betvisa888 cricket betResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // Probably About Video Games Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:42:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 cricket betResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Thu, 19 Oct 2017 02:04:00 +0000 //

Going retro to get ready for Raid

The Switch versions of Resident Evil: Revelations 1 and 2 have a unique way of preparing players for Raid mode. They each have their own mini-game that appears to be exclusive? to Nintendo's console.

Revelations 1's game is called "Ghost Ship Panic" and it's a vertical shooter of sorts. The sequel has a more interesting take. It's called "Ghouls 'n Homunculi" -- a riff on the Capcom-developed Ghosts 'n Goblins. ??Trailers for both of the mini-games are embedded below.

As for how these fit into the larger game, Capcom says that players can earn BP and gold in the mini-games to use for their runs through the action-oriented Raid mode. Nice to see something new for when the Resident Evil: Revelations games come to Switch, t?he last platform they could reasonably land on, on November 28.


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// 0 223412
betvisa888 liveResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match // // Thu, 07 Sep 2017 23:30:00 +0000 //

Storage Wars

The Nintendo Switch doesn't have a lot of built in storage space for game downloads. While it is expandable with an SD Card, one way to mitigate the lack of a larger hard drive is by going the physical route. Game carts for the Switch don't (typically) require an install and you can amass a large collection of games without really needing to worry about filling up the 32 GB of storage the console has. That is, unless you plan on getting the Resident Evil: Revelations collection.

Capcom has updated the official Resident Evil website with information on the upcoming duo of remastered titles and it certainly isn't good news for people with storage concerns. Going the digital route will absolutely require an SD Card, since the first game clocks in at 13 GB and the second game takes up a whopping 26 GB. You can opt for them individually, however. You'd think physical buyers would be safe, but apparently the boxed copy only contains Revelations 1 on the cartridge, while 2 is only offered as a download code.

So, if you're really lucky and don't happen to have a lot of stuff on your Switch, you might be able to get away without using an SD Card if you go physical or only nab one game digitally. For most people, though, that isn't going to happen. Even without owning any retail games digitally, the few Nintendo titles I do own have patches that are a few hundred MB each, which roughly takes up a GB combined. Since system formatting isn't a 1:1 ratio, each Switch console has roughly 30 GB of usable storage, which means Revelations 2 will be eating up around 86% of your console's storage alone. That is the true horror of Resident Evil.

So while its unfortunate, I'd rather have you guys informed about this before buying the collection and realizing you can't actually play it. At least SD Cards aren't too outrageous in price and are constantly coming down. Eventu?ally you'll be able to buy a 400 GB card and then storage space won't even be an issue.

Resident Evil Revelations Collection [Capcom]

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// 0 222407
betvisa loginResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Tue, 01 Aug 2017 10:00:00 +0000 //

Sideways compatible

Resident Evil: Revelations 1 and 2 have appeared on tons of consoles, especially the first, and now they headed to the Nintendo Switch in "late 2017" according to Capcom. They will release together as the Resident Evil: Revelations Collection for $39.99 in North America. The first will also release on Xbox One and ??PlayStation 4 on August 29 for $19.99 digitally.

This collection includes a physical cart for Revelations 1 and a voucher to download Revelations 2 digitally. Otherwise both can be digitally downloaded separ??ately for $19.99 a piece. Outside of North America the games are digitally only.

They will play at 1920x1080 with an "improved framerate," improved?? environmental detail, and refined creature movement. All DLC is included and unlockable within the game. The Raid Map Ghost Ship will get a remix called Chaos with new enemy placements and more powerful weapons.

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// 0 202964
betvisa888 liveResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Tue, 18 Aug 2015 14:00:00 +0000 //

Framerate issues

Despite the polarized reception, I loved Resident Evil: Revelations 2. It might have something to do with the fact that I beat the entire core game, as well as every Raid Mode level with a co-op partner, but I had a blast even when I was going at it solo. At this point you don't need to buy it piecemeal, and can net all of the DLC, including the two extra episodes, the Raid Mode map pack, and the extra costumes and characters.

Despite the fact that it also comes with everything for $30, the Vita version, ??however, is plagued with issues. For starters, the load times are abnormally long. The colors are also washed out, and most importantly, the framerate issues (which aren't present in the original versions) are jarring, especially in the particularly tense Raid Mode, where every second counts.

If you're insistent on picking up this version the control??s actually work great, with the same exact setup as the previous editions -- you just need to tap on th??e screen to duck. However, with no Cross-Save or Cross-Buy proposition, $30 is a tall order for a release that's inferior in every way, and isn't even available physically. Stick with the console version instead.

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// 0 169952
betvisa casinoResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Fri, 08 May 2015 13:00:00 +0000 //

Europe, North America, and Japan

Across the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One platforms, Capcom has shipped 1.1 million units of Resident Evil Revelations 2 worldwide. Capcom apparently arrived at this number by calculating full Season Pass sales alon??gside of retail sales (shipped?? units). So even with the "shipped" caveat attached, it likely did very well digitally.

Although some people didn't dig Revelations 2, in my mind, Capcom has been doing right by the franchise, coupled with the great sales of Resident Evil HD. Let's just hope they don't screw it up with th?e next follow-up.

There is one troubling phrase though that was used in Capcom's financial report. They call the episodic method in which Revelations 2 was provided, "ingenious." The fact that they seem so proud of this doesn't sit well with me, almost like an omen of what's to come. I wasn't really opposed to the format with Revelations because it actually worked out well in?? the end, but I can foresee a board room meeting where top brass are saying "serialize everything!"

Financial Results for ?the Fiscal Yea?r Ended March 31, 2015 [Capcom]

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// 0 163965
betvisa888 cricket betResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Tue, 17 Mar 2015 06:01:00 +0000 //

A fitting finale

That's it, folks. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is finally done with its odd episodic format, delivering small chunks every week for the past month or so. The final package is out in all of its glory, in?cluding the disc version that should be hitting stores this week.

It's been quite an amazing ride, due in part to the best take on the Mercenaries and Raid Mode formula yet, and a nice callback to so?me of my favorite games in the series.

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 4 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One [reviewed])
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Released: March 17, 2015 (Episode 4)
MSRP: Fou??r episodes ($5.99 each), Season?? Pass ($24.99), boxed ($39.99)

[Now that everything is said and done, you can read reviews for the first three episodes here (12, and 3), an assessment of the Raid Mode DLC here as well as a tips guide, an explanation of what the "Extra Episodes" are here, and a full breakdown of all the prices here.]

While Claire and Moira took the main stage last time, Barry and Natalia are decidedly the focus in the final episode. The former pair has a really short episode ahead of them, whi??ch answers nearly all of the questions posed so far and explains how everything unfolded before Barry ended up on the island. You'll make your way through a cool little laboratory area to get said answers, with a final non-combat confrontation with the Overseer, and a short action-oriented sequence. It's brief, and sweet.

I'm really im??pressed by the Barry side in the fourth episode however, as it may be the best chapter yet. It's long, varied, and full of tense moments, especially with the continued dynamic of Barry and Natalia. There are plenty of miniature puzzles on-hand that surpass the crate-based affair of the previous chapter, and the maps are a bit more open this time with plenty?? of hidden areas and nooks.

One of my favorite elements involves areas with ??a deadly gas, where both Barry and Natalia are forced to constantly move to higher ground to get a breath of fresh air. You can spend roughly 30 seconds in the gas before the screen starts to become hazy and you pass out, which lends itself well to some tricky section??s with lengthy mine tunnels filled with enemies who are impervious to its effects. To say it gets tense is an understatement.

The finale, without spoiling too much, takes place in a setting similar to the very first Resident Evil game. It's a lot smaller than a fully fledged Spencer Mansion, but it's easily the highlight of Revelations 2 for me, and brings back plenty of fond memories -- especially so? for the Tyrant-like final boss fight. More of this, Capcom.

It's at this point that I started to really go back and see what I could squeeze out of eve??rything -- and it's a hell of a lot. I completed a few previous chapters in the Time Attack mode setting, one chapter with invisible enemies, and I went back and found a lot of hidden emblems and secrets that I missed. There's a ton of special extras like a classic black and white horror filter setting, bonus weapons, costumes, concept art, and multiple difficulty settings to master. Finding out that Episode 3 had a small alternate ending for Claire's story is also pretty awesome.

Over the past month, Raid Mode has also stood the test of time, and I still play it on a weekly basis. I've said pretty much everything that needs to be said about it in past reviews, but I can't stress enough how deep it is, and how long it will take to truly complete, even wit?h one character. Capcom really outdid itself for this one, and I'm looking forward to the next evolution.

At the end of its road, I'm happy to recommend Resident Evil: Revelations 2. It's my favorite Resident Evil in years, and with a pricetag that's $20 cheaper than most retail releases, it offers up hundreds of hours of entertainment for those who are willing to dig into Raid Mode. Like many other classic entries before it, I'll be happily playing ?this one years down the line.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game's Season Pass provided by the publisher. DLC was purchased by the reviewer.]

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// 0 185238
betvisa888 casinoResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Tue, 10 Mar 2015 06:00:00 +0000 //

I hope you like sewers, kid

When I first approached Resident Evil: Revelations 2, I was fairly cautious. I had been burned many times by Resident Evil games in the past, but having played through Episode 1 and 2, most of my concerns were alleviated.

At this point, I think I can heartily recommend Revelations 2 a?s a whole, even if Episod??e 3 drags momentarily.

Resident Evil Revelations 2: Episode 3 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One [reviewed])
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Released: March 10, 2015 (Episode 3)
MSRP: Four episodes ($5.99 each), Season Pass ($24.99), boxed ???($39.99)

This time around Claire and Moira find themselves in a spooky ruined factory, which keeps the good?? creepy vibes of the past two episodes going. The area isn't as straightforward as most, offering up a few fun puzzles, including a classic Spencer Mansion spike ceiling, and a neat flashlight-centric section. It gives Moira more to do without forcing it, and?? is especially fun with two players.

I particularly loved the slaughterhouse part of the episode, with waist-high pools of blood and plenty of creepy slasher-flick imagery -- same with the sewers. The stealth sections also feel warranted and not wasted. The pair is definitely the focal poi??nt this time around, as their story is roughly twice as long as Barry's portion. Claire's conclusion features a boss fight, which operates similarly to past Tyrant confrontations. All in all it's a great outing for the duo.

Barry's bit doesn't last that long, but it's basically one big box puzzle after a short foray into the sewers. Natalia's sixth-sense powers still come into play in a big way, but with a lack of new enemies it isn't quite as exciting as the previous episodes where anything could happen. The box part as a whole isn't bad, per se, but it's reminiscent of the tedium that older games exhibited from time to time. Still, the combat holds up, and makes up for any dull m?oments.

Plus, I'm definitely happy with how the big picture is ?coming along this far into release. At this point I've gone back to past episodes to earn more costumes and extras, trying to get the best rank possible to unlock even more while earning experience along the way. I've also been on a medallion hunt kick, and damn those things are hidden quite well. It's old-school gaming at its finest, and it feels more true to the series than a lot of other games have.

Of course, Raid Mode is still the main draw for me, and the more I've p?layed, the happier I've become. The systems are starting to show even more depth than before?? as I accumulate a larger weapon pool, and the modification system used for customizing weapons and making them your own is excellent.

I've also stumbled across the Inherit mechanic, which allows you to pass on unique traits or abilities (like Wesker's evade cancel or Hunk's cloaking) to other characters. I have zero interest or need for DLC, which hasn't been? necessary even this far down the line. Playing Very Hard mode with all of your skills in tow and the weapons you've crafted is simply amazing.

If you were on the fence for Resident Evil: Revelations 2, you may as well wait a week and pick up th??e disc version. Stay tuned next week to find out how the final episode is and what my thoughts are on the complete package.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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// 0 184889
betvisa loginResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Tue, 03 Mar 2015 19:30:00 +0000 //

Feature currently in open beta

There was drama last week surrounding the lack of splitscreen cooperative play in the Campaign and Raid Mode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 for PC -- not only because that's a nice fe??ature to have, but because Capcom "mistakenly" listed it in the product description on Steam. Whoops.

The company has since come back with an unexpectedly quick resolution. Local co-op can now be patched in (install instructions here), though the feature is in beta. There are known issues. "Fo?r any??one who isn't satisfied with this option, refunds are available through Steam," says Capcom.

I'm still trying to decide if I should get into Revelations 2 for a single episode, or if it's be?st to commit to the full package. Also, which platform to go with. This update has me leaning toward ??PC.

Splitscreen Co-op Beta Coming Soon [Steam] [Image source]

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// 0 160786
betvisa loginResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Tue, 03 Mar 2015 14:00:00 +0000 //

It's not that bad

Resident Evil Revelations 2 is halfway done with its episodic release schedule, and it's already confused a ton of people. At the request of a ton of readers, I've broken down everythin??g that Capcom has planned so far for the game.

It's not that bad in terms of pricing if you enjoy the series' Raid Mode? (Mercenaries reborn) -- I've gotten at least 40 hours of playtime from the first $6 episode so far.

By the episode:

If you opt to not go all out (due to caution or budgeting), you can buy everything individually. All four episodes are priced at $5.99 each,?? and there's a decent amount of DL??C to go with it. Episodes include a one to two hour story each, and roughly 50 Raid Mode missions.

Right now in terms of DLC, you can buy Hunk for $2.50, Wesker for $2.50, a map pack for $5, and a four-character costume pack for $9.99 (with individual options for $2.99). There's also a handful of Raid Mode upgrades that you absolutely do ??not need.

The only thing you cannot get this way is the set of two "bonus" episodes, which come with the Season Pass. Capcom has not revealed whethe??r or not they are exclusive to the pass. Expect?? coverage for both bonuses when the final episode is released.

If you bought all the actual content piecemeal it would cost roughly $44.

Season Pass:

As previously stated, the Season Pass will net you all four episodes, as well as the two bonus ones, and Hunk. The Season Pass is priced at $25. If you bought Wesker, the map pack, and the costumes, you'd be out $42.50 but you'd have everything.

If you can't wait for the physical edition, I recommend not getting the costumes and coming out at $32.50 for everything important. This is the cheapest option availa??ble and you get every bit of non-cosmetic content.


Of course, you can go physical for $40, and you get everything -- no fancy math needed.

You also get ?the disc, which you can keep forever and display. It will be released after the last episode hits. There's even a $40 "everything" digital edition.


If you still li??ke physical media, just wait and go that route. You'll have a ton of content to play for weeks on end just like a full retail release.

If you don't want to wait and want to save a bit of cash, get the Season Pass, an??d buy what DLC interests you (I don't recommend the costumes or the map pack).

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// 0 160751
betvisa888 betResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Tue, 03 Mar 2015 07:01:00 +0000 //

We're gonna need a bigger drill

I didn't expect to enjoy the first episode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 as much as I did. It was nice t?o see Barry? and Claire back in action, and the co-op elements were implemented in a neat asynchronous manner. Not to mention the killer Raid Mode that might be the best iteration yet.

The good times keep rolling in Episode 2 with a great atmosphere, more Raid levels, and an compelling-enough ??narrative.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2: Episode 2 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One [reviewed])
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Released: March 3, 2015 (Episode 2)
MSRP: Four episodes ($5.99 each), Season Pass ($24.99), boxed ($39.99)

[For a better idea of what to expect in terms of mechanics, you can check out my initial review of Episode 1, which includes an overview of the base package.]

The story pick?s off minutes from our last journey with Claire and Moira, braving the unknown island and coming to terms with their captor. I'm really liking the pacing in each episode, as you're given little nuggets here and there to help uncover the mystery. It helps keep you interested without giving away too much, and I'm especially enjoying the ties to the older games in the series. Towards the end, there's a big reveal that deals with a particularly popular character.

Claire and Moira's starting area is one of my favorites yet, evoking more Resident Evil 4 memories, including a crazy chainsaw (drill) fiend. My favorite bit? A Michael Jackson "Thriller" house survival portion. Like I said, RE4. There's also lots of nooks and crannies to explore with items to help you on your journey. Ite?m placements are frequent but never overdone, leading to a good compromise between the scarce-ammo old titles and arsenal-based new ones.?? Don't get it twisted, though -- this is a linear game at heart.

Barry and Natalia once again steal the show, especially with a new type of monster that is completely invisible to Barry. It's really fun if you're playing co-op, as the second player will have to literally direct the first -- which can be tough even in split-screen. It leads to some tense and hilarious moments, and helps accentuate how Capcom nailed co-op in Revelations 2. Claire's tale has a few new enemies as well, including one boss fight that's a (delightful) pain in the ass o??n higher difficulties.

As I've progressed through each episode and unlocked more of the experience tree, Revelations 2 has started to show its depth. I think the evade cancel maneuver is probably the biggest game-changer, as it allows you to cancel out of ??moves instantly, turning the experience into more of a technical action game. ?Again, the legacy controls are still there if you want them. Truly the best of both worlds.

In terms of replay value, there's a lot here for a budget-priced game. The collectibles are very well hidden, and I've only found half of them with a decent amount of searching. It will easily take multiple playthroughs to find and complete everything, and I'm happy to do it. Oh, and the new Raid Mode stages (roughly 50 with e?ach episode)? are par for the course, which is a good thing.

If you enjoyed the first episode, it's safe to say you'll get your money's worth in the second. So long as you can deal with some backtracking, Resident Evil: Revelations 2: Episode 2 has enough action to k??eep you interested throughout, in addition to a few unique concepts. But really, it's Raid Mode that keeps me coming back for more on a daily basis. The episodic presentat??ion is odd, but at this part it's starting to feel like a complete game.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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// 0 160424
betvisa888 cricket betResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:30:00 +0000 //

RE6 and Revelations 1 aren't exactly 'throwbacks'

Ever since I got my hands on Resident Evil: Revelations 2, I've been playing Raid Mode on a daily basis. It's addicting, and the more I play it, the more I think it's the best iteration of Mercenaries/Raid yet. This mode is deep -- I'm coming up on 40 hours with it, and that's just with the first Episode's worth of missions ($6). For science, I tested out the "Throwback" DLC pack last weekend, and was underwhelmed considering the? price and moniker, which can be considered a misnomer at best.

It's $4.99, and although it technically provides you with 12 levels, it's actually only four maps spread across three difficulties. Three of the maps are from Resident Evil 6, and one is from the Queen Zenobia cruise ship from the first Revelations -- not exactly a "throwback" with two of the latest games in the franchise, right? If Capcom really wanted people's money, it needed to recreate the halls of the Spencer Mansion or the streets of Raccoon City. Resident Evil 6 is?? represe??nted enough in the core maps as it is.

Having said that, the DLC can be fun enough if you can't get enough of Raid Mode and want more. The second mission features a cool tiered arena with mini-boss fights, set to the beautiful central cruise ship mezzanine. The third is a defense mission with ?multiple paths to defend, and the fourth kicks things off with a ranged shootout of sorts before turning into one of the biggest battlegrounds in the game.

While the Throwback Map Pack may not be worth picking up, expect a review of Episode 2 early tomorrow morning.

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// 0 160747
betvisa casinoResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - براہ راست کرکٹ | // // Tue, 24 Feb 2015 07:01:00 +0000 //

Barry is back, baby

Resident Evil is in a weird place. After the middling Resident Evil 6 and the public flogging of Operation Raccoon City, I'm sure Capcom got the message that it needed to go back to basics. It did just that with Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS, which was met with enough positivity to warrant a ??full-on set of console ports.

Then Capcom reached overwhelming amounts of success with Resident Evil HD, a game that's as basic as you get in terms of fundamental survivor horror. Resident Evil: Revelations 2 may be more action-oriented than some other entries, bu?t it's a damn fine showing for the series.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2: Episode 1 (PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One [reviewed])
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Released: February 24, 2015 (Episode 1)
MSRP: Four episodes ($5.99 each), Season Pass ($24.99), boxed ($39.99)

Revelations 2 is being presented in a peculiar way. Instead of using the traditional retail model, Capcom is opting to release the game episodically, with one chapter each week and a chunk of Raid Mode missions. You can buy individual episodes for $6 a piece, spring for the $25 Season Pass, or buy the disc-based version for $40, which comes with a few extras (though, eventually, said extras will be on sale via DLC). Weird distribution aside, Revelations 2 is worth paying money for at any level.

The core story sees series regular Claire Redfield in the line of fire once again, th??is time paired with Barry Burton's daughter, Moira. After an ambush at a benefit involving their employer, the pair are whisked away to a dungeon-like setting with no real memory of how they got there, or where they are. Around their wrists are bracelets that change color based on a person's fear level, whic??h are seemingly part of some human-testing initiative.

It's here you'll encounter the newly minted Afflicted, the main enemy of Revelations 2. Like past games they're similar to the more flighty undead seen from Resident Evil 5 on, but there are plenty of slow-moving zombies of old and unique denizens to outwit. Claire and Moira will move and operate as a team which, yes, means that co-op or forced AI partnership is in. Don't worry though, because Capcom has made some com?promises to how the system works. Instead of two powerhouses running around with a mini-arsenal blowing up zombies at will, Claire is the brawn, and Moira functions as a support class of sorts.

While Claire wields the knife and pistol combo early on into the story, Moira can blind enemies with her flashlight and beat zomb??ies down with a crowbar. This system is framed in such a way that Moira "hates guns" due to an incident in her past, and for the most part works. AI is competent enough where it doesn't constantly screw you, and isn't so powerful that it cuts the tension. Plus, you can change between characters if you want.

Local co-op is where it's at, especially if you have a dynamic where the first player taking the mantle is a Resident Evil veteran, and the second is a newcomer to the series. Moira can shine her light to highlight certain areas, which is great for co-op play, as well as locate and identify extra items for Claire. Moira als????o isn't a pushover, as her blinding power and crowbar are fun to use and work well in tandem with another player.

The other pair is Barry and Natalia, who serve as the second act of the first episode, taking place at an undetermined ??time after the first duo's adventure. While Barry is just as badass as he was in his STARS days, Natalia is a little girl who can't directly attack enemies unless she finds a brick in the environment. There is a catch that makes her a bit more interesting than Moira -- she can "sense" enemies and traps through walls (represented with a mist of sorts) -- and point at locations or weakpoints to make them visible on Barry's screen.

It sounds like a passiv?e mechanic, but it's really fun to see it in action as it can get fairly tactical. In one area a small army of enemies piled through a barrier, and my co-op partner quickly identified each enemy to assist in my attack while I made sure to protect her from harm. It's a unique way of doing things as long as the second player is ok with the role.

Control-wise, Revelations 2 also uses the "new" action style of play, which allows for full movement control and dodging. If you're feeling a little nostalgic you can opt for a handful of other control schemes, including one that mirrors Resident Evil 4 -- nice touch, Capcom. ;To top it all off there's an experience system kept up between ??episodes, which lets you customize your skill set sli??ghtly by way of a skill tree.

In terms of the story, while the dialog is just as "B-movie" as the rest of the franchise (Moira's swear-heavy millennial dialog is groan worthy), the Saw-like premise is interesting enough to keep you entertained throughout. The identity of your captor is always ?on your mind, as is the function of Claire and Moira's bracelets, and the origin of Natalia's powers. It's a shame that Alyson Court wasn't asked to return to voice Claire. Whether it's the brevity of each episode or other details like Court's absence, you can't shake the feeling at times that it doesn't quite feel l??ike a full game.

Having said that, I appreciate other improvements like the attempt to tie in Revelations 2 with the rest of the series (but not so much so that newcomers will be lost), which the original Revelations didn't really do. There is retreading involved between the two stories, but it's minimal and mostly justified. Of course, there's a cliffhange?r to keep you on edge for the next episode.

One of my favorite bits is the setting, which should make classic fans happy. Although the Queen Zenobia from the first game was a cool enough area with its endless supply of dark hallways, I wasn't digging the snowy tundras or the swanky office buildings later in the story. The atmosphere in Revelations 2 is well done, from the creepy bloody dungeons to the dark forests that dot the island. The eerie outdoor scenes really remind of Resident Evil 4, which is a good thing.

Raid Mode returns, but it's completely new, and dare I say, superior to any past incarnation. This time around there's a cool new setup similar to BioShock 2's multiplayer, with a miniature story integra?ted into the experience. As part of the Red Queen Alpha simulator, you'll slowly unlock more audio bits as time goes on, giving you some background as to why you're doing what you do.

For the uninitiated, Raid Mode is basically a modified version of Mercenaries. Instead of taking on a giant endless playground of foes for a top score, you'll engage in mission-based combat with various parameters as you acquire new weapons, gear, abilities, and characters. If you're a fan of Mercs, Revelations 2 may have the ??most fully-fledged mode yet, even ??if you're just picking up the first episode.

Missions range from locations that appear in the current game to past entries (mostly RE6 in Episode 1), and task you with killing enemies, protecting objectives, or making it through a miniature campaign mission alive. Some levels are structured as actual stages with a start and end point, some are playgrounds to slaughter enemies until the exit appears. Since the rewards come fast and often, it's addicting to just play "on?e more stage" to try and reap the rewards and e?xperience, unlocking completely new tactics and powers.

Abilities range from active to passive, such as Molotov cocktails and the power to heal yourself more often. Your primary objective beyond leveling is to get "Medallions" -- the maximum of which are awarded if you don't use healing items and kill every en?emy in the mission. While you can shamble through some of the earlier levels, you'll need to gather some Medallions eventually to unlock the later stages, or the Hard?? and Very Hard modes -- where Merc veterans will thrive.

To say I was surprised by the new Raid Mode is an understatement, as I would pay full price just to play it. Plus, you can make Barry do the robot or dance like he's in a hip hop video. GOTY? There are 54 Raid Mode missions in the first pack, an??d over 200 when all is said and done with the final episode. There are secret characters to unlock for Raid, costumes, and the campaign features extra time attack and invisible enemy modes. There are 89 unlockables in all, which is hefty considering the price.

Resident Evil: Revelations 2 feels like a budgeted release at times visually, but given th??e interesting environme??nts and insanely detailed Raid Mode, that's okay. Either mode is worth the $6 entry fee alone, and I will be playing this for weeks to come both alone and with a partner.

Expect reviews for subsequent episodes each week.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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betvisa cricketResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:00:00 +0000 //

Rawr. Zombies.

Couple of decent deals this weekend with next week's Resident Evil Revelations 2 Complete Season pricing in at only $19.50 for the PC (its also the last call on the pre-order bonus of the raid mode map pack). The even-more-c??omplete version of the game is $31.50 by using the same discount at GMG.

GamersGate's 10th Anniversary sale continues, though it should have ended earlier this week. Now kicked into "Extended" mode, they're offering $18 Battlefield 4 and $22.50 Metro Redux among other discount.

Last on the docket includes two game card deals for cheap: grab basically 20% off anything on PSN as PayPal is selling a $50 PSN card for only $40; meanwhile NewEgg via eBay has a $35.99 12 months Xbox Live Gold membership.

Update 2/24: New 25% off coupon at GMG makes a bigger discount. See details below.

Top Deals

Revelations 2: (editions breakdown here)




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      betvisa888Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Fri, 20 Feb 2015 02:00:00 +0000 //

      Eye-poppin' deals! (Not really.)

      On February 25, 2015 Capcom will release Resident Evil Revelations 2 for PC in episodic format along with two?? editions (just to spice up the confusion level).

      On Steam, there's "The Complete Season" for $24.99, and then a version just labeled Resident Evil Revelations 2 for $39.99.

      When you think of a "Complete" version you think you'd get more content... but the opposite is true in this situation. The $39.99 version could more accurately be labeled as the the actual Complete Edition (vs. Season), as it comes with all the DLC extras not included in the? Complete Season edition. (More on this below).

      In terms of deals, we've found two retailers with decent prices for the PC version. Over at GMG, the $39.99 Resident Evil Revelations 2 is only $29.99 in its VIP Gaming sale -- just login or create an account on this page to see the discount and proceed to checkout. The cheaper "Complete Season" is only $19.50 after a 22% off coupon at GMG. Also available is a 20% discount from DLGa??mer, another authori??zed retailer.

      Update 2/24/15: A new 25% coupon at GMG is available for 24 hours only. See details below:

      Complete Game:

      "Complete Season"

      Editions Breakdown:

      The two edition? differences mainly have to do with "Raid Mode" DLC content. Both editions for sale include the entire four episodes of the game (which release about a week apart from each other) and two additional bonus episodes. Both editions will get you the bonus character: HUNK.

      The Resident Evil Revelations 2 "Complete Edition" f?or $39.99 gets you three additional DLCs.

      1. In addition to HUNK, you'll also be able to play as Wesker in Raid Mode.
      2. You get the "Raid Mode Throwback Map Pack" which includes throwback maps from recent Resident Evil games (I'd expect some of the Revelations 1 maps in this).
      3. A Raid Mode character costume pack.

      Note: If you pre-order the "Complete Season" edition of the game you'll also get the "Throwback Map Pack," making the difference between the two editions even less.

      Game deal from Dealzon. FYI: sales from certain retailers help support Destructoid.

        The post Resident Evil Revelations 2? arrives next week with deals and two editio??ns appeared first on Destructoid.

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        betvisa888Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Thu, 29 Jan 2015 18:30:00 +0000 // The post Reside?nt Evil is The Beatles, Th??e Last of Us is The Offspring appeared first on Destructoid.

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        betvisa888 liveResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Tue, 27 Jan 2015 16:15:00 +0000 //

        Lots of maps

        Resident Evil Revelations 2 will bring back Raid Mode, and Capcom has taken to its blog to explain everything. When you buy the initial episode, you'll get bo??th the campaign and 54 ??Raid Mode missions on three difficulties. More maps will come with additional episodes, and in the end, there will be over 200.

        You can do split-screen co-op (yes!) initially, but online play won't be available until "shortly after the final episode launches in March." New weapons, parts, and skills are in, as are 15 playable characters, some of which will eventually be availabl?e as paid DLC.

        The disc version that will be released eventually for $39.99 will come with Wesker, and the digital edition for $24.99 comes with Hun??k. Capcom has made it clear that you won't be locked out of anything either way, and all content will go on sale.

        Resident Evil Revelations 2 - Raid Mode rundown [Capcom Unity]

        The post Capcom FAQ clarifies everything you get with RE: Revelations 2’s Raid Mode appeared first on Destructoid.

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        betvisa loginResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Tue, 27 Jan 2015 07:01:00 +0000 //

        Sans Jill Sandwich

        Capcom has been on quite a roll lately. With the announcement of Street Fighter V, new releases in the Devil May Cry series coming, and the recent success of its HD Remaster for Resident Evil, it seems like the once troubled publisher has found its way back to the hearts of fans. And with the reveal of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 late last year, it has plenty more in store fo?r fans of the sur??vival horror series.

        I got the opportunity to play a decent chunk of Revelations 2 last year, and I was pretty impressed with how the mystery was being brought back to the series. Dabbling into episodic gaming, this installment is set to be released through four episodes; one will release every week from February 24th to March 18th. It's a pretty experimental, and unique take on Resident Evil, and that might be just what the franch?ise needs.

        But just before its debut next month, the folks at Capcom invited me out to get another crack at their experiment. And during my session, I got reacq?uainted with an old buddy from the series' past, and even got to take the new and improved Raid Mode?? for a test run.

        Resident Evil: Revelations 2 (PC,  PS3, PS4 [previewed], Xbox 360, Xbox One)
        Developer: Capcom
        Publisher: Capcom
        Release Date: February 24, 2015 (Episode One) 
        MSRP: $5.99 per episode / $24.99 season pass (including DLC) / $39.99 retail disc

        Taking place between Resident Evil 5 and 6, Claire Redfield and Moira Burton (daughter of S.T.A.R.S veteran Barry Burton) have been kidnapped and trapped on an abandoned prison island filled with deadly creatures known as the Afflicted. Using their wits and teamwork, they fight their way through the facility and manage to send a distress signal to the mainland. Realizing tha?t his daughter has been kidnapped, Barry Burton journeys to the island ready for battle. Once he reaches shore, he meets a young girl named Natalia, who possesses strange powers and close ties with the mysteries on the island.

        Barry and Natalia's story picks up about halfway through Episode One. Once Claire and Moira reached a certain point in the plot, the perspective switches over to the second duo. Though Barry is definitely up to the challenge, he'll have to combat with nastier variations of the Afflicted. Similar to Resident Evil's crimson heads, these new creatures are more aggressive and are far more mut??ated than the ones Claire and Moira encountered. Some use neat tricks such as invisibility, and some ??have pustules that explode after being damaged.

        Like its predecessor, Revelations 2 will show different perspectives to the story. With Claire and Moir??a leading the charge while Barry and Natalia witness the aftermath of their ordeal and make their own unique way through the island, you'll experience multiple sides of the story as it unfolds. Additionally, decisions and actions made throughout the story will have an impact on the other team.? For instance, while in a room filled with traps, Claire and Moira used to them cover their escape from the Afflicted. Unfortunately, as Barry and Natalia enter the facility in an different way, and they find themselves on the receiving end of the traps and must deactivate them to proceed.

        Much like the dynamic between Claire and Moira, Barry and Natalia use their own unique skills together to overcome the odds. With one focusing on all the fighting, the other offers support with finding items and reaching spots that the first cannot. ?Things are a bit different for the second duo. As Barry has come to the island prepared and ready for battle, he brings with him a lot more firepower than Claire had. Moreover, Natalia possesses mysterious abilities that allow her to track nearby enemies, even through walls.

        One moment during Barry's trek outside the facility showed just how important teamwork was. While moving through a seemingly empty wooden storage house, the duo senses another creature nearby. Not knowing where its coming from, Barry pressed on. Once we got to a wooden door that was jammed, the creature began to get closer. Though I could ??have ignored it and continued with the door, I chose to investigate the surroundings. Eventually, I discovered the creature in the ceiling, which was a mutated version of the Afflicted known as the Revenant. Using Barry's arsenal, including his trusty Python, I was able to take down the creature. It was a pretty tense moment, and if I had chosen to ignore the creature, then it would've gotten the jump on Barry and Natalia.

        At this point, my time with the campaign came to a close. It was incredibly exciting to finally play as Barry Burton in a legitimate entry in the series. Yes, there's Resident Evil Gaiden, but that's regarded as non-canon, largely ignored on account of it being unceremoniously released on the Game Boy Color. Barry is such a bro,?? and seeing him take charge and kick ass was pretty great. Even though his side of the story feels largely the same as Claire's, it was still pretty exciting s??tuff. 

        My time with Revelations 2 didn't end there. After switching off the campaign, we moved right over to the new and improved Raid Mode. As one of the biggest successes with the original Revelations, Raid Mode was something of an experiment to see if they could try something new with the standard RE bonus mode. As an alternate take on the popular Mercenaries mode, Raid Mode tasks players with battling through a gauntlet of enemies while leveling up, acquiring buffs, and collecting new weapons. Think Monster Hunter, but with Resident Evil shooting and waves of enemies to take down. It was easily the most time I spent with the original game, and Capcom has decided to exp??and upon it in a big way.

        Now featuring a light story to offer some context to the chaotic battles, you play as an A.I. within a battle simulator from the Red Queen Alpha database. Within the digital HUB area, represented as a vestibule within a mansion, you're tasked with collecting data from different characters while running simulated battles against challenging foes. As you complete tasks, you'll find audio-logs that reveal more about Red Queen Alpha and its connection to the outside world. As you conquer challenges, the A.I. gains gold which can be spent on upgrades, new weapons, and new missions to engage in. Moreover, the A.I. can take the form of many different characters from RE's past and present (including Wesker and Hunk), and use their unique skills in digitally recreated areas from the main campaign, and even from previous Resident Evil titles.

        Instead of just running through a single gauntlet of missions, there are several different types to select from. Mai??n Missions are the central focus in Raid Mode, but cost currency to take part in. In order t??o prevent players from repeated loot runs on specific missions, you'll have to take part in daily missions and event challenges to gain more cash to re-enter the main missions. Each main mission pack has six levels to fight through, each with their own medals and rewards to find. 

        Every playable character can level up (maximum level 100) and has individual perks to acquire and strengthen. Much like the previous titles, you can find new weapons and upgrades for existing gear. Just like the original, Raid Mode spices up the cannon fodder by making the foes a bit beefier. Some of them possess buffs that increase speed, strength, size, and even bestow them with force-fields that soak up damage. The stages I played in were set in Tall Oaks and Edonia from Resident Evil 6, and the objec??????????????????????????tive was to clear waves of enemies while making it to the end goal.

        I had a blast playing through the Raid Mode in Revelations 2. Not only is it far more comprehensive than Mercenaries mode, but RE:R2? ups the ante with new features and content. It was great fun battling through Tall Oaks with Barry, and the variety of different enemies I faced kept things pretty interesting.

        Though I'm a bit worried that repetition could detract after the long haul, and that Raid Mode will not have online co-op play? available until sometime after the release of the final episode, Capcom seems to be pretty headstrong with supporting the game. The idea of daily challenges and updates makes me look forward to what's to come.

        With the release of the first episode of Resident Evil: Revelations 2 next month, it's going to be interesting to see how Capcom's experiment with episodic gaming will turn out. The plot certainly feels as though it wants to evoke discussion and debate among fans, and coming off the win the publisher just had with Resident Evil Remastered, it's looking like there's a bright future ahead for the once troubled Resident Evil franchise.

        The post Resident Evil: Revelations 2 brings Barry Burton and Raid mode ?center stage appeared first on Destructoid.

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        betvisa888 cricket betResident Evil: Revelations 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Tue, 14 Oct 2014 22:38:00 +0000 //


        [Update: The official Resident Evil Twitter? calls the date a placeholder and says that the true release date is still uncon?firmed.]

        Are these things usually wrong? Wait, don't answer that. But the PlayStation Store is at least somewhat reliable as a source here. It lists Resident Evil: Revelations 2 as dated for release on February 17, 2015. Or, that's when the season's ??pass for DLC content will go live, at least. 

        Capcom has yet to weigh in on this. Stay tuned. For now, read our latest preview.

        The post Resident Evil: Revelations 2 rele??ase date is Feb. 17, says PS ??Store [Update] appeared first on Destructoid.

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