game development in 2017 was a pretty devastating loss �he played a huge role in making Uncharted 2, Uncharted 4, and The Last of Us, after all. Now, five years later, Straley has just announced that he will be jumping back into the world of game development by forming his very own studio known as Wildflower Interactive.

"Wildflower starts with everything I created, pushed and learned about gamep??lay, characters and story, and directing teams while at Naughty Dog �but applied to a smaller studio to keep communication easy and creatively fluid," Straley says.

"I’ve surrounded myself with an amazing group �some new faces, some old colleagues �that are pushing our concepts of what kind of game we want to create, the process we use to make it, the kind of team and culture we all want to be a part of, and what giving back to our industry ultimately l?ooks like."


Straley even created a video to give us a little? insight into his process of creating the studio, which all started with an idea that he and some colleagues were bouncing around. When they realized that that game was somethi??ng they had to make, well, that's how Wildflower was born.

As someone who really admires Straley's work, it's really cool to not only see him return, but to see him looking genuinely happy to do so. Based on ideas he's shared in the past for the kinds of games he wants to make, I'll be interested to see how Wildflower s??hake?s things up in the future.

Straley said that the studio is going to "go silent for a bit" to "focus on building the team and game," but I know we'll have a ton to?? look forward to from them in the future.

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// 0 335828
betvisa888 liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Thu, 23 Jun 2022 20:00:34 +0000 // Overwatch 2 will replace Overwatch 1 in October 2022

Out with the old, in with the new

There's been some confusion surrounding the state of the Overwatch franchise recently, especially when it comes to what will happen to the original after Overwatch 2 is released. Well, it looks like we finally have our confirmation, thanks to a Reddit AMA response from Overwatch 2's director Aaron Keller. Yesterday, when a player asked Keller if the first Overwatch will be shut down after the sequel leaves early access, he responded that "When OW2 launches on Oct 4th it will be a replacement ??for the current Live Service??."

If Twitter is any indication, players are still pretty confused about what's supposed to happen to the first Overwatch game after OW2 is officially out.

Back when Overwatch 2 was announced, former game director Jeff Kaplan had promised that cross-play between the two games would be possible, stating that it would be a "shared multiplayer environment where no one gets left behind." But the transition was never going to be that easy, with the clearest reason being that Overwatch 2 marks a t??ransition for the series to 5v5 rather than 6v6.


In that same Reddit post, Keller promised a whole host of new content for the new game during Seasons One and Two, including "new heroes, maps, and features," as well as the launch of the highly anticipated PvE campaign next yea??r.

The ques??tion is though, is this flood of content coming too late?

Fans have felt neglected over the past few years since the announcement of Overwatch 2 �/em> while it was still exciting to think about the upcoming sequel, players kind of felt like they had been left out to dry with no significant updates, no new seasonal events, and very few new hero reveals. It's still incredibly impressive that the Overwatch team was able to juggle developing both of the games at the same time, but it's pretty obvious that the dual-development stretched the team way too thin.

As someone who at one point clocked in over 1,500 hours in Overwatch, I'm still reluctantly hopeful for the sequel. At the very least, it will be free-to-play, so we can a??ll check it out without sinking too much cost at the start.

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// 0 331457
betvisa liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Thu, 09 Jun 2022 15:00:22 +0000 // black game developers fund humble bundle 2022

$1 million committed to upcoming projects

Publisher Humble Bundle announced that it has committed a further $1 million USD to its Black Game Developer Fund (BGDF), an ongoing initiative to provide funding and other financial support for projects h??omegrown projects conceived by Black game developers and Black-led studios.

Since its initial inception back in 2020, The Black Game? Developer Fund has helped to finance over 30 independent developers with the conception, production, and publishing stages of their respective releases. This year's investmen??t will be directed toward the following five in-development projects:

Code Blue Games �em> 6Degrees: A cyberpunkian action-adventure?? set within a dystopian universe.

GXGrainSon �Arcus Chroma: Dimensional Shift: A revamped edition of the colorful 2D ??fighting game.

Weathered Sweater �Unannounced: A new title helmed by Trinidadian-American dev Ryan ??Huggins.

Ritual Games �Unannounced: A new title from the y?oung, retro-gaming-i?nspired studio.

Joseph Hooker �Unannounced: A new title promising "retro aesthetics, mod??ern rendering," and a "compe?lling gameplay loop."


In addition, Humble Bundle has signed a new deal with one of the initiative's original seven beneficiaries, Adam Kareem, to publish their action platformer Protodroid DeLTA. The hi-tech, sci-fi, "solarpunk" adventure, is expected to launch on PC in early 2023 and is available for wishlisting over on the Humble Store right now.

For more details on the BGDF, or to check out some of the games, developers, and studios that have benefitted from the initiative �as well as information regarding project application �be sure to check out the official Black Games Developers Fund website.


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]]> // 0 328660 betvisa cricketGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Mon, 06 Jun 2022 21:30:25 +0000 //

Solar Ash and Hyper Light Drifter devs are on board

Annapurna is well-known for publishing some of the most imaginative, polished, and moving indie games out there, so we're pretty excited for them to venture into developing their own stuff -- they announced their own internal studio back in 2020. Of course, a pu?blisher with that much prestige is pulling some pretty impress?ive talent, including some names you might recognize if you keep up with the indie crowd.

Chelsea Hash (who was the technical art lead of What Remains of Edith Finch) will be heading up the studio's project as game director, along with technical director Brett Lajzer (Solar Ash), senior producer Evan Hembacher (Solar Ash), art director Cosimo Galluzzi (Solar Ash, Hyper Light Drifter), and environment artist Nate Grove (Solar Ash).

Hash expressed her excitement for the new project in a press release: "We've worked closely with the people at Annapurna Interactive for years and this was an exciting next step for us to be abl?e to integrate with the team. We are working toward a special new experience and look forward to revealing more details."

What Remains of Edith Finch ambiguous family curse

Annapurna's  name has been synonymous with quality for years, so hearing that they're starting their own dev team, especially with such seasoned industry veterans, is some pretty exciting stuff. Apparently the teams will be pulling inspirations from previous games they've worked on, although we don't know quite yet exactly what kind of game they're planning on making. The studio's website currently has job postings up for 3D artists, a technical designer, and ?a VFX artist, so it seems like they're growing th?e team at a pretty healthy pace.

As something of an Annapurna fangirl, I'm interested to check out what the team has in store for us down the road. We've definitely got a bit of a wait ahead of us, but hopefully Stray's upcoming release can keep me satiated for now? (and I have the feeling it will).

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// 0 328356
betvisa cricketGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Tue, 10 May 2022 23:30:38 +0000 //

The feature we've all been waiting for

Once we got video games looking realistic in VR, the natural next step was to try and get them to start feeling realistic too. Enter mouth haptics, a project helmed by researchers Vivian Shen, Craig Shultz, and Chris Harrison at the Robotics Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. In short, the team created a ??mouth hapt??ics prototype that connects directly to a VR headset so that users don't need to wear an extra peripheral.

So how exactly does it work? Well, the team mounted a "thin, compact, beam-forming array of ultrasonic transducers which focuses acoustic energy onto the mouth" on a Quest 2 VR headset. Basically, they're using vibrations through the air to make you feel it on your lips, teeth, and tongue with pulses, swipes, and persistent v?ibrations.

The study had players?? go through three different simulated scenarios to test out the new tech. The first was a fantasy scene where players walked through a forest infested wi?th spiders, where they felt both webs and, you guessed it, spiders touching their mouths. If that's not the ultimate gamer fantasy, I don't know what is.


The next scenario was a school simulation, where playtesters could engage in more pleasant activities like drinking from a water fountain, having a cup of coffee, or brushing their teeth. The third and final simulation is a motorcycle racing game, becaus??e everyone knows the best way to experience the thrill of riding a motorcycle is to... feel the wind on your lips? Okay, I know it's a bit silly, but they're just looking for creative ways to test out the different types of mouth haptics sensations the prototype can provide.

"Why the mouth??" you might ask �I know I certainly did. According to research, the mouth is second only to the fingertips in terms of which body part is sensitive to haptic feedback for VR, so it was the next body part to target for implementing this feature.

The mouth als?o makes sense as the next area of immersion to target because they can add it right onto the underside of the headset, keeping the scale of the project smaller for now. I can imagine in the future that they'd be able to implement the fundamentals of this smaller ??project on a larger scale.

Then there's the question on everybody's mind: when can I use this to kiss video game characters? Hubba hubba, I gotta kiss those sweet sweet pixelated hotties. Settle down kids, we're not quite there yet. While none of the demos have to do with kissing, it's only a matter of time before it's used for exactly that purpose. It'??s gotta be players' number-one request when it comes to mouth haptics for VR, I just know it �mostly because I'm included in that group.


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// 0 321305
betvisa888 casinoGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Tue, 10 May 2022 20:30:37 +0000 // Unreal Engine 5 train station

A train station that looks more real than real life

It feels like every few years, we all marvel at the new game graphics that are coming out and wondering to ourselves, "how could it get any better than this?" Somehow game devs still manage to one-up themselves every time, because I find myself yet again speaking those same words in awe and a little bit of existential dread. You see, I am quite afraid of the uncanny valley, and we have crossed so far into it that game graphics are indistinguishable from reality, thanks to Unreal Engine 5. We've seen some seriously convincing faces, but this is the first env?ironment I've seen that has my jaw on the floor.

A short video surfaced yesterday on the r/gamin??g subreddit that featured an abandoned train station �it looks inconspicuous at first, which made me wonder what the big deal could be about this train station. The shaky camera pans around toward the tracks, and then suddenly everything switches to nighttime, and you realize that this entire thing is a digital rendering of a train station in Unreal Engine 5. I'm sorry, what now?


The way the light streams down the stairs, the way ?the fluorescent lights sh?ine in the puddles on the ground, the way the flashlight bounces off the rusted metal walls, it's all just a little bit too convincing for me. I've seen some really great graphics over the years, but this is the first time I've truly seen a video of something rendered in a game engine that I truly could not distinguish from real life or not.

So this train station is really impressive, but what does it mean for games using Unreal Engine 5 moving forward? These are easily the m?ost impressive photorealistic graphi?cs I've ever seen, but this was just a short, most likely pre-rendered video.

Would our consoles and PCs really be able to run something this advanced without melting t??hrough our furniture? Time will only tell, but one certainty still remains �I'm gonna stick to my stylized art styles, because this stuff gives me the heebie-jeebies.

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// 0 321206
betvisa liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Thu, 05 May 2022 15:00:21 +0000 // aew fight forever kris statlander

You Know What That Means

Publisher AEW Games has dropped some new development footage for its upcoming All Elite Wrestling video game, which has been officially titled AEW Fight Forever. The new ring rocker is currently in development at Yuke's, though platforms and a release window are yet to be ?confirmed.


T??he two new videos focus on AEW wrestlers Nyla Rose and Kris Statlander, (not forgetting referee Aubrey Edwards) as the two warriors battle it out in squared-circle action. While the footage obviously reflects a title still in?? its developmental stages, and is thus is a little janky, Yuke's recognizable wrasslin' game style peeks through.

From the chunkier, "action-figure" look of the character models to the exaggerated, thunderous impact created by the moves themselves, AEW Fight Forever wants to recall the glory days of Yuke's earlier work, such as the Toukon Retsuden series, and the formative releases in the WWE SmackDown! line. While AEW Fight Forever isn't quite Shut Your Mouth just yet, this early footage shows promise.


There is a lot riding on AEW Fight Forever, at least in the hopes of wrestling game fans. A lot of players have found themselves severely disfranchised with pro-wrestling games for many years, as 2K Games' WWE 2K moved from stagnation to abomination. While the excellent Fire Pro Wrestling World can be held up as a shining light in regards to a dedicated sandbox wrestling game, some players are still looking for that semi-casual, fun, party feel of classics such as WWF No Mercy and WWE Here Comes the Pain �/em> both of w??h?ich push two decades old.

With AEW Fight Forever, there is, at least, a glimmer of hope. A possibility that wrestling games can return to the knock-down, drag-out days of yore, before everything got too dry and cumbersome in the name of "simulation". Though it should be noted that 2K Games has made a strong effort to combat the doldrums with its most recent entry, WWE 2K22, a lot of players have already long passed the point of b?urnout, and are looking for a savior to provide them the entertainment they desire. Art imitating life, I suppose.

AEW Fight Forever ??is currently in development at Yuke's?? and AEW Games.

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// 0 320277
betvisa888Game Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Wed, 27 Apr 2022 19:45:52 +0000 // Game Freak four day week

Employees will get additional time off for childcare

Game Freak has been a tentpole in the games industry for decades as the studio behind the beloved Pokémon franchise, and it's making headlines this week for changes to its employees' work-life balance. According to a translated press release from the company (via Joe Merrick?), Game Freak plans to implement an optional four-day work week to better accommodate those who need childcare.

Employees will have the option to take an additional day off on a monthly basis, although not without some stipulations �this option also comes with a pay cut, is available for the purposes of child or family care, and is not available to ??contract workers. Even so, it's a pretty good option for those who may have had to previously ??choose between child care and their career.


On top of these new changes, employees at Game Freak also have the option to work entirely from home, can rent equipment from the studio so as to have all the resources they might need, and they're even given funds ??for improving their home work environment if necessary. The press release also states that "[Game Freak] wants to be an autonomous manufacturing group where each person can choose their own way of working," and that doing so will allow employees to reach their fu?ll potential.

Conversations centered on improving working conditions for those in the games industry have been buzzing recently �just last week, CD Projekt's subsidiary GOG announced that they will be offering menstrual leave to its employees, and QA testers at Raven Software fought the good fight to form a union under Activision Blizzard and get themselves full-time positions at the studio.

Games are going through some really big, really important changes right now when it comes to w??orkers' rights, and not a moment too soo?n. It's still an incredibly toxic industry, but seeing news like this still gives me a glimmer of hope for the future.

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// 0 319074
betvisa888Game Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Tue, 26 Apr 2022 19:30:06 +0000 //

It's about time PlayStation put games preservation at the forefront

As the games industry continues to get older, and suddenly hundreds of games are being lost to history, the conversation surrounding games preservation has become more and more prevalent. Plenty of fans and academics are willing to take on the challenge, but copyright laws make it difficult. While Xbox and Nintendo have made strides toward preservation (as minimal as they may be), PlayStation hasn't much ventured into the discipline �until now. PlayStation dev? Garrett Fredley took to Twitter to announce his new job title of Senior Build Engineer, specifically "working as one their initial hires for the ne??wly created Preservation team."


Over the years, Microsoft has worked hard to make games backward compatible for its newest consoles, and Nintendo is working on releasing more catalogs of its classic games to the public. Sony is finally catching up a bit by at least allowing fans to get access to PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP games on PS5 with the new PS Plus Premium subscription, but they're also only doing so after the decision to close the PSP digital store.

I kind of get the vibe that everyone's trying to find ways to make money off of this, and maybe this is a? controversial opinion, but I think that game comp?anies should be devoted to making all of their games accessible to the public, at the very least not making them any more expensive than their equivalent retail price.

Fredley sounds pretty thrilled about the position, stating in the tweet that "games preservation was [his] first career ?passion." Good for you, guy! Sony hasn't announced any other details about the new department, but I am also pretty excited about this development.

Games preservation is becoming more and more crucial by the year as we lose access to old software, or as old hardware is literally deteriorating. Video games are still a relatively young medium, and as we're quickly appro??aching the point where huge numbers of titles are no longer playable, so it's important that companies that creating pipelines in order to prioritize the preservation ??of their own history.

I'm w?ith Fredley on this one �this stuff is? important. Godspeed, my dude.


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// 0 318842
betvisa liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match // // Fri, 22 Apr 2022 21:30:19 +0000 // GOG and CD Projekt menstrual leave

It's about damn time

Although large-scale change is always slow, we've seen the games industry moving in a better direction over the past few years by way of workers' rights. While much of those conversations have been focused on crunch and outing workplace abusers, a new conversation about menstrual leave has emerged by way of GOG (which stands for Good Old Games), a digital distribution platform for media, and a subsidiary of CD Projekt.

"We're happy to announce that, effective today, we're implementing Menstrual Leave for all menstruating employees of GOG," the company said in a LinkedIn post. PC Gamer reached out to CD Projekt's PR Director Radek Grabowski to inquire whether this policy would ??also extend to GOG's ??parent company, to which he replied, "GOG is spearheading this initiative, and we're looking into it further for the whole CD Projekt."

GOG's culture and communication manager Gabriela Siemienkowicz led the initiative to implement the menstrual leave policy. The company estimates that employees who use the leave will take "an additional day off per quarter," although they may take time off as needed, Siemienkowicz told Axios.


A larger conversation about menstrual leave throughout all industries has been brewing for months now, with some raising concerns about policies, which some consider to be controversial. The main fear is that those who take the le?ave will be considered "less capable," Axios said.

It's a real shame it should even be an issue in the first place, especially when women are already cons?tantly trying to prove their capability as employees in the games industry, because those who deal with menstr??uation know how necessary it can be to take time off of work. With a continued push for workers to put their health first, this initiative is an important step towards a more inclusive, beneficial work-life balance for employees.

Considering what a large figure CD Projekt is in the games industry, offering menstrual leave could be setting a great precedent for the rest of the industry to follow -- no??w here's to hoping it starts to catch on elsewhere.

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// 0 318368
betvisa888Game Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Mon, 18 Apr 2022 21:00:09 +0000 //

And we're right there with him

It's been over eleven years since Portal 2 was released, and it looks like the fans aren't the only ones who are clamoring for Valve to start on a follow-up to one of its most beloved games ever. Erik Wolpow, co-writer of both of the Portal games, as well as plenty of other famous Valve titles like Left 4 Dead and Half-Life: Alyx, went on the Kiwi Talkz Podcast this week and urged Valve to start work on Portal 3, as originally reported by VGC.

His exact words were: "I am not getting any younger. We are reaching the point where it’s crazy to think [that we’re] literally going to be too old to work on Portal 3, so we should just do it.�/p>

First off, I think Wolpow is hilarious, and I think from this interview it's really easy to tell that he wrote the Portal games. I also think it's cool that he wants to come back, because it sh?ows how much he really enjoyed working on those games. His comments also show that while he may have been instrumental in creating ??the game series we know and love, his wish for another sequel alone isn't enough to get the ball rolling at the studio.


Wolpow goes on to discuss that a lot of fans are wondering what the team over at Valve is actually working on, but assures u?s it's not all for nothing.

"As much as it seems like Valve often [is] just a bunch of people sitting around sipping gin and tonics by a pool??, e?verybody’s working," he said. "They’re working all the time, it’s just you don’t always see the [result], it doesn’t always end up coming out, or it comes out years later, it gets turned into something else. So everybody is accounted for, I guess is what I’m saying."

T?his constant shifting and changing of plans is a classic tale of game development, and Valve has enough of that sweet Steam mone?y to keep the lights on while they try to figure out their next move.

I'm with Wolpow �if they ever want to make another Portal game, they need to do it? soon, and they need to do it with him and the rest of the original dev team while they still can. I get the feeling that any other attempt won't be as successful.

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// 0 317390
betvisa loginGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Thu, 24 Mar 2022 20:00:23 +0000 // auteur in games

The idea of a singular creative genius causes much more harm than good

Like any creative industry, the games industry is full of really passionate, ambitious people. Chief among them are, of course, the highly visible auteurs that usually serve as creative director or studio preside??nt, from the tiniest of indie darlings to the largest of AAA juggernauts. I think generally everyone would agree that we want not only the most talented people in these positions, but also those who are respectful, responsible bosses. Unfortunately, this is usually not even close to the case for those in power �something we aren't surprised to learn occurs with alarming frequency in the games industry, like other industries before it.

Last week, Chris Bratt from People Make Games put out a 40-minute-long expose surrounding the alleged ?workplace mistreatment at famed indie studios Mountains, Fullbright, and Funomena �and publisher Annapurna's ??refusal to do anything about it. It's a very well-researched, well-thought-out piece if you're willing to wade through such upsetting content as descriptions of emotional abuse and harassment.


While most of the video is explaining the horrendous experiences employees of these beloved indie studios have had to endure behind closed doors, a point that Bratt makes repeatedly is the alleged negligence of Annapurna after those experiences were brought to l?ight. When the employees of these studios asked the publisher why they wouldn't take action when one person was so clearly the source of the problem, they s??imply replied that sometimes making games takes "strong personalities." In short, Annapurna is allegedly buying into auteur culture in games, which is unhealthy, to say the least. Having an authoritative personality and strong opinions is one thing, but outright abusing your employees is something else entirely.

The history of the auteur

An auteur is basically a person who is in charge of a project, usually a film director, whose creative vision is seen above all else and the one goal that everyone else is working towards, no matter what the cost. The auteur can also tend to ha?ve a reputation as being difficult at best, and downright abusive at worst. For example, some famous auteurs in the film industry are Alfred Hitchcock, Martin Scorsese, Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, and Woody Allen.

As a concept, auteurship loosely found its roots in the French film movement of the late 1940s, but the term "auteur theory" wasn't coined u??ntil 1962 by American critic Andrew Sarris. By the 1970s, the Hollywood Renaissance was in full swing, and along with it, studios were willing to grant directors more leeway if they showed promising talent.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1500"]BioShock for iPad and iPhone Is Coming This Summer | Time [Image Source: TIME][/caption]It makes sense, then, that when the games industry was trying to prove itself as an art form of equal legitimacy to film, it pulled from many characteristics of its older brother �including, unfortunately, the idea of auteurship. Auteurs have been a part of the mysticism surrounding game development for years, including Hideo Kojima, Ken Levin?e, David Cage, ??and Neil Druckmann in the AAA space.

We hear a lot more about when somethin??g goes awry at the largest studios in games, because they're much more high profile. Something Bratt points out in his video is that we can often overlook indie studios because of their smaller teams or wholesome content, assuming that certainly nothing could be wrong there. But those who are capable of harming others will take that opportunity to do so regardless of where they are. Bratt also mentions the added struggle of smaller studios in this case, because there is often a worry that if the founder is outed, it will tarnish the rest of their small team as well.

Small teams, big "personalities"

Ken Wong, Steve Gaynor, and Robin Hunicke, the indie developers discussed in People Make Games' video, also fall into this category. Oftentimes, especially when it comes to the indie studios, those who are perpetuating the abuse ??are those who also founded the studio, which makes it even more difficult to remove them if they are causing issues, because they have become so synonymous with the brand.

Look, I'm all for someone being ??a strong leader and seeing their artistic vision to the end, if, and it's a big if, they treat everyone with respect and dignity. It immediately becomes a problem when an auteur in games start abusing their power, which isn't a big leap considering they already have ultimate power to begin with. According to People Make Games, that's exactly what happened at those smaller indie studios �those?? in charge had the skills to make good games, but not good management or people skills.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1200"]Annapurna Interactive and Fullbright announce Open Roads, a mother-daughter road trip game | VentureBeat [Image Source: VentureBeat][/caption]The reality is that the games and films we make today are unbelievably large undertakings, so it's impossible to attribute the follow-through of a strong artistic vision to just one person. Every designer, artist, actor, composer, and so ??forth were all an integral part of ma??king the end product come to life, and attributing all of that to an auteur can gloss over the hard work that others put in.

Looking to the future

I get it,?????????????????????????? because it's something I??'ve fallen victim to myself �it's just easier and simpler for us to think of one person as the genius mastermind behind it all, therefore they alone are responsible for its success. For some reason, our monkey brains are prone to thinking this way. But when we blindly endorse the actions of someone regardless of what they do simply because they're talented, that can get really dangerous really fast. It's possible to love someone's work while also keeping a distance from any sort of idol worship or parasocial relationship, and that's the healthiest choice for everyone.

In the past few years, we've seen a huge movement to protect employees from abusive work situations, not only within the games industry, but everywhere, which is incredibly encouraging to me. The abusers who once seemed untouchable are now being held accountable for their actions, so we're makin?g some progress, as slow as it may be.

Workers' rights to a safe, comfortable, dignified work environment should always come before someone's twisted idea of what needs to be done to make art. It's time games stopped being so concerned about trying to be the next film industry and focused on healthy work practices that are sustainable in the long term. As fans??, it's our job to not let ourselves get swept up in hype, and believe victims. And those who are in the position to stop situations where abuse is happening need to step up to the plate. People over profits, always.

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// 0 313380
betvisa888 liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Fri, 18 Mar 2022 18:30:31 +0000 // Ubisoft Scalar

Giving 'open world' a whole new meaning

The annual Game Developer's Conference is right around the corner, which means studios, devs, and hobbyists are primed to discuss some of this year's biggest advancements in game development. One of those studios is Ubisoft, who just announced a brand new "cloud-native" technology, Scalar, that they will use to create "limitless" open worlds, as reported by Gamespot. Ubisoft has proven that they want to be on the cutting edge, so it makes sense that they would lean into technology that could set them apart from comp??etitors.

As of now, we only really have an announcement from Ubisoft that they're working on this project, so we don't know what it will look like in practice in the final version of a game quite yet. It's all a bit nebulous right now, with Ubisoft claiming Scalar would mean "unprecedented scalability, flexibility, and creative freedom." Apparently, it would also allow for games with no patches, because developers would update single elements of a game in real-time without it affecting other aspects �something that usually causes bottlenecks in de??velopment. Computing power would also be optimized in ways we haven't seen before, so in theory, there could be "millions" of players in a "singular, shared virtual environment." We do know, though, that Ubisoft Stockholm is currently developing a new IP in tandem with Scalar, which will most?? likely be used for its first in-game implementation.


What a lot of game fans don't know is that, in addition to developing our favorite games, a lot of the bigger game studios have whole teams dedicated to creating new tech that the studio, and eventually the entire industry, can leverage in order to progress the technology of games as a whole. A great example of this is ray tracing -- after one company had cracked it an implemented it into their games, it became pretty ubiquitous in the rest of the industry. That's likely what Ubisoft's plan is with Scalar: to set a new standard with the technology that they cr??eate.

Although the extent of Scalar's potential practical application is currently unknown, it certainly sounds like an intriguing next step in gaming technology. If you're interested in learning a bit more about how Scalar works, I also recommend reading Gamespot's writeup, because they do a great job of explaining the tech in more depth. For now, I?'ll just be on the lookout to see what exactly Scalar's continued development means for the rest of the industry, because Ubisoft could either be all talk right now, or on t??he brink of impacting the rest of the industry in a big way.

[Featured Image Source: Ubisoft]

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// 0 312990
betvisa888 betGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Tue, 01 Mar 2022 20:00:57 +0000 // river city girls zero making of video mvg

Back to the Future

Last week saw the release of River City Girls Zero for Nintendo Switch, WayForward's port of 1994 Super Famicom release Shin Nekketsu Koha: Kunio-tachi no Banka, which is now available �officially localized for western audiences �for the first time in Kunio-kun series history. But, despite the?? brawler's humble 16-bit origins, it was no short order r?ecreating the title for use on the Switch platform.

YouTuber and game developer Dimitris Giannakis �better known by their pseudonym Modern Vintage Gamer �had a major hand in bringing the past adventures of Kyoko and Misako back to life, having been one of the key developers of emulation software Carbon Engine. Previously designed and utilized for Limited Run Games' re-release of Game Boy Color title Shantae, Carbon Engine is the core utility that allowed WayForward to bring River City Girls Zero back t?o life, replicating its initial Super F??amicom form while fine-tuning its engine and presentation for its new audience.


Giannakis has released a short but fascinating new video wherein the explain the process of essentially "rebuilding" Shin Nekketsu Koha: Kunio-tachi no Banka for the Nintendo Switch platform, not only in regards to rebuilding ?the game itself, but also applying its awesome modern presentation bonuses �such as its slick anime intro, fun manga cutscenes, and 3D modeled bonus content. Given the simplicity of a decades-old Super Famicom release, it can feel as those porting it to powerful modern tech can be done in the blink of an eye. But as Giannakis explains, there is a lot more that goes into such projects than a fire-and-forget ROM dump.

River City Girls Zero is available now on Nintendo Switch, with PlayStation, PC, and Xbox editions expected to launch this spring. You can check out our thoughts on the old-school slugfest right here.

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// 0 310518
betvisa cricketGame Development Archives – Destructoid - براہ راست کرکٹ | // // Thu, 27 Jan 2022 22:30:20 +0000 // Horizon Forbidden West comparison

Another day, another discourse

Pretty much anyone who plays games has some kind of opinion about them they want to share, and social media lets us, whether we should or not. There's always something sparking outrage on Twitter, and this time the whole of Game Dev Twitter is taking up arms against a user who basically called Guerrilla Games lazy because they reused an animation in? a game sequel. Oh, the horror.

Yesterday, this user posted a video showing a side-by-side comparison of an animation of Aloy using her grappling hook, one from Horizon Zero Dawn, and one from the new gameplay footage of Horizon Forbidden West. The tweet simply reads "copy and paste," a snarky way to say that the d??evelopers reused the same animation for the game's sequel. The video has since garnered over 1.2 million views and nearly 4,000 quote tweets on the platform.


A flood of posts from Game Dev Twitter came to Guerrilla Games' defense, discussing how much work goes into making a game, and that developers don?'t have time to waste on recreating perfectly good animations. The replies and quote tweets are full of people basically putting this user on blast, but at least I don't see any that are agreeing with OP.

Some actually think that is person is just a troll, trying to bait reactions with repeating this same take every time a big game release is on the horizon, which is also a s?uper likely scenario at this point.

Look, game developers are certainly not above any sort of criticism, but why don't we focus that energy toward companies that are actually releasing unfinished games, going back on promises, and pushing scummy features like NFTs. Animators work too damn hard to have some rando with a keyboar??d "call out" their work ethic.

I kind of just miss the days when people could keep thei?r opinions to themselv??es.

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betvisa liveGame Development Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Wed, 19 Jan 2022 23:00:51 +0000 // Make games using Playdate Pulp

Create your own cranky adventure

The Playdate, Panic's boutique handheld with a crank, is still on its way. But while you're waiting, Panic has put out a public beta for its Playdate Pulp tools, letting anyone who wants to make a Playdate game ?in a free, browser-based environment.

Pulp was one of many features teased for the Playdate in its first Update stream last year. The idea is that Pulp will allow anyone, whether you've made a game before or not, to experiment in the development sandbox. Panic says that Pulp can scale from "goo??fing around to building a full Playda?te game."


As a development studio, Pulp has a lot of features available. There are drawing and animation tools, a level editor, chiptune and sound tools, and even a code editor. Even though the Playdate still hasn't shipped as of this writing due to supply issue??s, anything you make is also preview-able in browser, and you can easily download the sou??rce code for your project, either to share or, event??ually, play on a Playdate.


For budding game developers, or even those who just want to mess around with some tools, this seems pretty neat. Playdate Pulp seems to be a pretty well-rounded set of game-making tools that's also available for free. It's hard to beat that price tag. And while the earliest Playdate handhelds are still currently set to ship sometime in early 2022, it looks like you can still check out what you've made in your browser. Sharing your Pulp creations still seems pretty re?asonable to do.

We've already seen some pretty impressive prototypes and previews of what's to come with the Playdate. So if you're keen to try your own hand at making a crank-based minigame, Playdate Pulp gives you that chance. You can find it on the Playdate site here.

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betvisa888 betGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Tue, 28 Dec 2021 13:00:50 +0000 // atlus pillar game shin megami tensei

Ambitious plans for the Japanese studio

With 2022 bearing down on us this week, developers and publishers will be gearing up to see that the new year brings them much success and good fortune. Persona publisher Atlus is no exception. And, according to a recent intervie??w, has its hopes and ambitions seemingly focused on a particular mystery title that is currently deep into its production.

Speaking with Famitsu, (as translated by Persona Central) Atlus' Shinjiro Takada hinted at a major project currently underway at the studio, a title that the team hopes will become a "pillar game" for the company in the new year. Takada goes as far as to suggest that the goal is to create a game that will be "interesting and satisfying for everyone" (though it should be noted that this incredibly lofty d??escription may have lost something of its original intent in translation). Either way, it seems that Atlus has something pretty big lined up for 2022, and given the publisher's portfolio of exc?ellent franchises, it's an exciting tease.

Atlus' "pillar game" could be quite anything, frankly. We already know that the studio is currently working alongside Sega on the mysterious "Project Pen" �an as yet unrevealed title that made its debut via the Australian Game Rating Board back in October. Takada himself is linked with a litany of IPs, including Shin Megami Tensei, and Etrian Odyssey, while Atlus subsi??diary Studio Zero is also developing the equally mysterious "Project ReFantasy." Of course, the new title could? be an entirely new project based on a fresh IP. For now, there is little recourse but to wait and see.

Atlus hopes to release tentpole title in 2022 [Persona Central / Famitsu]

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betvisa888 casinoGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Wed, 15 Dec 2021 21:00:55 +0000 // Telltale's return

I'll believe it when I see it

Last week's Game Awards were full of lots and lots�and lots of announcements, but one that particularly stood out to me was the trailer for Telltale Games' return with their new title The Expanse. It's a bit jarring to see the studio's name nowadays, like it's the zo?mbified corpse of a once dear friend.

When I was a little baby gamer who really loved story-focused games but didn't have the mechanical skills to play anything else, Telltale was my go-to. From the tough but lovable characters in The Wolf Among Us to the kickass licensed soundtrack from Tales from the Borderlands, they're still some of the mo??st stylized narrative experiences you can find in games today.

The Wolf Among Us screenshot

Telltale was beloved not only by me, but basically the entiret?y of the gaming community, so I think I can speak for just about everyone when I say we were devastated to hear t?hat the studio was shutting down in 2019. I also watched the Noclip documentary about the breakdown of the studio, which made the heartbreak of it all the more palpable.

If you aren't familiar, Noclip is a production company that makes crowdfunded documentaries about games. In May of 2019, they released a near hour-long film interviewing some of the former Telltale employees about the compan??y's final days. They speak of backbreaking crunch, poor leadership who bit off ??more than the studio could chew, and the constant looming threat of layoffs and closures. Many of the employees were completely blindsided by the news that the studio went under, who were told that they only had thirty minutes to gather their things and exit the building after the meeting.


Anyone who was on social media at the time of Telltale's closing, though, will remember the outpouring of love and support for the former Telltale developers on social media. Plenty of game companies made posts directed specifically at those affected by the closure, as they could provide them jobs at their own studios. Even the release of the Noclip documentary was cathartic,?? as one developer wrote in the comments on YouTube: "As another Ex-Telltale dev, thanks for this. This provided so many of us with some serious emotional clos?ure, thank you."

So I was shocked to hear in December of that same year that Telltale would potentially return with a second Wolf Among Us game. Surely they had rallied up everyone who had been fired and reformed the team to keep going, right? Nope. The name and rights of the studio had in fact been sold to LCG Entertainment, a new holding company that had been formed in an attempt to revive the brand. "There is still a huge fanbase of Telltale players and that's one of the main reasons we decided to make this investment, said LCG co-head Brian Waddle, while at the time only hiring back a few, if any at all, of the previous Telltale ??developers.

Making a choice in Tales from the Borderlands

In fairness, there's a ??chance that LCG has in fact brought the former devs back on board, but there hasn't been much coverage of the topic since the initial media storm di?ed down. So that brings me to my main point: as far as we know, henceforth all of the Telltale games we're going to get will be with a team that is at best mostly new to the brand, and that makes me skeptical beyond all belief. Recapturing the magic of the originals is difficult enough as is, but that's made even more difficult when you're missing major players that made our favorite games what they were.

I'm not saying that a new group of people won't be able to make awesome games, it's just that something about Telltale's return leaves a sour taste in my mouth.?? Maybe it's the part of me that was also hurt from a project I cared about getting shut down with little warning, but something feels wrong about the previous devs being unceremoniously let go, just for all of their work and assets to be sold to the highest bidder, who can then use that to ride the coattails of the name that they worked so hard to build. It'll be hard to enjo??y something new if it feels like it was built on top of the graveyard of the thing I loved.

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier

That initial hit of dopamine when we see our favorite developer's name flash across the screen can be addicting, but every once in a while I want us to stop and think about how that name got there in the first place. I want us all to be able to play amazing games all the time, but I also want them to be created in the healthiest, happiest, least-exploitative way possible, and regardle??ss of the sketchiness of the current Telltale situation, the evocation of its name alone should be enough to make us stop and think.

Besides the labor practices, I also just want them to make good games that are fun to play and pay homage to the Telltal?e formula while also iterating on it. We've launched into a new console generation since the studio's shutdown, an??d the fans and the namesake deserve only the best if we're going to do this again. If we must revivify the corpse of Telltale, then by god, just make it good.

One encouraging moment we also got from The Game Awards, though, was a trailer for the narrative adventure game Star Trek: Resurgence from a new indie studio called Dramatic Labs, whose team is comprised of former Telltale employees. If they weren't able to be rehired by the LCG, it's heartening to see that these devs are still out h??ere making the types of games that they love. I'm glad they can return on their own terms.

The current team at Telltale recently released a short update, but it was cryptic at best, and focused entirely on the games rather than the teams making them. From where we stand, there's really no way to know the full story, unless some of the former or current devs speak out more substantially. Part of me is curious to give the new titles a try when they come out, but until then I'll definitely be taking everything they?? say with a grain of salt. Shutdowns can happen out of nowhere.

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betvisa888 betGame Development Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Mon, 06 Dec 2021 16:00:27 +0000 // ico anniversary developer video with Ico PS1 prototype

Building a Legend

Today sees the 20th anniversary of one of the most beloved, esoteric video games of all time: Ico. As a qui??et celebration of the PlayStation 2 classic's Japanese launch, developer genDESIGN has released a short, never-before-seen proof-of-concept video �looking at some early development footage for a PS1 edition of the ethereal and compelling fantasy.

"This [PS1 footage] was created around 1998 to share the game’s concept with the development team," said genDESIGN of the three-min??ute clip, as featured on Gematsu. "This video was a breakthrough for the team, the light at the end of the title, when the staff, including [game director Fumito] Ueda, were groping in the dark, not knowing what kind of game Ico would become. Despite video and? sound imperfections such as scanlines and n??oise, as well as the debug display, we didn’t dare alter or edit the footage as to express the atmosphere of that time."


Released in Japan on December 6, 2001, (though it had already, surprisingly, hit North American shores months previously), Ico was a subtle and evocative adventure that broke the mold for 3D platform adventures. Ico sees players guide the titular young man as he?? attempts to lead a doomed princess out of a surrealist landscape, pursued by the shadows of the land's wretched monarchy.

Using minimalist imagery, key-frame animation, and a general atmosphere of disquiet, Ico was quite unlike anything that had come before �and has been referenced as influential by hundreds (if not?? thousands) of game developers when creating adventures that are a little more leftfield than the norm.

Fumito Ueda and the Ico development team would, of course, go on to create the slightly less abstract but nonetheless as fascinating 2005 release Shadow of the Colossus, which again was met with praise from critics and players. The influence of Team Ico's work can be seen in many modern releases, from a plethora of bedroom-coded indie hits to titles as new wave as Heart Machine's recent Solar Ash.

Ueda and his team took a chance on a title that was always destined to be a niche release, and in the process not only reshaped the boundaries for what a video?? game could be, but paved the way for some of the greatest, most evocative, and most intriguing adventures that have blessed the gaming community since.

Ico is available to play on PS4 via the PS Now service. A remake of Shadow of the Colossus is also available on PS4.

[Via Gematsu]

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betvisa888 casinoGame Development Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Tue, 23 Nov 2021 21:30:39 +0000 // Unreal Engine 5 lifelike faces

Welcome to the uncanny valley

Gaming technology has been on the cusp of complete photorealism for years, but things seem to have taken a turn recently with Unreal Engine 5. I feel like every day now I'm seeing something from a game engine that is indistinguishable from real life. At first it was just Forza Horizon 5 screenshots, which didn't freak me out as much, but now that we're seeing an increased number of rendered human faces t??hat are so lifelike, it's hard to tell what's real and what's not anymore.


Enter Ziva Dynamics' ZRT Face Trainer, a software that allows game developers and animators to plug in their own face meshes and puppet them into dynamic expressions in real time. A video of the program's demo running in Unreal 5 landed on Reddit, where it's been doing some numbers and un?surpri??singly freaking everyone out.

The Face Trainer's website boasts some impressive stats, like a database of over 15TB of 4D scan data, over 72,000 unique training shapes??, and puppets that can "run a??t real-time frame rates." The software entered early access today, and there's an application for the waitlist on the website for anyone who might be interested in the tech.

The video actually reminds me of some behind-the-scenes stuff I've seen before with motion-capture technology, specifically a tech demo for The Last of Us Part II. From what I understand, they were able to map the face of Ellie's actress, Ashley Johnson, onto her character's face in real time, and the results look pretty similar to the ZRT Face Trainer. Now they can just do that with faces that are entirely f??abricated, I guess.


Assuming the Face Trainer is going to be widely available to anyone who might want it in the coming years, I'll bet we're going to see huge leaps and bounds in the visual quality of games. This stuff makes what we have now look like PS2 graphics. While I am intrigued by the implications this kind of software has for the future of the games industry, it also makes me pretty uncomfortable. I'm also afraid of monkeys and Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors because they'??re too uncanny for me, so take that as you will.

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