betvisa casinoSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // Probably About Video Games Thu, 26 Aug 2021 21:36:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Thu, 26 Aug 2021 22:30:30 +0000 // Looking for treasure on a turkey mount in Spelunky 2

Cross-progress isn't implemented just yet

For those of you who are planning to crack into Spelunky or Spelunky 2 for the first time on Nintendo Switch, I'm excited and nervous for you. I hope your runs go well! The new por?ts launched today on the eShop, and while I haven't tested them out, the early impressions �including chatter about a smooth frame rate �sound encouraging.

Some players have noticed a cross-progress / data-sync feature in the Switch version of Spelunky 2, but it doesn't appear to work yet. What's it do? And when is it coming?

Responding to questions in a Reddit AMA, Blitworks' Guillermo NWDD said that the developers "plan to include this feature on PC in the next update, which w?ill be coming after the next patch lands on Nintendo Switch (1.23)." It's being tested right now.


Rather than move your save data from one platform to the next (in this case, from Spelunky 2 on PC to Nintendo Swi?tch), this f??eature will "merge" your progress.

"So for example, by using cross-progr??ess you can unlock an achieve??ment on Steam and get it on Switch or vice versa," according to Guillermo. "Some stats such as runs finished are also merged, but the merge isn't perfect, so if you kill four enemies on Switch and then three on Steam, it would only show four (depending on the order of the syncs)."

The developer also explained that while they can't go into specifics due to NDAs, Spelunky 2 won't get the progress-sync feature on PlayStation, so this will be Switch/PC only.

Elsewhere in the AMA, Spelunky designer Derek Yu expressed a desire to, at some point, do a physical edition. It's on the table. "I'd love to do it and it's great to hear that there's interest for it,"?? he said. "It just takes time to set up, which we haven't had a lo??t of this year. Now that the game is out on Switch we can look into it more."

The question-s??ubmitter suggested a Switch double-pack, which I think would be perfect.

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betvisa888 casinoSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Thu, 12 Aug 2021 18:00:28 +0000 // Slipping around the yeti hideout in Spelunky Switch

Double-dip worthy for sure

Whether you're just in for the original Spelunky on Nintendo Switch or you're up for Spelunky 2, either way, August 26 is the date to remember. That's when both games launch on Switch in North America, Europe, and Australia, with release info for "other regions" coming soon, according ?to developer Mossmouth. It's been a bit o?f a wait.

The first Spelunky will cost $9.99 on Switch, while the sequel is set at $19.99.


Even if it's given us a lot of grief with the ever-present potential for run-ruining traps and chain reactions that can feel criminal, we still hold Spelunky pretty near and de?ar around here. Those mom??ents of clawing your way out of jams to overcome the odds are blissful.

I would say that if you're coming in totally fresh to this whole roguelike platformer craze, the original Spelunky is, in my eyes, essentially perfect. Almost a d?ecade later, I mean it.

Spelunky 2 is also fantastic as a sort of greatly expanded and remixed take on the same format, but initially, it can be divisive as a "sequel." It pushes back on some of the tried-and-true habits of Spelunky 1-obsessed players, and that can feel weird at first, but further in it'll click, and it reaches crazy heights with its branching structure. That said, since its initial PS4 and Steam launches last year, Spelunky 2 has become less prickly.

If you happen to be reading this article on or after August 26 and you're looking for Spelunky pointers, we've got two big guides: a monster of a two-parter for the original Spelunky written by Destructoid reader Corduroy Turtle, and a big list of tips I assembled for Spelunky 2. Enough game-chang??ing updates have come out that some of my advice is outdated (namely, a certain boss fight whose whole flow was overhau??led), but much of that guide, especially the less-spoilery starter tips and alternate routes, will still resonate.

I'm stoked knowing folks are about to step into this?? world of hurt for the firs?t time.

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betvisa888 liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Fri, 25 Jun 2021 19:30:08 +0000 // Teleporting like a madman to beat the Any% record

Knocking out Any% and No Gold like it's no big deal

Twitch streamer HectiqueX broke the Any% speedrun record in Spelunky 2 this week with a 1:38 run, which is impressive in its own right. But here's the wild part: it's also the fastest No Gold speedrun. The runner?? took the top spot in two c??ategories at the same time.

"Frankly, I'm not entirely sure how this run exists in the first place," said HectiqueX.

(Warning: if you turn your audio up to hear the background chatter, make sure to drop it back? down to a normal range before 2:10 in the video. It gets relatively loud!)


"I haven't been grinding No Gold for a very long time �those categories just aren't particularly fun to attempt, but I had been trying to beat the Spelunky HD time (1:37.111) in Spelunky 2 for a little bit now," wrote HectiqueX.

"Getting Jetpack, Teleporter, and Compass on 1-2 fairly early is one of your best s??hots to do that. After an average Dwelling and a solid Volcana, I realized on Olmec the run was still $0, but didn't want to sacrifice my speed to keep myself No Gold. I decided that I'd continue to do quick teleports, which could land me directly on gold, but to attempt to avoid any I find with the jetpack. To say I got lucky is an understatement."

"Don't get me wrong �you can't just get a 1:38 with luck alone, my execution still has to be solid as hell. But the fact that I ma??naged to?? narrowly avoid some of the gold on this run is crazy. Some of the teleports nearly stopped my heart."

There's something extra special about just how carefree and chill the record-breaking run is despite, you know, the constant on-screen chaos and potential for run-ruining slip-ups or nasty RNG. It was a pleasant surprise for everyone involved?? �even? the runner!

Times ar??e always improving, and categories can and ?will flip, but this double whammy is worth remembering in the hallowed halls of Crazy Spelunky Runs.

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betvisa loginSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Fri, 09 Apr 2021 21:30:00 +0000 //

Let's see if it pays off

While I may have sidelined Spelunky 2 after finally earning the "Master" trophy and deciding that I'd need to recuperate before earnestly attempting to reach the real final zone ("Awakened"), that doesn't mean I can't enjoy watching other people's painful clips. Spelunky Schadenfreude is my jam.

This clip from Reddit user Kayzito is less about enjoying someone else's misfortune and more about admiring their ingenuity when they're backed into a corner by Spelunky 2's devious procedurally-generated machinations. You can never completely know what items and hazards will be thrown your way, and figuring out when – and when not – to seize an opportunity is? so much of the fun.

I've do??ne desperate things to reach the Black Market, but this method hadn't dawned on ??me.

Sometimes there's no other way. from r/spelunky

What do you do when you get far enough into the Jungle to find the hidden entrance to the Black Market but – oh crap – you don't have any bombs left to break in? Well, if you're packing 15 hearts with the Kapala, a handful of ropes, over $75K, and Hou Yi's Bow, you'll probably consider just about anything to avoid restarting your up-until-now promising run. It's a classic Spelunky pickle – as is the inevi?table crushing aftermath when you try and figure out "where it all went terribly wrong."

In this case, Kayzito decided to sacrifice their jetpack i?n an entrance-opening explosion.

If you didn't know, you can unequip wearable items like the jetpack or cape by crouching and pressing R1 (or whichever button you use to enter doors). The jetpack is volatile and it can be set off with a stray shotgun blast (as I'm sure all Spelunky 2 players know) or, ??in this clip, with a well-aimed arrow.

What happened next? (Location spoilers.) "I got spri??ng shoes, climbing gloves, and several bomb boxes. I went Abzu and kept the ankh, took the yellow cape from the Sun Challenge, and got to 7-20."

"...I died to an off-sc??reen poisonous arrow trap into 99 fall damage in a Sunken City layout, yay."

That swift and brutal outcome sums up why I ravenously played Spelunky 2 for a hundred-plus hours in 2020 without getting bored and why I'm relieved to be on hiatus right now. Love hurts. If you're waiting for the sequel to come to Nintendo Switch this summer before playing, start mentall??y prepping yourself.

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betvisa loginSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Tue, 15 Dec 2020 16:02:00 +0000 //


So as of...about five minutes ago, Spelunky 2 was only slated for PC and PS4.

But now, as part of today's Indie World Showcase, developer Derek Yu has revealed that both the original and the sequel will be available on the Switch together. Yu confirms that it's arr??iving in 2021, with both local and online multiplayer.

Later on in the broadcast, Nintendo confirms a "summer 2021" window for? both titl?es.

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betvisa liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Wed, 21 Oct 2020 22:00:00 +0000 //

This update also makes those pesky bear traps stand out more

Whenever I read the patch notes for Spelunky 2, I picture myself dying in bizarre and obtuse ways. Each bullet point – every balance change and quality-of-life improvement – is a cautionary tale about how a run could end. "Bomb bags and bomb boxes? now r??eact to lava," you say? Yeah, I'm gonna die to that!

If you're chipping away at a brick wall (and let's face it, no matter how skilled you are in Spelunky, there are always new challenges to strive for)??, then every litt?le adjustment can make a difference.

We recently told you about an update that rebalanced the first zone, Dwelling, so that the creatures wouldn't be quite so out of control. Now, here's another one: a just-released update with a lot of great tweaks. I'll recap some of my favorite odds and ends, or you can read the whole spoiler-y list over here.

  • Prevented Hired Hands from dropping held items from ledges
  • Mounts' hitboxes slightly widened so they should be harder to miss and easier to ride
  • Balance: Added gold on top of snap traps as bait so they're easier to spot

These are the big three right here. Hired Hands are a hilariously tragic nuisance. The fire-breathing Rock Dogs, in particular, can be weirdly finicky to jump on even when the coast is completely clear. And snap traps... oh, snap traps. They're arguably the sneakiest obstacles to watch out for in Spelunky 2.

I don't know why I keep giving them a chance... from r/spelunky

Other much-appreciated changes:

  • Small physics tweak that should make the player less likely to be unjustly crushed
  • Players can now fall through platforms while attacking
  • Vlad's Cape now auto-deploys after the second jump if holding the button
  • Prevented spear traps from appearing in the entrance room in a specific theme
  • Dialogs' and descriptions' text box size now also changes depending on players settings
  • Vendors will now drop their weapon when eaten by a mantrap
  • Pets can now enter through special worlds' doors
  • Minor improvements to collision detection

Derek Yu an?d?? BlitWorks are listening to player feedback, and it shows. I'm thankful.

Patch Notes: 1.13.0b [Steam]

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betvisa888 liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Wed, 14 Oct 2020 00:10:00 +0000 //

Spawn rates are being adjusted, 'particularly in 1-1 and 1-2'

Spelunky 2 ?players who expected to be able to waltz right through the first area were in for a rude awakening on day one, but how is Dwelling now that we've all had time to adjust and plan accordingly?

I've probably put 80 hours into the sequel. Despite my best efforts, I still get tripped up by Horned Lizards, Arrow Traps, Cave Moles, or some unholy combination of the three. The latter, in particu?lar, are wily little buggers. They know how to weave through the dirt and strike at inopportune moments.

I'd go so far as to say that Dwelling deals more damage to me, on the whole, than just about any other "main path" area in Spelunky 2. The zone isn't filler, and I have a real love-hate relationsh?ip with it.

In a post on Steam today, designer Derek Yu said that he has heard players' feedback for Dwelling and the team is looking into implem?enting changes in a patch that's coming "soon" to PC and PS4.

Specifically, he said they're testing "changes to the spawn rates of enemies and traps, particularly in 1-1 and 1-2," and "tweaks to 1-4" that "should make it more interesting." In the meantime, Yu suggested a tip to help make Dwelling less frustrating: don't feel obligated to kill every foe – sometimes it's better to avoid them – and "let them kill each other or trigger traps for you." We're tryin', Derek!

Yu and BlitWorks are also investigating another common complaint, one I definitely share: "having to wait for the [dynamically flowing] lava during a certain sequence in Volcana." This is a trickier issue to address, and it might not be tweaked. "Ultimately, Spelunky is a ??game that is designed to have some sharp edges in it, and there's always the risk of removing fun along with the frustration," he said.

As for the ongoing lack of online co-op in the PC version of Spelunky 2, there's still no "firm" ETA.

Thanks for a Great Launch! (Update) [Steam]

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betvisa888 casinoSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:30:00 +0000 //

PC and PS4 are getting cross-play

Anyone who has played only one minute of Spelunky knows that the littlest thing can derail any effort. Creator Derek Yu won't let that happen for the PC launch of Spelunky 2.

When Spelunky 2 hi?ts PC on September 29, it won't include online cooperative play. That's a concession that Yu is making in order to prevent a delay.

Instead, online co-op is coming sometime down the line, after the developers can ensure that it's functioning properly. For context, Spelunky 2 launched on PS4 with wonky netcode that left players lag-teleporting around. In a game where precision is?? of the utmost importance, that means online co-op is irredeemably busted. The PC version won't make the same m??istake.

As a silver lining, PS4 and PC will have online multiplayer cross-play when it's finally implemented on P??C. There's no timetable for this, as it's very obviously a "We won't launch it until we're completely confident it works" type of situation.

Now, as a Friday treat, I'd like to throw it back to The Daily Spelunk. Jordan has been obsessing over Spelunky 2 for the past few weeks (I have been too but with no intention of ever playing it), and he nearly did something impressive last night. Nearly. ?Horsesh?oes and hand grenades, Jordan. You accomplished nothing. Or, I guess horseshoes and sticky bombs in this case.

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betvisa cricketSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Sat, 19 Sep 2020 17:00:00 +0000 //

A starter guide for the secret-filled sequel

30 hours into Spelunky 2, I've beaten the game exact?ly once �and come close countless other times.

While much of that time was admittedly spent exploring potential branching routes and figuring out what's up with?? certain elusive NPCs, straight up, I didn't see the credits until my 400th or so run.

Coming in, I knew I'd be rusty at spelunking, and I expected a long period of acclimation before I could quickly, reliably, efficiently carve through the sequel's procedurally-generated deathtraps, but goddang! This game is brutal. Not just for novices, who are in for a world of hurt, but also those of us who put dozens of hours into Spelunky, toppled Olmec, and survived the trip? to hell. The struggle is real �again!

We'll be uncovering secrets in Spelunky 2 for years to come, but for now, here are my tips. I've ordered them based on the stages?? I've seen �in the order they appear �but I'm missing several in ?my journal.

The further you scroll down, the more spoilery it'll be �including a pic of t??he boss at the bottom.

General tips

  • By default, you'll always run in Spelunky 2 and "slow down" with the right trigger. You can change this to the old style (walking normally and holding the trigger down to run) in the control settings from the pause menu.
  • Content-wise, you can't see everything in Spelunky 2 in one go. You'll be able to take branching paths multiple times during a generic just-get-to-the-end-alive run.
  • If you're in a position to safely kill an enemy or at least throw it off-screen to a less chaotic spot, do it. The sequel has a way of tightly stacking stationary traps and roaming enemies on top of each other. It's best to systematically deal with killable threats while you can â€?while the coast is clear â€?before things get messy and you scramble. Learn the AI's patterns and exploit them to avoid taking "cheap" hits.
  • If you hang from a ledge and look down while throwing a rope, the rope will go downward instead of up by default.
  • The powerpack in the shop will make your bombs huge and cause your whip to strike with fire (a perk with many potential uses). Don't blow yourself to smithereens!
  • You can unequip items like the jetpack and cape by holding down and pressing R1.

Curse Pot

  • The Ghost will come for you at the three-minute mark, or shortly after you â€?or someone, or even something â€?destroy the evil-looking Curse Pot. You can pick it up, set it down as needed, and take it near the exit to safely bust it open and claim its diamond. That said, the Ghost comes quick â€?and it can split into faster mini-ghosts.

Spike Shoes let you walk on thorns

  • Spike Shoes are the best bang-for-your-buck item. They let you easily one-hit-kill stomp most walking enemies, they're useful against bigger foes (like the first mini-boss) who don't take normal whip damage, and they let you freely tread on small spikes in the Jungle and slippery ice in the Ice Caves.

How to tame animals in Spelunky 2

  • Animals can be tamed. If you hop on them, they'll run wild before eventually settling down and giving you full control. (Poor fools â€?they don't know what's coming.)

Using the Leprechaun's clover to find a pot of gold

  • If you ever see a Leprechaun and steal his clover, you can find a hidden pot of gold. When you're close to the buried treasure, you'll see a rainbow effect â€?bomb away! The clover will also give you extra time before the ghost shows up. That's why you get a freebie in challenge rooms.

Be careful when exiting cave doors

  • Be careful when exiting mid-level caves and rooms â€?there can sometimes be something deadly on the other side and you might have a small window to react.

Spelunky 2 tutorial speedrun race

  • You can replay the tutorial and there's a speedrun challenge. Back at camp, pop into the first door on the left and follow the path inside to reach the tutorial room.

Spelunky 2 unlockable characters

  • There's a Quick Select option on the character screen. It has cute pixel art! You can unlock more playable characters by busting open coffins in the various stages/biomes.

All shortcuts in Spelunky 2

  • There are three main shortcuts in Spelunky 2 leading to stage 1-4, 3, and 5.

Using the golden key to open the Ice Caves shortcut in Spelunky 2

  • The shortcut to the Ice Caves gave me bad flashbacks. You have to bring a Hired Hand (and somehow keep him alive!), and later, the golden key. You might need a miracle. If you pick up and set down an NPC, they'll run around and tucker themselves out. That's your cue to hoof it for the level exit before they wake up and die tragically.


Cave Mole

  • The first area, Dwelling, is essentially the Mines but with a few new nasty foes like burrowing Cave Moles and a one-hit-kill rolling caveman miniboss named Quillback.

Arrow Trap

  • The biggest nuisance is the old Arrow Trap. The same principles still apply, but I'll add that they're more prevalent in Spelunky 2 and you'll always, always want to have a rock, a skull, a pot, or even a pug or holdable enemy ready to be dropped to set them off. I mean it â€?you don't want to be in a no-win situation by entering a level empty-handed.

Getting health from turkeys in Spelunky 2

  • If you ever see wild turkeys, hop on them and take a ride â€?if you survive, they'll become tame and you can?? use them as a double-jumping mount. You're meant to corral them into a shady guy's enclosure to get his key, but forget that. If you blow up a turkey with a bomb, it'll turn into a one-heart meal. Every time I can, I get two roaming turkeys at once for 2HP. It's not worth taking the third turkey â€?the one already in the dude's pen â€?or he'll want revenge. M?ake sure to cook the birds ou??t of his sight.
  • Any source of fire, including torches, will also cook turkeys. Be careful though!

Skeleton mound trick

  • If you need to clear a mound of skulls that's directly embedded into the floor and can't be whipped, you can chuck an object diagonally down to destroy it. Get that treasure.


  • On level 1-4, you'll always have to face Quillback, a miniboss. If he sees you, he'll roll like a boulder and it's a one-hit kill. Try to pick up a rock or skulls, hang out on the ladders, and throw them diagonally down/left or down/right as he walks around. It's the safest bet. When he's dead, he'll drop some bombs (don't get blown up by spamming shotgun blasts) and a cooked turkey. It's worthwhile? to kill him.

How to access the Jungle in Spelunky 2

  • At the bottom, you'll be able to go left to head into the Jungle or go right for Volcana.

How to enter the secret shop on level 1-4

  • There's a secret shop in the lower middle area of level 1-4 that you might've caught a glimpse of. To access it, you'll need to curse yourself with the ghost-faced Curse Pot.

You can use bone piles to curse yourself in Spelunky 2

  • If you're playing alone and want to curse yourself, I'd suggest setting the Curse Pot on a bone pile, whipping the lower tile, and running so the pot lands on your head. It's best to do this af?te??r killing Quillback since a Ghost will spawn once the pot breaks.

The Ghist Shopkeeper sells three presents

  • Inside the shop, you'll find three expensive presents (I'm talking 20,000 gold) and the Ghist Shopkeeper. (That's not a t?ypo.) Let the proprietor kill you to fill in a journal entry.


Snap Trap

  • BIGGEST TIP ALERT: Watch out for Snap Traps that blend into the scenery. They look like bear traps, and they're the most unexpected way to die in Spelunky 2. Whip 'em, drop something onto them, throw an enemy â€?do whatever you can to set them off. Before progressing further downward, literally always scan for Snap Traps. Trust me.

Spear Traps

  • Similarly, the skull-faced blocks (Spear Traps) blend the eff in with all of the lu??sh scenery. They're particularly deadly because they can stab you from above, below, left, and right. I like to purposely set them off and back away before running past them.

Where to find the girls in the jungle in Spelunky 2

  • If you pop into a cave entrance and push a block out of the way to rescue a teal-haired girl, you're probably wondering what the deal is. There are three to saveâ€?Parsley, Parsnip, and Parmesan â€?and the more you rescue, the better your reward. You'll collect your prize (either rope, bombs, or a bomb box if you got all three of 'em) in Olmec's Lair.

Witch Doctor

  • The Witch Doctor is my most-feared enemy, and I've seen some shit. If they get a line of sight on you, they'll put a curse over your head that causes damage, and their floating skull can chase you through the terrain if you get too close and aggro it. The best strategy is to bide your time and, if you're weaponless, jump on their head, pick them up, and chuck them into outer space. Don't be afraid to bomb a new path forward if Witch Doctors make you uneasy near spikes or vines. These vile guys are run-enders.


Fire Bugs

  • The ladybug-like Fire Bugs looks threatening but you can just jump on 'em. Easy.


  • Don't hang around and stare at lava pools for too long â€?leaping lava men (hilariously named Magmar) can mess up your day. They're also dropped by the flying red Imps.

How to use the drill in Spelunky 2

  • There's a suspicious alien drill in Volcana that can be turned on with the Udjat Eye.

How to reach Vlad and get the crown in Spelunky 2

  • Once the drill burrows, you can climb down to the bottom of the level with a chain and you'll see the normal exit and a door surrounded be red brick. It's a special subzone.

Vampire underworld

  • Inside the vampire castle, you'll find four coffins (one of which contains the unlockable character Coco Von Diamonds), lots of arrow traps, and a Crown guarded by Vlad, a Gary Oldman-looking dark lord. He's beefy, and every time he takes a hit, he'll teleport, so open up the coffins for an army of Hired Hands. If you kill him, you'll get Vlad's Cape, which lets you float and double-jump. The Crown is used in Tide Pool to get Excalibur.

Olmec's Lair

Getting a reward from the green-haired girls in Spelunky 2

  • If you saved the green-haired women in the Jungle, run to the right and climb up to collect your rope or bomb reward. I won't say how long it took me to figure this out.

Olmec in Spelunky 2

  • If you're just looking to get past Olmec without anything fancy, immediately run to the right after the cutscene and let him smash downward. There will be a perfectly-sized opening next to him that you can slip in and out of as he busts the ground below. On the final attack that will destroy the floor you're on, be prepared to fall onto Olmec's head. If you don't and you drop straight down to the next floor, you'll take fall damage.

Olmec's second phase in Spelunky 2

  • After Olmec clears the first ground floor, he'll open up to reveal... alien tech? Yeah. In this form, he'll float around and fire off a volley of bombs at regular intervals. To my knowledge, there's no way to hurt him with traditional weapons. Just run to the right.

Temple of Anubis entrace door

  • The first door on the right is the entrance to Tide Pool. Directly below it is the (more challenging) Temple of Anubis. If you take a shortcut to Olmec's Lair from camp, you won't fight him. He'll be gone. You'll have exactly enough bombs to safely reach the Temple, although you may need to hang off a ledge before falling to the door.

How to beat Olmec in Spelunky 2

  • If you want to kill Olmec and get the Ankh, you'll need to bomb his thrusters (preferably with sticky bombs from the giant spiders in the Jungle) while he's floating around. This will cause him to plummet, and you can get him to smash the ground and eventually fall into lava. You can then use his head to enter a cave door while he's sinking. This process is much easier said than done, and you'll probably need extra rope.

Where to find the Ankh in Spelunky 2

  • After entering one of the (many) doors via Olmec's head, you'll enter a huge subterranean area with treasure to collect. The Ankh is located at the top. You can also unlock Manfred Tunnel by freeing him from a coffin in the top-left area. Once you're ready, exit the sub-level on the right and you'll be able to travel to Tide Pool or the Temple of Anubis. Like in Spelunky 1, the Ankh will revive you if you die on a run.

Tide Pool

Tide Pool

  • The ornate poles kind of blend into the background art, but you can climb them.

Poison bubbles

  • If you see a suspicious box, it could be housing a Hermit Crab. These little freaks shoot poison bubbles, and in Spelunky 2, poison is an absurdly punishing status effect. (A few other enemies, like the old Scorpions, can inflict it too.) You can cure poison by bringing a pug with you to the level exit and walking through to the next level.


  • The spiky Octopy enemies will shoot ink, hop, and frantically run forward when they catch sight of you. The ceiling-hopping Jiangshi Assassins will drop down if you run under them. In both cases, use these behaviors to your advantage and force them to move â€?and become vulnerable to attacks â€?on your terms. It's crucial for this stage.


  • The crustacean warriors (Pangxie) can launch their big meaty claws extremely far. I'm talking go-go-gadget far. They'll survive your first bombing, so bring two or avoid them.

How to kill Madame Tusk

  • If you've reached Tide Pool from the camp shortcut and you'd like a shotgun to deal with upcoming threats, you can reliably kill Madame Tusk's bodyguard by climbing to the top of the pole outside the shop, dropping a bomb to aggro the sunglasses-wearing menace, and waiting for him to climb up. When he does, drop on his head, climb back up to the top, and wait for the cycle to repeat until he bites it. Then you can use the gun against Tusk. That said, try not to let your shot ricochet off the energy wall.

How to pull the Excalibur sword out of the stone in Spelunky 2

  • There's a sword in the stone (Excalibur) at the bottom of one of the Tide Pool levels that you can pick up if you're wearing the crown that Vlad protects in Volcana. It's powerful! Note: you will have to pull the sword out like you're picking up a weapon.

Great Humphead

  • You'll also spot a lake with a Great Humphead. He's not worth the trouble unless you have a shotgun and can blast him from a distance or enough time to whip. He's super tanky. If you slay the fish, you'll get a Hired Hand that can be instrumental in unlocking the Ice Caves shortcut.

Temple of Anubis

How to access the Temple of Anubis in Spelunky 2

  • To reach the Temple of Anubis, you'll need to be in the lower right-hand side of Olmec's Lair and bomb below the door to Tide Pool (the one with crabs outside). Let him do the dirty work. If you're accessing Olmec's Lair from the shortcut (and he's gone), you'll need four bombs to clear out the terrain â€?just enough to avoid taking fall damage.

Mummy Cat

  • The returning Crush Traps (the moving blocks with eyes) are the main threat to watch out for, but don't underestimate the Mummy Cat. You must jump on them, not whip. They'll curse you and drop your health down to 1HP. Yes, even from the mid-twenties.


  • The Sorceress freaked me out for a long time â€?she fires a laser that morphs into a random enemy â€?but if you're confident and rush her, she isn't so bad.
  • If you're being hounded by infinite red skeletons and don't know what to do, there's a Necromancer summoning them nearby, potentially just out of frame. They're annoying!

The City of Gold

The City of Gold in Spelunky 2

  • It's back! Kinda. The process for entering the City of Gold isn't exactly the same.

Udjat Eye location in Spelunky 2

  • Before you leave the Dwelling stage, find and use a golden key in one of the first few levels (it's randomized) to open a chest in a mini-cave to pick up the Udjat Eye.

The Black Market entrance in Spelunky 2

  • Once you kill (or skip) Quillback on 1-4, go to the bottom-left side of the level to enter the Jungle. In one of these nasty levels, your Udjat Eye will start chattering away to indicate that the Black Market entrance is near. The faster and more pronounced the noise, the closer you are. Once you're confident, bomb away to unearth the door.

Spelunky 2 Hedjet location

  • Down here, you'll be able to collect some treasure and hopefully be able to afford the Hedjet for 40,000 gold on the right-hand side. Be warned: the Ghost can and will chase you in the Black Market if you dilly-dally. You have a bit more time than normal.
  • Continue until you reach Olmec. Let him clear out the first lair of ground, strategically fall on his head, and jump off, then run to the right. Either climb the ladder or throw your own rope in your preferred location and wait for Olmec to bomb the shit outta this stage. Below the Tide Pool entrance, there's a room to the Temple of Anubis. Take it.

Fighting Anubis

  • It's time to fight our old friend Anubis. He'll fire slow-moving circular projectiles and give off a glowing "tell" before firing a (ground-ignoring) beam attack at your current location. If you don't have a pair of sticky bombs or a gun to hurt him, try to get a rock and chuck it back and forth until he dies from a thousand cuts. Once he's gone, he'll drop the Scepter. Speaking of which, don't kill him with those squishing moving blocks.
  • Further in the Temple, you'll see a golden door and, with the Hedjet and Scepter, you'll be able to enter the City of Gold. I hope you brought bombs and rope to get around.

City of Gold altar

  • I've been here several times and haven't seen the Book of the Dead (assuming it exists in Spelunky 2). I did spot a conspicuous altar, though. Am I... supposed to sacrifice myself? [Update: I am. Shout-out to Reddit user TehWavey for the crazy next step.]


How to reach Duat in Spelunky 2

  • To reach Duat, the hellish snake world from the trailer, you must sacrifice yourself on the altar in the City of Gold with the Hedjet and Ankh. You can drop down directly on the center of the Altar to take fall damage and you'll be whisked away to Duat.

Snake boss in Duat

  • Duat is tricky in that you can't use your rope like normal and, at select spots, a giant floating snake (Apep) will barge across the screen back and forth. You need to take your time to survive. I nearly got trapped by a pool of lava but I found a way around.

Osiris and Anubis II in Spelunky 2

  • At the very top â€?if you make it to the very top â€?you'll see two bosses: Osiris and Anubis II. I hope you have bombs so you can quickly clear them out.

How to beat Osiris in Spelunky 2

  • Osiris will float horizontally and smash his fists down. If you have any ropes left, you can toss them up at his head, they'll do a bit of damage, and then they'll bounce off, allowing you to pick them back up. With that in mind, try to clear out all the common creeps (like the freaky Ammit) below you before picking a fight.
  • Did you get 'em? You should be the proud owner of the Tablet of Destiny.



  • Abzu is an alternative to Duat that's accessible via Tide Pool. It's another way to access the true endgame and the super-secret final stages starting with the Sunken City.
  • You can reach Abzu by getting the Udjat Eye in Dwelling, going to Volcana and using the giant drill to reach Vlad's castle and steal the crown, fighting Olmec and having him drop into the lava to grab the Ankh, and pulling Excalibur from the stone in Tide Pool.

How to reach Abzu in Spelunky 2

  • Take Excalibur with you to Tide Pool 4-3 and look for a sub-level cave door. Once you find it, leave the sword there or in a safe spot. Inside the cave, you'll see a tall tunnel, and at the bottom, a man will tell you the door is a one-way trip. (Again, do not bring Excalibur with you â€?it's a painful mistake I've made once already.)
  • In this next room, you'll see a Golden Idol that you can steal to activate a lava trap that will kill you, but your Ankh will revive you. [Thanks for the tip, Squid.]

Abzu door in Tide Pool

  • You'll be warped to the top of 4-3, and now you can go collect Excalibur and head down the level to find a new secret door just below the normal level exit. Head inside.


  • Abzu looks like other Tide Pool levels except there's a huge turtle boss named Kingu climbing around the background. To get on top, look for a cave entrance and head up â€?way up. At the top, you'll pop back out and be able to jump on a platform connected to Kingu's back. Using Excalibur, attack the middle of the shell (the weak point will flash as you hit it) and watch out for randomly-spawning enemies. With a bunch of hits, Kingu will die and you'll get the Tablet of Destiny.

Spelunky 2 Tablet of Destiny

  • With the Tablet of Destiny, you'll see a clue in your journal describing a certain (randomized) color and style of figurine â€?this information is used in the Ushabti room in Neo Babylon.

Ice Caves

Ice Caves

  • The Ice Caves are one long level that's split down the middle with a Yeti Cave that you can skip if you have a jetpack, cape, climbing gloves, or other means of dropping down.

Spelunky 2 Mech Suit

  • If you're bold, you can attack a UFO near the Yeti Cave door and let the escaped alien slowly parachute down. If you're lucky, you can leap, bounce on the just-off-screen alien, and land without killing yourself. Every Spelunky guide needs one stupid strat. Otherwise, if you see an alien in a cool mech suit, jump on its head and hover down.

Yeti Queen

  • It's actually worth doing the Yeti Cave. Pick up one of the scattered Landmines and bring it into the cave with you. Bide your time, and drop it from a ledge in such a way that the Yeti Queen will walk over it and go bye-bye. You'll get Spike Shoes from her. On the next floor down, there's a howling Yeti King who can cause icicles to plummet and also freeze you solid. Either kill him with a well-aimed bomb or jump on his head with the shoes. He'll drop a compass, which you'll desperately need for the next stage.

The stone block in the Ice Caves

  • There's a hidden alien sub-level accessible from the Ice Caves but it's a total pain to get into. Below the Yeti Cave exit, you'll see a hole in the wall somewhere that's one tile off the ground and can't be entered unless you have something to stand on. You're seemingly meant to get a stone block into this position using, in large part, blind luck.

Alien Mothership

  • A backdoor entrance to the alien domain was discovered by streamer HectiqueX, who demonstrates the process in this clip. It's hard to reproduce, but I've done it. (I wouldn't risk this galaxy-brain method unless you have the Ice Caves shortcut from camp.)

The secret drop-off point to find the hidden alien door

  • With luck, at the bottom-most terrain or platform you can find in the Ice Caves, you'll want to fall into the bottomless pit on the right- or left-hand side of the screen. (I'm not sure how to predict which it will be). In either case, you're aiming to drop six tiles away from the wall â€?the screenshot above shows my successful attempt.

How to find the alien mothership in Spelunky 2

  • If you do it right, you won't die. You'll take two fall damage and see a prompt to enter an invisible door. Heading inside will bring you to the bottom of the alien sub-level. Inside, you'll find a Plasma Cannon, the Pilot unlockable character, freaky Proto Shopkeepers with lore that'll keep you up at night, and the Alien Queen.

Neo Babylon

Neo Babylon

  • You're in the home stretch. This is the final set of levels before the main boss.

Laser Trap

  • With one exception, most of the traps are fairly easy to account for and avoid. Some will cause swirling sparks to float around the stage, and others have pattern-based electricity. The devious one, a Laser Trap that looks like a block with a circle and three dots, is like a high-tech Arrow Trap. It's motion-activated and it's so easy to overlook.


  • If you see a hoofed Lamassu, probably just steer clear â€?they have range.

Madame Tusk's room in Neo Babylon

  • I haven't been able to survive this private room with Madame Tusk's bodyguards. I'm not sure how to gain their acceptance, and as soon as I enter, they instantly gun me down. This room will appear if you see a message about "sounds of revelry."

The Ushabti room in Spelunky 2

  • What's up with this room full of Ushabti? If you check your journal entry for the Tablet of Destiny, you'll know which figurine to steal and bring with you to the next Neo Babylon level. If you picked the right one, a new flying mount (Qilin) will break free.
  • If you can somehow manage to beat Tiamat and ride Qilin to the top of her level while surviving a gauntlet of timing-based traps, you'll be able to access the Sunken City. Then things get weird. [Credit to streamer HectiqueX for figuring out this last step.]

Tiamat's Throne


  • I won't pretend to know her secrets or claim that she's the real final boss, but if you can manage to beat Tiamat, you'll see the end credits. Again, I've only done this once.
  • The main advice I can give is to bring a weapon and plenty of ropes. Tiamat is kind of like King Yama from Spelunky in that she's a giant stationary figure â€?but don't underestimate her.
  • She will continuously fire off slow projectiles that morph into random enemies, and there are two floating stone pillars â€?one on either side of her â€?shielding her from far-off attacks. You'll need to ride bubbles up to get close enough to strike her face.

How to beat Tiamat

  • The time I won, I set up multiple ropes on either side of both pillars so that I had something to chill on and room to work with. I used a supercharged shotgun with the red powerpack accessory to dish out quick damage. I'd climb up, take my shots when the coast was (relatively) clear, and slip out before she yelled or hit me with a projectile.
  • Ana is the star, but you can play as her dad, Guy Spelunky, after beating the game.

For now, incomplete as it is, and as much as updates have changed certain things, I hope this guide helps! I'm excited to reach the Sunken City, the Cosmi?c Ocean, and other hush-hush locations.

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betvisa888 cricket betSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Sat, 19 Sep 2020 16:00:00 +0000 //

Time to go back in the cave

It's been eight years since the non-freeware release of Spelunky, but those layouts are still fresh in my mind.

This was?? the early days of the modern roguelike. The kinks were still being worked out by myriad developers, but Derek Yu had a cohesive vision that married the cacophony of? chaos and challenge in a way that just...sung.

Spelunky 2 thankfully continues that legacy.

Spelunky 2 review

Spelunky 2 (PC [reviewed], PS4)
Developer: Mossmouth, LLC
Publisher: Mossmouth, LLC
Released: September 15, 2020 (PS4) / September 29, 2020 (PC)
MSRP: $19.99

A lot of the sequel will feel very?? familiar, and that's pe?rfectly okay.

You'll begin as Ana, an in??trepid adventurer who lands on the moon in ?search of a mysterious relic of Olmec: a key mythological figure of the first game. There's still a little tutorial room, a "hub" that you can use shortcuts in, all of that jazz. Light story segments are pushed through quick lore parchments, but that's all fleeting; the bulk of the game is still about dying, exploring, dying, then dying some more.

The sequel's general locomotion and mechanics are vaguely the same. You can jump, whip, throw up a rope/toss a bomb (provided you have the stock), and run. Every other ability is at the mercy of the items you have available to you during that specific run and death me??ans it's back to the beginning, minus the shortcuts you unlock along the way. You can toggle off just about everything relating to the UI, as well as customize the avatar of your pet (dog/cat/hamster) and all?? of your controls.

Your wits are once again the strongest tool in your arsenal. New things are going to jump out at you and surprise you often to the point of frustration. My colleague Jordan and I were particularly irate about instant-death bear traps, several of which are 99.9% concealed by terrain. You even need to watch out for innocent-looking plant-life more than usual, as there's an ?extraordinary amount of one-hit kill traps now. The adventure is also a bit longer, with one very lengthy portion that doesn't allot any traditional shortcuts. Developer Derek Yu is fiendish.

Then minutes (or even hours) later, it can all click, if you let it. I've mentioned the similarities several times now, but playing through the sequel, in some ways, was honestly like learning a whole new game. I had to remember to look out for arrow traps again, sure, but with a brand new outlook amid a ton of other kinks like mounts and extra items to micromanage. This is all accompanied by sharper, more emotive visuals, coupled with a soothing?? and memorable soundtrack. Sometimes I paused the game just to listen to it, unfettered by all of the denizens of the cave nipping at my heels.

The main adventure is pretty much all I'm going to need for a few years, but you can also go on a seeded run (a specific dungeon), take on the daily dungeon challenge, or opt for an arena battle mode for up to four players. Online play is available in Spelunky 2? on top of local concessions, but it was not available for testing for the purposes of this review.

The arena mode is still interesting! There's 40 maps (with four size options), with two game modes: deathmatch and hold the idol (oddball). Smash Bros.-style, you can change the timer, amount of wins, lives (stock), health, amount of starting bombs/ropes, item toggles, and even the stun time. Oh, and the ability to add up to three bots is in, as well as the toggle to go free-for??-all or choose teams.

It's fun! I wouldn't necessarily say that Spelunky even needed another arena mode, but I'm glad it exists. Sometimes after the rigors of a bad run it's neat to just dive into a low-key battle and duke it out with bots or friends. It plays out exactly how you'd expect, as Spelunky isn't exactly a technical action game, but there's enough silliness and big explosions to mak??e it a party hit.

Spelunky 2 is more Spelunky. It doesn't wildly reinvent the formula, and even brings back a lot of the same hazards and enemies that torme??nted you the first time around. But it innovates ever so slightly in so many ways to help give this sequel its own life. Either way, ??it sucked me back in.

[This review is based on a retail version of the game provided by the publisher.]

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betvisa888 betSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Fri, 04 Sep 2020 18:00:00 +0000 //

You better start warming up

The Steam release of Spelunky 2 has been upgraded from a vague but hopeful "shortly after PS4" to a locked and loaded September 29 launch. The extra?? time is needed to "iron out online multiplayer o??n PC."

As a reminder, the PlayStation 4 version is ??set for September 15, 2020 – it's nearly here.

The sequel takes the original game's trap-dodging, pattern-learning dungeon exploration formula and expands on it with new NPCs, rideable animals, and fancier physics for water and lava. You'll collect treasure, hoard bombs, and try to uncover loads of secrets across h??undreds of failed a??ttempts.

It's not too late to brush up your ocular-patdown skills with Spelunky 1. (Trust me, you'll want to.)

@mossmouth [Twitter]

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betvisa liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // // Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:00:00 +0000 //

Which means a late September or early October launch on PC

Clarifying the Steam release window for Spelunky 2, creator Derek Yu says that?? the PC version of the trap-filled roguelike platformer will be out within "a few weeks" of the PS4 launch? on September 15.

There was a bit of fuzziness surrounding the Steam date – Spelunky 2's appearance during a recent State of Pl?ay stream was understandably PlayStation-focused – so it's nice to have more clarity.

The developers need time to "make sure that Spelunky 2 runs well on PC," according to Yu.

"That includes testing online multiplayer, but it'?s not the only thing we'll be busy with." Mossmouth and BitWorks are "working hard to make sure the two release dates are as close as possible."

He also mentioned that the Steam page has new screenshots, which my mind started dissecting and "playing," like you do (if you're obsessed with Spelunky). I'm gonna have a rough go with the lava.

@mossmouth [Twitter via PC Gamer]

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// 0 254280
betvisa888 liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Thu, 06 Aug 2020 19:27:00 +0000 //

I'm ready to aggro so many shopkeepers

Spelunky 2 is launching on September 15 fo??r Pl?ayStation 4. It's almost time!

The dungeon-delving roguelike platformer is designed ?to be "more rich and dynamic" and feel "a lot more full," according to creator Derek Yu, who has the unenviable task of topping the first game. I felt that density in the latest footage shown during the State of Play broadcast. It looks wonderful.

We got to peek at branching level exits, a clone gun (which was used to multiply pugs), the home base, and online multiplayer. Spelunky is best shared on the same ??couch, but I appreciate the option.

"The Steam version of Spelunky 2 will come out shortly after PS4," said Yu. "We'll need a little extra time to iron out online multiplayer on PC. Release date for t??hat soon! After Steam, we'll look into other platforms. We are excited for as many people to play as possible."

[Update: The Steam release is coming a couple of weeks later on September 29.]

Spelunky 2 day will be a holiday in this household.

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betvisa casinoSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Wed, 11 Mar 2020 17:00:00 +0000 //

Still no release date for the PS4 and PC title

When's Spelunky 2 coming out? ??That's still TBD. But if we had a release date, I'd be counting the days.

Over on the PlayStation Blog, Spelunky creator Derek Yu shared a status update and spoke about a few new improvements planned for the long-time-coming roguelike platformer sequel. "Although we're not quite ready to announce a release date, we're getting closer and closer, finally getting to implement the deepest parts of Spelunky 2?? that have been collecting dust in my notepad f??or years," he said.

As you can quickly glean from screenshots, Spelunky 2 is lea?ning into everything that made the perilous adventure concept so tantalizing – simple but nuanced controls, crazy "ripple effect" moments, and a tough but fair challenge to overcome – while focusing on the content variety and art direction.

"I think we've struck a good balance now, where the graphics are crisp and easy to parse, but the details still stand out enough so that you can easily soak them up as you play the game," Yu said. "Effect?s like lighting and liquids are more vibrant now, too, contributing to that feeling of a dynamic, living world that has been our goal since day one."

"One thing we haven't talked enough about yet is audio," he continued. "Eirik Suhrke, who worked on Spelunky 1, is creating a dynam??ic, multilayered soundscape that is much more immersive than the first game. Each area not only has its own unique musical theme, but every creature, trap, item, and surface has its own suite of sound effects associated with it."

The team intend?s to have "each run feel even more like a personalized adventure," so you can expect "a lot of obvious and?? non-obvious interactions with the rest of the world" and "more characters in the vein of the [trigger-happy] shopkeeper, who can help or hinder the player in unexpected ways."

Another note I hadn't thought about until now: a form of Deathmatch will return for Spelunky 2, but the developers are "trying to expand on the concept and make it stand tall next ?to A??dventure Mode."

This game is going to drive me mad i?n the best wa??y.

Spelunky 2 Developer Shares New Sc??reens, Progress Up??date [PlayStation Blog]

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// 0 248780
betvisa cricketSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Wed, 14 Aug 2019 20:45:00 +0000 //

'The density and detail of the game is demanding more time'

Spelunky is an all-time great, and I'm confident that Spelunky 2 will also be fantastic. But we won't know for sure until next year, most likely – the PS4 and PC sequel is no longer slated for a 2019 ??rel??ease.

"Development is still going well and we're not far off target, but ?the density and detail of the game is demanding more time," designer Derek Yu said on Twitter. "It can be tough balancing communication and dev time (and not spoiling too much). When things are quiet, we're just working away."

"All the crazy stuff we're adding makes me buzz with excitement," Yu added. "We can't wait to show you more, although of course the best way is for you to?? experience it for yourself at launch."

I feel like every time I look at screenshots of Spelunky 2, another wild thing pops out at me. It also just hit me that I got to play a morsel of the game almost exactly a year ago. I need this so badly.

On the bright side, we've still got UFO 50 on the horizon.

Derek Yu [Twitter]

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betvisa888 cricket betSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Sat, 01 Sep 2018 16:00:00 +0000 //

Derek Yu truly understands what makes Spelunky work

Spelunky 2 is in good hands. That wasn't really a concern, but it's nic??e to have confirmed all the same. I took the opening hour of PAX as my chance to find the roguelike action-platformer sequel tucked away in the PlaySt??ation booth and tried not to embarrass myself too much. My muscle memory is mostly gone these days, but you never truly forget how to spot arrow traps hiding in plain sight.

While later areas look out of this world, the opening levels of Spelunky 2 almost feel like a remix, something I feel is a smart choice. It's a way for newcomers to learn the many unspoken rules of not dying in Spelunky w??hile returning players will know what's up but still encounter surprises.

For instance, a turkey. At one point I got a turkey from a shopkeeper and I didn't know what to do with it and I not-so-accidentally ?threw it into spikes. I also found my way to a door l?eading to a self-contained room with a locked chest. A golden key opened it right up, revealing a familiar sight: the Udjat Eye.

Lavafalls a?nd wild new biomes are a focal point in the recent t??railer, but I didn't survive long enough to see anything of the sort. That said, there were a couple new faces including a mole that could root around and pop out of the soil and contraptions built to squish or punch absentminded thieves.

The few levels I played were just unfamiliar enough to keep me on my toes and throw me off. During my most promising run, I couldn't pass up a chance to freeze and jump on a shopkeep to steal his wares. I had to! It probably goes without saying, but I met my entirely justified demise a moment later when I tr??ied to creep up on a level exit only to be shotgunned into spikes. I died doing what I love: taking risks.

My all-too-brief encounter with Spelunky 2 and this week's trailer both leave me feeling confident about where the sequel is headed. It'll be tough to surpass the original game -- it's the b??est in its class -- but I think Mossmouth and BlitWorks stand a good chance of striking gold twice in a row.

Everything we've seen so far looks cool, and that has me al?l?? the more curious to see what secrets await.

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// 0 236820
betvisa liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Wed, 29 Aug 2018 15:35:00 +0000 //

Going underground

Developer Mossmouth has released a brand new trailer featuring gameplay for the sequel to one of the most addictive - and taxing - platform adventures in modern gaming history, Spelunky.

The Spelunky 2 trailer introduces us to young explorer?? Ana Spelunky and her band of cohorts, as they explore treacherous and hazard-filled environments, the traversal of which will require twitch-inducing jumps, strategically-placed explosives, a selection of wild tools and weaponry... and more than just a little bit of luck.

Hoo-boy, it looks fast. I know my own approach to Spelunky is snail-paced at best, but here it looks as if Ana and co. ha?ve a bus to catch, as they blitz through dark caves, dangerous jungle undergrowth and ancient ruins. Also of note are some nifty liquid physics, adding a realistic weight to water, lava and other such substances and even some rideable creatures! According to the trailer's teasing finale, we will get the opportunity to join in the journey - on PS4 and PC - in 2019. I cannot wait.

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// 0 236653
betvisa888 liveSpelunky 2 Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Mon, 30 Oct 2017 15:02:00 +0000 //

The return self-exploding, pad-throwing nightmares

At the very end for the pre-show for Sony's Paris press conference, a trailer was unveiled for Spelunky 2, the sequel to Mossmouth's highly a?ddicti??ve puzzle-platformer.

Though no in-game footage was shown, we got a trailer that seems to show that the famous whip, hat and large red nose will be passed down to the next treasure hunter in the family lineage. Let them deal with those frikkin??' giant spiders and that angry shopkeeper.

Mossmouth's Derek Yu has since confirmed via Twitter that Spelunky 2 will launch on PS4 first,?? then is planned for a PC release thereafter.

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