betvisa888 betThe Password Game Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // Probably About Video Games Thu, 04 Apr 2024 20:03:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 betThe Password Game Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Thu, 04 Apr 2024 20:03:11 +0000 // Password Game Rule 16

The Password Game is painful. It requires so many mental gymnastics that it can really crack the brain matter. If you’ve made it to Rule 18, con??gratulations, I guess. Here, you’ll need to find some Atomic Numbers that add up to 200.

What are Atomic Numbers? Are you familiar with the Periodic Table of Elements? It hangs on the wall in basically every science or chemistry classroom. It shows each of the chemical elements, with each one being assigned a number based on the number of protons found in the atom’s nucleus. So, that Atomic Number is what we’re looking?? at here. Here's the periodic table. Let's take a look.

periodic table from science
Image via

So, when you create a password, you’re invariably going to trip over some Chemical elements. It would be so easy right now if you could just plug in EsMd (Einsteinium + Mendelevium), but it’s almost guaranteed to not shake out that way. In fact, rule 12 has you use an elemental symbol, so you definitely have one in there. I had actually chosen Es, for rule 12, but by the time ??I got here, there were a lot more ??built up in my password.

What are the best Atomic Numbers for Rule 18 in The Password Game?

To echo my colleague who wrote the guide on Rule 16, unfortunately, this means that I can’t just give you a few elements to jam to??gether to make a 200. It really depends on what you already have in your password.

In fact, I had Vanadium+Vana??dium+Iodine+Iodine+Sulfur+Germanium+Einsteinium (23+23+53+53+32+16+99=299). Thankfully, the change I had to make was clear, I just needed to remove Einsteinium from the mix and everything was brought down to 200 while still satisfying the rest of my needs.

Password Game Successful Elements
Screenshot by Destructoid

The difficulty here is that Password Game will match any Uppercase letter to an element, as well as any Uppercase followed by Lowercase?? combination that match a chemical element on the table. It will highlight the ones that are counted, but even then, it can be unclear. So, in my example, when I used V and I to make Roman Numerals for Rule 7 and Rule 9, ?I inadvertently added Vandanium whenever I wanted a 5, and an Iodine everytime I wanted a 1.

If the combinatio?n of all these periodic elements exceeds 200, then you can’t start subtracting, so you’re going to need to change some of them. This can be shifting a letter to lowercase, where it won’t be detected as a chemical element.

Hopefully, by telling you by explaining the goal, providing a periodic table, and telling you where things can go wrong, you can figure out how to get to 200. I’m sorry if your brain breaks in the process. I know that I’m going to reach for the Ibuprofen the mo??ment I hit submit on this article.

The post Atomic Numbers that add up to 200: Password Game Rule 18 answer?s appeared first on Destructoid.

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betvisa loginThe Password Game Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Fri, 15 Mar 2024 18:13:02 +0000 // Current Phase of the Moon as an Emoji for The Password Game

If you are looking for the current phase of the moon as an emoji, look no further. Rule 13 of The Password Game can be an intimidating part of the ?game. But, if we do a little research, we can easily find out the current phase of the moon and add the corresponding emoji to your password.

First, we must figure out the current phase of the moon. There are eight phases of the moon, with each one lasting about six to eight days. To figure out where we're at today, simply click here for the current phase of the moon.

Full list of current phases of the moon as an emoji

Once you know the current phase of the moon based on which day it is, you can ??now move on to the next part of solving Rule 13. Which emoji correctly depicts the curr??ent phase of the moon?

Below you'll find a list of all the possible combinations. All you have to do is look for the current phase of the moon below, and copy and paste it into your password on The Password Game. Here's? a full list of ??all the phases of the moon as an emoji:

  • New Moon ?🌑
  • Waxing Crescent Moon ?🌒
  • First Quarter Moon ?🌓
  • Waxing Gibbous Moon ?🌔
  • Full Moon ?🌕
  • Waning Gibbous Moon ?🌖
  • Last Quarter Moon ?🌗
  • Waning Crescent Moon ?🌘

All possible Rule 13 answers for The Password Game

If for some reason you're not able to ?figure out your current moon phase, you can copy an??d paste this sequence of emojis into your password and it should work.


It's that simple! By using our list above you can easily find the current phase of the moon as an emoji. Be?? sure to check b?ack as we figure out more tough Rule answers from The Password Game!

The Password Game Rule answers

Here's a list of all the other The Password Game articles we've published:

The post Current phase of the moon as an emoji, The P???assword Game Rule 13 answers appeared first on Destructoid.

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betvisa liveThe Password Game Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Thu, 29 Jun 2023 18:46:41 +0000 //

The Password Game has some fairly challenging rules early in the game, and one of the hardest ones is rule 14. This rule gives you a completely random Google Maps location and asks you to name the country. Depending on the Google Maps location you get, this can be very tricky. Luckily, I know a few solid tricks you can try to solve rule 14 and keep going on The Password Game.

Related: How many rules are in The Password Game? by Destructoid 

The Password Game: How to solve Rule 14

If you're stuck on rule 14 on The Password Game, then you're not alone. This Google Maps location rule that requires you to name the country stumped me for a long time. However, I have a few tricks you? need to try to get past this hurdle.

Note: Do not try refreshing the page for a new Google Maps location! I tried that and ?it erases all your progress. Though you are only on rule 14, restarting from rule 1 isn't fun.

The first trick is to try using Google Lens. Both iPhones and Androids have access ??to Google Lens, although you may need to download it from the app store. Once you have Google Lens, have the Google Maps image be on the most interesting building or landmark in the area. Then, take a photo with Google Lens and you'll get images of the building or landmark with more details on what country it is in.

My image had a giraffe statue and Legoland banners on the poles. After using Google Lens, I found that the Lego giraffe statue is located in Berlin, Germany. I entered Germany whi????ch was right and I was allowed to continue to rule 15.

The second trick I recommend is to look for landmarks, street names, or any language and Googling it. If the langu??age is English, you can Google any shops or street?s you see which will help you narrow down the country. If your Google Maps location is in the wilderness, Google Lens is the way to go, but you can also search using the terms you see like "big red rocks" for example.

Rule 14 is where the fun begins; there are even more crazy rules to come. If you need help figuring out the answer to the rules in The Password Game, visit PC Invasion for more.

The post How to beat The Password Game Rule 14 appeared first on Destructoid.

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betvisa cricketThe Password Game Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match // // Wed, 28 Jun 2023 16:30:17 +0000 // Current Phase of the Moon as an Emoji for The Password Game

Is it secure enough?

Last night, I clicked on a link I saw floating around social media for something called The Password Game. It seemed a little neat; make a secure password against an ever-increasing set of rules. What I thought would be a momentary distraction ended up with me, and my Discord call, furiously searching Google and? calculating math to try and outsmart an expanding, seemingly malicious ruleset. Our password,?? ultimately, failed.

The Password Game is a new overnight web game sensation from developer Neal Agarwal. They've made a number of fun, unique games with quirky problems to solve, like Absurd Trolley Problems. With The Password Game, it starts simple: make a password.

Of course, good web games are never so simple. Gradually, Agarwal introduces rules. Rules that, as they describe it, "ensure [they] will never see the pea??rly gates."


Rules, rules, rules

I don't really want to spoil any of the big rule surprises for you, as that's a big part of the fun: discovering what The Password Game will throw at you. It was actually a joy to do this in a Discord call, and I highly, highly recommend doing the same if you can. Making The Password Game a social ?si??tuation is great, not just because you can all collaborate, but you can share in the confusion. (My one hint? Maybe grab a Periodic Table of Elements.)

Either way, go in sight unseen and just see how far you go. Maybe even share your first-time experiences here? I'm fascinated to see how far people get. Apparently, some folks are even beating it. I don't? know if I can fully figure that out, but part of me—a deep-seated, unwell aspect of myself—does want to try. At the very least, I can end up with a very, very secure password.

Try your hand at The Password Game here.

The post The Password Game is an unhinged uphill battle ?against rules appeared first on Destructoid.

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