betvisa888World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // Probably About Video Games Mon, 29 Jul 2024 17:13:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa888 cricket betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - شرط بندی آنلاین کریکت | // // Mon, 29 Jul 2024 17:13:24 +0000 //

World of Warcraft's newest expansion is peeking around the corner, and we have a pre-patch to tide us over until its release on August 26. Before The War Within, let's take a look at how to unlock some delicious purple cosmetic weapons (and Aller??ia's ranger bow) in the questline added this week.

How to begin the Hunt the Harbinger Questline in Dalaran

First, you'll need to make your way to Dalaran to begin the new questline, Hunt the Harbinger. This questline is automatically added to your character's questlog if they're level 70. To get to Dalaran quickly, you ??can use your Legion Dalaran Hearthstone, or get there from your capital city's portal room.

Screenshot by Destructoid.

The whole adventure begins and ends in Dalaran, so while you will be journeying a bit between steps (aided ?by the ability to use Skyriding on any flying mount thanks to the patch), you won't be straying far from? home when all is said and done.

The whole chain consists of the following quests:

  • The Harbinger
  • Door to the Ren'dorei
  • Riftwalker Reports
  • Cracks in the Void
  • Galakrond's Unrest
  • Walk a Mile in Her Shadows
  • Dark Descension
  • Legacy of the Void
  • The Path Taken
  • And Be One Traveler, Long I Stood
  • Defend Telogrus Rift
  • Null and Void
  • Radiant Warnings

The whole questline take about 15 to 20 minutes, conservatively. In it, the pieces are set for The War Within's story. More important than that, however, is that at the end you'll get some sweet cosmetics that match perfectly with Void Elves' he??ritage armor. You'll also get void (deep ??blue/purple) scales for your Winding Slitherdrake.

As mentioned, the questline is auto-accept?ed and can't even be removed from your questlog. If you're still working your way through quests from, say, patch 10.2, just be sure to complete them in order if you care about continuity.

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// 0 565933
betvisa888 betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Sat, 22 Jun 2024 14:11:48 +0000 // A blue Wylderdrake Dragon wears the Midsummer Festival armor

The Midsummer Fire Festival has begun in World of Warcraft, but the community has already been feeling the heat from the past several holiday events. For Dragonflight, Blizzard has been revamping most of the recurring holiday events to add new quests, gimmicks, and rewards. While those revamps have been generally successful, one m??ajor issue has frustrated players each time: the drop r?ates for dragon armor.

Players were gra??nted highly customizable dragon mounts during their adventures in The Dragon Isles, but most of the options are unlocked from?? items. These holiday events brought specific holiday-themed armor for a dragon mount to wear, allowing players to flaunt their holiday style.

However, players have been immensely frustrated by how impossible it was to get the armor to drop. With the updated Midsummer Fire Festi?val from June 21 - July 5, many were dreading goi??ng back to the grind. Blizzard has, thankfully, heard the feedback on rarity and stepped in with some measures to help improve the experience.

Frost Lord Ahune stands ready to battle players in a dark dungeon
Image by Blizzard

The ?Cliffsi?de Wylderdrake: Midsummer Fire Festival Armor is one of the many rewards for defeating the festival's dungeon boss, Frost Lord Ahune. But now, "bad luck protection" will help ensure that players wil?l have an easier time acquiring this item. Put simply, the dro??p rate for your first boss kill of the day has increased. Only your first kill each day counts across all your characters, however. That said, failing to get it one day gives you better chances the next day.

It's great to see that Blizzard is listening to the fan frustrations with drop rates and making changes based on them. As someone who spent over 10 ?years trying to get the Headless Horseman's Reigns, I understand the plight. ??At some point, though, I do wonder if maybe everyone should just get the reward for beating the boss the first time.

Loot drops are a highly contested topic. Frankly, people on both sides make f??airly valid points, so even I don't have a clearcut answer on what the best way to be is. That said, this looks to be a great way to minimize complaints while giving the mos??t people what they really want.

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// 0 542142
betvisa888 cricket betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Mon, 03 Jun 2024 15:48:09 +0000 // A water fight scene with a new water gun toy

Bust out your adventure journal and earn some more tenders. A new month is upon us, and a new Trading Post has plenty of goods to sell. You know the drill: head to your factional capit?al and find the the vendors.

We've got summer wear, beach party toys, and pride items for all. The prize for completing the Traveler's Log this month is the X-treme Water Blaster Display toy. Set it down and let a water gun fight breakout w??herever you are.

A dracthyr sitting in a rainbow colored beach chair with an umbrella
Image by Blizzard

Mounts and Pets

Name Item Type Trader's Tender
Pearlescent Goblin Wave Shredder Mount 700
Riding Turtle Mount 700
Colorful Beach Chair Toy 200
Delicate Crimson Parasol Toy 200
Marrlok Pet 500

A troll surfing on a rocket-powered surfboard mount
Image by Blizzard


Name Item Type Trader's Tender
Tropical Sunrise Wristwraps  Hands 40
Tropical Sunrise Sandals Feet 40
Tropical Sunrise Beads Hands 40
Tropical Sunrise Airy Sandals Feet 40
Churning Sands Treads Feet 60
Churning Sands Gloves Hands 60
Tropical Sunrise Sash Waist 60
Dueler's Carrot Shoulder Cape Shoulder 75
Dueler's Sunny Shoulder Cape Shoulder 75
Classic Carrot Tabard Tabard 100
Trader's Sunny Sarong Legs 100
Ensemble: Wanderer's Carrot Trappings
Head and Back 100
Ensemble: Vagabond's Carrot Threads
Head and Back 100
Tropical Sunrise Trunks Legs 150
Tropical Sunrise Skirt Legs 150
Tropical Sunrise Shirt Chest 200
Tropical Sunrise Halter Top Chest 200
Blademaster's Suntouched Stones Chest 200
Tropical Sunrise Mrgl Floater Waist 220
Tropical Sunrise Sunshade Head 220
Ensemble: Sunny Tropical Beachwear Chest, Waist, Legs, Feet, and Hands 650
Ensemble: Sunny Tropical Swimwear Chest, Waist, Legs, Feet, Hands, and Head 650

An orc holding a water gun
Image by Blizzard


Name Item Type Trader's Tender
Item Type
Trader’s Tender
Sharpened Shank
One-Hand Dagger 50
Initiate's Bo Staff 60
Forgemaster's Gavel One-Hand Mace 100
Water Blaster B.L. Gun 330
Corrupted Bladefist
Fist Weapon 525
Arsenal: Blazing Felfire Armaments One-Hand Sword and Shield 650

A female Draenei in a summer outfit
Image by Blizzard

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// 0 527318
betvisa888 liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Thu, 16 May 2024 21:36:24 +0000 // Astral Cloud Serpent recolor

World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria is out and features a ton of new rewards to collect. Most of the major settlements in t??he remixed Pandaria will have a bazaar where you can spend bronze on plenty of cosmetics, items, and more. There are also achievement-based cosmetic rewards, listed below. This guide will help you to find what you're looking for, and tell you how to get it!

Where is the Bazaar in each zone?

  • Jade Forest - Tian Monastery
  • Valley of the Four Winds - Halfhill Market
  • Townlong Steppes - Niuzao Temple
  • Kunlai Summit - Temple of the White Tiger
  • Vale of Eternal Blossoms - The Shrine of the Seven Stars and the Shrine of the Two Moons

Transmog Rewards
Screenshots by Destructoid

What does each vendor sell?

Hemit Nesingwary XVII can be found in any bazaar, selling the following new and o??ld mounts:

Item Name Bronze Cost
Sky Surfer 2200
Golden Discus 2200
Mogu Hazeblazer 2200
Feathered Windsurfer String 2200
Reins of the Jungle Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Gilded Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Pale Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Rose Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Silver Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Luxurious Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Tropical Riding Crane 2200
Reins of the Snowy Riding Goat 2200
Reins of the Little Red Riding Goat 2200
Reins of the Riverwalker Mushan 2200
Reins of the Black Riding Yak 2200
Reins of the Modest Expedition Yak 2200
Reins of the Kafa Yak 2200
Reins of the Purple Shado-Pan Riding Tiger 4400
Cobalt Juggernaut 4400
Fel Iron Juggernaut 4400
Reins of the Bloody Skyscreamer 4400
Reins of the Night Pterrorwing 4400
Reins of the Jade Pterrordax 4400
Reins of the Amber Pterrordax 4400
Reins of the Marble Quilen 6600
Reins of the Guardian Quilen 6600
Reins of the Dashing Windsteed 6600
Reins of the Forest Windsteed 6600
Reins of the Daystorm Windsteed 6600
Reins of the Slate Primordial Direhorn (Originally from Throne of Thunder) 18700
Reins of the Astral Cloud Serpent (Originally from Mogu'shan Vaults) 18700
Spawn of Horridon (Originally from Throne of Thunder 38500
Son of Galleon's Saddle (Originally from World Boss Galleon) 38500
Reins of the Cobalt Primal Direhorn (Originally from Seige of Orgrimmar) 38500
Clutch of Ji-Kun (Originally from Throne of Thunder) 38500
Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent (Originally from The Timeless Isle monster Huolon) 38500
Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent (Originally from the World Boss Nalak) 38500
Kork'kron Juggernaut (Originally from Mythic Seige of Orgrimmar) 38500
Reins of the Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent (Originally dropped by Alani) 50000

Screenshots by Destructoid

Horos is an NPC at every Infinite Bazaar that sells Toys. All of these toys are still available in the main game, except? the Horde-only event Mini Mana Bomb.

Toy Name Bronze Cost
Odd Polished Stone 2200
Battle Horn 3850
Bottled Tornado 3850
Chalice of Secrets 3850
Essence of the Breeze 3850
Helpful Wikky's Whistle 3850
Kang's Bindstone 3850
Ai-Li's Skymirror 4950
Eternal Warrior's Sigil 4950
Farwatch Conch 4950
Hozen Beach Ball 4950
Panflute of Pandaria 4950
Salyin Battle Banner 4950
Shard of Archstone 4950
Aqua Jewel 7700
Mr. Smite's Brass Compass 7700
Pandaren Firework Launcher 7700
Blackflame Daggers 38500
Warning Sign 38500
Gastropod Shell 50000
Eternal Kiln 50000
Mini Mana Bomb 50000

Transmog and Heirlooms

Any character can by any ensemble for any armor type and tier. So you only need one character to unlock everything for all your other characters on the retail server. Of course, you can only wear the things that your class can wear normally. Multiple vendors are in each Infinite Bazaar, and each sells a dif??ferent set o?f gear.

Vendor Name Ensemble Sold Bronze Cost
Aeonicus Raid Finder gear 5000
Durus Normal Raid gear 5000
Pythagorus Heroic and Mythic Raid gear 5000
Arturos Dungeon gear 2500
Larah Treebender World drop gear 750-2000
Grandmaster Jakkus Class armor and weapon ensembles. (Weapons require Isle of Thunder achievement, armor requires Landfall achievement) 4000 for armor,
3000 for weapons

On top of that, Pythagorus also sel?ls several heirloom weapons and the Tusks of Mannoroth transmog. These require an additional Bones of Mannoroth currency that drops off of Garrosh in the Normal or higher Seige of Orgrimar raid.

Item Name Item Type Cost
Tusks of Mannoroth Plate Shoulders 38500 Bronze, 20 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Barrier Shield 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Cleaver One-Handed Axe 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Decapitator Two-Handed Axe 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Doomblade One-Handed Sword 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Pig Sticker Polearm 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Razor Dagger 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Shield Wall Shield 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Tome of Destruction Off-Hand 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's War Staff Staff 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Warbow Bow 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth
Hellscream's Warmace One-Handed Mace 8000 Bronze, 2 Bones of Mannoroth

Achievement Rewards

Image by Blizzard

Achievement Reward Type Reward
Infnite Power XII - Collect 4200 threads for your Cloak of Infinite Potential Cloak Effects Fury of Xuen, Kindness of Chi-ji, Essence of Yu'lon, Fortitude of Niuzao
Time Trial - Reach level 20 with a Timerunning character Mount Reins of the August Phoenix
The Jade Forest - Complete two Jade Forest achievements
Valley of the Four Winds - Complete two Valley of the Four Winds achievements
Krasarang Wilds - Complete one of the Krasarang Wilds achievements Back Piece Chen Stormstout's Keg
Kun-Lai Summit - Complete one of the Kun-Lai Summit achievements Back Piece/Helm Chen Stoirmstout's Bamboo Hat (back and helm)
Vale of the Eternal Blossoms - Complete two of the Vale of the Eternal Blossoms achievements Mount Reins of the Astral Emperor's Serpent
Townlong Steppes - Complete two of the Townlong Steppes achievements Pet Muskpaw Calf
Dread Wastes - Complete one of the Dread Wastes achievements Weapon Illusion Sha Corruption Illusion
Landfall - Complete two of the Landfall achievements Class Armor Class Armor Ensemble
Isle of Thunder - Complete one of the Isle of Thunder achievements Class Weapons Class Weapon Ensembles
Most of these can be completed by doing the story campaign and Touring the zone, meaning defeating rare enemies and uncovering the zone.

The post WoW Remix: Where to buy u?nique Mounts, Gear, Pets, and more appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 513493
betvisa liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Thu, 16 May 2024 21:35:48 +0000 //

Shortly after creating a character, you'll craft a Cloak of Infinite Potential to aid you on your Timerunning journey. This cloak will stay with you for the entire duration of the World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria event. As you're leveling, you'll come across Threads that grant you permanent stat bonuses. At any ti??me you can mouse over your Timerunner's Advantage buff to see what your stat bo??nuses.

You can collect threads doing various activities around Pandaria. Looting from enemies, opening Cache of Infinite Treasures, opening treasure chests, flying through Bronze Orbs, completing dungeons, and more. Basically anything that gives a reward has a chance to give a thread. What kind of thread depends on your level. The stat that will be buffed is in the name of the thread you earn. For example, Thread of Stamina will give you a stamina buff, based on what rank i??t is.

Character Level Type of Thread Stat Bonus
1-29 Common Thread +1 Stats
30-49 Uncommon Thread +3 Stats
50-64 Rare Threads +7 Stats
65-70 Epic Threads +12 Stats

As you rank up your cloak, you'll get achievements to mark your progress. Each rank of Infinite Power you get grants a bonus to your other characters, making leveling even easie?r for them. The final rank is at 4200 threads, and it grants you a toy for each of the August Celestial cape eff??ects.

The post WoW R??emix: How to empower the Cloak of Infinite Potential appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 513647
betvisa casinoWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Thu, 16 May 2024 21:35:15 +0000 // Pandaria Remix

World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria is a new time-limited event. It's running now until August 19. If you're interested in checking it out, you can play free up to level 20. Then, all you need is to have an active WoW subscription. No extra expansions are required.

How do I create a new Timerunning character?

On the character select screen, click the WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria button in the upper left. You can also select "Create New Character" and select a Timerunning character. From there, create any character you would like (server restrictions still apply). Once you enter?? the world, you'll have a short questline to go through to introduce you to the new mechanics of Timerunning.

Timerunning Splash Screen
Screenshot by Destructoid

How do I get through the opening quests?

The Infinite Dragonflight needs your help. Speak to Eternus up ahe??ad and begin your questline. She'll have you defeat an easy enemy real quick to collect some Temporal Threads. She'll task you with speaking to Moratari nearby to learn more. As you might expect, you'll have a few combat assignments to get through. Once you finish those, she'll have you speak to Horos to purchase a Chronobadge. This vendor also sells a lot of mounts and toys that you won't be able to afford any time soon. Now, speak to Momentus to forge your artifact. Once you turn in that quest, you'll have a new Cloak of Infinite Pot?ential.

She will task you with finding another Infinite Reaver to kill and collect some thread off of. Afterward, she sends you to face th??e big boss of this area. A nasty time elemental named Eratus is causing problems nearby, so go crush that real quick. Don't worry if you see an army of Infinite Reavers spawn around him, Eternus will take care of those. Turn in?? the quests and prepare to teleport to your new adventure in Pandaria!

As a reminder, your characters are locked to the continent until the event ends in August. You won't have access to the Auction House, either. So go out t?here and? level up your cloak, get crazy new abilities, and enjoy this wild new mode.

The post WoW Remix?: How To Get Started on Pandaria Timerunning appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 513490
betvisa casinoWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Thu, 16 May 2024 21:28:06 +0000 // Pandaria Remix

World of Warcraft Remix: Mists of Pandaria is a new mo??de in Blizzard's MMO. When you log in, you'll have an option to create a new chara??cter specifically for this mode. This brand new, level 10 character is confined to the continent of Pandaria through the event.

Once the event ends on August 19, your Timerunning character moves to the retail version of the game and given gear so that they're ready for The War Within. If you play a race that has a Heritage armor quest, you'll be eligible for it if you reach the requir??ed level, but you won't be able to take the quest until after the event ends.

You begin on the Timeless Isle, where you meet a band of Infinite Dragonflight friends. There's a short quest to get acquainted with your new abilit??ies, and then it's on to forge the Cloak of Infinite Potential to help you along the journey.

Timerunning Splash Screen
Screenshot by Destructoid

Level faster, raid sooner

Part of the fun of WoW Remix?? is the process of getting to level 70 much faster than the old fashioned way. All the gear you collect is specifically designed for this mode. Dungeons and raids will unlock faster than you would expect, allowing you to tackle them as early as level 25. Everything you do also provides powerful gear and gems to customize and ??empower. You'll also have the Cloak of Infinite Potential with you at all times. This will allow for even more character growth and provide bonuses to other characters.

A new Bronze Age

One of the first things you'll notice is a new currency. Bronze, not to be confused with the bronze coins you get as part of your gold count, is a unique reward for most things you do in WoW Remix. It's the primary currency for spending on upgrades,? new items, transmogs, pets, mounts... Just about everything! You'll see it as a reward for quests, destroying unneeded gear, collecting glowing orbs around the sky, and by b??eating up powerful enemies.

Time flies when you're riding dragons

Dragonriding in Pandaria
Screenshot by Destructoid

Early on, you'll notice the ability to summon your Dragonriding mounts. That's not an accident; if you have Dragonriding unlocked on your account, you should have it by default. If not, look for the purple quest icon on your mini-map near Tian Monastery. They'll help you unlock Dragonriding in Pandaria. This gives you the best way to travel while also allowing you a new avenue for collecting bronze. Scattered throughout the continent are little bronze globes floating over landmarks. Flying through them on your Dragon?riding mount will net you a small chunk of this unique currency. It's an incredibly rewarding side activity.

Gems that are truly, truly outrageous

One of the frequent rewards you'll find alongside gear are gems. They come in a multitude of types with various abilities. Some give you powerful attacks, some boost your stats, and others give you crazy movement abilities. Helmets have a ?Met?a Gem slot, which grants a powerful ability. Boots have a Cogwheel slot you fill with gems that grant movement abilities from other classes. The rest of the equipment gives you either Tinker Gems or Prismatic gems. We break these down more in this article.

Boost your collection of mounts, pets, and more

Image by Blizzard

Timerunning contains a mountain of rewards. Many are unique to the mode! All of them carry over to your main account as well as the WoW Remix event. Rew??ards you?? can purchase with Bronze include:

  • 19 mounts that are recolors of older mounts, like the Imperial Quillen
  • 11 mounts that are hard-to-get in Mists of Pandaria, like the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
  • 22 toys from rare drops, including one new one
  • New transmog/cosmetic items.
  • Every Tier of class gear from raids
  • Re-colors of Trading Post class-specific gear
  • Wandering Isle Leveling gear
  • Re-colors of Shado-Pan and Dark Shaman gear

So what's the same?

Not everything is new, however. The original, unspoiled version of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms will not be available. We also won't be able to do the original Wrathion questline for the legendary cloaks. But, you will be able to earn appearances for your Cloak of Infinite Potential, and the ability to access?? the boss Ordos on the Timeless Isle.

Astral Cloud Serpent recolor
Image by Blizzard

Items that were only available during Mists of Pandaria will not be available now. This means the Phoenix mounts and Challenge Mode armor sets will remain locked. This is the biggest bummer, as there is no way to get these if you weren't playing WoW in 2013.

As a reminder, the only thing you'll need to access it is an active WoW subsc?ription. Anyone can pl??ay a free version up to level 20.

The post WoW Remix: What’s new in this version of Pandaria? appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 513494
betvisa888 liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Thu, 16 May 2024 20:56:21 +0000 //

One of the best ways to increase your power level in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria is by slotting gems into your gear. Most gear has a slot available, though the type of slot depends on the type of gear. When swapping out gems, don't forget to use the unique gem removal ability Extract Gem you have. If you just sl?ot a gem on??top of another gem, it destroys the original.

Now, you might think that this requires Jewelcrafting. However, there are no Primary and Secondary professions in WoW Remix. All characters will will ?have these abilities. All players also gain access to a swirling vortex that you can use to scrap unwanted gear. This turns the items into the Bronze currency.

Armor Type Slot Type
Helmet Meta Gem - Grants powerful ability
Boots Cogwheel Gem - Grants you a movement or utility ability from another class
Shoulder, Wrists, Gloves, Belt (Up to 3 each) Tinker Gem - Grants passive abilities
Chest, Legs, Necklace, Rings, Trinkets (Up to 3 each) Prismatic Gems - Grant stat buffs

As a special note about the Prismatic gems: when you collect 3 of a Prismatic gem, you can combine them to the next rank. Remember your Extract Gem ability when swapping gems out.

Th??e gems you can get vary, and we've compil?ed a list below.

Meta Gems

These give you powerful abilities, but you only have room ??for one in your armor. You can spend 500 Bronze to purchase an Asynchronized Meta Gem to collect one you do not already have.?? Meta Gems scale with the item level of the item they are socketed into.

Gem Name Gem Ability
Lifestorm S?ummon a ??storm. Call down 5 bolts of lightning every 1 second. Each bolt inflicts 25,885 Nature damage to an enemy within 30 yards.

During the storm, 3 flowers grow around the caster. After 5 seconds, the flowers bloom, restoring 388,471 health and granting 1,720 Haste to allies for 10 seconds.

Thundering Orb Transform into a Thundering Orb inflicting Nature damage to enemies within 30 yards over 4 seconds. While you are a Thundering Orb, damage taken is reduced by 50%, movement speed is reduced by 70%, and you are immune to loss of control effects.
Oblivion Sphere Coalesce an orb of pure void that increases Critical Strike damage taken by enemies within 15 yards by 50% for 10 seconds. After 4 seconds, the orb explodes, inflicting Shadow damage.
Bulwark of the Black Ox Channel the Bulwark of the Black Ox for 10 sec. Charge an enemy removing all stuns and roots, gain a shield absorbing damage, and taunt enemies within 20 yards. Every 1 sec inflict Physical damage to enemies within 20 yards plus 20% of damage taken by the shield.
Funeral Pyre Grants the caster Primary Stat for 1 min.
Every 1 sec gain a stack of Funeral Pyre, suffering Fire damage per stack.
Funeral Pyre will be removed early if reactivated. (2 Min Cooldown)
Precipice of Madness Shroud your party members within 40 yards with Void, granting them a shield absorbing damage for 20 sec and reducing their health to 10%. Damage taken from this effect is added to the absorb.
Soul Tether Tether your soul to an ally for 1 hour, redirecting 20% of their damage taken to you as Shadow damage. This effect can be used on up to 5 allies. Recasting on a tethered ally or moving further than 40 yards away removes the effect.
Ward of Salvation Restore health to an ally and grant them a Ward of Salvation for 10 sec absorbing damage equal to the overhealing.
While Ward of Salvation persists, all healing taken grants absorb instead of healing.
When the Ward expires, it explodes inflicting Holy damage equal to the remaining absorb to all enemies within 40 yards, split evenly.
Tireless Spirit Grants party members within 40 yards Tireless Spirit for 5 sec, reducing the resource cost of abilities by 100%.
Locus of Power Channel arcane power for 4 sec. Every 0.40 sec, infuse yourself and 2 allies within 50 yards with Haste, Critical Strike, and Mastery for 30 sec.
Morphing Elements Summons portals that launch devastating elemental attacks for 10 sec. This culminates in an explosion that deals 158598 Elemental damage to enemies within 15 yards.
Chi-ji, The Red Crane Increases movement speed by 50%, grants immunity to movement impairing effects, and grants the following spells for 30 sec. 
Crane Rush: Rush forward a short distance.
Blazing Nova: A fiery blast hurls you backwards, inflicting Fire damage to enemies and restoring health to allies within 10 yards.
Hope's Plumage: Every 3 sec, Chi-Ji sheds a feather. Touching the feather launches a volley of Hope's Flame to injure enemies and heal allies.
Hope's Flame: Every 3 sec, inflicts Fire damage or restores health to 5 enemies or allies within 30 yards.

Mists of Pandaria Remix
image by Blizzard

Tinker Gems

Tinker gems gr?ant various effects, and you can have up to 12 total. You can purchase an Asynchronized Tinker Gem for 300 Bronze to get a gem you do not currently have. These gems scale with the item level of the item they're socketed into.

Gem Name Gem Ability
Hailstorm Every 3 seconds build a charge of Hailstorm. Upon reaching 10 stacks, unleash hail on enemies within 50 yards. Each impact influicts Frost damage and applies Numbing Cold.
Numbing Cold
Reduces movement speed by 30% and reduces damage dealt by 10%. Attacking removes a stack of Numbing Cold.
Cold Front Your abilities have a chance to grant all allies a shield absorbing damage and applying Numbing Cold to all enemies within 50 yards.
Numbing Cold
Reduces movement speed by 30% and reduces damage dealt by 10%. Attacking removes a stack of Numbing Cold.
Wildfire Your abilities have a chance to inflict additional Fire damage and spread Wildfire to a nearby enemy inflicting F??ire ??damage every 1 second for 10 seconds.

Wildfire stacks and spreads to nearby enemies, stacking up to 10 times.

Tinkmaster's Shield Grants a shield absorbing damage equal to 20% of your total health.
This shield will regenerate after not suffering any damage for 10 seconds.
Fervor While you are above 80% health, your attacks consume 2% of your maximum health to inflict Holy damage equal to the amount consumed.
Sunstrider's Flourish Your critical strikes erupt in a fiery explosion inflicting Fire damage to enemies within 15 yards of your target.
Ank of Reincarnation Suffering lethal damage will return you to life with 10% health. This effect can only prevent damage up to 2 times your maximum health. This effect can only occur once every 2 min.
Arcanist's Edge Your attacks consume 20% of your active absorb shield to inflict Arcane damage equal to the amount consumed. (1 Sec Cooldown)
Bloodthirsty Coral 10% of damage taken grants you Healing Blood, up to 200% of your max health. Every 3 sec, Healing Blood is expended to heal you if you are injured.
Brilliance Versatility increased by 5%. Party members within 40 yards recuperate 2% of their class resource every 3 sec.
Brittle Your abilities apply Brittle to enemies, accruing 10% of damage you deal. When a Brittle enemy is slain, it explodes, inflicting Frost damage to enemies within 12 yards.
Deliverance 7% of healing is collected as Deliverance. If an ally is below 50% health after receiving healing from you, Deliverance will be consumed to heal up to 3 allies within 50 yards for the amount consumed, divided evenly.
Enkindle Your abilities have a chance to grant you a fiery shield absorbing damage. While this shield persists, attackers suffer Fire damage and your Haste is increased.
Explosive Barrage Your abilities have a chance to launch a barrage of fire at enemies. Each missile inflicts Fire damage.
Freedom Avoidance increased by 20%. Allies within 40 yards will immediately be purified of loss of control effects. This effect can only occur once every 45 sec.
Frost Armor Your abilities have a chance to grant Frost Armor absorbing damage for 1 min.
Attacks made against Frost Armor splinter fragments of ice, inflicting Frost damage to the attacker and nearby enemies and reducing their movement speed by 70% for 1 sec.
Grounding Reduces magic damage taken by 75% and redirects the next harmful spell targeting an ally within 40 yards to you. 3 sec after taking magic damage or redirecting a spell this effect will be suppressed for 20 sec.
Holy Martyr 5% of damage suffered is collected as Holy Martyrdom. Every 3 sec, Holy Martyrdom is consumed to heal 4 injured allies within 50 yards for the amount consumed. This effect cannot heal the Martyr.
Incendiary Terror Your abilities have a chance to inflict additional Fire damage and horrify your enemy for 3 sec.
Lightning Rod Your abilities have a chance to apply Lightning Rod to your target. Allies are granted Critical Strike for 10 sec and enemies suffer Nature damage every 2 sec for 8 sec. When Lightning Rod ends, it returns to you, granting Critical Strike for 10 sec.
Mark of Arrogance Attackers suffer a Mark of Arrogance inflicting Shadow damage every 2 sec for 10 sec and stacking up to 5 times.
Memory of Vengeance Every 10 sec, gain 1% <Primary Stat> for every 5% health you've lost.
Meteor Storm Your abilities have a chance to conjure a hail of meteors, inflicting Fire damage to nearby enemies and stunning them for 3 sec.
Opportunist Gain 50% critical strike chance for 4 sec after damaging a stunned enemy.
Quick Strike Your melee abilities have a 100% chance to trigger 4 to 7 additional autoattacks. (10 Sec Cooldown)
Righteous Frenzy Healing an ally will send them into a Righteous Frenzy, consuming 1% health every second and granting 7% increased Haste for 5 sec..
Savior Healing an ally beneath 35% health will grant them a shield absorbing 50% of the amount healed
Searing Light 7% of your healing is collected on allies as Searing Light. After 3 sec, Searing Light is consumed to heal your ally and inflict Holy damage to all enemies within 12 yards.
Slay When you attack an enemy beneath 10% health you will attempt to Slay them, inflicting Shadow damage equal to 100% of your maximum health. You will only attempt to Slay an enemy once.
Static Charge Store Static Charge every 10 sec. Moving releases the Static Charge healing allies or damaging enemies, 3 in total, preferring injured allies. Enemies suffer damage equal to the Static Charge and allies are healed for 150% of the Static Charge.
Storm Overload  Casting your major class cooldown causes you to overload, inflicting Nature damage and stunning enemies within 40 yards for 2 sec.
Vampiric Aura Your Leech is increased by 10%. Grant 10% of your Leech to your party.
Victory Fire Slaying an enemy causes you to erupt, inflicting Fire damage to enemies and restoring health to allies within 12 yards.
Vindication 10% of your damage is collected as Vindication. Every 3 sec, Vindication is consumed to heal up to 3 allies within 50 yards for the amount consumed.
Warmth Healing taken is increased by 10%. 75% of overhealing taken is collected as Warmth. Every 5 sec, Warmth is consumed to heal an injured ally within 50 yards for the amount consumed.
Windweaver Your movement speed is increased by 5% and you have immunity to falling damage. Your abilities have a chance to increase your party's Haste for 10 sec.

Transmog Rewards
Screenshots by Destructoid

Cogwheel Gems

These grant some form of utility ability, usually movement. You only have one of them, so pick your favorite. If one happens to share with a class ability you already h??ave, like a rogue picking up the Sprint ability, you'll effectively get a second cooldown. You can purchase an Asynchronized Cogwheel Gem for 400 Bronze to get a gem you don't already own.

Gem Name Gem Ability
Blink Teleports you forward 10 yards or until reaching an obstacle and frees you from all stuns and bonds.
Sprint Increases your movement speed by 70% for 8 seconds.
Roll Roll a short distance.
Soulshape Turn into a Vulpin for 12 sec, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again.
Death's Advance For 10 sec, your movement speed is increased by 35%, you cannot be slowed below 100% of normal speed, and you are immune to forced movement effects and knockbacks.
Dark Pact Sacrifices 20% of your current health to shield you for 200% of the sacrificed health for 20 sec. Usable while suffering from control impairing effects.
Spiritwalker's Grace Calls upon the guidance of the spirits for 15 sec, permitting movement while casting spells. Castable while casting.
Spirit Walk Removes all movement impairing effects and increases your movement speed by 60% for 8 sec.
Door of Shadows (!) Transport through the shadows, appearing at the targeted location.
Pursuit of Justice  Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 8%.
Wild Charge Fly to a nearby ally's position.
Stampeding Roar Let loose a wild roar, increasing the movement speed of all friendly players within 15 yards by 60% for 8 sec.
Vanish Allows you to vanish from sight, entering stealth while in combat for 10 sec. Damage and harmful effects received will not break stealth. Also breaks movement impairing effects.
Leap of Faith Pulls the spirit of a party or raid member, instantly moving them directly in front of you and granting them 40% increased movement speed for 3 sec.
Trailblazer Your movement speed is increased by 30% anytime you have not attacked for 3 sec.
Disengage Leap backwards, clearing movement impairing effects, and increasing your movement speed by 25% for 4 sec.
Heroic Leap Leap through the air toward a target location, slamming down with destructive force to deal Physical damage to all enemies within 8 yards.

Prismatic Gems

Every prismatic gem has 4 ranks: Chipped, Flawed, Masterful, and Perfect. Combine 3 of one rank to get the next rank. Perfect gems also a??lways give a Stamina bonus, on top of their listed bonus. You can spend 200 Bronze to purchase an Asynchronized Prismatic Gem, giving you a random common-quality gem.

Gem Type Bonus
Amethyst Mastery
Sapphire Crit
Topaz Haste
Diamond Versatility
Pearl Armor
Emerald Health
Ruby Leech
Opal Speed

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// 0 513491
betvisa loginWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Wed, 08 May 2024 17:35:07 +0000 //

Finally, troll players can obtain a set of h?eritage armor to remind them? of where they came from. But you'll have to follow a questline in order to earn this new set of armor. Follow this guide and you'll be donning your new duds soon enough.

How to start the quest to earn the Troll Heritage Armor

First, you'll have to be level 50 on your troll character. For clarity?, this is the original style of trolls; Zandalari Trolls have their ow??n armor set. Once you've leveled up, head over to the Valley of Spirits in Orgrimmar and look for the NPC Zi'Guma. They're in the central building with the Innkeeper.

Screenshot by Destructoid.

Screenshot by Destructoid

They'll ask you to meet Rokhan in the Echo Isles. Hop on a flying mount and head south to the troll starting zone. There, you'll talk to Rokhan for the next quest. It looks like he has a visitor! Trouble is brewing for the Darkspear, in the form of Mueh'zala. For those who missed it, he's the troll God of Death. ?He w??as working with The Jailer in The Shadowlands, but we put him in time-out. Search the room for sparkling blood bowl tributes and destroy them.

Your next quest will be to perform a ritual for the loa. Follow the trolls outside and ?click on the big stone altar near them. Afterwards, you'll need to collect garbage to summon the loa Jani. Move slightly north to collect 8 random pieces of trash strewn about t?he camp.

Take them back to the stone altar. Interact with the table,?? and Bwonsamdi will summon the raptor loa to your side. Speak to them to continue the quest. Apparently their trash piles serve?? as portals to other places! Click on the pile of junk to garba-port over to Zul'Gurub and talk to Rokhan. You'll need to collect offerings to Hakkar to attract another Loa. The baddies are located in two different places in Zul'Gurub, which you can see in the map.

Screenshot by Destructoid.

Do the MMO thing: go beat up on the bad guys and collect the tributes. Then zip back to Jani to reveal the lost loa. Kevo ya Siti is our new friend! Fortunately, this big fellow is happy to help us fight back against Mueh'zala. He'll just need help recruiting his sister loa, Lukou. She'll help us??e her regeneration to counter the death god's influence. Take the trash pile next to Jani once again, this time to get to Bambala!

Find Kevo ya Siti nearby to begin the next leg of the journey. You'll need to ask around the small settlement to find information on Lukou's whereabouts. Return to Rokhan and crew to inform them of a good place to look. Follow them to the Mosh'Ogg ogre mound where they'll be standing atop a large tree root sticking out of the ground. Once you accept Kevo's quest?? to infiltrate the Ogre cave, talk to them again to teleport into the ogre hovel. Go do that voodoo that you do so well to recover Altar Fragments. You'll need to make sure to find the ogre Mai'Zoth to get the large centerpiece.

Once you've collected everything, put the pieces together and interact with the altar. Quickly, talk to Lukou before she sends Rok?han into retirement! After a nice reunion between loa, you'll need to return home ?to establish tribute. Time for another jump into Jani's magic dumpster!

Screenshot by Destructoid

Speak to Witch Doctor Tzadah to continue the ceremony. She'll have you add some tributes to the altar. Then, it's time to make a mask. Head over to the supplies a little bit north from the altar. Click on them, then go join Rokhan. After a short conversation, you can begin The Loa Trials. Head back to the altar when you're ready, and stand in? the purple mist in front of it. You'll get an action button to click on to begin the ritual.

Oh no, I can't believe everything went wrong! Talk to Rokhan, Lukou, and Kevo ya Siti to pick up new quests. Search the main island for 3 ritual circles, Minions of Mueh'zala, and Lost Trainees. You'll need to click on the circles to remove them. For the minions, do the stabbing thing. And for the Trainees, use the Cunning charm on them when they're under 50% hea?lth. You'll know them by the weird haze around them and yellow?? nameplate.

Once you're done, ??grab Jani's f??eather. Then, step into Lukou's green circle and click the action button. You'll need to destroy four totems, while dodging shades of Mueh'zala. When you do, find the green circle and use the action button to move to the next. After all four, you'll get a cutscene to finish things off!

Screenshot by Destructoid

With one last request from Rokhan, you'll be rew??arded the Troll's He?ritage Armor ensemble.

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// 0 507584
betvisa888 liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Wed, 08 May 2024 17:19:47 +0000 //

Antique Bronze Bullions are the hottest currency in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight's fourth season, allowing players to purchase best-in-slot items from vendors located in the Parting Glass. These items can then be ?upgraded to the game's current maximum item level (528) using Flightstones and Crests. Each item costs two Bronze Bullions, so the ability to get two for "free" t??his week has the community buzzing.

To get your two Bu?llions, just accept th?e weekly quest "Emissary of War" from Kazra in Valdrakken, near the center of the plaza standing next to the fountain:

Screenshot by Destructoid.

The ??quest tasks players with completing four Mythic dungeons of any difficulty, including non-keystone Mythics. For anyone looking to do ?a bit of catching up this week, keep in mind that Mythic 0's are now about the difficulty that Mythic +10's were last season due to the "dungeon squish" that occurred as part of season four. The gear is appropriately powerful, dropping at item level 493, but expect a little more resistance than you may be used to.

Antique Bronze Bullions are typically earned at a rate of one per week via the Fated Raid, which rotates weekly. Looking For Raid is the easiest way to earn these, as they drop randomly once per week from any boss. You're guaranteed one a week, and it usually doesn't take more than 3 to 4 boss kills to get a drop. On a final note: you can earn your raid Bullion this week along with the two from the weekly quest, whether you do it before or after?? turning the quest in.

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// 0 507939
betvisa loginWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Wed, 08 May 2024 12:44:04 +0000 //

With another World of Warcraft patch, there are more goodies for players to earn. ?Now, players can earn a special Taivan mount! This big, good boy will happily cart you around The Dragon Isles and beyond. But first, you have to unlock him!

How to complete the achievement

Image by Destructoid

To add the Taivan to your collection, you will need to earn the achievement "A W??orld Awoken." Consider this the big "you did it all" achievement for the entire expansion. If you haven't been playing?? for a few patches, it might be a little while before you can call the Taivan yours. Here are the achievements you need and what each one takes to earn:

Image by Destructoid

Achievement Name How to Earn It
Vault of the Incarnates Complete the Vault of the Incarnates raid.
Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Complete the Aberrus raid.
Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope Complete the Amirdrassil raid.
Myths of the Dragonflight Dungeons Complete each of the Dragonflight Dungeons on Mythic or Mythic Keystone Difficulty
Loremaster of the Dragon Isles Complete the Dragon Isles quest achievements for each of the 8 zones.
Friend of the Dragon Isles Complete the Dragon Isles renown campaigns of the 6 major factions.
Dragon Quests Complete each of the Dragonflight Quest Achievements, including Fringe Benefits. (Requires you to complete 8 of the daily quests in Eon's Fringe.)
Oh My God. They Were Clutchmates Complete each of the Dragonflight Reputation achievements, including the Winterpelt language.
Dragon Isles Pathfinder Explore each of the locations in The Dragon Isles. Also grants old-style flying in The Dragon Isles.
Across the Isles Aid the Dragon Isles by completing multiple achievements. This also rewards a Stormtouched Bruffalon.
You Know How to Reach Me Complete all of the Forbidden Reach achievements. Also awards the title "The Forbidden"
Que Zara(lek), Zara(lek) Complete all of the Zaralek Cavern achievements. Also awards the Calascent Shalewing.
Dream On Complete the Emerald Dream achievements. Also awards the title "of the Emerald Dream"
Now THIS is Dragon Racing! Complete each of the Dragonriding achievements. Also awards the Grotto Netherwing Drake's Black Scales customization.8
Once you've earned all of these, the mount will appear in your collection!

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// 0 507577
betvisa888 betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Wed, 08 May 2024 12:39:13 +0000 //

Patch 10.2.7 just dropped, and that means a new questline that helps tie Dragonflight into the upcoming expansion, The War Within. You'll need to complete the questline to get caught up on the latest World of Warcraft storyline.

How to get the Quest "The Harbinger"

When you log in, you'll likely be treated to some dialogue from everybody's favorite WoW grandpa, Archmage Khadgar. A quest should automatically appear in your log titled "The Harbinger." With it, you should see an option to use a Dalaran Hearthstone in ord?er to appear in the Legion version of the floating mage city.

Screenshot by Destructoid

Once you port in, head straight and then hang a left into the central building. Go step on the glowing pad in the center of the room to teleport to the inner chambers like in the good ol' Legion days. Once you are inside, hang a right. You should see Alleria Windrunner doing a cool lean on the wall. If you click on her, you can watch the newest cinematic leading into The War Within.

After the movie plays out, you can talk t?o Khadgar for a few more points of information before turning in the quest. This includes playing some cutscenes to help get you caught up with the story, if yo?u've been away for a while.

Turn around and you'll see Alleria at the bottom of the steps with a new quest, "Door to the Ren'Dorei." Follow the chain from there to complete the "Hunt the Harbinger" Achievement. Note: this quest? is currently kind of buggy. If Alleria doesn't open a portal for you in the chamber, leave the mage tower and abandon the quest. Then go back in and get the quest again. Before you go down the last set of stairs, stand and wait for Alleria to open the portal all the way.

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// 0 507554
betvisa888World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Sat, 04 May 2024 15:59:01 +0000 // world of warcraft lofi mage

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 4 brings back many challenging dungeons into the Mythic+ rotation along with new Awakened Raids. Frost Mages have some of the best utility options against trash mobs and can be a game-changer in any PvE scenario. Here are the best talent choices and gear to make your Frost Mage build freeze ??the hottest foes across all PvE conte??nt.

Best Frost Mage talent build in WoW: Dragonflight Season 4 (PvE)

world of warcraft dragonflight season 4 frost mage talent tree
Screenshot by Destructoid

To import this quickly, copy the text below. In game, open your talent window, and click on the loadout drop-down menu. Select import, and then paste this text: BAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIJIFNkEJpIgkERERSCAAQCJSIJJJJSSSSkEAAAAAAAAAICA

Frost Mages have a powerful tier set in season 4 and will have a blast casting Glacial Spikes to explode frozen foes throughout all forms of content.  The talent tree contains a balance between utility and damage which can be adjusted to adapt to any Mythic+ affixes or to fill in any roles that your group may require. Talents such as Spellsteal and Remove Curse can be replaced if your group doesn't need additional di?spels or curse cleanses.

On the Frost side of things, the tree is built around maximizing the chance of freezing enemies in order for all of your spells to benefit from Shatter. Thanks to the 2-piece bonus from the Fr??ost Mage tier set, Glacial Spikes will explode when Shattering frozen enemies which not only looks aw?esome, but cements Frost Mage as one of the best AoE classes to deal with large packs of enemies.

Best Frost Mage gear in WoW: Dragonflight Season 4 (PvE)

The Hailstones talent scales tremendou??sly when focusing on Mastery. For this reason, Frost Mages will want to pri??oritize the following stats: Mastery > Critical Strike > Haste > Versatility

Keep these stats in mind while you grind Antique Bronze Bullions or Awakened Raids for the best in slot (BiS) PvE gear that’s listed below. There are many alternatives that you’ll acquire along the way that will make for a smoother progression throughout WoW: Dragonflight Season 4. 

Slot Item Source Enchantments/Embellishments
Head Wayward Chronomancer’s Chronocap Raid/Catalyst Incandescent Essence
Neck Eye of the Rising Flame Tindral Sageswift N/A
Shoulders Wayward Chronomancer’s Metronomes Raid/Catalyst N/A
Cloak Voice of the Silent Star* Sakareth Graceful Avoidance
Chest Reanimator’s Wicked Cassock Kazzara, the Hellforged Waking Stats
Wrist Vibrant Wildercloth Wristwraps Crafted Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch and Devotion of Avoidance
Gloves Wayward Chronomancer’s Gloves Raid/Catalyst N/A
Belt Vibrant Wildercloth Girdle Crafted Shadowflame-Tempered Armor Patch and Shadowed Belt Clasp
Legs Wayward Chronomancer’s Pantaloons Raid/Catalyst Frozen Spellthread
Boots Wayward Chronomancer’s Strapped Boots Catalyst Watcher’s Loam
Ring 1 Seal of Filial Duty* Broodkeeper Diurna Devotion of Mastery 
Ring 2 Seal of Diurna’s Chosen* Eranog Devotion of Mastery 
Weapon Dreambinder, Loom of the Great Cycle* Nymue Wafting Devotion
Trinket 1 Whispering Incarnate Icon* The Primal Council N/A
Trinket 2 Umbrelskul’s Fractured Heart The Azure Vault N/A
* Can be purchased with Antique Bronze Bullion

You’ll want to focus on getting your 4-piece class set bonuses from the Wayward Chronomancer’s Clockwork set since this will be the focus of your core DPS r??otation. 

The Whispering Incarnate Icon trinket is best when grouped with a healer and tank who are also running it to benefit from the Infusion bonus it can provide from players infused with other elements. Otherwise, Tome of Unstable Power (The Azure Vault) woul?d be conside?red the optimal alternative. 

For gems, using Keen Neltharite (+49 Mastery &; +23 Haste) in all sockets is the most cost-effective option. If you're low on gold, gems should be one of the last purchases that you make as enchants are far more i?mpactful.

Season 4 of Dragonflight is one of the easiest times for any class to gear up and ch?ase the BiS items. With the introduction of Ancient Bronze Bullion, you can acquire some of the most sought-after items without being subjected to RNG in raids. Remember that as a Frost Mag??e, the utility you bring to Mythic+ or Raids is as important as the DPS you do, so adjust your talents as needed and coordinate utility spells with your group.

The post Best Frost Mage talents, build, ??and gear for Dragon??flight Season 4 appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 505257
betvisa888 liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Tue, 30 Apr 2024 21:44:33 +0000 //

It's just about time to break out the tendies once again. Tomorrow is the start of a new month, which means new content on the Tradin??g Post. You know the drill: head to your factional capital and find the the vendors. If you need more tender, don't forget to complete goals in your Adventure Journal!

This month looks fresh with floral armaments and pollen-spreading pets. The prize for completing the Trave?ler's Log this month is the Wings of the Amber Monarch back transmog. While quite delightful to look at, it does feel like it's four months too early? Oh well, let's see what all we have this month.

Image by Blizzard

Mounts and Pets

Name Item Type Trader's Tender
Buzzworth (Returning) Pet 600
Pokee Pet 400
Amber Skitterfly Mount 600
Blazing Hippogryph Mount 800
Royal Swarmer’s Reins (Returning) Mount 800

Image by Blizzard


Name Item Type Trader's Tender
Highborne Scholar's Gloves  Hands 50
Sin'dorei Assassin's Shroud Cloak 50
Lively Treads of the Kalu'ak Feet 50
Dueler's Brick Shoulder Cape Shoulder 75
Dueler's Midnight Shoulder Cape Shoulder 75
Trader's Brick Sarong Legs 100
Gloves of the Midnight Soiree Hands 100
Classic Midnight Tabard Tabard 100
Ensemble: Vagabond's Midnight Threads (Returning) Head and Cloak 100
Ensemble: Wanderer's Midnight Trappings (Returning) Head and Cloak 100
Ensemble: Vagabond's Brick Threads Head and Cloak 100
Ensemble: Wanderer's Brick Trappings Head and Cloak 100
Guise of the Golden Masquerade Head 200
Ebony Crown of the Red Rose Head 250

Image by Blizzard


Name Item Type Trader's Tender
Primeval Maul Hands 75
Leaky Bucket Cloak 75
Forsaken Cresset (Returning) Feet 100
Valarjar Champion's Greatsword Shoulder 200
Lavish Floral Edge Shoulder 300
Lavish Floral Stalk Legs 300
Sunny Bow-quet Hands 300
Sunny Floral Staff Tabard 300
Arsenal: Blades of Elune (Returning) Head and Cloak 600

Image by Blizzard

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// 0 503934
betvisa888 cricket betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Sun, 28 Apr 2024 20:30:00 +0000 // A Zandalari Paladin contemplating in Valdraken

A new season of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is upon us, alo??ng with Awakened raids and a fresh batch of Mythic dungeons. For my fellow paladin orders, I offer the best way?? to build your Protection spec.

Of course, certain circumstances will require tweaks here and there. This guide should help even the greenest Paladin tanks hold ??their own. Just don't forget to read ?up on bosses before you fight them.

Protection Paladin Talent Build

Protection Paladin Talent Tree
Image by Destructoid

To import this quickly, copy the text below. In game, open your talent window, and click on the loadout drop-down menu. Select import, and then paste this text: BIEAomTTpSA9oX6huYLb5nP?3rXSaJkioFtIhSJJJSEhEAAgAAAAAAAAIRSCBE??IpIKJJAgIQCgACQA

This build focuses on giving you a simple toolkit with a few options for extra utility. For me, tanking can get overwhelming when I have way too many different actions to worry about. Feel free to adjust talents if you want something a little more simple. For example, Blessing of Freedom is a great utility to get yourself out of movement impairment abilities?. As a tank, it's great to be able to unstick yourself immediately instead of relying on a mechanic. But if you feel like you need more defensive options, it's probably the first talent to get rid of. As always, make sure to adjust your talents depending on what you encounter.

Some people might not like it for how situational it can be, but I think Final Stand is imperative for tanking. Divine Shield is one of the most powerful defensive cooldowns in the game. However, its main drawback is that it breaks aggro. Final Stand makes it actively taunt all enemies around you instead. This last-ditch option has saved me ??from more than a few wipes on bosses.

On here, I have Searing Shield selected instead of Focused Enmity. That's because it's a great tool for getting the attention of trash and adds. However, it's never a bad idea to swap to Focused Enmity when you're dealing with solo bosses.

WoW: The War Within Herald of the Sun Paladin Hero Talents

Best Gear

A paladin is only as good as his equipment. When acquiring something new, there are things to consider about whether or not to keep it. First and foremost, foc??us on the Item Level. Don't worry about secondary stats if you've got something with a higher level. The great thing about Paladins is that we're versatile enough to do well with any stat? buffs. Ironically, versatility is one of the least important ones. Remember:

  • Item Level >>> Strength > Haste > Mastery > Critical Strike, Versatility

We want our global cooldowns to be faster with Haste, but Mastery also helps our blocking. Versatility and Crit are great ?fo?r a little boost of healing and DPS, but those shouldn't be our primary focus. That said, if that's the best you got, it's still pretty good.

Best in Slot, or BiS, shows you what the most important items you can get are. If you don't plan on being a Mythic raider, that's totally fine. Focus on getting your class set bonus for Heartfire Sentinel's Authority. REMEMBER: Season 4 sets do not mix with previous seasons. It's recommended that you keep your Season 3 gear until you have enough to at least get the two-piece set?? bonus. Those are more important than the item levels right now.

Slot Item Source Enchantments
Head Heartfire Sentinel's Forgehelm Vault - Raszageth, Aberrus - Magmorax, Amirdrasil - Tindral Sageswift, Creation Catalyst, or The Great Vault Incandescent Essence
Neck Kagni's Scorching Talisman Aberrus - Warlord Kagni n/a
Shoulders Heartfire Sentinel's Steelwings Vault - Broodkeeper Diurna, Aberrus - Forgotten Experiments, Amirdrasil - Smolderon, Creation Catalyst, or The Great Vault n/a
Back Voice of the Silent Star Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible - Sarkareth Homebound Speed
Chest Dathea's Cyclonic Cage Vault of the Incarnates - Dathea Ascended Sustained Strength
Wrist Primal Molten Vambraces Blacksmithing Devotion of Speed
Gloves Heartfire Sentinel's Protectors Vault - Dathea, Aberrus - The Forgotten Experiments, Amirdrasil - Igira the Cruel, Creation Catalyst or The Great Vault n/a
Belt Primal Molten Greatbelt Blacksmithing Shadowed Belt Clasp
Legs Heartfire Sentinel's Faulds Vault - Sennarth, Aberrus - Rashok, Amirdrasil - Larodar, Creation Catalyst or The Great Vault Fierce Armor Kit
Boots Spittle-Resistant Sollerets Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible - Magmorax Watcher's Loam
Ring Seal of Diurna's Chosen Vault of the Incarnates - Eranog Devotion of Haste
Ring Emissary's Flamewrought Seal Vault of the Incarnates - BoE Drop Devotion of Haste
Weapon Gholak, The Final Conflagration Amirdrassil - Fyrakk Sophic Devotion
Shield Defender of the Ancient Amirdrasil - Gnarlroot n/a
Your general best-in-slot gear for most situations.

For Gems, I recommend having a Fierce Illimited Diamond. Fill the rest of your sockets with Quick or Keen Ysemerald. For Trinkets, try and get your hands on Fyrakk's Tainted Rageheart. The Cataclysmic Signet Brand or an Elementium Pocket Anvil will also be great options.

Hopefully, these elements will help you out on the field. Always remember to be flexible and shift talents when you need to. The cost of hi??gh versatility is keeping up with what roles you need to fill. Coordinate your raid buffs with any other pala??dins in the group. Now go out there and get these Awakened raids done!

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// 0 501493
betvisa loginWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Thu, 25 Apr 2024 22:24:17 +0000 // Retribution Paladin Best in Slot and gear for Dragonflight Season 4

In World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 4, Retribution Paladin is one of the strongest classes for both PvE and PvP. Especially strong in Mythic+, it's recommended you properly gear your Ret Paladin with the Best in Slot gear available to you. This is the Retribution Paladin Best in Slot and gear for Dragonflight Season 4.

Ret Paladin BiS Gear for WoW: Dragonflight Season 4
Screenshot by Destructoid

Ret Paladin BiS Gear for WoW: Dragonflight Season 4

Most of your Retribution Paladin Best in Slot gear in Dragonflight Season 4 is obtainable with Antique Bronze Bullions. The rest is either crafted via Blacksmithing or obtained in the various Awakened Raids in this season. Here is all of the Retribution Paladin Best in Slot gear for Dragonflight Season 4:

  • Weapon: Fyr'alath the Dreamrenderer (Drop off Fyrakk, the Blazing in Amirdrassil)
  • Helmet: Heartfire Sentinel's Forgehelm (Create Mythic version via Catalyst)
  • Necklace: Ouroboreal Necklet (Drop off Volocross in Amirdrassil)
  • Shoulders: Heartfire Sentinel's Steelwings (Create Mythic version via Catalyst)
  • Back: Voice of the Silent Star (Drop off Scalecommander Saraketh in Aberrus)
  • Chest: Dathea's Cyclonic Cage (Drop off Dathea, Ascended in Vault of the Incarnates)
  • Bracers: Primal Molten Vambracers (Craft via Blacksmithing and embelish with Blue Silken Lining)
  • Gloves: Heartfire Sentinel's Protectors (Create Mythic version via Catalyst)
  • Belt: Primal Molten Greatbelt (Craft via Blacksmithing and embelish with Blue Silken Lining)
  • Leggings: Heartfire Sentinel's Faulds (Create Mythic version via Catalyst)
  • Boots: Lavaforged Sollerets (Drop off Volocross in Amirdrassil)
  • Ring 1: Seal of Diurna's Chosen (Drop off Eranog in Vault of the Incarnates)
  • Ring 2: Seal of Filial Duty (Drop off Broodkeeper Diurna in Vault of the Incarnates)
  • Trinket 1: Elementium Pocket Anvil (Drop off The Amalgamation Chamber in Aberrus)
  • Trinket 2: Cataclysmic Signet Brand (Drop off Smolderon in Amirdrassil)

Both your Best in Slot Bracers and Belt is crafted via Blacksmithing using a Spark of Awakening. Make sure?? you embellis??h both pieces with a Blue Silken Lining as well.

How to spend Antique Bronze Bullion for Ret Paladin

Retribution Paladin is in a unique spot in Season 4 of WoW: Dragonflight when it comes to spending your Antique Bronze Bullion. You're obviously going to want to focus on obtaining your Fyr'aleth the Dreamrender, the Legenda??ry 2-Handed Axe from Fyrakk. Thankfully, you can do this using Antique Bronze Bullion by purchasing a Scale of Awakening. Here is how to spend your Antique Bronze Bullion as you get them for Retribution Paladin:

  1. Scale of Awakening to get Fyr'alath the Dreamrender
  2. Elementium Pocket Anvil
  3. Catclysmic Signet Brand
  4. Seal of Diurna's Chosen
  5. Voice of the Violent Star
  6. Seal of Filial Duty
  7. Ouroboreal Necklet
  8. Any other trinkets you want to try

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// 0 500995
betvisa cricketWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Thu, 25 Apr 2024 20:36:46 +0000 // Review World of Warcraft Dragonflight 3

One of the events added in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight are the Grand Hunts. These are events that have you assisting the Maruuk Centaurs across the Dragon Isles (and are therefore located only on the Dragon Isles). There are ??some things you need to keep in mind in order to do these events.

Requirements for Dragonflight’s Grand Hunts

In order to access the Grand Hunts in Dragonflight, you need to have done two things:

  • Progress through Dragonflight’s main questline until you reach Ohn’ahran Plains and complete the quest Maruukai. This will allow you to build renown with the Maruuk Centaurs.
  • Reach renown level 5 with the Maruuk Centaurs.

Doing quests in?? the Ohn’ahran Plains is the best way to build renown with the Maruuk Centaurs, but that will only get you so far. Even?tually, you’ll need to do repeatable world quests and defeat world bosses in the area.

Once you have attained renown level 5, then you can start ??doing the Grand Hunts.

How to start Grand Hunts

To start Grand Hunts in World of Warcraft Dragonflight, you simply need to look for a Horn on your map. That is to say, a horn like you blow into, not one t??hat grows from the head of certain creatures. Note that these don’t always indicate a Grand Hunt, it can be an assortment of community events. You need to mouse over one and look for the words “Grand Hunt�at the top of their pop-up window.

You then go to that location, and you should see the objective pop-up on your screen. Grand Hunts go through six tasks. Once one is complete, it?? then ?moves on to another in a different location.

Grand Hunts last about 2 hours in one location, and then move on to the next. They continue to cycle around the Dragon Isle. You will only get rewards ??for completing three Grand Hunts per week.

Completing a Grand Hunt will net you a variety of spoils ranging from Centaur Hunting Trophies, Dragon I??sles Supplies, and even a Plainswalker Bearer mount.

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// 0 501015
betvisa888 betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:19:53 +0000 // Dreamsurge Cradle item in Wow Dragonflight Season 4

In World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 4, there are a ton of ways to acquire gear and catch up to start experiencing the new seasonal content. If you played the previous season, the weekly Shaping the Dreamsurge quest has returned. But what is the reward, specifically the Dreamsurge Cradle item actually used for in WoW Dragonflight Season 4?

WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Dreamsurge Cradle
Screenshot by Destructoid

What is the Dreamsurge Cradle?

The Dreamsurge Cradle is a currency item that when working properly, allows you to trade them for appropriate Item Level gear for that season. Basically, you do the Shaping the Dreamsurge weekly quest to obtain a Drea?msurge Cradle, and then visit Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem—the NPC who gave you the quest—and turn in your Dreamsurge Cradle in exchange for an item of your choosing.

However, as of the start of Season 4. Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem appears to be bugged. While he should be selling a variety of gear to you in exchange for your Dreamsurge Cradle, he currently does not sell any items at all. Unfortunately, a few other vendor NPC's appear to be bugged at the start of Season 4 as well, not allowing you to exchange you?r currency with them.

Blizzard has confirmed they are aware of the issue, so hopefully it will be hotfixed soon, as the Dreamsurge Cradle item is extremely useful for getting started in a new season. It essentiall??y allows you to quickly gear up an alt an??d start farming Mythic + dungeons and other forms of end-game content.

Even though it's currently bugged??, you can still complete the Shaping the Dreamsurge quest and go ahead and coll?ect your weekly Dreamsurge Cradle as well as the Cache of Dreams that may have some loot in it. You can still start collecting your Dreamsurge Cradles so once the bug is fixed you are able to exchange what you have earned for powerful gear.

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// 0 499917
betvisa888 casinoWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:05:43 +0000 //

Season 4 has dropped in World of Warcraft, which means? it's t??ime to take a "victory lap" around all the raids.

Like in Shadowlands, each of the expansion's raids will get some time in the sun as an "Awakened" version: meaning, more difficulty, but better rewards. The schedule for this, as well as what you can earn, can all be found below. Originally it was going to be two weeks per raid. However, Blizzard has recently updated the rotation to weekly. After six weeks, all raids will become permanently Awaken??ed. This is especially important for mythic difficulty raiders, as you'll w??ant to maximize your time for any last mythic drops.

What Awakened raid is this week?

April 23 Vault of the Incarnates
April 30 Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible
April 23 Vault of the Incarnates
May 7 Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
May 14 Vault of the Incarnates
May 21 Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible
May 28 Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
June 4 All Raids are now Awakened

WoW Dragonflight Raid
Image from Blizzard

What are the rewards for each Awakened raid?

?There are plenty of reasons to hop into Awakened raids, and some bonuses around the Drag?on Isles as well. Each raid being awakened grants bonus reputation with certain factions, as listed below. When all of the raids become Awakened on June 4, that rep bonus applies to every group.

  • When Vault of the Incarnates is Awakened: You receive bonus reputation with Dragonscale Expedition, Maruuk Centaur, and Iskaara Tuskaar
  • When Aberrus is awakened: You receive bonus reputation with Loamm Niffen, Soridormi, and Sabellion/Wrathion.
  • When Amirdrassil is awakened: You receive bonus reputation with Loamm Niffen, Soridormi, and Sabellion/Wrathion.

All three raids will drop a new tier token to exchange for appearances and set bonuses that were voted on by the community earlier this year. On top of that, you earn 1 Antique Bronze Bullion a week per character by defeating bosses; and the cap for these will rise by 1 for every week. Trade ??in 2 Bullion at a time for weapons and powerful items from Dragonflight raids, or purchase the Jigglesworth Sr mount for 3 Bullion. And finally, you can unlock raid appearances from any difficult?y color for 1 Bullion each.

Legendary items wil??l also drop as usual, but if you've already received a legendary in previous seasons, you can purchase a Scale of Awakening to u??pgrade it to Season 4's item level.

WoW Dragonflight Season 4 Mounts
Image by Destructoid

What are the rewards for doing all Awakened raids?

Completing all three Awakened flights on each difficulty gives you a new reward. Complete them all on normal to get the Voyaging ??Wildering dynamic flying mount. You'll receive the "Awakened Hero" title if you complete them all on Heroic. And for clearing all 3 on Mythic difficulty, you will receive Path Portals to e?ach of the raids.

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// 0 499368
betvisa888World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Wed, 24 Apr 2024 17:59:57 +0000 //

World of Warcraft Dragonflight's fourth season launched y??esterday, and rather than a juicy content patch in the form of a "10.3," we were instead treated to some fundamental changes to PvE content and a redux of Dragonflight's existing dungeons and raids.

The Revival Catalyst - a system in which players can turn non-raid gear into tier piec?es, got a slight reworking as well. This season, the tier sets' appearance and bonuses, taken from the pool of previously available options, were voted on by the community.

Revival Catalyst charges have been reset to 0. If, for whatever reason, you were hanging on to charges from last season, those are (understandably) gone. On the flipside, charges are granted every week, rather than the previous biweekly cadence of seas?ons past. The location of the Catalyst, just East of Valdrakken, can be seen on the map below.

Screenshot by Destructoid.

To make the most of your Revival Catalyst charges, it's recommended that you save them for gear that has a higher upgrade potential using Flightstones and Crests. To check how far a piece of gear can be upgraded, you need only look at the tooltip under its name: Explorer is the lowest upgrade level, and Myth is the highest. To maximize your tier set's potential (and longevity), I'd recommend using charges only on Champion gear and higher.

  • Explorer - 454 to 476
  • Adventurer - 467 to 483
  • Veteran - 480 to 502
  • Champion - 493 to 515
  • Hero - 506 to 522
  • Myth - 519 to 528

The Flightstones and Crests you'll need to upgrade your gear can be found organically by completing content or doing quests. Flightstones pop up everywhere, but you'll have to take on challenging content befitting your gear's level to earn the appropriate Crests to upgrade it. These Catalyst changes should allow for a bit more flexibility if you do happen to ??find a piece of gear on a higher "track" later on, so don't be afraid to use them.

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// 0 500036
betvisa888World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - BBL 2022-23 Sydney Sixers Squad // // Tue, 23 Apr 2024 21:58:53 +0000 // How to get weekly Spark of Awakening in WoW Dragonflight Season 4

Every season of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight brings a new Spark to craft the best items for that season. WoW Dragonflight Season 4 is no different with the introduction of the Spark of Awakening. Here is how to get Spark of Awakening in WoW Dragonflight Season 4 so you can start crafting you?r BiS gear.

How to get weekly Spark of Awakening in Season 4

In order to get your weekly Spark of Awakening in WoW Dragonflight Season 4, you need to complete the weekly Last Hurrah quest. Head to Valdrakken and in the center by the fountain you will see the NPC Therazal, Dragon Isles Emissary. He has a weekly quest that rotates each ??week between Dragon Isles, Zaralek Caverns, and Amirdrassil. Week 1 is the Dragon Isles, and it will rotate through in order each week. You can also find the location of Therazal in the screenshot above, at the red circle.

To complete the Last Hurrah quest and get your weekly Spark of Awakening, you need to complete the followi?ng quest objectives in the Dragon I??sles:

  • Participate in a Community Feast
  • Participate in a Hunt
  • Lay siege to Dragonbane Keep

After completing t??he weekly que??st, you will receive a completed Spark of Awakening to craft with.

You can also get a Spark of A??wakening by combining two Splintered Spark of Awakenings which can be obtained by running Mythic + Dungeons, killing raid bosses, or participating in PvP. Alongside the two Splinters, you'll al??so need 250 Flightstones which can be gotten from completing dungeons and raids.

Once you have the Splinters and Flintstones, simply right-click one of th??e Splintered Spark of Awakenings in your bags and it will create a Spark of Awakening. You can only obtain one Splintered Spark of Awakening per week as well, thus allowing you to craft 3 pieces of gear every two weeks??.

What are Spark of Awakenings for in WoW Dragonflight Season 4

You can utilize your Spark of Awakenings to craft powerful gear for your character. If you are a crafter yourself, you can simply perform the craft on your own with ??the required materials. However, even if you aren't a crafter, you can place a Crafting Order in Valdrakken using your Spark of Awakening and have the item crafted for you?.

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// 0 499523
betvisa888 liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Tue, 23 Apr 2024 20:20:42 +0000 // Where to turn in Antique Bronze Bullion in World of Warcraft

The fourth and final season for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is now underway, bringing the return of Awakened raids as well as the popular Dinar system. In Season 4, Dinar have been renamed to Antique Bronze Bullion, and can be used to obtain the most powerful rare gear in Season 4. Here is where you can spend the Antique Bronze Bullion in WoW: Dragonflight Season 4.

Where is the Antique Bronze Bullion vendor in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight?
Screenshot by Destructoid

Where is the Antique Bronze Bullion vendor in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight?

You spend your Antique Bronze Bullion at the NPC Iszinormi in the eastern side of Valdrakken. Iszinormi the Dream Distributor can be found inside The Parting Glass inn located directly behind where you used to do the quests for Sparks of Ingenuity for crafting in the earlier World of Warcraft: Dragonflight seasons.

If you look at the screenshot above, t?he building circled in red is exactly where you need to go. Inside you will find Iszinormi. The fastest way to get here is to hearthstone to Valdrakken, then run up the eastern stairca?se until you reach the the top, then look to your left and enter the large building that houses Iszinormi.

What is Antique Bronze Bullion?

The Antique Bronze Bullion is the replacement from the Dinar system in previous World of Warcraft finale seasons??. Players can earn 1 Antique Bronze Bullion per week upon defeating their first Awakened Raid boss each week. Each week the cap on how many Antique Bronze Bullion you can receive increases by one, so if you skip any weeks you will be able to catch up by killing more Awakened Raid bosses in the following week.

With this system, if you are playing actively, you will be able to accrue a single Antique Bronze Bullion per week and spend it how you please. But if you stop playing for say, four weeks, and then return, you'll be able to kill four more bosses the week you return and receive those Antique Bronze Bullion'??s that you missed out on.

You can then turn these Ant?ique Bronze Bullion in at Iszinormi in exchange for Item Level 493 gear for any of the r?are loot obtainable in the raids. This includes the best Weapons and Trinkets you can obtain in Season 4, so they are worth getting.

As with regular gear, you can then upgrade this powerful gear using Flightstones and Crests, making it the best gear you can get in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 4. The total cap on Antique Bronze?? Bullions is 20 per character over the course of Season 4, so make sure you spend them wis?ely!

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// 0 499425
betvisa888 cricket betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - براہ راست کرکٹ | // // Tue, 02 Jan 2024 19:29:50 +0000 //

In an official blog post, Blizzard confirmed the next update for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight will dro?p on January 16. Titled Seeds of Renewal, the update brings ?a handful of new content to the popular MMORPG as well as concludes the current storyline campaign of the Dragon Isles.

Image via Blizzard

Worldwide Dragonriding and Azerothian Archives and more

One of the most popular mechanics introduced in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is Dragonriding. Currently, the feature is only accessible in the new expansion area, the Dragon Isles. However, with the Seeds of Renewal update, Dragonriding is being expanded to be useable?? in all old-world cont??inents where flying is available which includes most of Azeroth.

A new system is also being added called the Azerothian Archives. Players will have the chance ??to deliver into the history and lore of the Dragon Isles and explore an iconic time before the expansion over Weekly Public Events at the Traitor's Rest. Solo and Group activities will be available and reward players with Battle Pets, Mounts, and a Transmog set.

Fans of Worgens and Genn Greymane, the King of Gilneas, will be happy to see the King finally attempt to reclaim the kingdom of Gilneas in the Seeds of Renewal update. Gilneas has long been abandoned after being invaded by the Forsaken and then ripped asunder by the Cataclysm in the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm expansion. Players will have the opportunity to aid King Greymane in retaking ??Gilneas.

Finally, Follower Dungeons are being added in the Seeds of Renewal update as well. Players can enlist the help of NPC companions to clear through dungeons instead of doing so with other players. All eight Normal Dragonflight Dunge??ons will now automatically scale and fill between 1-4 AI players, with more dungeons to come in the future.

The World of Warcraft 10.2.5 Seed?s of Renewal update is se?t to launch on January 16.

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// 0 445334
betvisa casinoWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - bet365 cricket - Jeetbuzz88 // // Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:06:55 +0000 // WoW 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal

Even though we're only a little over a week into World of Warcraft: Dragonflight patch 10.2 Guardians of the Dream, Blizzard has opted to reveal the next update, patch 10.2.5. In a post on the news site titled In Development: Seeds of Renewal, Blizzard detailed some features of the upcomin??g update.

WoW 10.2.5 Seeds of Renewal features
Image via Blizzard

Dragonriding worldwide

Even though we already knew the next expansion, World of Warcraft: The War Within would replace the existing basic riding skill with Dragonriding, it looks like we'll see the foundation of that systematic change in Seeds of Renewal. The current Dragonriding system will be available in all old-world continents, wherever flying is typically available. This will replace the current ?system that is only available in the new Dragon Isles continent.

A new Weekly Public Event will allow players to participate in solo and group activities called the Azerothian Archives. The event takes place in the Traitor's Rest in Valdrakken, and offers a trove of rewards including Ba??ttle Pets, Mounts, and a Transmog set.

Return to Gilneas

Apparently, King Greymane is finally ready to retake Gilneas, but needs our help to do so. A new Gilneas Reclamation event will allow players to?? help Greymane reclaim his long-lost kingdom and reclaim Gilneas.

This also comes alongside a new system called Follower Dungeons. These dungeons allow you to fill your party with NPC companions as you progress through the eight Normal Dragonflight Dungeons. It sounds like the Squadron/Duty Support system from Final Fantasy XIV, and it's certainly a welcome addition.

Oh, also Trolls get some new hair colors to customize their character, as well as some new customization?s for Draenei and some Warlock minions.

These .5 patches are typically rather bare, but this sounds? like we're getting a mix of quality of life updates as well as new features and content.

There is no release date for Seeds of Renewal just yet, but according to a post on the Warcraft Twitter, the update hits the PTR this week.

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// 0 429237
betvisa liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Mon, 16 Oct 2023 20:36:22 +0000 // Guardians of the Dream release date

The third and more than likely final season of the World of Warcraft: Dragonflight expansion is almost here. Guardians of the Dream will release on November 7 and bring with it an all-new zone—The Emerald Dream—a new faction, updates to Dragonriding, new character customizations, and a new public event. And j?ust one week later the new raid, Amirdrassil, will open up for players to challenge. Inside the raid players will find new class tier sets as well as a new legendary weapon called Fyr'alath the Dream Render. Finally, alongside the raid, a brand new Mythic + Seasonal rotation will begin as well as a new PvP season with a new PvP Brawl Mode called Bat??tleground Blitz.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Season 3
Image via Activision Blizzard

Enter the Emerald Dream

The Emerald Dream has long been an important location in World of Warcraft. More specifically, the Emerald Dream is an ethereal dimension that is ever-shifting spirits and nature magic. The realm itself defies mortal perception of realit??y and is home to the Emerald Dragonlight and Ysera.

Here players will ?team up with The Dream Wardens, a new Renown faction, as they fight against Fyrakk and his ??minions. Blood Elves and Druids will get all-new character customization options to celebrate the update that focuses heavily on them both.

A new public event called Superbloom allows players to ?escort and protect a Wandering Ancient. If they succeed in doing so they will receive currencies and seeds as a reward. The seeds can than be planted to sprout an Emerald Bounty which is a greater reward for players.

Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope

The new raider will allow raiders to challenge nine bosses in Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope. In the end they will take on Fyrakk the Blazing, as he attempts?? to feast on the energies of Amirdrassil. The shadowflame dragon has been the big bad of the expansion, so it makes sense. Players who are able to take down Fyrakk will get a shot at a new legendary weapon, Fyr'alath the Dream Render. The weapon can be?? used by Death Knights, Paladins, and Warriors.

Keeping with t?he new changes, all three tiers of difficulties for the raid, Normal, Heroic, and Mythic, will all unlock on November 14. Wing 1 of the raid will also unloc??k on Raid Finder, with a new wing opening each successive week through December 12.

Guardians of the Dream goes live on November 7.

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// 0 416568
betvisa888 liveWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Tue, 26 Sep 2023 20:51:43 +0000 // World of Warcraft Turbulent Timeways

Even though the Harvest Festival holiday event just started on World of Warcraft, a new event has also gone live today. The Turbulent Timeways event is officially un??derway, enabling Timewalking for previous expansions at the end of Season 2. The event will run through October 30th and feature Timewalking for a different expansion each week.

Players can utilize the Timewalking dungeons to level up while also earning unique rewards, or, if th??ey are already max level, ?can obtain heroic raid-quality loot each week. Also, a new XP potion called Distilled Knowledge of Timeways increases your experience gains when killing monsters and completing quests, increasing by completing Timewalking dungeons. Once fully upgraded, the buff will give you an additional 30% experience. Needless to say, this is definitely an ideal time to level alts.

Finally, a new mount is up for grabs for receiving the aforementioned buff each week. So essentially, p??layers who complete four Timewalking dungeons each of the fi??ve weeks of the event will receive the new mount titled Sandy Shalewing.


World of Warcraft Turbulent Timeways weekly Timewalking rotation

Over the next ?five weeks, a different expansion will be featured via timewalking. This is the schedule throughout the event:

  • Week 1(September 26-October 2): Cataclysm Timewalking â€?Dungeons: The Stonecore, Lost City of the Tol'vir, The Vortex Pinnacle, Throne of the Tides, End Time, Blackrock Caverns â€?Raid: The Firelands
  • Week 2(October 3-October 9): The Burning Crusade Timewalking â€?Dungeons: Magister's Terrace, Mana Tombs, The Blood Furnace, The Botanica, The Shattered Halls, The Underbog â€?Raid: The Black Temple
  • Week 3(October 10-October 16): Legion Timewalking â€?Dungeons: Black Rook Hold, Court of Stars, Darkheart Thicket, Eye of Azshara, Neltharion's Lair, Vault of the Wardens
  • Week 4(October 17-October 23): Mists of Pandaria Timewalking â€?Dungeons: Temple of the Jade Serpent, Stormstout Brewery, Shado-Pan Monastery, Mogu'shan Palace, Scholomance, Gate of the Setting Sun
  • Week 5(October 24-October 30): Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking â€?Dungeons: Azjol Nerub, Gundrak, Halls of Lightning, The Forge of Souls, The Nexus, Utgarde Keep â€?Raid: Ulduar

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// 0 409695
betvisa888World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Thu, 07 Sep 2023 20:16:59 +0000 // Guardians of the Dream Fyrakk

Today Blizzard revealed details and the official name of patch 10.2 for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. The update,? titled Guardians of the Dream, is the final content update for the Dragonflight expansion. It looks to be a pretty hefty update including a new zone, new raid, new legendary weapon, and new class gear sets. Other features of the update include new public events, a new faction called the Dream Wardens, new Blood Elf customizations, Rogue and Demon Hunter class revamps, updates to the popular Dragonriding feature, and more. As is usual with these content updates, a new PvP and Mythic+ season will be released as well.


Going out with a bang

As the last content update of Dragonflight, Guardians of the Dream is looking like a nice capstone for the expansion. ?The new raid, Amirdrassil, The Dream's Hope, is a nine-boss raid. For one of ?the bosses, Tandral Sageswift, players will even be able to Dragonride—the expansion's big feature—during the encounter. The final boss is Fyrakk, the blazing Primal Incarnate who is leading the Primalists.

The new legendary weapon, Fyr'alath, the Dream Render, looks pretty sick. It's a 2-handed axe themed around the fiery wrath of Fyrakk. Also, there are no class-specific ties to the weapon. Although this is not common for World of Warcraft, it allows anyone that can use 2-handed axes the ability to equip the legendary weapo?n. However, typically legendary items are not common drops, though Blizzard says they are working on balancing the drop rate to make it feel rewarding but also something to work towards.

The new Mythic+ Dungeon rotation will include Throne of the Tides from Cataclysm and Atal'dazar from Battle for Azeroth. Here's the full list? of?? dungeons for the Season 3 Mythic+ rotation:

  • Dawn of the Infinites: Galakrond's Fall
  • Dawn of the Infinites: Murozond's Rise
  • Darkheart Thicket (Legion)
  • Black Rook Hold (Legion)
  • Waycrest Manor (Battle for Azeroth)
  • Atal'Dazar (Battle for Azeroth)
  • Everbloom (Warlords of Draenor)
  • Throne of the Tides (Cataclysm)

I haven't played since the release of the Dragonflight expansion on November 28, 2022. But looking at what's coming in Guardians of the Dream, I'm very tempted to jump back in. Historically the final content updates of World of Warcraft expansions have often been the best.

Although nothing has been confirmed, it's expected Blizzard will reveal the next World of Warcraft expansio??n at BlizzCon 2023 whic??h takes place November 3-4.

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betvisa casinoWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Wed, 08 Mar 2023 20:15:15 +0000 // World of Warcraft Dragonflight 4

Alliance and Horde, together at last

World of Warcraft is getting its patch 10.1 "Embers of Neltharion" as part of the Dragonflight content rollout. And when it arrives, it'll add a feature that should bring the World of Warcraft a little closer together through cross-fact?ion gui??lds.

Though guilds had to stay within faction lines previously, the new patch will allow guilds to exist across the barriers of Alliance and Horde. The faction binary has long defined World of Warcraft, as the war of Alliance v. Horde raged on. But in years since, that has loosened; patch 9.2.5 for Shadowlands introduced cross-fac??tion instanced content to the MMORPG. Now, Blizzard is bringing guilds into the togetherness.

"We see this as a conservative step in the same vein as cross-faction instances," World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas said in an interview with Gamespot. "This is still opt-in. We want to make sure the focus is not on tearing down Alliance and Horde as entities in Warcraft, or making complete unity the default experience, but making sure players who have real life or other out-of-game bonds with folks on the opposite faction can play with them and experience WoW together, because at the end of the day, that's the prime va??lue? here."

Why can't we be friends?

Other pieces of the World of Warcraft pie are still being cordoned off into factional divides, though. Matchmade content and open-world quests still won't allow opposing factions to group up. As Hazzikost??as tells it, those situations are built on the premise that Alliance and Horde would never play together.

But as the years have rolled on since World of Warcraft launched, it feels like that divide has diminished. In some ways, you have to wonder if the war in Warcraft may ever come to close. At the very least, this should m??ake hanging out with your guild bu??ddies a little easier, no matter which banner you go to war under.

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight patch 10.?1 doe?s not have a release date at this time.

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betvisa casinoWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Wed, 21 Dec 2022 21:00:40 +0000 // How to customize your dragon in WoW Dragonflight 11

A player with tons of time and an eye on the prize.

The longest gaming session I have ever had was six straight hours of Cult of the Lamb. This may not be a huge feat for many of you, but I am in shock that for six hours, I didn't drink water, eat food, or even use the bathroom. My ent??ire day flew by while I gathered followers and tended my garden.

Was it fun? Yeah. My camp looks really good, and I sacrificed my first dissenter. But my neck hurt after, and I was jittery like there were bees in my brain. I can't even imagine the dedication it took for the first player to achieve max renown in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

Reddit user Tobias-the-Fox posted his accomplishment under the title, "Am I popular yet? World First Max Renown!" The post came within a week of the expansion pack's release date, which is just mind-blowing. According to the OP, it took "7 days 13 hours" t??o do this. Some of the commenters did the math and estimated about 18 hours each day were spent grinding away at the tasks for each faction!

For some background, the Renown system lets the player earn rewards by performing tasks. There are four factions in WoW: Dragonflight, and each will have a series of quests, challenges, and event?s to complete to gain reputation points with each faction. Once you have earned 2,500 reputation, you get 1 Renown for that faction. Achieving max Renown means that the OP has no more levels to clear.

The OP posted his score as proof, so you can see each faction goes up to Level 25 or 30, so 25 or 30 Renown. That is so ??much gameplay. He said he completed the tasks for Valdrakken Accord first before moving on to Dragonscale Expedition. Then he completed Maruuk Centaur before spending three days working on Iskaara Tuskarr.

r/wow - Am I Popular Yet? World First Max Renown!

The comments on the post are a mix of congratulations, envy, and even a few negative quips about the OP's assumed lack of social life. While a few people wondered if they were underperforming in the game for not being nearly as far, others expressed concern about that much time spent playing the game. It's fair to be?? a little weary of encouraging unhealthy amou??nts of sedentary screen time. Sitting still for that long is not something one should be aiming to achieve. A fact that even Tobias-the-Fox has admitted.

He responded to a few of the comments with the explanation that his? disability gives him more time to play games than people who need to leave for w?ork or take care of their children every day. He also mentions that he doesn't suggest anyone do the same. This was just a fun challenge he set for himself and achieved!

In that case, I thin??k congratulations are in order. He set a short?-term goal and ended up being the first in the world to reach that goal. As an adult, he's allowed to spend his time however he wants, and at least he isn't goading others into going that hard.

That being said, gaming is a ton of fun, but let's not forget to get up and stretch. Go for a walk. Do some yoga. Eat good food that we cook for ourselves. Then hop back in! I'm thinking of setting a timer next time I play Cult of the Lamb, just so I k?now when to pause the game and, you know, move. What's the longest session you've ever played?

If you haven't played the game yet and want to know if you should, here's Destructoid's review of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.

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betvisa888 cricket betWorld of Warcraft: Dragonflight Archives &#8211; Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Sat, 10 Dec 2022 20:00:22 +0000 // World of Warcraft Dragonflight

Art imitates life, and life imitates art

World of Warcraft's Corrupted Blood pandemic from back in 2005 is one of the most notorious, and yet fascinating, things to ever happen in the game. It even has its own Wikipedia page titled "The Corrupted Blood Incident." For those who may not be familiar, basically what happened was that t?here was a debuff associated with a certain boss fight at the end o?f a raid. The debuff could pass between players in close proximity, and while it was intended to be active only in the boss' region, a bug allowed Corrupted Blood to spread across the entirety of Azeroth, the game's fictional world.

It's an uncanny phenomenon given what we've experienced over the past few years. The Incident was so good at replicated how disease spreads in the real world, in fact, that epidemiologists conducted studies on it, and actually got a better understanding of how to combat illnesses in real life... from World of Warcraft. And my parents said vi?deo games aren't productive.


While Blizzard successfully shut down the digital pandemic nearly two decades ago, history has finally repeated itself. The newly released World of Warcraft expansion, Dragonflight contains a similar debuff that can be found all over the Dragon Isles called Contagious Cowardice. This debuff?? is supposed to end after 12 seconds, but instead, it continues to damage the play??er.

The good news is that if your character becomes infected, you can mitigate the damage by using my healing spell that removes a debuff, like Remove Curse or Cleanse. The bad news is that you can still see the debuff's visual effect, and worse, constantly hear the sound effect associated with it. It's annoying, but at least it doesn'?t kill you... right?

Players have been sending in a flurry of bug reports over the past few days, so it's more than likely that the WoW team at Blizzard is working hard on a Contagious Cowardice fix. Until then, ?though, be careful out there.

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