betvisa cricketSlime Rancher 2 Archives – Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // Probably About Video Games Fri, 13 Dec 2024 17:22:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 betSlime Rancher 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Fri, 13 Dec 2024 17:07:53 +0000 // Slime Rancher 2 yellow portal in Grey Labyrinth

Slime Rancher 2's Grey Labyrinth is full of mysterious puzzles, slimes with peculiar abilities, and r?andom co?ntraptions without an apparent purpose. However, everything has its place in the Labyrinth, with the glowing yellow portals being especially handy if you're looking for a specific Plort type.

How to find yellow portals in Slime Rancher 2

Yellow portals spawn exclusively in Slime Rancher 2's Grey Labyrinth as part of the Into the Labyrinth update. Although you won't find many within the Labyrinth itself, outside the ruins, there are several, including some locked behind Sun Door puzzles.

Slime Rancher 2 yellow portal map
Screenshot by Destructoid

Yellow porta??ls also appear on your world map, making them easier to locate later. However, you'll need to disc??over it first beforehand, so be sure to spend plenty of time exploring.

What do yellow portals do in Slime Rancher 2?

The large yellow portals and their smaller, wispy counterparts that randomly spawn around the Grey Labyrinth convert Unstable Plorts to Prisma Plorts. Throwing an Unstable Plort into a portal will automatically turn it into a Prisma variant, a??llowing you to gain this item for future puzzles, blueprints, or money-making.

Slime Rancher 2 yellow portal Prisma Plort transformation
Screenshot by Destructoid

Alternatively, if you're far away from a yellow portal but have a smaller, glowing wisp of ??a portal n??earby, you can also throw your Unstable Plorts in them. However, these are a one-time use, so you won't be able to toss 50 in at once unless you find a bunch in quick succession. The large yellow portal doesn't despawn, so you're free to throw as many Plorts in them as you wish.

Slime Rancher 2 yellow glow in Grey Labyrinth
Screenshot by Destructoid

Unlike other Plort types, Unstable Plorts tend to fly out of your Vacpack and despawn out of existence due to their unpredictable nature, so it's difficult to transport them back to your Conservatory. Turning them into Prisma Plorts gives you an easy way to bring them back and make some solid money off them. Their prices average between 40 to 60 coins each, making them more valuable than most others, including Shadow Plorts.

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betvisa888 liveSlime Rancher 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Fri, 13 Dec 2024 16:30:09 +0000 // Slime Rancher 2 Sun Door in Grey Labyrinth

After entering Slime Rancher 2's Grey Labyrinth, meeting some shadow slimes, and uncovering a few secrets, you'll notice contraptions that look like sundials. You'll even find various doors with sundial puzzles attached but no clear indicators for op?ening them aside from a hint from Gigi.

Fortunately, while it may seem tricky at first, the solution is easier than you'd think. Here's how to open these sun doors and dials in Slime Rancher 2's Into the Labyrinth update.

How to turn Sun Door dials in Slime Rancher 2: Into the Labyrinth

Turning the sundial and unlocking any doors or secrets behind them requires shooting Shadow Slime Plorts into their green circle. In the center of this contraption is?? a green circle that, by throwing a Shadow Plort in, slowly rotates the sundial until a m?oon appears instead.

Slime Rancher 2 Sun Dial in Grey Labyrinth
Screenshot by Destructoid

The idea behind this puzzle is that, by using shadows and darkness, you'll cause the Sun to set and the moon to?? rise. Well, at least that's my interpretation of it. Regardless of its lore, you'll need Shadow Plorts for this. You won't just need a few, either. You need a ton of them. I'm talking well over 10?0 to open every Sun door and lock.

One regular Sun contraption costs around 25 Shadow Plorts to unlock, while a door requires around 50 to 60. This changes depending on the location within Grey Labyrinth. Even ?then, it's still a lot to carry at one time, especially with how Shadow Slimes behave.

The rewards you get from unlocking a Sun Door or other dial puzzles depend on its location. While a normal contraption typically gives you a decoration or gadget recipe, doors often unlock new areas of the map, important puzzle nodes, ?or items like yellow portals that transfo?rm unstable materials.

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betvisa liveSlime Rancher 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Fri, 13 Dec 2024 13:56:12 +0000 // Slime Rancher 2 Shadow Slimes

Slime Rancher 2's Into the Labyrinth update introduced the Grey Labyrinth and some particular??ly unique slimes we've never seen ?in the series. One slime that poses some challenges is the Shadow Slime. Although they're easy to find, figuring out how to get their Plorts is a different story entirely.

How to find Shadow Plorts in Slime Rancher 2: Into the Labyrinth

You can obtain Shadow Plorts by finding and feeding Shadow slimes. These slimes spawn exclusively in the? darkest parts of the Grey Labyrinth and rarely appear outside. They don't have a preferred diet, so you can throw whatever food you have in your inventory at them.

Slime Rancher 2 Shadow Plorts
Screenshot by Destructoid

Typically, as you approach a Shadow Slime, they'll start to move around erratically before disappearin?g. They're similar to Gold Slimes, aside from jumping around slightly longer, gi??ving you more time to collect their Plorts. Outside of them, treat them the same in how you spam (or carefully) throw food at them.

How to use Shadow Plorts in Slime Rancher 2: Into the Labyrinth

The main use of Shadow Plorts is to open sun doors and devices around the Grey Labyrinth. You'll find these in corners around?? the Labyrinth and attached to doors. As you throw Shadow Plorts into their green circles, the dial will slowly rotate, with the device fully unlocking once it reaches a moon symbol.

Slime Rancher 2 Sun Door in Grey Labyrinth
Screenshot by Destructoid

Depending on the door or device, you'll need anywhere from 20 to 60 Shadow Plorts. ??Important doors tend to take more, while ones that unlock new cosmetics and gadg??ets take less.

Alternatively, you can sell them at the Plort Market for extra coins. Although they??'re not worth hundreds like Gold ones �by default, they're worth slightly more than Ringtail, Boom, and Hunter Plorts �it's still worth selling them if you have no other Sun doors to open.

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betvisa888 casinoSlime Rancher 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Thu, 12 Dec 2024 20:40:15 +0000 // Grey Labyrinth in Slime Rancher 2

The Grey Labyrinth update has hit Slime Rancher 2, and it opens up a whole new area? that practically doubles the size of the map and is filled with new Slimes to capture and farm for Plorts. Getting in isn’t easy, but here’s a step-by-step guide with everything you need to know. 

The entrance to the Grey Labyrinth at the southernmo??st tip of Starlight Strand??, behind a giant Boom Gordo. However, heading straight there won’t do you any good; even if you can get past the Gordo, you’ll need to do a few things first. 

Note: It's not advisable to head directly to the Grey Labyrinth after starting a brand new save file. You'll need a lot of mid-game resources and to have progressed at least partiall?y of the way through the story, although how ??far exactly you need to get is currently unclear.

How to get into the Grey Labyrinth in Slime Rancher 2

Viktor on the Comms Station in Slime Rancher 2
Screenshot by Destructoid

The first step of the arduous journey into the new area is completed by visiting the ??Comm Station and calling Viktor. He’ll give you the blueprint for a Radiant Projector, which you’re going to need a few steps into this trek. 

Once you’ve got the recipe, head down into the basement cavern and use the Fabricator to craft two Radiant Projectors. It’s found in the “Utilities�section, and in total, you’ll need the f?ollowing resources:

  • 20 Hunter Plorts
  • 20 Boom Plorts
  • 10 Silky Sand
  • 10 Lava Dust
  • 1,000 Newbucks

Now that you’ve got your Radiant Projectors, y?ou can head to the Ember Valley to get rid of the giant Boom Gordo (if you haven’t already done this). To do this, you’ll need to feed it one of the following:

  • 50 Meat
  • 25 Briar Hens

How to solve the Grey Labyrinth light puzzle in Slime Rancher 2

The Grey Labyrinth in Slime Rancher 2
Image via Monomi Park

The light puzzle inside the entrance to the Grey Labyrinth might seem d?aunting at first, but with your Radiant Projectors, it’s actually very simple to solve. 

As you enter, the light is coming from the right side of the cavern. Place one Radiant Projector in the path of the light, making it change direct??ion and aim towards the left of the cavern. Then, place the second Radiant Projector in the new path of light, aiming it towards the back of the cavern?? where the door is blocking your way to the Grey Labyrinth itself. ;

Once you’ve done this, you’ll be able to pass thr??ough the door and make your way into the Labyrinth to discover all of its hidden secrets and Slimes. 

The post How to enter the Gr?ey Labyrinth in Slime Rancher 2 appeared first on Destructoid.

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