betvisa casinoStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // Probably About Video Games Thu, 21 Apr 2022 19:16:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 cricket betStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Thu, 21 Apr 2022 21:30:34 +0000 // Nintendo port Star Fox Zero

Do it

After six long years, Star Fox Zero has been dormant on the now-dead Wii U console. But a former artist wants to see Nintendo port Star Fox Zero to Switch, and is just one o??f sever?al industry forces calling for its return.

Former Nintendo developer Takaya Imamura, who left the company in 2021 (after 32 years), just put out a plea on Twitter for Nintendo to revisit Zero on Switch. They note how "six years have passed" since its launch (to the day, today, going off of Japan's release date!), and while there are "issues" to consider, they ask the company to port the game to the Switch. They also offer their services to help work on art for the new game, including a sequel to the Star Fox Zero animation, which we've embedded below.

As a reminder, the ball is in Nintendo's court. Co-developer Platinum?? Games has already said it would "definitely" bring the game to Switch, and given how beloved the Star Fox franchise is in general, I wouldn't say it was outside of the realm of ?possibility. Of course, there's monetary needs to consider and investors to appea??se.

But it's really tough to put all of the blame for any given Wii U game's sales at the feet of any individual game: but rather, the ill-fated Wii U console install base, and the marketing rollout. Many old Wii U exclusives have gotten a new lease on life on Switch, and seeing Nintendo port Star Fox Zero wouldn't be the craziest thing in the world. I'??d welcome it, "issues" and all.


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// 0 318143
betvisa liveStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:00:00 +0000 //

It comes with the animated short, too

I liked Star Fox Zero more than most, and I'm perfectly?? okay with that. I know some of you couldn't get used to the control scheme and didn't dig some of the difficulty spikes, but it only took me a few?? hours to acclimate -- and although a few decisions are mind-boggling (did Miyamoto force the Gyrowing into development?), most of the game's sections are Arwing related.

If you're undecided, you can download a new demo now and see for yourself. It's called "Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins + Training," and you'll find it tucked away on the Wii U eShop by way of the search function. It clocks in at a whopping 1677MB (which is hilarious big for Nintendo consoles without a hard drive attachment), partially because the short animated film Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins is packed in with it.

Alternatively you can save yourself the download and watch it below. Oh, and there's a Guard demo too.

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// 0 187964
betvisa casinoStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Wed, 04 May 2016 13:00:00 +0000 //

Nintendo's head's in the McClouds

I am legitimately unsure why Nintendo feels like Star Fox should get a nod o??ver a lot of its ex??isting, untouched properties COUGH METROID COUGH COUGH and it seems like I'm not alone.

Last week we saw the Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard double pack debut to a 5th place spot in Japanese retail sales with 17,114 units sold. Add the 8,135 solo Zero units and it's still sitting in 4th, behind two One Piece games (or, the same game on Vita and PS4) and Yo-kai Sangokushi. Not great, basically. (Note: Star Fox Gourd data is not available)

And Famitsu data puts it into context with earlier entries in the series (yes, Adventures was actually a GameCube game).

Point is, see first week and lifetime sales shrinking? Even the nostalgia hit of a Star Fox 64 3DS remake didn't rally the troops. I don't even remember Star Fox Command. With the Wii U a lame duck console ahead of Nintendo's new effort (and Wii U sales low as is), I doubt there's going to be a slow and steady lifetime trickle upwards, either. More likely, dedicated Wii U owners picked it and that's that. No approaching a million and a half, like Splatoon. European and US sales are not avai?lable yet, but I don't expect it to fare?? all that much better.

Outside of Fox's popularity in Smash, I don't know why Nintendo keeps having a go at Star Fox, especially given the series' ge??neral lack of a cohesive identity when it's not relying on just remaking the first game again.

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// 0 184275
betvisa888Star Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Thu, 21 Apr 2016 00:30:00 +0000 //

Stay tuned for the Mattel and Mars bar quick energy Chocobot Power Hour!

Nintendo's Treehouse aired that Star Fox anime they announced earlier this week. Predictably, it's pretty anime-ish, what with the dramatic dialog and Macross-mi?ssile barrages. You can catch it on YouTube?? if you're interested.

Super slick promotional stuff like this always makes me wistful for the old days. Back when you had to beg and plead and carry a subscription to Nintendo Power for a corny VHS with three combined minutes of Donkey Kong Country footage. Now that was a way to generate hype. Still, the in-game footage during the credits of this Star Fox anime does make me think about Captain Power, and that has to be worth something.

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// 0 183605
betvisa888Star Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Wed, 20 Apr 2016 20:15:00 +0000 //

Star Fox gourd reviewed!

Pretty good. 7/10.

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// 0 206154
betvisa cricketStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Wed, 20 Apr 2016 14:00:00 +0000 //

Nostalgia afterburners

Depending on how it's wielded, nostalgia can either be a powerful tool or?? a crippling crutch. No publisher knows this better than Nintendo.

Star Fox Zero is obvious in its pitch -- "Did you like Star Fox 64? Okay, then you'll love this!" It's weird because that adherence to tradition is probably the best part of Zero, yet it's marred by some of the ill-fated ne??w addi??tions.

Buried beneath that muck, there's a good ga??me here.

Star Fox Zero (Wii U)
Developer: Nintendo EPD, PlatinumGames
Publisher: Nintendo
Released: April 22, 2016
MSRP: $59.99 (physical edition includes a copy of Star Fox Guard)

Star Fox Zero is unapologetically stuck in the '90s, which is equally parts saccharine and endearing. Vocal performances play on the GamePad as a "radio" effect of sorts, complete with distortion and hammy dialogue. I'm talking "stop treating me like I'm pork roast!" type actual ham (read: the chara?cter is a pig) or a sassy fox that constantly calls you "hon." Oh, and yet again, the evil scientist Andross is the big bad focal point.

It's basically a retelling, a reboot of sorts, if you will. Fox has very clearly never met Andross before and is still developing his rapport with his wingmen (Peppy, Falco, and Slippy) and commanding officer General Pepper. There are multiple paths to take just like 64, which in turn lead to new secret stages. And even then, it has that "seeing a movie" feel that producer Shigeru Miyamoto is going for, with a single playthrough lasting an hour or two, depending o??n your skill level.

But there are coats of newer, shinier paint, too, and the control scheme is going to be divisive. There are people out there who are going to tell you that it's bad, and others that will say "you just need to learn how to play it." As always, the truth is somewhere in-between. For the most part, you do not need to use the GamePad screen at all, but it does provide a first-person view of the action, juxtaposed to a traditional third-person view of your vehicle on the TV screen. Yes, a lot of Zero plays like the series always has, which is generally a good thing -- but there are exceptions, some of which feel more forced ?than others.

Players will need to use the GamePad to control the Walker variant, which is literally a Transformers-style chicken...thing...that the Arwing can morph into at will. It feels more natural than previous incarnations of vehicles in the series as it can be changed into on a dime as a literal extension of the Arwing. There's a certain thrill to flying through space, transforming, and boarding an aircraft to destroy its core that hasn't been replicated before. I don't like that I have ??to use the gyroscope to aim here but I'm willin??g to put up with it.

On the darker side of motion, Zero also has numerous portions of the story that are supposed to feel more "cinematic," restricting the view on the TV to a more zoomed out affair while the action plays out as normal on the GamePad in the cockpit. It's pointless, and actually makes some battles harder than they have to be simply because you have such a poor view of the landscape (the final boss is most indicative of this flaw). You'll also have to use motion aiming for the Landmaster (which makes a triumphant return) and the Gy??rowing, which were my least favorite bits in the game.

Remember when I said some parts were forced? Yeah, that's the Gyrowing. It even gets its o??wn level, seemingly at the behest and insistence of Miyamoto himself. It's a weird little thing that is very awkward to control, mostly because of the multiple angles it utilizes: top-down, behind-the-back, and first-person. The main gimmick is that it can "hack" terminals ??by way of a cute little robot, which drops out of a hatch and is tethered by a cord. Can you just tell how bad of an idea this is? I'm talking "launch Wii U tech demo come to life" here.

If the cord goes too far, it jerks the robot back into the Gyrowing instantly, interrupting anything the player was doing at the moment. If you aren't in front of the terminal just so, exactly how the game wants you to be there (which, by the way, is initialized by tapping the GamePad), it doesn't work, and the game will likely force you ??back into the Gyrowing while it's being attacked. Again, there is an enti?re level of this, with several other sprinklings throughout.

The environments in general though, including the vast majority that have the good vehicles, are entertaining. There's a number of big space battles and more intimate land affairs, all of which operate at a smooth framerate even with tons of enemies on-screen. The Walker platforming and on-rails sections help break up the pac??ing even further, as it's really cool to go stomping about with your crew, running up on a space station while its entire defensive system is firing back at you. There's even an awesome Kaiju confrontation, a tense mission involving a missile defense setup, and boss fights can get surprisingly tough!

Zero also sports a few decent extras, including an arcade mode after the campaign, another secret vehicle for training missions, two-player co-op (one moves, the other fires), and the aforementioned secret paths -- some of which require you to go back with newly found powers. Then there's the tiny amiibo Arwing skin bonuses and the Guard pack-in for ?new purchases. It might be short, but there's longevity?? here.

Hearing about how different Star Fox Zero was compared to its inception, it's almost like Miyamoto jettisoned most of the new ideas in favor of playing it safe due to c??omplaints from testers. Even with Platinum's involvement, it's a confusing project that isn't quite sure of itself, wanting to try new things while simultaneously reigning it in. Despite these blemishes, I enjoyed my time with it.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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// 0 205495
betvisa888Star Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Mon, 18 Apr 2016 13:00:00 +0000 //

From Production I.G.

Nintendo has announced this morning that to "celebrate" the impending release of Star Fox Zero on April 22, it will be airing an animated short called "Star Fox Zero: The Battle Begins" on April 20 at 3PM PT. It features animation from Production I.G., WIT Studio, with sup??ervision from Shigeru Miyamoto. After that a Treehouse speci??al will air.

Feel free to bookmark this link of the stream location, and expect our review before the short airs.

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betvisa liveStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // // Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:45:00 +0000 // The post A touching Iwata tribute is in Star Fox Zero appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 183042
betvisa liveStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Sat, 09 Apr 2016 02:00:00 +0000 //

They're back for a Star Fox Zero spot

The Jim Henson Company's puppets were an honest-to-god highlight of Nintendo's E3 2015 showing, and it's about time someone dusted them off. Star Fox Zero is only a couple weeks away!

I'm sure some of you will have opinions about the content of this "Foxy Fox" trailer, and I'll leave you to it soon enough, but I do want to poi??nt out Peppy's subtle nose twitch. Nice little touch there. Cute!

Comparatively, Nintendo's old Star Fox puppets used in the '90s for promotional materials, m??agazines, ??and the SNES box art creep me out to this day. More so now than as a kid, actually.

Keep your distance, Slippy! If that even is your real name.

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// 0 182977
betvisa casinoStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Tue, 05 Apr 2016 11:30:00 +0000 //

Also take a look at every vehicle

Nintendo just unleashed a massive five-minute trailer for Star Fox Zero, which gives players a clear overview of both Zero and the bundled-in Star Fox Guard. It highlights just about everything you could want, from the vehicles on of??fer to a bunch of new mechanics.

The video also clearly shows ho?w the GamePad is used in tandem with the TV for a more precise first-person view. The biggest reveal however is exactly what the Falco amiibo will unlock -- a Black Arwing. We already knew that the Fox fi?gure would provide a retro skin.

Stay tuned for reviews on both Star Fox games later this month.

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// 0 182710
betvisa cricketStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Fri, 18 Mar 2016 15:00:00 +0000 //

Shirt, hat, and amiibo

Over at their official UK store, Nintendo unveiled a new bundle for Star Fox Zero, which is still on track for an April 22 worldwide release. It a??ctually looks kind of neat, with two amiibo (F?ox and Falco), a hat, and a shirt.

Since it's a "first print edition," Zero and the accompanying Guard game will be available on two separate discs, with a SteelBook case to boot. It seems like there may be a? collector's angle here.

At the time of this writi?ng, only medium size shirts are available, and the pack its??elf is £79.99.

Star Fox Zero [Nintendo]

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// 0 181766
betvisa888Star Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Fri, 04 Mar 2016 14:00:00 +0000 //

Miyamoto discusses the game's new direction, Retro Arwing, and more

During an interview with IGN, Miyamoto shared some more information about Star Fox Zero, including reasons for the delayed release date, gameplay improvements, amiibo functionality, and Star Fox Guard.

It seems the delay was partially due to fan feedback. Nintendo originally went with a more casual “pick-up-and-play” style where you could choose whichever mission you wanted to play for quick sessions. It has since been changed to feel like a “more robust, bigger Star Fox game” after fans mentioned the original idea didn't feel true to the franchise. Maps have been expanded upon with a focus ?on sho?rtcuts and alternate paths, better AI and enemy placement, and other such improvements.

Miyamoto touched?? on some of the amiibo functionality as well. The Fox amiibo will unlock the Retro Arwing skin, so players can fly around as the simple, Super Nintendo-style Arwing. It's a neat addtion, even if it looks a bit bizarre next to the textured backgrounds. He also mentioned there will be one more piece of amiibo content that they plan to reveal soon.

5 big questions about Star Fox Zero answered [IGN]

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// 0 180933
betvisa casinoStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Fri, 04 Mar 2016 04:00:00 +0000 //

Name one game motion controls made better

IGN reports that, despite earlier claims, motion controls can't be fully disabled for Star Fox Zero.

Nintendo issued a statement explaining that "motion controls cannot be entirely disabled in Star Fox Zero, although players will have some options to choose how they a?re implemented. The game was designed to be played with motion controls, and it would be incredibly difficult to complete certain areas of the game without the independent aiming and flight that they offer."

Not great news for those of us who don't love motion controls (read: most of us), or for the game being accessible to players of all types. I can't think of a single game made better with motion control, though I've heard some people prefer it in Splatoon. I hope Nintendo reconsiders, but seeing as how Star Fox Zero is supposed ?to?? come out next month, I don't see that happening.

5 Big questions about Star Fox Zero Answered [IGN]

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// 0 180929
betvisa888 liveStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Mon, 16 Nov 2015 21:00:00 +0000 //

A pair of gameplay clips

Comparing recent Star Fox Zero footage to what was shown in June, it's clear Nintendo made the rig?ht call when it delayed?? the Wii U game to April 22, 2016.

Besides visual upgrades, the extra time is going toward improving the GamePad experience and "further polishing?? the level designs and perfecting the tone of the cut scenes," according to Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto.

A couple of new clips were posted to the official Japanese site, and they're worth watching.

This first video is classic Star Fox action. We needed a clip like this!

The next video is a brief side-by-side demo of the GamePad's cockpit view. If Splatoon's control options taught me anyt?hing, it's that we? should all give this a chance.

[Via r/WiiU]

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// 0 175071
betvisa888 betStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Mon, 29 Jun 2015 15:30:00 +0000 //

Well, not gameplay content, anyways

Unlike some of the addled fringe elements of Destructoid, I do not partake in amiibo. Recent Nintendo releases like Splatoon and Yoshi's Wooly World have locked certain gameplay bits behind Nintendo's line of collectable dolls. That won't be the case with Star Fox Zero.

Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto told Kotaku that, "In terms of being able to unlock content, I don’t really want to go down that path. For t??his game, I think of it more as, for people who have the Amiibo, they’re going to get a little some??thing extra and that’s how I’m planning on it with this game. So rather than actual abilities or things like that changing in the game, it would be like getting a different skin for the Arwing or something like that.

"Since we already have the existing Smash Bros. Amiibos I basically want to put in something so if you already have those Amiibos, I imagine people will try and tap them on Star Fox anyway, and ?I want to make sure there is something that gives them a nice charge when they do that."

I guess that also means don't expect a Splatoon-like Star Fox line?

Shigeru Miyamoto Has Good ?News For Amiibo Skeptics Like Me [Kotaku]

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// 0 167076
betvisa casinoStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Tue, 16 Jun 2015 20:25:00 +0000 //

But there's a learning curve

Only a few hours ago, the E3 show floor opened up. As soon as it happened, Nintendo's booth was flooded, and the half-dozen or so Star Fox Zero stations were thick with intimidatingly long lines. People were wil??ling to wait to play this. By the time they finally put down the controller, I'd wa??ger most would eagerly say the wait was well worth it.

One of the biggest reasons Star Fox Zero shines is because of ?its GamePad functionality. While the monitor displays the Arwing from a third-person view, the GamePad'??s screen gives a first-person glimpse from the cockpit. The change in aesthetic is nice, but that's not really the GamePad's purpose. Instead, it allows for greater precision when aiming, as there are vantage points that would be otherwise out of view.

Bolstering the mechanic is the GamePad's built-in gyroscope. Tilting the controller moves the aiming reticule. This works in both viewing modes, but it's wildly more useful when looking at the GamePad's screen. A prime example came when some robotic spiders started slowly attacking. Their only weak spot was?? on top of them, so it was necessary to fly directly above them, and then look at the GamePad to shoot straight down.

Without wishing to sound too hyperbolic, this integration is such a creative use of the GamePad because the disconnect between the third- and first-person make it actually seem like you're hopping into a fighter je??t -- even if just for a few seconds. Like, you need to look down to take care of some stuff, and then it's right back to flying about. Simply put, it's really great.

However, there's an obvious learning curve, and it's not one that I was able to master in my 15 minutes with Star Fox Zero. Knowing which screen t??o look at,?? dealing with two different sets of inverted controls (left stick and gyroscope), shooting, all while avoiding enemy fire is no small task. There were several times when I'd brilliantly handle one small section only to completely bungle the next. Even when I thought I had the hang of it, I didn't.

The level I played was on Corneria and it consisted of three phases. The first two were meant to acclimate you to the controls. It was probably possible to fail, but it didn't seem likely. By the time the boss revealed itself at phase three, the kid gloves came off. I'm not ashamed to admit that ??????????????????????????I didn't last long. I got caught up in looking at the GamePad too long when ?I should've spent more time navigating the Arwing. Shucks.

I may have been disappointed in my failure, but I can't say I was disappointed with my experience. It was fantastic seeing and hearin??g from Peppy, Falco, ??and Slippy again. I did barrel roll after barrel roll -- not for survival, but for fun. It probably would've helped if I did them evasively.

Platinum and Nintendo could've taken a simpler, scaled-down approach to this Star Fox, and everyone would've welcomed it with open arms. Rather, they're doing interesting and innovative things with the Wii U hardware, and that might be enough to push Star Fox Zero into another stratosphere. 

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// 0 166358
betvisa888 casinoStar Fox Zero Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Tue, 16 Jun 2015 15:06:00 +0000 //

Do a barrel roll!

It's happening, it's finally happening!

Kicking off its E3 showcase today, Nintendo finally unveiled the next entry in the Star Fox series.

The new project is called Star Fox Zero and it's coming exclusively to Wii U this winter. Nintendo is developing it in collaboration with Platinum Games.

In addition to showing the classic third-person vantage point on the television, Zero takes advantage of t?he Wii U GamePad by simultaneously displaying a c??ockpit view in your hands.

One button controls all the weapons fire, while the re??st allow players to transform the Arwing into a walker, landmaster, or gyrowing. The analogs, meanwhile, act as as flight stick and throttle?, controlling speed and aerial maneuvers like flips.

Miyamoto says this isn't a sequel or remake, but it's ow?n thing. Moreover, the kanji character for "zero" reminded him of a fox tail. So that'??s apparently how it got its moniker.

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