betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // Probably About Video Games Mon, 30 Jan 2023 09:43:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - براہ راست کرکٹ | // // Mon, 30 Jan 2023 20:00:31 +0000 //

Edutainment that's not very edutaining

For about as long as I've been alive, W??alt Disney World has been my family's go-to vacation destination. We've reliably visited the four-park resort in Florida every c??ouple of years for around two decades. I have a real fondness for the parks. But I've always been a little unsure of EPCOT.

EPCOT, the "Experimental Prototype City of Tomorrow" (named for an intentional community that Walt Disney thought up shortly before his death), is a weird beast. It's an edutainment park, which already makes it a harder sell than something like the Magic Kingdom. When you're nine years old, the choice between meeting Mickey Mouse and learning about the fuel efficiency of the modern automobile is not a difficult one, even if Test Track is a great ride. More frustratingly, though, it's a bad edutainment park, one where many attractions were reworked for a few years and then basically abandoned in a state that is neither particularly educational nor very entertaining. More recent additions, like the baffling new Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster, seem to have totally abandoned the idea of a "theme," offering no parity with the? surrounding park whatsoever.

[caption id="attachment_360257" align="alignnone" width="640"] Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

That wasn't always the case, though. Many theme park fans look back on the EPCOT of the early 80s with a great deal of warmth. It played host to some of the most beloved attractions in Disney's history, and its design was dramatically more cohesive. At least, that's what I've been hearing from older fans for years - I wasn't around to see old-school EPCOT. Then, a few days back, Justin McElroy mentioned Futureport '82 on an episode of the excellent podcast The Besties. A??nd right at th?e end of January, I found my game of the year.

A blast from the past

Futureport '82 is a digital recreation of EPCOT's Future World as it existed on the park's opening day in 1982, built entirely in Unreal Engine 5. Future World makes up about half of EPCOT, and Futureport '82 recreates that half stunningly. From the monorail ?station at the entrance of the park all the way to the ??entrance to World Showcase, EPCOT's other half, just about everything is represented.

I'm honestly astonished by the attention to detail in Futureport '82. Creator Sean Patrick Holland, with the help of 22 credited collaborators, has made far more than I ever expected, especially given that Futureport '82 isn't yet finished. Th??e recreated Future World includes everything, down to the merchandise that would have been present at the park's opening, all proudly arranged in an empty gift shop. There are even advertisements for planned but unrealized attractions - two posters proudly ad??vertise the TRON Arcade, a gaming-themed installation that was advertised at EPCOT's opening but never built.

[caption id="attachment_360259" align="alignnone" width="640"] Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

I wasn't alive in 1982, so I can't say for sure whether or not this is a perfect recreation of Future World. You'd have to talk to someone more qualified for that. I can say that Futureport '82 feels comprehensive. Even if the layout isn't exactly 1:1, it's clear that every element of early Future World has been carefully considered by knowledgeable, passionate, and intelligent people. Anyone who goes ??to the extra effort of modeling attraction signs with their original corporate sponsors clearly cares about the little things.

A museum for weirdos

All around Futureport '82 are little kiosks. These are some of the only pieces of Futureport '82 that weren't present when EPCOT opened, although you won't be surprised to learn that they're based on EPCOT's real, long-defunct WorldKey Information kiosks. The real kiosks were largely used for dining reservations and were found in the Earth Center (a building that you can, of course, visit in Futureport '82), ??but here, they're scattered across the ??park and contain fascinating pieces of EPCOT history.

[caption id="attachment_360260" align="alignnone" width="640"] Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

These kiosks lend to the sense that Futureport '82 is a kind? of niche museum. It's not really a "video game" - there are no goals, no systems to play with, and not all that much to do. It's more of a virtual love letter to a specific place from a specific era.

The passion is palpa??ble, and there's something rewarding about wandering through it and feeling all that enthusiasm radiate off of the screen. It's the kind of thing you download if you're interested in seeing where the Potato Store was in 1982 and learning which restaurant was similar to the Sunshine Terrace. In short, it's for a very specific group of weirdos, and I find myself comfortable in that group.

[caption id="attachment_360258" align="alignnone" width="640"] Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

Pardon our pixie dust

Futureport '82 is still a wo??rk in deep progress. A disclaimer at the top notes that interiors are only available for a handful of buil??dings, with more to come in the future. Full attractions are also still in the works - right now, you can stand in the Kitchen Kabaret lobby, but actually hearing robots say "Veggie veggie, fruit fruit" remains a distant dream.

[caption id="attachment_360261" align="alignnone" width="640"] Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

It's also a bit rough ?around the edges from a technical perspec?tive. On anything higher than the lowest graphical settings, it starts to chug, and at one point I climbed up the stairs in a room and fell straight through a floor with no collision detection.

Even in its current, incomplete state, though, Futureport '82 is something truly special. This isn't the first time someone has recreated a theme park in a digital space (Disney itself recently rebuilt the Magic Kingdom in Minecraft), but the care that's gone into this project is absolutely infectious. I truly can't wait for the future of Futureport '82.

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// 0 360253
betvisa888Theme Park Archives – Destructoid - براہ راست کرکٹ | // // Wed, 14 Dec 2022 22:30:32 +0000 //

Let's-a go!

When we saw the early mockups for Super Nintendo World in Japan all those years ago, it all seemed to good to be true. Finally, everyone's favorite mushroom eating, Goomba stomping, fireball throwing plumber would b??e coming to life in a substantial, tangible way, along with his friends and the world they inhabi??t. As something of a casual theme park enthusiast myself, I was also thrilled to see the state-of-the-art technology Universal would be incorporating to really bring the Mushroom Kingdom to life.

After the U.S. version of the park was announced earlier this year to be added as a new world to explore at Universal Hollywood, the western fans have been waiting patiently (or maybe not so patiently) for when it would finally be open. Thankfully, the wait is almost over, because this morning Universal Hollywood finally dropped the opening date for the park, and it's right around the corner on February 17, 2023.


There's gonna be a lot to look forward to at Super Nintendo World �the theming of the world is enough to make me want to go in the first place, but then there are the themed foods, the rides (Mario Kart: Koopa's Challenge and Yoshi's Adventure), the exclusive merch, and the character meetups with favorites like Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach. Sounds like a pretty incredible experience for?? anyone who is even the teensiest of a Mario fan, or even just theme park fans in general.

I actually just visited Universal Hollywood, and let me tell you, the excitement for Super Nintendo World was palpable. You can already see a good portion of the new addition from different vantage points in the park, and plenty of park-goers were already walking around with their new Mario-themed merch. A personal favorite of mine are the headbands that have little Boos on them, likely as a c??ounter to Disney's famo??us Mickey ear headbands.

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// 0 354228
betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Thu, 01 Dec 2022 19:00:06 +0000 // uncharted ride roller coaster portaventura

Hopefully it will launch faster than the movie

Sony Pictures' cinematic adaptation of Naughty Dog's adventure series Uncharted is to be further adapted into a new theme park ride: a roller coaster to be situated in Spanish park PortAventura World.

As reported by Variety, the new Uncharted coa?ster is described as a "multi-dimensional" dark ride, (that's an indoor coaster for all of you not adept in the art of roller coasting). Riders will be treated to a pre-show as they stand in line, before hurtling off into "unexplored territories" on a quest for unexplored treasure. The ride itself will feature 700 meters of track and will feature five launches with up to 1G of acceleration.


That's not really the kind of "breakneck" that I'd associate with jovial psychopath/treasure hunter Nathan Drake, but as the ride is based on the 2021 movie, rather than the video game series, I'm sure that thrilling action and adventure are more on the ride's agenda �rather than machine-gunning mercenaries and performing krav maga takedowns. I hope the spiders from Uncharted 3 show up.

The Uncharted ride will be the latest in a litany of video game and movie-themed attractions to thrill and engage parkgoers over the years. Franchises such as Sonic the Hedgehog, Tomb Raider, Mario Kart, and Resident Evil have all had featured rides installed at various parks in the past, while rides based on film franchises such as Indiana Jones, Star Wars, The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jurassic Park, and The Mummy have also pulled in the punters. Perhaps the most famous of these was Universal Studios' Back to the Future attraction, ??which ran seas?onally for an amazing 16 years.

In completely related unrelated news: I?? have a video from 1978 where Vincent Price discusse?s the history of roller coasters while riding roller coasters. He calls them "rolleee coasters" for the entire duration.

Th?e Uncharted ride is ex??pected to open mid-2023 at PortAventura World, Barcelona, Spain.

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// 0 352197
betvisa888Theme Park Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Thu, 02 Jun 2022 17:45:43 +0000 // Super Nintendo World Universal Studios Hollywood

Mushroom Kingdom comes to Hollywood

When Universal Studios Japan announced the new Super Nintendo World a few years back, gamers lost their collective minds. Sure, we're used to seeing our favorite films and TV shows come to life at a theme park, but seeing a game world realized is a brand new feeling. I'm honestly shocked it took them this long, considering how well-loved, imaginative, and easily-marketable video game settings are �especially when it comes to Nintendo properties. Now, Universal is finally moving the ball down the field, because its Hollywood park is getting its very own highly-anticipated Super Nintendo World.

We knew Mario and his friends were headed our way soon, but a tweet this morning from the official Universal Studios Hollywood confirmed that the new land would be opening sometime in early 2023. A follow-up tweet also provides a short trailer for one of the upcoming main attractions of Super Nintendo World: an interactive ride call?ed Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge.


The video shows off the ride vehicles, which are themed to look exactly like the go-karts in the game, as well as a little bit of what the? actual ride experience will be like. Riders look to be equipped with glasses of some kind, and while we don't have any confirmation on the nature of what they do just ?yet, it looks like they combine alternate reality elements with physical set dressing on the ride to make for a fully immersive experience.

I'm lucky enough to currently live in Los Angeles, so you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be checking this out opening weekend. I was super bummed that I wouldn't be able to see the one in Japan, so I'm thrilled to see that it's coming to the sta?tes now, too. It will be interesting to see how similar it is to the original park, or if they expand at all outside of the Mario Bros. IP.

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// 0 327856
betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Thu, 10 Mar 2022 20:15:41 +0000 // Super Nintendo World

The U.S. is getting its own Nintendo theme park

Good news for Nintendo fans looking for a getaway next year: a Super Nintendo ?World is due to open in the U.S. ne?xt year. Universal confirms its Hollywood park will open its Nintendo land in 2023.

The expansion will be the first Nintendo-themed park in the U.S., after a similar one opened in Universal Studios Japan last year. No firm date's been set yet for the park opening. A year's worth of window is pre??tty exciting, though.


Via the Los Angeles Times, the park will include a ride, an interactive area, and themed shopping and dining. The interactive portion will likely be Super Mario-themed.

Universal Studios Hollywood is also the home of a Wizarding World of Harry Potter park? too. While the contrast of Mario and Harry Potter seems strange, it definitely also makes a trip to the park seem pretty appealing.

U.S. park-goers who haven't been able to make the trip to Universal Studios Japan have only had photos to go by for ages now. Some even took to Minecraft to experience a version of it. Having a Mario-themed park in the States w??ill be a big deal. I'm curious to see just how well the world of Mario and pals translates to a theme park, and whether I can freely punch blocks for coins.

An expansion is also expected in Orlando at some point, though today's news was just about the Hollywood locale. Either way, it'll be a little easier for those in North America to enter?? the world of Nintendo next year.

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// 0 311832
betvisa liveTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Fri, 12 Nov 2021 18:30:00 +0000 // Super Nintendo World Donkey Kong expansion

Just in time for the leaked movie?

It all started with a door. Eight months ago, a mysterious door appeared at Super Nintendo World in Tokyo, Japan. It looked like an obvious Donkey Kong reference, but since it was a closed door that lead to nowhere, we couldn't be sure. Except we were pretty sure, and that hunch panned out. Seven months later Nintendo would spill the beans an??d fully reveal the next step beyond the core Mario theme for the ?Tokyo-based park: a Donkey Kong e?xpansion.

This past week in a fiscal financial briefing, Nintendo reaffirmed a 2024 opening for "the Donkey Kong area" of Super Nintendo World in Japan. Nintendo also coyly notes that they are planning "new areas" for the Hollywood, Orlando, and Singapore locations. So any potential holds this past year due to the state of the world are seemingly over, and they're ready to rock.?? The company also confirms the order of operations for all these locations: "the next Super Nintendo World to open after Osaka will be in the US, in Hollywood. And after that, we plan to build new areas in Orlando and in Singapore."

I mean, the Donkey Kong expansion just makes the rumors for the Donkey Kong film all the more credible. Universes are all the rage these days for multiple monetary reasons, and Seth Rogen is most definitely down to mess around in a family franchise for as long as possible. 2024 is about on-point for when a Donkey Kong movie would come out, and Nintendo can easily tease a spinoff in 2022's Mario film. Plus, the opening of the Mario park coincides with the first film. Synergy!

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// 0 295285
betvisa888 casinoTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Tue, 28 Sep 2021 14:00:08 +0000 // Donkey Kong Universal

Those doors were right!

So far the reception to Super Nintendo World has been relatively positive from attendees: but a common complaint I've seen is that they wish it was bigger. Well that's ?getting fixed soo?n thanks to the Donkey Kong Universal expansion.

Announced by Universal itself, Universal Studios Japan's Super Nintendo World park will be expanded by "approximately 70%" (!) to accommodate the new character's them?ed area, which is set to open in 2024. It'll get its own roller coaster, "interactive experiences," and of course, themed fo?od and merch. The theme is "lush jungle," and you can get a look at the concept below.

Shigeru Miyamoto is once again involved with the Donkey Kong Universal expansion, which the company calls a "gamechanger" due to "innovative technology." The roller coaster could actually be pretty substantial get for the Super Nintendo World concept as a whole: as one of the complaints of the current setup is that the (ostensibly) Mario side is really light on adult rides.

Some may recall that the Donkey Kong expansion was cutely hinted at half a year ago when Universal erected a mysterious Donkey Kong?-themed doorway that led to nothing. Since then, plans have leaked into the hands?? of various theme park blogs.

This is all well and good, but given that Super Nintendo World hasn't arrived anywhere outside of Japan yet, I'm kind of anxious to get, well, anything at the ??moment!

Donkey Kong Universal Map

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// 0 286084
betvisa888 cricket betTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Mon, 29 Mar 2021 16:30:00 +0000 //

'Because it's in a game engine, we can keep updating, upgrading'

Super Nintendo World just shot up on a lot of bucket lists, and it's going to be...a while before a lot of people can safely visit it. Thankfully Universal seems like it's going to b??e in this partnership for the long haul, even recommitting to a delayed 2025 date for the US version. Still, it is open in Japan, and lots of folks are flocking to it.

This recent insider info for one of their rides just made me even more interested in a future visit. Speaking to IGN, Universal Creative producer Tom Geraghty ??confirms that the Mario Kart ride is basically a game.

He explains: "Mario Kart was built in a game engine, so while [senior vice president Thierry Coup] was back in the States he could actually drive Mario Kart in a game engine, and give us notes in Japan. Because it's in a game engine, we ?can keep updating, upgrading, putting new characters [in], changing themes, changing actions on the fly. So if there's a special event, anything we want to release can be done overnight if we really wanted to. That makes it so much more flexible – it freshens up the experience. Every time you come back you could experience something new and exciting."

It's interesting on multiple leve??ls. Not only could they test out the software virtually for guest experience notes (which came in handy during the last year!), but they could also feasibly update the game and add new iconic Nintendo characters into the mix. Or, for instance, promote a potential "Mario Kart 9," whenever that happ??ens.

Having b??een to a lot of theme parks, one of the biggest issues locations can struggle with is stagnation. Some rides are "classic," others are abandoned and alone in a corner somewhere and dilapidated; only to be torn down eventually. The Mario Kart ride can avoid that by sw?apping things around every so often so repeat guests will keep going on it.

By the time you visit, it might be different!

Super Nintendo World's Mario Ka?rt Ride Is Also a Video Game... But Just for its Developers [IGN]

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// 0 265562
betvisa loginTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Thu, 18 Mar 2021 13:00:00 +0000 //

If you open the door, King K. Rool punches you in the face

Super Nintendo World is o?fficially open for business, and man, is?? it making an impact on people.

Between the little thematic "activities" to do around the park, the Power-Up Bands that double as amiibo, the cool looking food, and the three rides for folks of all ages, I've seen so many "I wish I lived in Japan" co?mments these past few weeks. Fo??r many people, it's a magical place come to life.

But it might get a little more magical. As reported by VGC, there's a mysterious door that leads to...nothing. But doesn't it look so obviously Donkey Kong themed? Yeah, everyone else thinks so!

Amid rumors of a potential Donkey Kong expansion, some users have taken to Twitter to provide an aerial look at the zone in which the door inhabits, which certainly allows for a proper expansion. Late last year, the official Universal app was also datamined, ??which confirmed the existence of Donkey Kong con??tent. Coincidence? I think not!

Hopefully once the park concept comes to the west, they'll?? build the whole thing, expansions and all. I don't think a lot of ??people are going to be able to wait as-is!

Japan’s Super Nintendo World is already? hinting at its Donkey Kong expansion [VGC]

[Image source]

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// 0 265225
betvisa888 casinoTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Mon, 08 Mar 2021 18:30:00 +0000 //

Japan is allegedly ready...again

It's crazy to think that Super Nintendo World "isn't open yet," because there are hundreds upon ??hundreds of videos of people crowding into the park and doing vlogs of every single facet of it; but alas, it's not?? "officially open." That allegedly changes on March 18.

If you recall, the latest delay snatched away the prior launch date of February 4, due to a?? state of emergency that was declared in the Osaka prefecture. That delay was in mid-January, but here we are, mere days away from the new March 18 target, and Nintendo is giving the all-clear.

Things could change, but as of now, even the official Nintendo account is banking on March 18, bey??ond the purview of the Universal of Japan PR machine. Universal mind, elaborates on the opening, stating that there will be "?strengthened" health measures to account for the deci??sion.

If you can't go just check out this full park map and look up anything you're interested on YouTube. Again, there are hundreds of videos combing over every single part of the park in full HD, even full ride walkthroughs. We also have a hands-on?? look at the new Power-Up Bands!

Nintendo [Twitter]

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// 0 264914
betvisa casinoTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Tue, 23 Feb 2021 19:30:00 +0000 //

Outside of the park, it's an amiibo

Although Super Nintendo World in Universal Japan was going to open on February 4, a state of emergency pushed it back. That hasn't stopped people?? from actually entering the park though, as hundreds?? of YouTubers and members of the press have combed over every inch of the new expansion.

If you recall, one of the many pieces of Nintendo-themed merch that was added is a suite of Power-Up bands, which provide functionality in and outside of the park. We ?imp??orted one for science, here's how it shakes out.

Bands come in the Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Toad, and Yoshi variety at this ti?me. We procured a Mario band for testing.

As you can see, it's very nice?ly packaged. Even the side of the box has cute little Mario art on it.

Opening up the band, you can really feel how sturdy the actual product is. It has a "snap bracelet" design, and you can crunch it without feeling like? you're going to break it.

That's good, because each of these bands goes for around $32 US, at retail, in Japan. Before markups and shipping costs?.

See how it scrunches?

As for what the actual functionality of the band entails, much of it is only going to work in the actual park. You'll scan your band's QR code (tucked underneath the big logo) using the Universal Japan app, which will link it to your account. From there, you'll gallivant around the park and engage in "activities" by scanning the logo on the front of the band, which a?ctivates props. It's also linked to a little micro-story involving a conflic??t with Bowser Jr.

As someone who used to attend theme parks often (RIP), this sort of interaction is becoming very common for just about every major locale. Disney has Magic Bands, Universal has Harry Potter products that interact with props: it's becoming a more popu?lar way for guests to hang out in parks without having to deal with lines.

At hom?e, it'?s basically just an amiibo: and in our case, a Mario figure.

Testing it across multiple games, most notably Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we found no difference between this amiibo and the standard Mario figure. It'll queue up the same rewards a?nd amiibo training mechanics as a plain old model woul??d.

The actual scan point for the QR code is on the logo itself, the same as when you're ph?ysically inside of the p??ark. The good news is that although it's roughly twice as pricey as the MSRP for a standard figure, I found it to be extremely responsive.

Right now you can only ?import these from Japan, but since the park isn't fully open, they're getting a hefty markup. If you want one (or the full collection), it's safe to say that you can wait a bit until a ton of them are in circulation.

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// 0 264476
betvisa888Theme Park Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Tue, 09 Feb 2021 17:30:00 +0000 //

The park isn't even open yet

Hey, remember power up bands? Well the bands are back! In scalped form!

Yes, despite the fact that Super Nintendo World in Japan isn't even open yet due to another dela?y, folks are getting their hands on bands due to press and preview events. And they're selling them en masse on storefronts like eBay.

Right now the going rate is roughly $75 per band: and to finish a complete set, you'll need Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Toad, and Yoshi bands. As a reminder, all of them have corresponding amiibo, and will have special functionality within the park itself for various "activities."

Naturally, once the park actually opens to the public and the bands flood the market, the prices will go down. But if you're a hardcore collector and want to mess with one now, it's a little price??y.

I'?m definitely going to get all of these? bands eventually to round out my amiibo collection. But I can wait!

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// 0 263992
betvisa liveTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Tue, 02 Feb 2021 16:30:00 +0000 //

They're taking volunteers

We've been learning a lot about Super Nintendo Wor?ld, the newest addition to Universal Japan, lately! The opening might be dela??????????????????????????yed even further past February 4, but we still basically know everything about it.

So basically no one, outside of a select few industry insiders and theme park journalists, have gone in. Well, you can fix that, digitally! Over on Planet Minecraft, intrepid desig??ner Dippy22 is hard at work crafting up a 1:1 replica of the park.

Here's a quick rundown of the project: "If you may recal?l, I created a fan adaption of the land last year based on some early concept art. Now, as more footage and promotions begin to release, I am finally able to recreate the entire land faithfully on a 1:1 scale. I've just started this new undertaking and any experienced help would be welcomed."

They need help people! You can check out the call for action on the aforementioned Planet Minecraft page, where they link the appropriate Discord.

Super Nintendo World Japan | 1:1 Recreation [Planet Minecraft] Thanks Tom!

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// 0 263768
betvisa888Theme Park Archives – Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Thu, 07 Jan 2021 14:00:00 +0000 //

Get more info on the two current rides and the food

If you're anything like me, you'll spend part of your day today sifting through this new Super Nintendo World landing page; knowing full well it will be a l?ong, long time u?ntil you actually manage to get out and visit it.

After the Miyamoto walkthrough, the fan reveal of the Yoshi ride, and the website addition for the Power-Up bands, Universal and Nintendo are finally to unveil the whole enchilada to the public. Yes that's rig??ht: the entire park is now available for virtual perusal, as well as the menus for the quick service restaurants.  Oh, and it's all in En?glish!

When hitting the home page, you can scroll around to virtually visit the park, which takes you on a quick tour. By hitting the menu on the top left you can access several areas, including landing pages for the Mario Kart and Yoshi rides, as well as pages for the "activities" (involving the Power-Up band), which link up with the Universal Stu??dios Japan app.

Miyamoto hinted at a storyline during the aforementioned video walkthrough, and it seems like it will involve the theft of a Golden Mushroom from the infamous Bowser Jr. You'll need to collect three keys through activities, then square off against Bowser Jr. in a final boss fight. It's like a game-within-a-game that you can play in the park, kind of like the Sorcerers of Magic Kingdom event at Disney World.

The food is mostly part of the Kinopio's Cafe (Toad themed) quick service?? restaurant, which contains a "Mario's Bacon Cheesburger," a "Super Mushroom Pizza Bowl with Mushroom Tomato Sauce," "a Piranha Plant Caprese," and a "Question Mark Block Tiramisu." There's also popcorn buckets you can pick up (Mario Kart or Star themed): one of which is peach flavored.

Yoshi's Snack Is??land will also provide light fare, with "Green Shell Calzones filled with Yakisoba and cheese," and "Yoshi's Lassi" (lassi is a yogurt-based drink). The Mario Cafe and Store will also have several food options, like a Mario hat-themed strawberry shortcake treat. The site has a small page that teases merch options, too.

If yo??u're going at some point, it's a lot to take in and prepare for! For everyone else, it'll be a long wait until it hits the west.

Super Nintendo World [Universal]

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// 0 262002
betvisa888 cricket betTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Fri, 01 Jan 2021 13:00:00 +0000 //

It's like Small World

Supe??r Nintendo World? is really starting to come together.

Earlier this month, we got a good look at the park, a quick tease of the Power-Up Band system, and a sneak preview of the Mario Kart-the?med ride. Now, th?anks to fan footage, we know what the Yoshi ride (the companion for Mario Kart) entails.

In short? It's the "It's a Small World" of the park. Grainy and sometimes wonky footage is starting to pour out from Twitter and els?ewhere, and it showcases the cute characters and atmosphere you can expect from "Yoshi's Adventure." Even characters like Baby Yoshi and Kamek show up.

While this might not excite a lot of people out there, as someone who enjoys slow-moving chill rides with my wife and kid: I'm fine with it. Sometimes it's great to just hang out on a ride like this aft??er a long day, and I'm sure tikes of all ages will love it. Yoshi (or Kirby) is the perfect steward for a ride like this.

[Thanks Nick!]

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// 0 261869
betvisa888Theme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Tue, 29 Dec 2020 14:00:00 +0000 //

As teased in the recent Direct, you can use them with the Switch

Just recently, Nintendo shared more info on Super Nintendo World via a physical walking tour with the father of Mario: Shigeru Miyamoto. It was amazing! Go watch it.

Back? Well you may have noticed that at some point in the video, Nintendo teased the Power-Up Bands (which are basically a form of Magic Bands from Disney parks), and some form of Switch function??ality. Well, thanks to a new landing site, we now know a bit mor?e on how that will all work.

According to the site, amiibo will correspond to the character on the band itself. So the above red band with the red "M" for Mario will be??come a "Mario amiibo." Other bands match up to Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Toad, and Yoshi. The bands are used directly with the Switch NFC point ??on the Joy-Con or the Pro Controller, but "are not compatible with the 3DS or Wii U."

Of course, the bands will also work in the park as a scorekeeping mechanism of sorts, which interacts with various "activities." I wonder how they'll play out in the US version of the park?? with long lines.

Power-Up Band [Nintendo]

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// 0 261803
betvisa888 casinoTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Fri, 18 Dec 2020 22:30:00 +0000 //

This theme park looks like a dream come true for Nintendo fans

Shigeru Miyamoto is having the time of his life in this walking tour of Super Nintendo World.

The proud father's happiness knows no bounds in this special 15-minute Nintendo Direct presentation, and it's transferring to me right through the screen. It'll likely be a few years before I can visit this theme park – it's opening in Japan on February 4 but won't be accessible in Hollywood, Orlando, or Singapore until later – and I've accepted that for now. But once it does open, it's on. I've gotta go one day.

During h??is tour, Miyamoto covered multiple areas including the inside of a Warp Pipe and the gift shop, he pr?eviewed the Power-Up Band and phone app, and he showed an exclusive Tokotoko Mario toy.

Definitely w??atch the Direct when you get a chance. It's a fun one.

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betvisa888 liveTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Mon, 30 Nov 2020 12:00:00 +0000 //

Due to open on February 4, 2021 in Japan

So uh??, does anyone else love theme parks? Because this gu??y loves theme parks.

Among the many other things I've missed this year, riding rides with family is one of the things I've lamented the most, but we're all sort of hoping for a ligh??t at the end of the tunnel...eventually. Nintendo is banking on February 4, 2021.

Th??at's the date of the grand opening of Super Nintendo World: which was originally supposed to debut during the Olympics in August of 2020. For obvious reasons it was pushed back to August 2021, but the theme park will open separately a bit earlier. In one word, it looks incredible.

Although we've had plenty of "over the fence" peeks at its construction, Universal Studios of Japan just put out an official video (below) that showcases it in all its splendor. While the outdoor zone is impressive on its own, the indoor areas are really where this park shines, like the giant red staircase leading to a Bowser statue for the "Koopa's Challenge" Mario Kart ride queue. As a reminder,?? the other ride is Yoshi-themed.

Eventually, Universal Studios Hollywood and Universal Studios Florida ??(under the "Epic Universe" umbrella) will get their US versions, expected to launch in mid-2021 and 2024 respectively: minus any delays.

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betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Wed, 07 Oct 2020 13:30:00 +0000 //

The cafe/store arrives on October 16

The world is pretty crazy right now, with some theme parks open and some...not so much. But Nintendo and Universal are still moving full speed ahead with Super Nintendo World of Japan, having gotten back on the construction horse earlier this year.

Now the fruits of their labor are seemingly ready to be unleashed, as Nintendo has just announced officially that Super Nintendo World will arrive in Osaka City in the spring of 2021. But before that grand opening, ?Nintendo will cut the ribbon for the Mario Cafe and Store, which is scheduled to be u?nleashed on October 16.

At that point guests can buy various Mario merch, as well as "Super Mushroom Drinks" (in a collectible cup) and fruit cream sodas (with mustache straws). Mario and Luigi cap cookies ??will also be on sale, and the tagline that the store is going for is "Whose Cap?" Cheeky. We know who owns that cap.

There is still no real timeline for when the other two Super Nintendo World theme parks will ?be finished (CA, ??FL); but given the restrictions in California, that park is in for a bumpy ride if it intends to still open in 2021.

Super Nintendo World will open i??n the spring of 2021 [Nintendo]

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betvisa casinoTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Tue, 07 Jul 2020 12:00:00 +0000 //

Until it's safe

Speaking to investors, Nintendo gave us a bit more info on the recent Universal Studios of Japan's Super Nintendo World expansion, but as expected, it's new?s of a delay.

Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa explained that it was originally slated to open before the 2020 Tokyo Olympics (next July), but the schedule was altered due to the current pand??emic. This matches up with a statement made by Universal Studios itself, who delayed the opening of the park just over a week ago.

Representative director and Nintendo legend Shigeru Miyamoto (who served as a creative consul??tant for the park) adds that he "expects Universal Studios Japan will announce a new opening date after taking measures to ensure safe operation." After Japan gets a handle on things, the US and Singapore expansions are still on the table at this time.

The thing is, a lot of the framework is actually done already, and Japanese citizens have been walking or driving by the construction shot to take candid photos and videos. As you can see from Twitter user Ayato below, the park is making huge strides this year in ter??ms of its construction.

A miniature Mario zone is se??emingly finished, complete with spinning coins, pipes and a Thwomp th?at has eyes that light up at night. You can also see a giant replica of Bowser's Castle in the shot: all of those elements are part of the above concept art. Just teleport me there (when it's safe)!

Q&A Summary [Nintendo]

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betvisa888Theme Park Archives – Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Tue, 14 Jan 2020 19:30:00 +0000 //

Plus, a look at all six wristbands

Super Nintendo World is opening in Universal Studios Japan later this summer. Alone that sounds great. A theme park in Osaka that's dedicated to Nintendo is already cool enough. But, there are ARG components that will make the Mario experience really come to life.

Upon entering Super Nintendo World, visitors will have the opportunity to buy a wristband that pairs with a smartphone app. Here's a look at the array of bands that will be available. (Image courtesy of?? Famitsu.) Waluigi is snubbed again.

This wristwatch/phone app combo turns Super Nintendo World into more of a game than a theme park. According to Bloomberg, the park tasks visitors with recovering a golden mushroom that was stolen by Bowser Jr. The band unlocks functi?onality where people can col?lect coins and battle bosses while exploring the physical park; the app tracks their progress.

Here's what s?ome of that coin collecting looks like in action:

All of the bling with none of the concussive head-bashing. Nintendo didn't elaborate on what sort of rides will be available at Super Nintendo World. Yesterday's trailer/music video gave a look at the spirit of the park while showing utterly impossible implementation. At least know we know how visitors can go about being the best Mario ??they can be.

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betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Wed, 13 Nov 2019 22:00:00 +0000 //

New DLC lets you fill your park with lava

Texel Raptor is giving classic tycoon fans a second helping of Parkitect with Taste of Adventure, an expansion that adds eight rides, four shops, and ten levels to the well-liked theme park simulator.

The rides themselves look neat enough there's River Rapids and an Inverting Spinning Coaster, among other additions but the biggest upgrade deals with decorations. Parkitect: Taste of Adventure includes new Candy and Adventure themes, the former of ??which will let you build cot??ton-candy trees.

There's also th??ree-dimensional text signs, animating doors, and lava. No park is com??plete without lava.

For the most part, this DLC feels like a chance to bring up a cool game that plenty of people (myself included) missed the first time around. If you're already all-in, Taste of Adventure releases for Steam on November 20, 2019. I'll try to loop back around to Parkitect once I've had my fill of Planet Zoo.

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betvisa888 cricket betTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Fri, 13 Sep 2019 13:00:00 +0000 //

Let's-a go!

It looks like that Nintendo theme park is a lot closer than we realized. During Comcast's 2019 Media, Communications & Entertainment Conference a few days ago, Universal Parks & Resorts Chairman/CEO Tom Williams revealed that Universal Japan in Osaka will be welcoming Super Nintendo World in Spring 2020. That's only half a year left! According to his speech, the park will open with two rides: Super Mario Kart and Yoshi's Adventure.

"It's the best, and we've tested them all,? and they're killers," Williams said. "It's a great lineup. It takes it to ??the whole next level. It's gonna redefine what a park experience is like. It really is special." Taking a page out of Disney's playbook, Super Nintendo World will have patrons wearing magnetic bracelets emblazoned with Mario's iconic red M that will interact with various objects at the park.

Likely using NFC technology, the bracelet will keep track of scores gained throughout the? different attractions and is said to have some functionalit?y with game consoles. As Williams put it, you can go "back with your game console so you can build on it and come back again."

As for when we'll see Super Nintendo World in the United States, Williams refrained from commenting. In his words, he felt revealing too much would "defer attendance" from the Japanese attractions. He did state that from co??nception to opening with any theme park or land, it typically takes around five to six years. With work seemingly not havin?g started, we could be waiting quite a bit longer.

Universa?l Parks & Resorts CEO shares new details on Super N?intendo World [Attractions Magazine]

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betvisa888 liveTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Wed, 17 Apr 2019 20:00:00 +0000 //

Clever girl

Jurassic World Evolution has received some DLC today. Available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, the "Carnivore Dinosaur Pack" adds three new creatures to be displayed in your parks. You can welcome the Herrerasaurus, Proceratosaurus, or Acrocanthosaurus into your pens and get a bloodbath going for your park patrons. Time to recreate some famous Gladiator moments.

If free is more your jam, a brand new free camera option has been added to Evolution. Called "Capture mode," the option allows players total control of the in-game camera. You can even disable the HUD and get some really astounding pictures of your park dinosaurs. Seeing as how half of the fun of Evolution? is in the technology recre?ating the ancient creatures, this sounds like a real treat for dinosaur lovers.

The "Carnivore Dino??saur Pack" is available for $4.99 (£3.99/€4.99) on your respective digital marketplace.

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// 0 237197
betvisa888 cricket betTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match // // Sat, 01 Dec 2018 20:00:00 +0000 //

The roller coaster sim you've been waiting for

Back when I reviewed Planet Coaster, I brought up that Parkitect was just sta?rting to take shape. Well, about two years later, that shape is solidified and the game has left Early Access. I've been following the game pretty closely, reading the u?pdates on Steam and eagerly anticipating this day. I held off on Early Access because I didn't want my first impressions to be potentially soured.

Now that the wait is over,?? it's time to dive in and charge to use the? bathroom!

Parkitect review

Parkitect (Linux, Mac, Windows [reviewed])
Developer: Texel Raptor
Publisher: Texel Raptor
Release Date: November 29, 2018
MSRP: $29.99

Parkitect does a great job of delivering where Planet Coaster did not. The former is more oriented towards the management side of theme park design, while the latter was a creative playground that was light on everything else. Both are fine games in their own right, but I think most people, myself included, have fond memories of playing around with the minutia of managing parks back in the RollerCoaster Tycoon days of old.

So naturally, the first thing I did was try and take a park-goer and throw them in a pit way off th??e beaten path. It worked! 10/10.

On a more serious note, Parkitect has some serious nostalgia vibes, but it absolutely stands on its own as a major player in the genre. It has absolutely devoured my time without me even re?alizing it. It's the type of game that naturally leads the player to set smaller, incremental goals for themselves and always have something to look forward to. It could be attrac??ting the next batch of park-goers, or saving up enough money to build the next big coaster -- either way, something good is hopefully on the horizon.

There are plenty of rides - both roller coasters and non-coaster attractions - to choose from. In terms of coasters, there are also plenty more availabl??e on the Steam Workshop, made by community members. The best part is, it's possible to browse the Workshop while in-game, add something, and then use it almost instantly. I was completely prepared to save, reboot the game, and then place down the new coaster. Nope! A small pop-up let me know that the new blueprint was ready to use shortly after I had "subscribed" to it on the Workshop.

Designing a coaster from scratch can be a blast, but has one major setback: the lack of an auto-complete button. Coasters are split into different types like wooden, steel, stand up, wild mouse, and even bobsled, most with their own unique quirks. When creating a bobsled coaster, for example, it's important to manage the speed on the curves so that the poor riders don't zoom out to their death. But, if you want to recreate the bobsled track from Cool Runnings, you can do just that. In fact, I did just that and you can download and use it here. You're welcome.

Anyway, chances are you'll have a ball creating your own zips and zooms on a coaster, only to realize the ending track won't connect to the station. Naturally, they need to be at the same exact height. Alright, no big deal, just go back and adjust it slightly. Well, that's easier said than done. Height markers are placed at various spots of the ride to keep track and they're done in fractions, everyone's favorite F-word. I can't tell you how many times my ride was at 2 7/8 height units when it needed to be at 3, which required about 25 minutes of frustrating adjustments to fix. It's not intuitive or remotely entertaining to make these adjustments, and it just gets in the way of what should be the "cherry on top" when designing a ride. I had no satisfaction of fixing this problem, just frustration. Give me a button to do it automatically and let me get back to what I enjoy about Parkitect.

I also wish you could "ride" the rides like in the later Tycoon games, but the beauty of Parkitect is that some modder has already taken it upon them to attempt to add such a  feature to the game!

That aside, there is so much to love here. Parkitect feels like a natural evolution of the roller coaster sims of old. It adds an extra layer of management in dealing more in-depth with staff members and the "behind the scenes" elements of running a park. None of this makes management feel like a burden, quite the opposite in fact: it feels right at home. Park-goers won't be happy to see staff members moving inventory to ??shops out in the open, so players can add staff-only walkways that are out of the way to appease them. Staff members ??will also get too tired to work, so it's a good idea to build a staff room for them. Oh! And they can also be trained to do their job better, so building a training center is a good idea (though they will get better at their job over time). There is a lot to consider, but again, it never feels overwhelming.

Parkitect review

Taking care of what people say is actually a large part of Parkitect. There are many visualizations to toggle on/off, one of which shows just how ugly the park really is. People don't like to? see things like trash, toilets, or any of the staff buildings. Placing trees or something else to obstruct that view placates the park-goers, bless their simple minds. Again, this adds another layer for the playe?r to keep track of while still keeping things interesting. Finding inventive ways to obfuscate peoples' view allows players to get rather creative. Or, you know, you can just plop down some trees.

Guests will also benefit from being able to actually see other parts of the park. If a rider goes on top of the Ferris Wheel, which allows them to see a ride that would otherwise be hard to see, they may think "I want to go on that ride over there!" and then go there. This has always been something I considered when constructing parks in the genre, but Parkitect actually u?ses this idea to its benefit. Add it to the list of smart design decisions that add to the overall experience.

Of course, players are able to sta?rt up a brand new, completely customizable plot of land and go nuts, even disabling things like money and research to create a true sandbox mode. However, the campaign is the big draw here. Effectively a series of challenges or scenarios, players will systematically make their way through 26 levels, each with their own environment and set of tasks. These do a great job of easing the player into the mechanics (there is a tutorial, but it barely covers the basics) and becomes varied enough to continue to entice players onward. Plus, completing a level unlocks it in free play for those who enjoy the environment itself. 

Parkitect review

The visuals are sharp and colorful while the models themselves are kept simple. The result is an awesome blend of simplicity and style that harken back to the game's roots while still feeling unique. There are no readability issues with any important information, and everything can be ascertained wi?th a quick glance, once you know where to look. The music is likewise bubbly and upbeat, kicking in at just the right times to bring a smile to your face.

If you came into this review with the simple question of "is this game a modern-day RollerCoaster Tycoon?" the answer is an absolute yes. I spent most of my time in Parkitect analyzing revenue graphs and tinkering with prices to try and nickel-and-dime each guest ??out of their hard-earned cash. While I wish the ride creation was much friendlier, managing staff, guests, and park design has never felt better or more complete.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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betvisa888 cricket betTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Thu, 08 Nov 2018 20:30:00 +0000 //

Uncover the secrets of Dr. Wu (spoilers: it's dinosaurs)

A new expansion is getting ready to hatch in Frontier Developments' dino-based management title Jurassic World Evolution. The Secrets of Dr. Wu is a paid DLC add-on that will bring new missions, facilities and, of course, dinosaurs to the alternative theme park si??????????????????????????m.

Featuring the Dr. Wu character, (played by B.D. Wong in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies), the new DLC will add new ca?mpaign? missions to the game, set within two secret research facilities Wu has situated on Isla Muerta and Isla Tacaño. Here, Wu has genetically-created new species of prehistoric mayhem, with creatures such as the Ankylodocus and the Spinoraptor. There will also be new dig sites, research techniques and facility tools to explore.

Also coming to Jurassic World Evolution is a free update, for all players, that will add an optional day-and-night cycle, new behavioral patterns, and new challenge contracts. This patch, along with The Secrets of Dr. Wu DLC, will be made available on November 20.

Jurassic World Evolution is available now on PS4, PC and Xbox One.

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betvisa888 betTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Thu, 25 Oct 2018 13:00:00 +0000 //

Coaster on the go!

Atari has announced that the upcoming Switch adaptation of the RollerCoaster Tycoon series will be heading to European store shelves next month via Bigben Interactive. atGames will be publishing the title for US gamers in Q1 2019. Despite having been announced over the summer, this is the first I'm hearing of the title, so I'll fill you in on some details from the official website.

This latest iteration of the series will be based on the mobile spin-off RollerCoaster Tycoon Touch. It will feature a campaign mode, pre-configured scenarios, and an open sandbox option. A highly intuitive user interface is being touted as well as over 200 rides, decorati??ons, restaurants, and shops. Users will be able to play with the Switch's touchscreen or the J??oy-Con controller.

If you're curious about technical performance, RollerCoaster Tycoon Adventures will run at 1080p/30 FPS while docked and 720p/30 FPS in portable mode. The game will occupy four GB of HD space if grabbed digitally. Apart from that and some screenshots, that is really all we know about Adventures.

It seems a physical version will be coming out, as evidenced by the box art, so you could always import a copy to try it early. I'm not sure I'm digging the aesthetic, but this does seem like a better way to bring a management sim to the Switch instead of just porting a more demanding version.

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// 0 231010
betvisa loginTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Sun, 16 Sep 2018 20:00:00 +0000 //

Coughs and sneezes spread diseases!

Usually, I'm quite indignant about any suggestion that my commitment to the PlayStation brand could bite me full force in the arse. I've grown complacent about the fact that everything I want either 1) comes to the PS4, or 2) is so bare-bones in terms of its technical requirements that my cheap-as-chips elderly laptop can handle it, no probs. And if yo??u were to suggest that I piece together a decent gaming rig and stop being so horribly dependent on Sony, you may as well be asking me to remove someone's appendix.

But indeed, it has come back to haunt me, since I currently have no way of running Two Point Hospital -- yes, my laptop is that craptacular. The ga?me?? is a tad more than a spiritual successor to Theme Hospital, with key figures such as Gary ??Carr and Mark Webley involved in both games, and operates on the same principle, but with more finesse. Despite the relatively high price point for a non-AAA game, I was very excited about the release? of Two Point Hospital, precisely because Theme Hospital was a milestone in my gaming history.

In fact, it is a cornerstone of my gaming history in so many ways. It was not only instrumental in igniting my interest in games, but it was the first title I ever wrote a proper blog post about. What's more, Bullfrog Productions were the first game production company I considered myself a fan of, starting back with Theme Park but fuelled even further by Theme Hospital. So, what was so special about TH and why did it and its siblings attract me to management sims more than its competitors? Grab a KitKat from a nearby vending machine inexplicably placed in the middle of the floor while I regale you with a bit of the history behind Theme Hospital, my background with the comedic? cult classic, and a little bit of information on what followed for Bullfrog Productions.

The release of Theme Hospital

Theme Hospital was first released for the PC in March 1997, with a PlayStation port arriving the following year. As already mentioned, the game was originally developed by Bullfrog Productions, though Krisalis Software did work on the PS port. While Peter Molyneux came up with the idea alongsi??de James Leach, Molyneux left the bulk of the work to his team while he focused on what would become the critically-acclaimed Dungeon Keeper, which was released just three months after Theme Hospital.

The level of control it gave you in running a well-oiled healthcare moneymaking machine, combined with great UI work, was laudable for the era in which it was launched. You could pore over balance sheets and isolate individual points of financial weakness, if "winging it" wasn't your thing; furthermore, to build a successful hospital, you had to have a knack for complicated fields such as architecture and HR. Building a staff room too far away or messing up a corridor layout could be enough for disgruntled empl?oyees to threaten a walk-out or for patients to get lost. Yet all of this was conveyed in an entertaining manner, perfectly striking the balance between micromanagement and good fun.

The characte??ristic daftness of Bullfrog Productions' games, as evident in the highly sarcastic Theme Park (released for a variety of PC and console formats starting in 19??94)??, was amplified in Theme Hospital. The production team wisely decided to use made-up diseases instead of going for realism. Bloaty Head disease, and the treatment of popping your afflicted patients with ??a needle like a helium balloon, was surely one of the most ridiculous ideas ever injected into the traditionally stodgy manageme??nt genre. It ranks up there with deliberately not repairing your bouncy castles in Theme Park and waiting for them to explode, ejecting hapless park attendees 20ft into the air. There were a couple of extra perks for pop culture fans, such as Hannibal Lecter being called to see security by the receptionist, w??ho provides a dry dose of wit throughout the game.

This sweet little package of tough-as-nails management sim (just you wait 'til you get to the last hospital, Battenberg) and slapstick wonder earned it high praise on release, getting an 8/10 in Edge and 85% in PC Gamer UK for the PC versions. IGN and Gamespot were both favourable about the PlayStation version, though Gamespot was quite critical of the PC original. If you are inclined to take a trip to the yesteryear of medicine that doesn't involve trepanning, you can pick up Theme Hospital for PC on Origin and on the PS Store as a PS1 Classic (in the US -- it has bee??n remov??ed in the EU. Boo hoo.)

Theme Hospital wormed its way into my heart, and I re??fused all medicati?on

The question remains as to why Theme Hospital was so near and dear to me that I wrote one of my first ever pieces for Skirmish Frogs on the game, foll?owed in short order by Theme Park World/Sim Theme Park. It's hardly your universally acceptable Mario or Zelda ??game that kids stereotypically cut their teeth on and it's not r??eally playground bragging fodder.

Well, my gaming habits were not influenced by my friends as a child -- I was influenced by my aunt. As a young child of probably just five or six, I had farted about with the PS1 controller while my aunt was constructing &l?dquo;Potatoland” in Theme Park, and by the end, I just about understood what was goi?ng on. The more complicated management tweaks you could carry out in that game involved gaming the fry stand prices and salting them so heavily that all your park visitors would surely make a reappearance in Theme Hospital for hypertension issues. ?So, when my aunt went out for the day once and my grandma let me fiddle about with her computer, the first thing I did? was boot up Theme Hospital. Probably into a save file and not a new game.

Readers, it was a disaster.

I ??was bankrupt within 15 minutes and had no idea what had gon??e on. Theme Hospital from that point in time became the game I enjoyed watching my aunt?? play, but for which I would remain resolutely hands-off; exactly the same as with Tomb Raider III and Command and Conquer: Red Alert. In a way, it was my first introduction to something analogous to Let's Plays and watching Twitch streams -- I got great?? amusement out of my aunt's reactions and chatting about what was going on on-screen, but I was happy to forgo active participation myself.

When the game was being offered for free over a decade and a half later on Origin, of cou?rse, I broke this spell and went all in. Battenberg proved too tough a cookie to crack, but I loved all of the preceding levels, even if I wasn't naturally gifted at handling a budget.

A few ?things were noticeable on my new playthrough of Theme Hospital and became even more apparent when I flirted with the game recently for speedrunning purposes. As a child, I had not really picked up on the biting satire it offered on the US model of healthcare. The rec??eptionist chides patients into bringing their chequebooks with them; you get money by experimenting on your patients and boasting more expensive treatment options in your facilities.

Medicine as a service, and one that snatches at your wallet, is something that naïve young Charlotte was not aware of at all. As time has gone on and I've seen the intro to the game a few more times, it makes me sad more than anything. It reminded me o??f how I have it easy. I still find the cynical commentary in the game sort of funny, but it's just so close to my experience of reality that it has a bitter aftertaste now.

Another difference from my experience as a very young child is that in the intermediate period, I have played a heck of a lot of The Sims. SimCity is another series I peered at over the shoulder of my aunt, but playing God on such a large scale never fully appealed to me: I wanted to mess with people's lives on a much more personal level. The Sims tapped into that well of benign narcissism and megalomania that is unparalleled in bored teenagers. And the Build tools in both The Sims and The Sims 2 showed up Theme Hospital's clunky room design and lack of control as to where you could place fixtures. Where I once considered myself a staunch follower of Peter Molyneux and Bullfrog's work, Will Wright and Maxis usurped that position in the early 2000s, and The Sims series left Theme Hospital looking a little primitive in its wake.

Bullfrog's demise

Although shinier ?management sims caught my eye in the early-mid 2000s, I did often check the PC section of Electronics Boutique, HMV and GAME for a follow-up or anything similar. I could never find anything to my tastes, and not following gaming news closely as a tween/teenager, I had no clue about what had happened to Bullfrog and Mr Molyneux.

Alas, Peter Molyneux jumped ship from Bullfrog just months after the release of Theme Hospital, an important move without which franchises such as Black and White and Fable may never have materialised. Bullfrog Productions carried on until 2001, making my (controversial) favourite Theme game of the lot, Theme Park World/Sim Theme Park. In my defence, my love of a non-Molyneux Theme game stems from the brilliant voice work done on the PAL version by Lewis MacLeod.

Overall, I am reluctant to revisit Theme Hospital through Two Point Hospital because my experience of the original was so potent. However, on second thoughts, there is a lot about Theme Hospital that left me cold on replaying it as an adult with much more gaming and comedic experience. Through offering a state-of-the-art and polished experience, Two Point Hospital could be just the antidote to the jaded feeling I get when I return to Theme Hospital, a game ?packed full of good ideas but which definitely shows eve??ry single one of its 21 years.

I just have to keep my fingers cross??ed for a console edition or get that baby gaming rig together.

Did you enjoy playing Theme Hospital twenty years ago? Do you have any games you returned to as an adult, only to be slightly disappointed? Are you having fun with Two Point Hospital right now? Let me know in the comments down below!

The post It’s time for my follow-up appointment with Theme Hospital appeared first on Destructoid.

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betvisa cricketTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Wed, 29 Aug 2018 20:00:00 +0000 //

Updates will find a way on September 13

Frontier Developments' massively successful Jurassic World Evolution will be getting a free update on September 13. Along with improving things on the performance side, this latest update will be bringing a ??host of new features to the theme park simulator. The biggest? addition has to be a challenge mode, but more sandbox features are also coming.

First up is the challenge mode, which is basically a campaign remix. This will task players with creating successful parks on the game's five islands under specific stipulations. You'll be able to tweak starting difficulty (with Easy, Normal, Hard and "Jurassic"? being the options) and the contracts system will have a new cancellation penalty to force you into actually paying attention to it. Some new skins will be available (probably for the Dinos and vehicles) and Frontier is even adding achievements for beating the mode.

With the sandbox mode, Frontier will be giving players the ability ??to tweak specific parameters to better suit individual playstyles. You'll be able to set how much money you start with along with turning off the dinosaur's lifespans. As well as that, you will even be able to turn off power requirements (removing the ne??ed for generators) and even set feeders to automatic resupply.

The rest of the features are mostly quality of life changes. After five starring an island, players will be able to revisit it with a selected time of day. New contract types are being added to the campaign to p??revent each division from having the same quest at the same time. Players will be able to enter view??ing platforms to watch their dinos like park patrons. It all sounds pretty good.

The changes to sandbox are really the biggest, though. My main problem with Evolution was that after going through the slog of a campaign, I basically had no desire to create ??my own dream park. With completely unlimited funds, there really wasn't a point to doing anything else. Having some limiters available, though, might just create a situation where I'll need to think about how I'm spending my cash.

The post Challenge your dino prowess in Jurassic World Evolution’s next update appeared first on Destructoid.

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betvisa casinoTheme Park Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ سکور | // // Thu, 19 Jul 2018 20:00:00 +0000 //

Life found a way

Frontier Developments has announced that its hit dino theme park simulator Jurassic World Evolution has reached a combined sales total of one million units. This is factoring in the PS4, Xbox One and PC releases along with digital sales figures (which I'm sure Steam sale figures overwhelmingly contributed to). The physical release launched a few weeks after the digital version, but that certainly didn't stop enthu?siasm for this ?game.

Frontier CEO David Braben told, "We are really pleased with Jurassic World Evolution and are delighted to have crossed the 1 million unit threshold so quickly. There is no doubt that initial sales have benefited from the worldwide awareness created by the film release, but it's the quality of the game that's really important and I believe our team? have done a terrific job in creating a game that a w??ide range of players are now enjoying around the world."

I think the lack of any significant Jurassic Park games over the last decade is what really helped push Evolution to success. Like Destructoid's own Dan Roemer, I didn't find the game particularly good, but it is certainly the best looking video game based on the popular fil?m franchise. It also does a better job of capturing the essence of the films than any title before it. That is likely key in what helped propel Ian Malcolm's worst nightmare to became a smash hit.

Jurassic World Evolution hits one million sales []

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