betvisa888 cricket betJagex Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // Probably About Video Games Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:15:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 casinoJagex Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:15:45 +0000 // Crafting in a furnace in Old School RuneScape

Crafting is one of the most useful skills in all of Old School RuneScape. You can use it most commonly to create jewelry and Ranged armor, such as Dragonhid?e sets.

As you level up your Crafting skill, you gain access to the ability to create better gear. A specific Crafting level is also a requirement for tons of quests in Old School RuneScape,?? the highest of which is 70 for? Monkey Madness II.

Sometimes, if you're just a few le?vels away from a particular requirement but don't want to actually grind for it, there are Crafting boosts you can use to push you over the boundary, albeit temporarily.

Old School RuneScape Crafting
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Old School RuneScape temporary Crafting skill boosts

In Old School RuneScape, there?? are just four items that provide a temporary Crafting skill boo??st. These are as follows:

Item Boost Level Increase Other information
Crafting Cape 1 Also provides unlimited teleports to the Crafting Guild.
Mushroom Pie 4 Also grants 8 Hitpoints per bite.
Poison Chalice 0-1 Also grants tons of positive and negative effects.
Spicy Stew (Orange Spice) 0-5 (+ or -) Has the chance to reduce or boost any skill besides Hitpoints by 0 to 5 levels.

Of all the OSRS Crafting Boosts, one stands out among the rest: the Mushroom Pie. You can't obtain the Crafting Cape until Level 99 anyway, making its boost a little pointless. Meanwhile, both the Poison Chalice and Spicy Stew aren't eve??n guaranteed to give you a boost, at least not one higher than the Mushroom Pie.

You can obtain a Mushroom Pie in one of two ways. The first is by far the easiest - simply buy it on the Grand Exchange. Each one only costs around 2,500 GP, which is practically nothing. Alternatively, you can bake one yourself with 60 Cooking. To do this, use a Sulliuscep Cap with a Pie Shell, then cook the Unc??ooked Mushroom Pie on a range or a fire. If your Cooking skill is high enough, you won't burn it, and you'll have yourself an easy +4 temporary Crafting boost!

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// 0 1000568
betvisa loginJagex Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Fri, 22 Nov 2024 14:09:47 +0000 // Old School RuneScape

Once you get to grips with the game, it's not too difficult to make money in Old School RuneScape. Many metho??ds are quite click-intensive, and require your attention to be on the game most of the tim??e.

Many players choose to play OSRS on a second monitor, often while doing something else on their PC. Sometimes, they've even minimized the game yet continue to play intermittently. If that sounds like you, we've got some of the best AFK money-making methods you can use in Old School RuneScape to bolster your GP stack.

Cooking Raw Sharks

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

  • Requirements: 80 Cooking (89+ recommended), Cooking Gauntlets recommended

We're keeping it classic here - cooking Raw Sharks is a great way to make money while AFK in OSRS. Cooking at the Hosidius Kitchen in Kourend is the quickest location for this as it's right next to a bank chest, meaning you can AFK for decent chunks at a time and not miss too much. Assuming you're buying your Ra??w Sharks, you can expect around 200k GP per ?hour with this method.

To maximize your profit when cooking Raw Sharks in Old School RuneScape, I recommend having 89 Cooking and wearing Cooking Gauntlets. This combination mea??ns you'll never burn your Sharks, increasing your GP per hour.

Mining Amethyst

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Image via Im Pedro/YouTube

  • Requirements: 92 Mining and Rune, Dragon, or Crystal Pickaxe

At the moment, Amethyst is the highest-level ore to mine in Old School RuneScape. It can be found in the Mining Guild, making for easy banking?? in Falador. Because Amethyst is so high-level, you'll mine each rock for a while before ne?eding to click on the next one. Tons of AFK time on offer here.

Depending on how truly AFK you are here, you can expect to earn around 300k GP per hour mining Amethyst. The XP per hour is terrible, but that's not what?? we're here for.

Killing Skeletal Wyverns

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Image via Old School RuneScape Wiki

  • Requirements: 72 Slayer, 80+ combat skills recommended, and 70+ Prayer recommended

Combat has always been one of the consistent ways to make money in Old School RuneScape, but finding monsters that can be kille??d while ??AFK with worthwhile loot is a delicate balance. Step forward, Skeletal Wyverns.

Found in the Asgardian Ice Dungeon, Skeletal Wyverns can be safe-spotted to ensure you don't die while AFK. Alternatively, Prayers can be used to ??avoid damage if you're taking a melee route. While loot is random, you should make in the realm of 750,000 GP per hour here.

Killing Gargoyles

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Image via Old School RuneScape Wiki

  • Requirements: 75 Slayer, 80+ combat skills recommended, completion of Priest in Peril quest, and a Rock Hammer

Killing Gargoyles is another great combat option to make AFK money in Old School RuneScape. Head to ??the top floor of the Slayer Tower to find these monsters, which you'll need a Rock Hammer to kill. To AFK Gargoyl??es, you should wear a full Guthans armor set, which will keep you healed while you're not paying attention.

Even AFKing Garg?oyles can yield upw?ards of 600,000 GP per hour. They drop the Granite Maul, various runes, and tons of Rune armor pieces.

Catching and smashing Infernal Eels

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Image via Boom Epic Live/YouTube

  • Requirements: 80 Fishing, 25 Herblore, and completion of the TzHaar Fight Cave

In the TzHaar City, after completing the Fig??ht Cave, you can catch Infernal Eels using an Oily Fishing Rod. They require 80 Fishing to catch, so beware of that high requirement. It's not? the Infernal Eels themselves that will make you money here, though.

Using a Hammer, you can smash the Infernal Eels into Tokkul, the local currency. This can be spent on Obsidian weapons in the TzHaar City, and each Eel has a chance of becoming Onyx Bolt Tips instead. This is big mone?y (150,000 GP an hour, with good luck), and importantly, both the fishing and smashing steps here are extremely AFK.

Catching Karambwans with a Fish Barrel

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Image via Dicerz/YouTube

  • Requirements: 65 Fishing, completion of Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest, and a Fish Barrel

Fishing is as AFK as it gets in Old School RuneScape. One-click can buy you minutes of AFK time, which is why it's so popular. Catching Karambwans is a great option for this, as the OSRS skill requirements aren't too steep.

With 65 Fishing, you can head to Karamja and fish for Karambwan for approximately 200k GP an hour. This assumes you're using a Fish Barrel, which can be used to reduce the amount of tri?ps you need ?to take to a bank.

Flipping items on the Grand Exchange

AFK money-makers in Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

  • Requirements: None

Admittedly, flipping items on the Grand Exchange is by far the least reliable money-maker on this list. However, if you know what you're looking for, it can be an amazing way to make money while AFK in Old School RuneScape.

It's a case of buying the item yo??u're flipping at a low cost and then putting it back up for sale at a higher price. You can do this with bulk items, too. While you wait for the items to buy and sell, you can be completely AFK, although the GP per hour will fluctuate depending on how much your items rise.

Catching Raw Anglerfish with a Fish Barrel

OSRS Fishing Anglerfish
Image via MikaRS/YouTube

  • Requirements: 82 Fishing and a Fish Barrel

Catching Raw Anglerfish is essentially the same as catching Karambwans, but with a small difference. Anglerfish can be caught on the docks of Port Piscarilius, which is located right next to a ban??k, but are much slower to fish.

In real terms, this amounts to about 150,000 GP per hour when AFKing. It's less money than catching Karambwans, but because you're so close to a bank, you can take more time AFK, so it's a balancing act depending on which you pref?er.

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// 0 641331
betvisa888Jagex Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Thu, 26 Sep 2024 15:56:58 +0000 // Old School RuneScape event items ranked

Old School RuneScape celebrates major holidays throughout the year with special events. These are usually fun OSRS quests, whi??ch offer cosmetic rewards b?ased on that holiday.

It ?gives you something fun to look forward to throughout the year. Some of these events are an annual ?tradition, while others haven't appeared in ages. Let's rank the items received from these holiday events, shall we?

Valentine's Day

The Valentine's Day ev?ent was held for the first and last time in 2014, making this a simple ranking. There's just one item!

  1. Box of chocolate strawberries (2014)

The box of chocolate strawberries was a cool reward, but it was removed from the game a while ago to prevent the creation of a discontinued tradeable item, much like party hats in the original RuneScape.


Old School RuneScape Birthday Holiday Items
Screenshot by Destructoid

OSRS launched on February 16, 2013; each year, it marks the occasion with big birthday celebrations. Jagex goes all out with these creations, adding some of the most unique items in Old School RuneScape.

  1. Gnome child hat (2016)
  2. 4th birthday hat (2017)
  3. Prop sword (2018)
  4. War ship (2014)
  5. 10th birthday balloons (2023)
  6. 10th birthday cape (2023)
  7. Birthday cake (2019)
  8. Banana cape (2021)
  9. Gnome child plush (2023)
  10. Stray dog plush (2023)
  11. Jad plush (2023)
  12. Dragon candle dagger (2023)
  13. Silver partyhat (2023)
  14. Birthday balloons (2017)
  15. Cat ears (2020)
  16. Cake hat (2023)
  17. Oldschool jumper (2023)
  18. Cursed banana (2021)
  19. Gnome child backpack (2023)
  20. Bob the cat slippers (2023)
  21. Jad slippers (2023)
  22. Skis (2022)
  23. Hell cat ears (2020)
  24. Cow outfit (2015)

Luckily, each birthday event gives all the rewards from previous years. This means you can still obtain the earliest birthday rewards, even if you're a new OSRS player.

April Fools

Old School RuneScape April Fools' Items
Screenshot by Destructoid

Jagex used to hold April Fools' events yearly, but they didn't always feature a un?ique reward. 2015 and 2016 were the only years for this, although all items can be bought from Diang??o in Draynor if you didn't play back in the day.

  1. Cruciferous codex (2016)
  2. Diango's claws (2015)
  3. Cabbage cape (2016)

Will April Fools' holiday events ever come back? Maybe, but they haven't been seen since 2020, so don't hold your b??reath.


Old School RuneScape Easter event items
Screenshot by Destructoid

Who doesn't love Easter? It's an excuse to eat mountains of chocolate and not feel awful about it, and it's no different with Old School RuneScape's Easter events.

  1. Crate ring (2022)
  2. Eastfloor spade (2023)
  3. Gregg's eastdoor (2021)
  4. Easter ring (2013)
  5. Propeller hat (2021)
  6. Easter hat (2022)
  7. Easter basket (2014)
  8. Magic egg ball (2020)
  9. Egg priest vestments (2024)
  10. Giant bronze dagger (2023)
  11. Nest hat (2023)
  12. Eggshell outfit (2018)
  13. '24-carat' sword (2020)
  14. Carrot sword (2020)
  15. Easter egg (2013)
  16. Easter egg helm (2017)
  17. Giant easter egg (2019)
  18. Bunny outfit (2016)
  19. Rubber chicken (2013)
  20. Chicken outfit (2013)
  21. Bunnyman mask (2019)

Eas?ter events over the last few years haven't had quite as inter??esting rewards as the game's early days. Let's hope Jagex can improve in the future.


Old School RuneScape Pride event items
Screenshot by Destructoid

Old School RuneScape Pride events were first held in 2017, before disappearing and making a return from 2022 onwards. These celebrations of LGBTQIA+ inclusivity are some of the most colorful clothing options in OSRS, making them great for fashionscapers.

  1. Poet's jacket (2023)
  2. Rainbow crown shirt (2024)
  3. Love crossbow (2023)
  4. Rainbow cape (2024)
  5. Rainbow jumper (2023)
  6. Rainbow scarf (2017)
  7. Flower crown (2022)

Pride events are aptly held throughout Pride month in June annually, alt??hough Jagex occasionally extends this into July, giving players a chance to claim those sweet rainbow reward?s.


Old School RuneScape Midsummer event items
Screenshot by Destructoid

Between 2013 and 2017, Jagex celebrated midsummer towards the end of June w?ith typically small holiday events. These rewards weren't the most popular in the game, b?ut there are a few interesting items that fashionscapers could use as part of a cool outfit.

  1. Half full wine jug (2014)
  2. Disk of returning (2014)
  3. Hand fan (2017)
  4. Druidic wreath (2014)
  5. Hornwood helm (2016)
  6. Mask of balance (2015)
  7. Beach boxing gloves (2013)

There hasn't been a midsummer event in OSRS since 2017, so all c?osmetic holiday rewards are available for purchase from Diango in Dray??nor for a single coin nowadays.


Old School RuneScape Halloween Event Items
Screenshot by Destructoid

The yearly arrival of spooky season also brings a new OSRS holiday event. This has been a tradition ever since the earliest days of the original RuneScape, and it's showing no signs of stopping.

  1. Haunted wine bottle (2021)
  2. Saucepan (2021)
  3. Pumpkin (2013)
  4. Halloween wig (2022)
  5. Spider hat (2023)
  6. Treat cauldron (2022)
  7. Magical pumpkin (2020)
  8. Anti-panties (2015)
  9. Cobweb cape (2023)
  10. Gravedigger outfit (2015)
  11. Ugly halloween jumper (2021)
  12. Zombie head (2013)
  13. Witch costume (2022)
  14. Eek the Spider (2018)
  15. Grim reaper hood (2014)
  16. Jonas mask (2017)
  17. Skeleton lantern (2019)
  18. Clown outfit (2018)
  19. Scythe (2013)
  20. Pumpkin lantern (2019)
  21. Spooky outfit (2019)
  22. Spookier outfit (2019)
  23. Banshee outfit (2016)
  24. Jack lantern mask (2013)
  25. Skeleton outfit (2013)
  26. Headless head (2020)
  27. H'ween masks (2013)

With decades of Hallowe?en iconography to pull from, Jagex should have no problem keeping its spooky rewards interesting for years to come.


Old School RuneScape Christmas event items
Screenshot by Destructoid

It's the most wonderful time of the year! J?agex puts on an annual show for the holiday season with epic Christmas events. Get your festive items as December rolls around.

  1. Giant boulder (2020)
  2. Yo-yo (2013)
  3. Secret Santa present (2021)
  4. Marionettes (2013)
  5. Goblin decorations (2020)
  6. Wintumber tree (2013)
  7. Hats and scarves (2013)
  8. Snowman ring (2021)
  9. Snow goggles & hat (2022)
  10. Icy jumper (2023)
  11. Snow globe (2016)
  12. Festive games crown (2022)
  13. Santa's list (2022)
  14. Snow imp costume (2017)
  15. Christmas cracker (2013)
  16. Festive elf slippers (2021)
  17. Festive elf hat (2021)
  18. Sack of coal (2022)
  19. Snowglobe helmet (2023)
  20. Reindeer hat (2013)
  21. Nutcracker outfit (2022)
  22. Gingerbread shields (2019)
  23. Giant present (2016)
  24. Christmas jumper (2022)
  25. Sack of presents (2016)
  26. Christmas tree costume (2018)
  27. Candy cane (2018)
  28. Wise old man's Santa hat (2017)
  29. Inverted Santa hat (2015)
  30. Antisanta outfit (2014)
  31. Black Santa hat (2015)
  32. Santa hat (2013)
  33. Santa outfit (2014)
  34. Partyhats (2013)

You knew partyhats would be number one, didn't you? They're the OG RuneScape rares, with players spending hundreds of millions on them in the original game. Luckily, they don't cost nearly as much in OSRS.

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// 0 604945
betvisa888 cricket betJagex Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Fri, 20 Sep 2024 18:06:42 +0000 // most expensive skills to train in Old School RuneScape

Training skills in Old School RuneScape can be a delicate balance. Often, the ??game rewards players for investing a ton of GP into skills, in turn allowing them to train with faster XP rates.

Some skills are guilty of this more than others. The eight most expensive skills in Old School RuneScape might all have profitable training methods, but if you want to hit 99, you'll need to dish ou?t some ca??sh to speed things up.


Old School RuneScape Construction
Screenshot by Destructoid

Construction might be one of the easiest skills to 99 in Old School RuneScape, but it's certainly not t?he cheapest. Training this skill to?? max level can cost you upwards of 200 million GP if you're looking for a fast method. Even then, choosing lower XP rates won't exactly save you money.

Construction is unavoidably one of Old School RuneScape's biggest money sinks, but at least you get to build a cool house alo??ng the way.


Old School RuneScape Crafting
Screenshot by Destructoid

There are many ways to make money training Crafting in Old School RuneScape. Sadly, none of them are fast XP. If you want to level up your Crafting s?kill to 99 within a reasonable timeframe, you'll need to cough up a ton of GP to do so. The? fastest XP is making Black Dragonhide Bodies, which only becomes available at Level 84. But what's the cost to get 99 from that point? You're looking at around 80 million GP.

Alternative methods include cutting gems and making battlestaves, but even those won't com??e cheap. If you can spare the GP, save your sanity by training Crafting the fastest way, as ??it can be a tedious one to max out despite burning a huge hole in your wallet.


Old School RuneScape Farming
Screenshot by Destructoid

Interestingly, Farming is among both the most expensive and profitable skills to train in Old School RuneScape. This is entirely down to your ch??oice of method. Planting herbs will make you money, but planting trees will yield much more XP at a cost. Farming tree r??uns earn you upwards of 200,000 XP each time, but reaching 99 will likely cost you 120 million GP in total. This also factors in the cost of protecting your trees to ensure they grow each time.

My advice? Pay the money. Farming is a skill you can max out in just over two months, if you're consis??tent with two tree runs a day. Ch??eap out, and you can expect to spend triple that amount of time waiting to hit 99, and that's assuming you're consistent!


Old School RuneScape Fletching
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you want to reach 99 Fletching, you'll likely be making the best Darts possible. On the plus side, it's very AFK. There's one big ?caveat, though - the price. Fletching Rune Darts from 81, Amethyst Darts from 90,? and Dragon Darts from 95 will cost north of 200 million GP, a truly miserable price to pay for one of the fastest 99s in the game.

Most players who max out Fletching probably do so in a more long-winded way, saving themselves a ton of GP in the process. That said, it remains one of the most expensive skills in Old School RuneScape when using the best method.


Old School RuneScape Herblore
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you're doing it fast, at no point is Herblore a cheap skill to train in Old School RuneScape. But at Level 81, when you gain the ability to make Saradomin Brews, it becomes farcically expensive. Most will likely do this method all the way to 99, spending an eye-watering 150 million GP along the way. That's around?? 60,000 Saradomin Brews in total.

As with any skill, Herblore has profitable options at the cost of XP per hour. Only you can decide how much the time is worth ??to you.


Old School RuneScape Prayer
Screenshot by Destructoid

Anyone remotely familiar with the skills in Old School RuneScape won't be surprised to see Prayer make this list. It's a skill you just don't get anything bac??????????????????????????k from, making every action you take a money sink. Worse st?ill, it massively rewards you for using more expensive materials. You want to use lit Gilded Altars in a player-owned home here, offering a full inventory of Dragon Bones or Superior Dragon Bones each time.

Using Superior Dragon Bones, you can spend upwards of 50 million GP per hour. Yes, the XP is absurdly fast, but you'll be left in dire financial straits ??afterward.


Old School RuneScape Ranged
Screenshot by Destructoid

Ranged is one of the most useful 99s to have in Old School RuneScape. The fastest way to get there is by using Black Chinchompas on Maniacal Monkeys (after starting Monkey Madness II). T??his can earn you about 900,000 XP per hour, making it a ludicrously quick training method.

However, throwing those Black Chinchompas will see you spend around 30 million GP when all is said and done. That doesn't include the?? cost of buying solid Ranged gear either, which is an investment that you can at least recoup.


Old School RuneScape Smithing
Screenshot by Destructoid

20 million GP is the approximate cost to reach Level 99 Smithing by smelting Gold Bars at the Blast Furnace. It's not the fastest skill in Old School RuneScape, but that's the price if you want t??o speed it up a little.

Unfortunately, anything other than ??this method takes a painfully long time to hit 99, s?o it's probably best to swallow the cost in this instance.

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// 0 600863
betvisa888Jagex Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Sun, 08 Sep 2024 14:53:06 +0000 // Old School RuneScape

If you're an Old School RuneScape player,?? it can be hard to make money at times. The game has so many different things to do that it can be hard to determine what's worth the time.

For most players, training skills will be the most efficient way to earn GP, although there are specific methods you should use to maximize the size of your cash pile. After all, if you make money as fast as possible, you can invest this GP into reducing the pain from the grindiest skills in Old School RuneScape.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

For many years, Agility was considered among the worst GP per hour in Old School RuneScape. However, the addition of the Hallowed Sepulchre minigame back in 2020 changed everything, turning the skill into not just a great money-maker, but a much ??quicker way to earn XP, too. By doing Hallowed Sepulchre runs, players can loot coffins across several floors for an estimated 2 million GP per hour. It's very clic??k-intensive, but the rewards are well worth the effort.


Old School RuneScape Farming
Screenshot by Destructoid

Farming isn't a skill that will transform you from rags to riches overnight, but if you stay consistent with it, you'll make a ton of GP over time. More specifically, you should focus on farming herbs like Snapdragon or Ranarr Weeds, although Avantoe, Torstol, and Cadantine can also work. A herb run should take you around five minutes to complete, with each yielding a profit of around 250,000 to 300,000, depending on the herb. This doesn't seem like a lot in isolation, but considering how little of a time commitment it is, it makes Farming one of the most profitable skills in Old School RuneScape.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you're looking for something that doesn't require your full attention at all times, Hunter coul?d be the skill for you??????????????????????????. By hunting Black Chinchompas, you can make a cool 1 million GP per hour, while Moonlight Antelopes will net you in the realm of 1.2 million per hour. The Black Chinchompas have lower-level requirements, but both are valid ways to make solid GP.


Old School RuneScape Magic
Screenshot by Destructoid

At Level 78 Magic, you unlock the Tan Leather spell, where the real money begins. You can tan Dragonhide for an approximate 1.1 million per hour GP rate. If done from 78 all the way to 99, you can expect to earn upwards of 100 million GP, which you can invest into maxing some of Old School RuneScape's most expensive skills. At Level 90 and above (combined with the other combat skills), you can also fight The Whisperer, a tough boss especially weak to Magic. Loot from this fight will earn around 4.5 million GP an hour, although high requirements all around means most?? won't take this route.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

Old School RuneScape features many different ways to make money via Runecrafting. Crafting Wrath Runes in around 3.2 million GP per hour, albeit with a high Level 95 requirement. We recommend crafting Blood Runes, which needs just 77 Runecrafting for a gain of 2.8 million GP an hour. The only con to Runecrafting is that you can'??t AFK it at all, so anything less than full attention will diminish these GP rates massively.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

It should be pretty obvious why Slayer makes this list, right? As you ??grind away at your set tasks, you'll receive a bunch of drops from your monster kills, which is bound to make you a ton of profit on the road to 99. As you reach a higher Slayer level and get assigned better tasks, your GP per hour will only increase, especially if you use Slayer Points to ban some of the worse tasks from being handed out.


Old School RuneScape Smithing
Screenshot by Destructoid

There is really only one Smithing method that yields good money in Old School RuneScape. By heading to the Blast Furnace and smelting Runite Bars, you should make ov??er 2 million?? GP per hour. This assumes you make about 200 trips per hour, which is possible if you're vigilant about your clicks. Even going semi-AFK here can still produce good amounts of GP, though, so don't worry if you want to put something else on a second monitor while you do this method.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

You have two great options when it comes to making money via Thieving. Choose between pickpocketing Vyres and Elves - both will earn you above 4 mil??lion GP per hour, although Vyres do require you to have completed the Sins of the Father quest, so bear that in ??mind. Combine this with the Shadow Veil spell (which reduces your chance of being stunned while failing a pickpocket) for even higher GP rates. With Thieving, you'll make more money the higher your Level, so this money-maker might be best saved until you're at 95 and above.

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// 0 591658
betvisa888 casinoJagex Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Sat, 31 Aug 2024 14:04:55 +0000 // Old School RuneScape quests

When Old School RuneScape launched back in 2013, the RS community was forever divided. Players picked between a more modern title in RuneScape 3 and a nostalgia-fueled experience with OSRS. Over a decade ??la??ter, both games retain active player bases, although the debate rages on about which of the two is better.

These games took very separate paths, including diverging questlines. Some quests were exclusive to RuneScape 3, while others were made just for OSRS. Over the years, Old School RuneScape has looked to RS3 for inspiration several times, occasionally bringing over quests still wort??h doing.

The most recent example is 'While Guthix Sleeps', which debuted in Old School RuneScape in July 2024, 16 years after its RS3 release. But which quests remain in the newer RS that should still make the jump to Old School RuneScape?

Old School RuneScape quests
Image via Jagex

One Piercing Note

  • Original Release: November 2011
  • Questline: None

One Piercing Note is arguably RuneScape 3's greatest murder mystery, a standalone quest with an engaging plot Agatha Christie would be proud of; it's also notable for being the first quest in the game to be fully voiced. It's unlikely this design decision would carry over to an Old School RuneScape version of One Piercing Note, but the quest itself would be a fun addition. The quest reward (the ability to make illuminated god books) would also be a great way to make god books more viable in OSRS.

A Fairy Tale III - Battle At Ork's Rift

  • Original Release: May 2010
  • Questline: Fairy

In Old School RuneScape, the Fairy questline ends with A Fairytale II - Cure a Queen. We need a proper conclusion, and RuneScape 3 already provides this with A Fairy Tale III - Battle At Ork's Rift. Although it's not the most challenging quest in the game, it at least provides some semblance of closure as you fight to save Zararis from the Fairy Godfather. Sure, OSRS already gives one of this quest's best rewards in the Lumbridge and Draynor Elite Achievement Diary, but that doesn't m?ean the story itself shouldn't be r?esolved.

The Needle Skips

  • Original Release: November 2018
  • Questline: The Elder God Wars

The Needle Skips is a gift for players who love story-heavy RuneScape 3 quests. This particular quest is part of The Elder God Wars questline, which doesn't exist in Old School RuneScape yet. It's a shame, given it brings some of the series' best-ever lore to the game. The Needle Skips requires your full attention, as you must work to unravel the story through a series of clues. There's nothing quite like it in OSRS, which is why?? it should make the jump between games.

Love Story

  • Original Release: July 2010
  • Questline: Wise Old Man

Love Story is a sequel to Swan Song, a fan-favorite quest in both RuneScape 3 and OSRS. It tells more of the Wise Old Man's story, the NPC known best for committing the infamous Draynor Bank Robbery. This character has always been a curious mystery to players, so finally seeing him fleshed out in Love Story is excellent. Old School RuneScape players are miss?ing out on something great here, through no fault of their own.

Hunt For Red Raktuber

  • Original Release: June 2009
  • Questline: Penguin

Hunt For Red Raktuber is the second quest in RuneScape 3's four-part Penguin questline, of which OSRS still just has the first (Cold War). This quest is all about attempting to infiltrate a penguin submarine. If that concept doesn't sell you on bringing it back in Old School RuneScape, the??n I don't know what will. Give us the full Penguin questline, Jagex! We don't care that it has been 15 years at this point.

Gower Quest

  • Original Release: June 2016
  • Questline: None

Gower Quest brought RuneScape creators and siblings Andrew and Paul Gower back into the fold to write one last quest for the game. It's the swan song of two legends, so it's sad to see Old School RuneScape players miss out on Gower Quest. I wouldn't even say it's the best-written quest in the game, nor is it the most fun. But it's an essential piece of RuneScape history that all ?fans should be able to experienc??e.

Ritual of the Mahjarrat

  • Original Release: September 2011
  • Questline: Mahjarrat Mysteries

Ritual of the Mahjarrat is a Grandmaster quest, making it one of RuneScape 3's biggest challenges. It's also part of the Mahjarrat Mysteries questline, which is one of the longest-running in all of RS3. Interestingly, Jagex has actually continued this questline in Old School RuneScape with the July 2024 release of While Guthix Sleeps, making Ritual of the Mah??jarra??t next in line. This is one we expect to happen in the future.

Nomad's Requiem

  • Original Release: January 2010
  • Questline: None

The argument against Nomad's Requiem in Old School RuneScape is usually that Nomad already exists in the game. He's an NPC who kind of just... sits at Soul Wars. Cool - an OSRS minigame that very few people play. Nomad is a fantastic villain in the RuneScape 3 version of this quest, providing one of the most brutal PvE encounters in any quest. Given how good the Old School RuneScape developers are at creating engaging yet challenging boss fights, they could do something incredible with Nomad in this quest.

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// 0 586885
betvisa casinoJagex Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Thu, 22 Aug 2024 17:33:39 +0000 // Old School RuneScape

Old School RuneScape is notorious ??for being one of the grindiest games ever made. You'll find very few gamers playing without a second monitor to watch something else at the same time??.

Watching the XP number go up is what Old School RuneScape is all about, but some skills are slower than others. The grindiest skills in OSRS can take ??months to max out, even for the most dedicat??ed players.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

If you meet someone with an Agility skillcape in Old School RuneScape, know you're dealing with one of the most patient individuals on planet Earth. Unlike some of the other grindiest skills in the game, Agilit?y is the worst of both worlds. Not only is it difficult to AFK while training, but it's also painfully slow and can take months of dedicated play to reach the maximum level.

If you manage to reach 99 Agility in Old School RuneScape ?without getting a repetitive strain injury, that's an achievement in itsel??f.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

Fishing is one of the Old School RuneScape skills that's not too ?bad if you're planning to AFK. Its XP rates are extremely low, but you only really have to click around once a minute to keep the numbers flowing. Due to the nature of the game's fishing areas, it's pretty social, too, so you can always speak to the people around you to pass the time. You can make Fishing faster through a technique called 3-tick fishing, but that makes it completely non-AFK.

99 Fishing isn't the worst skill in Old School RuneScape to max out, but we w?ouldn't go as far as to call it fun, either. At least you'll ma?ke a ton of GP if you're banking the fish.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

Hunter is an interesting case. It's very profitable to reach 99 through hunting black chinchompas, and the XP is fine. The problem is that it can be faster. Much faster, in fact, using methods very few ??players are ever going to use. With tick manipulation and the use of an alt account, you can double your XP rates hunting black chinchompas, but realistically, who has time for that kind of palaver?

Don't expect to be AFK while training Hunter, either. ?You've got to pay a ton of attention to this skill, and the fact you can interrupted by other players coming to your spot only delays matters further.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

Mining is another skill with XP rates that ??will leave you wanting to tear your hair out. Some of the most efficient training methods can yield around 75,000 XP per hour, which doesn't sound too bad, right? When you consider that players must earn just over 13 million XP to reach 99 in a ?skill, it suddenly feels a little more miserable.

Luckily, Mining is a pretty AFK skill, so it's a good? option if you're looking to watch a TV series while you play. Still, expect to spend a long time grinding that coveted skillcape.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

There's no way around it - unless you're filthy rich, training Runecraft is pretty laborious. At its most efficient with normal methods, you'll earn around 100,000 XP per hour, making it a 130-hour grind to 99. That's not 130 hours of AFKing, either. Oh no - if you w?ant to get Runecraft maxed in such a short time frame, you'll have to constantly dart from point A to B and back again to gather your resources for t?raining this skill.

There's a caveat here. You can pay other players to work as runners for these Runecraft resources. These can cost around 7 to 8 million GP per hour, which adds up quickly for the avera??ge player. It does, however, exponentially increase XP rates beyond that 100,000 per h??our mentioned earlier, but unless you have more GP than sense, this probably isn't worth it.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

Admittedly, Slayer is probably the l??east painful skill to grind on this list. It's good to train passively while you max out your combat levels, but the XP rates in general aren't pretty. Often, you'?ll be stuck on a task that can take hours, and reward very little XP, while sometimes a task can take just minutes with the right setup. It's total pot luck until you earn enough Slayer Points to ban the least efficient tasks.

Since Slayer involves combat, certain tasks can't be AFKed. You don't want to lose millions of GPs worth of eq?uipment because you weren't paying attention and died, do you? At least with Slayer, you'll earn a ton of money on route to 99, so there's a big silver lining with this one.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

With the Pyramid Plunder Old School RuneScape minigame, Thieving is actually not to??o slow to train. The reason it's one of the grindiest skills in the game is that it isn't AFK at all - it demands your full attention if you want to have anything resembling decent XP rates. It's the same deal as stealing from Rogues' Castle chests in the Wilderness - fast XP, but click-intensive and risky due to the risk of death by other players.

The issue with Thieving is that it feels as though there isn't much variety on the route to 99. To be efficient, you've got to be comfortable doing the same thing?? over and?? over again.


Old School RuneScape
Screenshot by Destructoid

Point. Click. Wait. Repeat until your inventory is filled with logs. Bank. Do it all over again. This is the reality of Woodcutting in Old School RuneScape. You're looking at 90,000 XP per hour here if you want to AFK it, although?? tick manipulation is possible to speed this? up.

On the bright side, Woodcutting is similar to Fishing in that it's quite a communal skill. You'??re all in t??he grind together.

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// 0 580684
betvisa casinoJagex Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Mon, 19 Aug 2024 18:33:46 +0000 // Old School RuneScape

Like many MMOs, Old School RuneScape has a variety of ??pets that you can collect througho?ut your adventures across Gielinor.

These pets are collected through various methods. Some are earned in combat, while others are found while skilling. There are even some Old School RuneScape pets that are obtained in completely different ways, so we're se??parating our ??Tier Lists by category as a result.

Old School RuneScape
Image via Jagex

Old School RuneScape Boss Pets Tier List

As you delve deeper into the combat content that Old School RuneScape has to offer, you'll encounter many of its bosses. These bosses are much more difficult than regular monsters, and require yo??u to use all of your resources to bring them down and reap the rewards.

44 of these bosses have a minuscule chance of dropping a boss pet. These Old School RuneScape pets are miniature versions of their boss equivalents and are exceptionally rare to find. Some of the drop rates are as low as one in every 5,000! While they won't aid you in combat, they're pint-sized symbols of your in-game achievements, and ??are sure to impress other players.

S Tier

  • Abyssal Orphan
  • Baron
  • Hellpuppy
  • Lil'viathan
  • Pet General Graardor
  • Pet K'ril Tsutsaroth
  • Pet Zilyana
  • Tumeken's Guardian
  • TzRek-Jad
  • Vorki

A Tier

  • Baby Mole
  • Butch
  • Lil' Zik
  • Pet Chaos Elemental
  • Pet Dagannoth Prime
  • Pet Kraken
  • Phoenix
  • Prince Black Dragon
  • Skotos
  • Smolcano
  • Youngllef

B Tier

  • Ikkle Hydra
  • Jal-nib-rek
  • Muphin
  • Noon
  • Pet Dagannoth Rex
  • Pet Dagannoth Supreme
  • Pet Kree'arra
  • Pet Smoke Devil
  • Scurry
  • Smol Heredit
  • Tiny Tempor
  • Vet'ion Jr.

C Tier

  • Callisto Cub
  • Kalphite Princess
  • Little Nightmare
  • Nexling
  • Olmlet
  • Pet Dark Core
  • Pet Snakeling
  • Scorpia's Offspring
  • Sraracha
  • Venanatis Spiderling
  • Wisp

Old School RuneScape Skilling Pets Tier List

If you're not a combat person, don't worry - Old School RuneScape still has a few pets you can earn. There are eight skilling pets in the game, which you obtain by training their respective OSRS skills. With these pets, the higher your level in that specific skill, the more chance you have of receiving them. Sure, you can technically get a skilling pet dro??p at level 1, but you're much more likely to see them on players with 99 instead.

Like combat pets, skilling pets are purely for aesthetics. You don't get an XP boost in any skills for having one, so you must decide which ones you like the look of the most before grinding for them. Since they have no tangible benefits, we're ranking these OSRS pets based on how cool they look in-game.

S Tier

  • Giant Squirrel (Agility)
  • Tangleroot (Farming)

A Tier

  • Baby Chinchompa (Hunting)
  • Rift Guardian (Runecraft)
  • Rocky (Thieving)

B Tier

  • Beaver (Woodcutting)
  • Rock Golem (Mining)

C Tier

  • Heron (Fishing)

Old School RuneScape Miscellaneous Pets Tier List

There are 13 pets in Old School RuneScape that don't involve combat or skilling to obtain. Some are found in quests, others in minigames - the point is, they don't fit into either of th??e ??previous categories.

Because you're not relying on luck to get most of these pets, they ca??n b?e perfect for players who want a follower without having to grind for days on end.

S Tier

  • Bloodhound
  • Hellcat
  • Quetzin

A Tier

  • Abyssal Protector
  • Chompy Chick
  • Herbi
  • Lil' Creator
  • Pet Penance Queen

B Tier

  • Broav
  • Cat
  • Pet Rock

C Tier

  • Pet Fish
  • Toy Cat

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// 0 580715
betvisa888 betJagex Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Fri, 16 Aug 2024 20:46:34 +0000 // Old School RuneScape

While skills are the heart of Old School RuneScape's gameplay, Jagex's legendary MMO?RPG also features a selection of minigames to break up the game's grind, where players can try something totally new.

There are 46 Old School RuneScape minigames in total. We've separated them into combat and skilling Tier Lists, as well as a final category for ?those that just ?don't fit into either.

Old School RuneScape
Image via Jagex

Old School RuneScape Combat Minigames Tier List

Old School RuneScape combat minigames are some of the most popular content in the entire game. Jagex has done a great job of creating a variety of minigames that encompass both PvP and PvE content, each with its own unique gameplay. Many of the game's meta combat items for different levels can be earned from these minigames, too, so some are essential if you want to have best-in-class gear. Items like the infernal cape and elite void knight set make playing all 21 of these Old School RuneScape combat minigames well worth the time.

To rank these minigames, we're considering a few different factors. Fun is obviously at the forefront, but you just can't ignore the potent?ial rewards for each, either. Then, there are current activity levels to consider. Sure, Castle Wars is iconic and was a blast to play back in 2007, but what good is it if you can't actually find a match nowadays?

S Tier

  • Barbarian Assault
  • Inferno
  • Nightmare Zone
  • Pest Control
  • Shades of Mort'ton
  • TzHaar Fight Cave

A Tier

  • Bounty Hunter
  • Fortis Colosseum
  • Last Man Standing
  • Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup
  • The Gauntlet
  • Warriors' Guild

B Tier

  • Castle Wars
  • Clan Wars
  • Soul Wars
  • Temple Trekking
  • TzHaar Fight Pit
  • TzHaar-Ket-Rak's Challenges

C Tier

  • Emir's Arena
  • Mage Arena
  • Tackle Organised Crime

Old School RuneScape Skilling Minigames Tier List

If combat minigames in Old School RuneScape aren't quite your style, then the skilling options might tickle your fancy. There are 23 of these in total, each focusing on one of Old School RuneScape's skills and giving players a unique way to train it. The XP ra?tes may not be a?s good as grinding out more traditional training methods, but you'll have a lot more fun this way.

We've placed these minigames in a similar fashion to the combat offerings. Fun and rewards are important, but for s?killing, we've also consid?ered XP rates for each one's respective skills.

S Tier

  • Hallowed Sepulchre
  • Pyramid Plunder
  • Rogues' Den
  • Trouble Brewing
  • Forestry

A Tier

  • Blast Furnace
  • Guardians of the Rift
  • Impetuous Impulses
  • Ranging Guild

B Tier

  • Brimhaven Agility Arena
  • Fishing Trawler
  • Gnome Ball
  • Mage Training Arena
  • Mess
  • Sorceress's Garden
  • Tears of Guthix
  • Tithe Farm
  • Volcanic Mine

C Tier

  • Blast Mine
  • Giants' Foundry
  • Gnome Restaurant
  • Mahogany Homes
  • Stealing Artefacts

Old School RuneScape Miscellaneous Minigames Tier List

Although it's rare, there are a couple of Old School RuneScape minigames that don't involve any form of? combat or skilling. These are few and far between but are great for those moments when you want to take a break from the usual g?ameplay pattern.

S Tier

  • Burthorpe Games Room

A Tier

  • Rat Pits

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// 0 579088
betvisa cricketJagex Archives – Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // // Thu, 15 Aug 2024 22:20:25 +0000 //

As part of today's RuneScape Ahead, developer Jagex revealed the upcoming roadmap for the popular MMORPG RuneScape, through the rest of 2024 and into 2025. Playe??rs can expect to see 110 skilling updates, new combat bosses, new storylines, a highly requested new area expansion, and the addition of the highly-anticipated Group Ironman mode.


The new Group Ironman mode will allow up to five friends to start a brand new RuneScape adventure without any sort of XP bonuses and without the ability to benefit in any way from players outside of the group they start with. In an effort to make the mode more functional, those participa??ting in Group Ironman mode will have access to Group Storage as well as unique rewards including cosmetics and milestone capes. The new mode is expected to be released later this year alongside the new Harvest Hollow seasonal event and the add?ition of a new Necromancy Conjure Ability titled Phantom Guardian.

Before the new mode, players can expect to see the release of an all-new boss dungeon called the Sanctum of Rebirth alongside a skilling update to 110 Mining and Smithing, and a new skilling boss titled ??Gate of Elidnis with its own launch event and story quest.

Heading into 2025, 110 Runecrafting and Crafting will also get a skilling update, as well as a skilling rebalance and the addition of two new story quests and a new combat bass, the Amascut Showdown. Finally, in late 2025, a new area expansion is planned for release in RuneScape.

Those interested in seeing the future of RuneScape as the developers delve into more detail about the new roadmap can do so by checking out a special live stream taking place tomorrow, August 16 on the official RuneScape Twitch channel.

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