betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // Probably About Video Games Sun, 03 Sep 2023 17:05:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 // 211000526 betvisa cricketZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket asia cup // // Wed, 30 Aug 2023 21:00:45 +0000 // Armored Core 6 SGF hands off preview duel

Have you already finished Armored Core 6, and you want more mech action but don't feel like attempting a crazy no-weapon run just to breathe new life into the game? Worry not! I, and some ?of the Destructoid staff, have come up with a list of wildly varied mech-based games that I'm sure?? will scratch that itch.

[caption id="attachment_400155" align="alignnone" width="1200"]the main cast of Xenogears Image by Square Enix[/caption]


If you love the Final Fantasy series, but you think it could use more mechs and have more of an anime look, then Xenogears is the game for you.

It begins as many other PlayStation 1-era RPGs do, with the hero's rural hometown getting destroyed. Only this time, it's not by an evil wizard—it's by giant mechs straight out of what seems like hundreds of years in the future. That's Xenogears' way of telling players that they were about to e??xperience something like they never had before.

On top of a good story and gameplay that remains fun to this day, Xenogears kickstarted a gaming universe that gave us the likes of Xenosaga and Xenoblade.

[caption id="attachment_400154" align="alignnone" width="1200"]Xenoblade Chronicles X Image by Monolith Soft[/caption]

Xenoblade Chronicles X

If you read what I just wrote about Xenogears and ?thought, "This is what I want, but more modern and even more better-er", then this is the one for you.

Xenoblade Chronicles X is, for the time being, the best mecha RPG in existence. It perfectly combines classic gameplay elements with the more modern, more action-oriented RPG battles you see in games like Final Fantasy XV. Also, its gorgeous worl??d is a marvel to explore. Shame it's the one Wii U game that hasn't made it to the Switch.

[caption id="attachment_400160" align="alignnone" width="1200"]The cockpit view in Steel Battalion Image by Capcom[/caption]

Steel Battalion

Not many people ever got to fully experience Steel Battalion for the original Xbox because playing it as Capcom had intended required players to get a $200 controller that featured three pedals, two joysticks, and one hell of a lot of buttons. Still, the lucky few who got into that cockpit for the most realistic mech experience possible can attest that they will never forget their experience. So mu??ch for the original Xbox not having original titles.

Steel Battalion got an online sequel for the Xbox and another called Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor that came out on th?e Xbox 360, but they pale g?reatly in comparison to the original. I recommend you resist the urge to buy them just so you get some other use for that massive controller.

[caption id="attachment_400161" align="alignnone" width="1200"]Anubis in Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner Image by Konami[/caption]

Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner

The original Zone Of The Enders, Konami's space mecha action tit?le for the PlayStation 2 rocks. But this is the one that ?features Hideo Kojima's signature on the cover, so you know it's the real deal.

It improves upon even the strengths of the original ZOE, and it also does a much better job with both the plot and presentation than the first game. While having a whiny kid as the protagonist tends to bring surprisingly positive results in the mecha genre, ZOE 2 swaps the kid we played as in the original with Dingo, a space badass who looks and also has a name that sounds a lot like Dante. Also, Konami replaced the 3D cutsc??enes of the first game?? with full-on anime cutscenes, and the result is just beautiful.

If you like the original version, try giving Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars, the game's awesome PS4 remaster, a go.

[caption id="attachment_400156" align="alignnone" width="1200"]A firefight in Phantom Brigade Image by Brace Yourself Games[/caption]

Phantom Brigade

Are you looking for a tactical mech-based game that has more of a Western look and feel to it? Then Phantom Brigade might just be the one for you. If you're both into mechs and games like XCOM, then this is definitely one to try out. Destructoid's Eric Van Allen says it reminds him of Gundam's 08th MS Team series in all th??e right ways, whic??h is fairly high praise.

Just remember that, as with all things XCOM-like, this one will provide a huge challenge—though that probably won't prove much of a problem if you're looking for even more mech games after Armored Core 6 tossed you around.

[caption id="attachment_400157" align="alignnone" width="1200"]A mech from BattleTech Image by Harebrained Schemes[/caption]


Battletech is the name of the MechWarrior universe, and Battletech, the game, is the latest and b??est way to experience that universe.

It invites players to a deep and sprawling CRPG experience that combines the best of the MechWarrior series of games, as well as the best elements of the tabletop? series, without requiring players to pay exorbitant prices to get all of the cool extra stuff.

[caption id="attachment_400159" align="alignnone" width="1200"]Into the Breach's poster Image by Subset Games[/caption]

Into The Breach

Into The Breach looks just like a tactics RPG of old, which is great for nostalgia value, but ??don't let it fool you. It's also an extremely modern game that offers all sorts of quality-of-life improvements over the genre's most well-known titles.

While it might not feature flashy graphics or nonstop action, ITB is o?ne of the best tactical strategy games ever made—inside or outside of the mecha bubble.

[caption id="attachment_400162" align="alignnone" width="1200"]Armored Core's poster Image by FromSoftware[/caption]

Any game in the Armored Core series

I personally believe that the series got much better when FromSoftware imbued the AC series with its lessons learned while making Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring. But the older games in the series? still hold a lot of value.

If you want to see how it all began, try out the original Armored Core. It's a game that, despite being simpler on the gameplay side of things, actually features way more customization options than Armored Core 6. If you want to see Hidetaka Miyazaki's first crack at AC, then consider giving Armored Core: For Answer a try, as he directed that just one year before he got to make the original Demon's Souls.

Lastly, consider giving Armored Core V a shot, even if just to see how much the series has evolved since its last entry. They're all very interesting to explore in the wake of From's latest take on the mech game genre in Armored Core 6.

[caption id="attachment_400163" align="alignnone" width="1200"]A mech in Front Mission 3 Image by Square Enix[/caption]

Front Mission 3

Do you like Final Fantasy Tactics but don't find Final Fantasy badass enough? Well, then, you can play Front Mission 3 because it's like Final Fantasy Tactics but with mechs. What's not to love—I mean, what's not to enjoy in a comp??letely non-emotional manner?

All jokes aside, Front Mission 3 is the best game in the series and a game that did an unbelievably good job at pushing the PlayStation 1 to its limits when i??t came to both graphics and depth of gameplay.

[caption id="attachment_352877" align="alignnone" width="1198"]Titanfall 2 Poster Image by EA[/caption]

Titanfall 2

I like to sneak Titanfall 2 into basically any best-of list I ?come up with. It's not just one of the best mech games, nor is it just one of the best FPS games ever made—it's one of the best overall games ever made.

The bang for your buck ratio here is absurd. It features some of the most enthralling FPS action you've ever seen. Do you feel like the Call Of Duty series has gone stale? Worry not! This is ??where you'll find all the innovati??on that has escaped that series.

Titanfall 2 provides one of the best multiplayer experiences ever made, too, or would provide if enough people played it. And that's not where the goodies end: TF2 also introduces unbelievably awesome new mechanics in every single mission of its campaign in a way that makes it stand toe toe-to-toe with the campaigns of Half-Life 2 and Halo 3. I mean that.

There are even more mech games that didn't make the cut of this list, but feel free to share more of your favorite mech game follow-ups to Armored Core 6 in the comments.

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// 0 400134
betvisa888 betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Tue, 11 Sep 2018 21:15:00 +0000 //

Hop in the cockpick if you want to rumble

Today is a Konami filled day for Xbox One owners. Two games have joined the ever-growing backward compatibility list and they both come from everyone's favorite pachinko developer. While not VR enabled or freshly redone, the Zone of the Enders HD Collection is now playable on Xbox One. Thi?s means you won't need to shell out for the newly released?? versions if you somehow tolerated the decentish port from years ago.

If that isn't your scene, then you can also pop in Rumble Roses XX to get down and dirty with. I wouldn't really call that much of a game, but it d??oes feature girls in scantily clad costumes beating the crap out of each other. That has to be worth something.

Major Nelson [Twitter]

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// 0 237328
betvisa888 liveZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Sat, 08 Sep 2018 16:00:00 +0000 //


Zone of the Enders is a mesmerizing series, and I will never forget the first time I saw it in a magazine. The publication referred to it as "ZOE," which became a running joke with my friends as we attempted to create acronyms for every other game at the time. "Ring of Red? More like ROR!"

What does this have to do with the review for Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars? Nothing.

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars review

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars (PC, PS4 [reviewed with a PS4 Pro])
Developer: Konami, Cygames
Publisher: Konami
Released: September 6, 2018
MSRP: $29.99

Okay people let's get up to speed, because this one is going to be a little niche for ?some.

In 2001 Konami released the original Zone of the Enders, known to some as "the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo disc with a free game" due to a special promotion at the time. I was one of the few who was into the idea of both, and enjoyed the roughly five-hour romp through the mech-driven world of the 22nd century with the robot frame Jehuty. Two years later The 2nd Runner came along and greatly expanded the original universe, while adding several layers on top of the complexity of the combat system. Mars is a punched-up version of that ??same game on PS4.

To be perfectly clear: you do not need to play the first Zone of the Enders to pick this one up, both narratively and mechanically. There's several references that original fans might get but they're few and far between. 2nd Runner goes out of its way to keep the conflict driven by a hatred between two individuals -- the protagonist Dingo and the mustac??he-twirling Nohman.

It doesn't expand much beyond that but you also won't need to keep track of confusing plotlines or clandestine organizations. 2nd Runner is presented with the occasional anime cutscene because Konami tried to give the game an anime heart. Not being able to swap to Japanese vocals is a bummer (so many game??s are dual audio these days and it's great), but with some exceptions (mostly Vic Viper and some dry dialogue peppered throughout), the English dub is fine.

2nd Runner was gorgeous in 2003 and it looks fantastic now. In my experience running on a PS4 Pro, Mars operates at a stable framerate with the occasional stuttering during cutscenes -- which is a deliber??ate choice (you know, that Kojima shockwave effect). The timeless cel-shading (t?he original development team called it a "quasi-toon-shade") helped future-proof it.

Zone of the Enders 2 looks complicated but it really isn't, at least on the surface. There's fundamentally one attack button (that swaps to long-range lasers or a melee sword depending on your range), a super attack modifier that lets you throw?? a spirit bomb or perform a spin slash, a grab, and...subweapons (which have a newer, easier swapping system). That's it. Most of the work lies in positioning and awareness as you dash through closed tunnels and plenty of sprawling open warzones.

The real fun of Zone of the Enders is found in the dance of dashing. It's super stylish and fun to play, as the variety of mech animations spice up moment-to-moment gameplay (you even skate when you hit the ground). If you happen to sport two left feet during this dance you're going to get jacked up. Enemies can dish it out: I'm talking a quarter of your life with one combo or charged-up beam attack on normal. Again, the concept of far and near maneuvers is easy to gr?asp, but the real puzzle is picking up on the nuances of each enemy type. Mummyheads are effective from afar but?? collapse under the weight of your sword. Raptors block often but can be blown away by a spin slash or a guard-breaking subweapon: that sort of thing.

This all translates to the returning versus mode, which is strictly a 1v1 affair but supports both another player or a bot (!). Remember when games had bots because? matchmaking or even basic online play wasn't a thing? A lot of modern publishers abandon ship or call "end of life" status on their projects as early ?as a year in, so having that ability to play with bots is a lifesaver years down the road when I want to revisit something.

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars review

The only true extra (beyond the reworked visual style) is VR support, which isn't necessarily exclusive to the PS4 as the PC edition has concessions for the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive. I was shocked when I first put on the headset and continued a save file several levels in when I realized that it actually does If you want you can experience pretty much all of 2nd Runner in VR.

It really does feel like a different game, for better or worse. Seeing enemy mechs up close allows you to appreciate the minute details therein, and ADA's (your system AI) call-outs feel more helpful when the hectic state of VR is in effect. By virtue of playing in VR, Zone of the Enders does lose a lot of panache. Abilities don't feel as impactful and the sword isn't visible enough. There's a handy holographic rendition of Jehuty you can view out of the corner of your eye if you get utterly confused, but it doesn't help that range (a key aspect of Zone of the Enders) is harder to judge in VR.

Just to be clear the cutscenes are not in a VR format: they're presented theatrically with a letterbox. I also had one crash while playing with the headset on, which resulted in 15 minutes of lost progress (manually save often, kids! I typically did during this review but lost track of t??ime in the VR space). Those annoyances aside it's worth at least one playthrough if you have the hardware, and best of all: completely optional.

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars may have flown unde??r the radar in 2003 but it now has the chance to shine again 15 years later. Just know that the budget price reflects the fact that not a whole lot has been add??ed: so if you didn't like it then you won't suddenly be smitten.

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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betvisa888 casinoZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Fri, 07 Sep 2018 15:30:00 +0000 //

And its not Pachinko

In a recent interview with Dengeki [translated by Siliconera] Konami and Cygames have expressed interest in creating a brand new Zone of the Enders game. Kenichi Kondo (Cygames' Project Manager) and Noriaki Okamura (2nd Runner - Mars Producer) basically stated that sales of the new PS4/PC r??emaster would dictate whether or not Konami goes forward with producing an??other entry in the series.

"Of course, we, as a company, would like to make a completely new game," Kondo stated. "We're talking to Konami about doing a sequel if Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – MARS sells well and ge?ts good reviews, so we would be most grateful if you guys buy the game." Okamura then followe??d up with, "Personally speaking, if we were to do a new game, then I'd want Cygames to be the ones to make it."

Since the big appeal with this new remast??er is its VR support, Dengeki questioned whether or not the future of the series would see a similar option. Konda ??explains:

For this title we're about to release, I believ??e that was in demand from the fans, but I also believe that once it comes out we'll get a much better understandi??ng of what the fans want. From there we'll likely take another look and talk about what we can do for the next game.

Konda then expressed his interest in creating another game and says Cygames will more than likely include it in a potential Zone of the Enders 3. He did stress th??at, "should the VR hamper the high-speed battle, then we w??ould make a different decision."

Konami And Cygames Talk About Making A New Zone of the Enders Game [Siliconera]

『ANUBIS ZOE:M∀RS』インタビュー。VR&4K制作秘話と続編への意欲を語る!【電撃PS】 [Dengeki Online]

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betvisa cricketZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - - cricket betting online // // Thu, 06 Sep 2018 12:00:00 +0000 //

Jehuty returns

A new launch trailer for the Zone of the Enders 2 remaster was released yesterday and it reminded me that the remaster was even a thing. Konami has done virtually nothing to promote this and didn't even upload the trailer on the game's launch day. At least it is available on PS4 and Steam without issue. I happened to catch the Steam store page before writing t?his and that spurred me into looking for information.

I'm not sure how the remaster holds up, but this intro cinematic should get you suitably up to speed with everything. It doesn't look that much different from my memories of the original Zone of the Enders, so I suppose the art ??direction is faithful. I also dig the anime music, though the English voice acting leaves a lot to be desired.

Anyway, the game is available for $29.9??9 and you can likely find it ?in stores near you.

ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER : M∀RS Opening Trailer [Konami via YouTube]

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// 0 237088
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Wed, 23 May 2018 18:30:00 +0000 //

Out now in certain regions

People are eager to get their hands on Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars just ?to see if the upgrades are worth??y of a new purchase -- no doubt in part due to Konami's interesting history with remakes.

You'll be able to test it out soon enough though on PS4, as the publisher has announced that Mars will get a demo months ahead of its September 2018 launch. If you happen to have PS4 accounts in Ja??pan or the UK in fact you can download it now, and it should arrive ??in other regions any minute.

Just to re-iterate the importance of the demo, it currently supports both 4K visuals and the VR mode, if you wanted to test out the two biggest upgrades. While Sony is beating its chest about the demo in the PlayStation Blog, note that Mars is also coming to?? PC on the same day as? Sony's console come September.

Free PS VR-compatible demo for Zone Of The Enders: The 2nd Runner – M∀RS la??unches this week [PlayStation Blog]

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// 0 231505
betvisa888Zone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Tue, 15 May 2018 12:00:00 +0000 //

Still PSVR compatible

Konami has been toiling away at Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner - Mars, a remake of the second Zone of the Enders?, for a good while. First, we eventually got some semblance of confirmation that the game was still alive. Then we got a release window. Now we have a dat??e -- September 4.

Mars is still slated for PC and PS4, with PSVR support for the latter. It'll also sport new modes for both casual and pro fans alike, including a "pro" controller setup with fast?er outputs, and a "very easy" setting. VR will also allow extra modes like a 3D hangar simulation, a theater, and a 3D model viewer. If you don't opt for VR you can go 4K?.

Zone of the Enders 2 is? a fantastic action romp with some really cool ?mech designs, and I'm looking forward to playing it again on a current generation system -- VR or not.

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// 0 215684
betvisa loginZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Thu, 22 Mar 2018 19:00:00 +0000 //

It's the little things that count

Hot off the heels of the September release date for Japan, Konami has announced that the remaster of Zone of the Enders 2 will launch worldwide the same month. Alongside the announcement came a helpful video, showing off the remaster in comparison to the original and HD versions of the game.

Watching the side-by-side video shows that the remaster had work put into it. Where textures once were are now grooves in the model itself. Areas have been brightened and become more crisp. Warning text that used to be a blur is now readable. Those with a keen eye will note in multiple shots that some minor details of Jehuty and Anubis have been redesigned as well. As someone who just played through the HD version of ZoE 2 this month, I fully appreciate the work done.

The company also confirmed on Twitter ??that a physical release would be happening for the United States, although specif??ic details will come later. While it's likely that most regions will receive it, remember that the PlayStation 4 is region-free. Meaning if Konami ignores your region, you can just import the physical copy elsewhere if you really need it.

Now the real question is when are we getting The Fist of Mars HD?

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// 0 228723
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - cricket live streaming 2022 // // Tue, 20 Mar 2018 13:00:00 +0000 //

ZoE 2

When I was younger a friend and I used to laugh at the idea of calling Zone of the Enders "ZoE." "Should we call Ring of Red 'RoR?' we asked at the time?" Maybe! Acronyms are a huge part of the gaming world (look no further than PUBG), but I don't think I'll ever call it by anything other than Zone of the Enders. It just sounds too cool.

But for years we kind of waited in limbo for Konami to do anything equally cool with the series. Sure we got a PS3 HD Collection, but the full Zone of the Enders 3 project ?was murdered by the loss of Kojima and problems with said collection that deterred the team from continue on.

At least we're getting a 4K remaster of Zone of the Enders 2, which is now due in September on PS4 and PC in Japan. It'll feature 4K visuals, remastered sound, and PSVR support. The?? series li??ves on in some fashion, and that's good enough for me.

Zone of the Enders 2 [Famitsu via Siliconera]

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// 0 213248
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Fri, 21 Aug 2015 06:00:00 +0000 //

Seems like it forgot two key IPs...

Everyone’s favourite publisher Konami has released a “heritage game survey”, asking players about some of its IPs (as seen in the image below) and how they feel about them. Importantly, it's asking what we’d like to see brought back.

The survey features a weird mix of well-known and kind of obscure: Vandal Hearts and Suikoden are put up alongside bigger hitters like Castlevania and Bomberman. Normally this would just register as standard market research guff to me, ?but there are t?wo things worth pointing out:

Firstly, there is absolutely no mention of two of Konami’s biggest IPs: Silent Hill and Metal Gear. If this were normal market research, surely it’d be valuable to compare the likes of Suikoden with titans like Silent Hill? Factor in the fact this survey is apparently about Konami’s heritage, it strikes me as odd t?hey’re nowhere to be seen.

Secondly, it pretty explicitly asks which games we’d like to see in the future. Survey takers are asked about whether they’d like to see new games in the IPs listed, as well as what platforms they’d like to see them on. The IPs listed include some pretty old and seemingly abandoned series too, like Sunset Riders which came out in 1991.

This makes me think Konami might be trying to claw its way back into someone’s (or everyone’s considering just how much good will they’ve torched recently) good books by throwing out a few reboots and sequels to some more beloved series. As long as they’re not Silent Hill or Metal Gear. We don’t talk about those.

There are no confirmations that Konami actually is bringing back any of them, but it’s interesting to see it even being mentioned considering how Konami likes to just go totally silent on certain recent issues.

Which Konami IPs would you like to see come back? I hope we see a gritty, futuristic Bomberman. I think that'd be just swell.

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// 0 194058
betvisa888 liveZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match today online // // Fri, 03 May 2013 15:15:00 +0000 //

I think I heard a piece of my childhood cry

Bad news everyone -- due to the recent Zone of the Enders HD patch, it seems as if all production on the next Zone of the Enders game has halted, as the entire team has been dismantled as he "re-evaluates" the franchise -- whether this has to do strictly with performance issues or sales (or both) wasn't revealed. Kojima and his team allegedly reprogrammed the entire game to get it to work, and is offering up a PS3-only patch f?or the time being.

Seeing as Kojima took personal responsibility for the performance issues, this is pretty much the opposite of what happened with the shameful Silent Hill HD screw-up that Konami also was responsible for. Unlike the Silent Hill HD fiasco, it's nice to see Kojima address his fans beyond the veil of PR, even if a 360 patch isn't planned (and in this case, I can confirm that ZOE HD on the 360 isn't nearly as bad as Silent Hill HD was). Whatever the case may be though, Konami really needs to get their act together if the?y want to rem?ain competitive.

I have a suggestion on what to do with the franchise, Kojima. Just give it to Platinum Games -- they'll know what to do with it. Better yet, why not just convince Konami to buy Platinum Games? and oversee it? I think you guys would get along great.

We Might Have To Wait A Little Longer [Siliconera]

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// 0 150029
betvisa cricketZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - jeetbuzzشرط بندی کریکت | // // Fri, 03 May 2013 01:00:00 +0000 //

Only announced for Japan, at the moment

Not all platform releases are born equal. PlayStation 3 owners got the short end of the stick with the release of Zone of the Enders HD Collection. While the game played favorably on Xbox 360, the game's frame rate took a serious hit during boss fights on PS3. It only took six?? months, but Kojima Productions finally announced a patch is ??incoming.

Only Japan has been addressed, at this point. The patch will also be included on future retail version of the game. This news comes from Kojima Productions' online radio show, translated by NeoGAF user raven777.

Kojima Producion working on a free patch for PS3 version of Z??.O.E HD [NeoGAF]

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// 0 125052
betvisa888 betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Tue, 18 Dec 2012 21:00:00 +0000 //

Soundtracks you should be listening to!

We're back with another round of Note Worthy! Featured are a number of releases that we've talked about in the past, including the Bar Oasis Official Bootleg, Code of Princess, Final Fantasy Tribute -Thanks-, and Rockman EXE Transmission, along with heavy-hitters like Call of Duty: Black Ops II and ZUNTATA's 25th anniversary album.

As always, we've done our best to bring you samples from our Destructoid SoundCloud as well as from the albums' official websites and even YouTube whe??n possible. Dig in and let us know which albums are your favorite this month.

Bar Oasis Official Bootleg
Release Date: September 2012
Price: Free
Availability: Bar Oasis Facebook Fan Page (promotion over)
Artist(s): Nauts

We covered Bar Oasis 2 in Note Worthy 005. It offered some great pop, jazz, and electronic music from Korean composer Nauts for the bartending/relationship simulation title Bar Oasis. We loved the music and recently caught wind of the Bar Oasis Official Bootleg being offered to fans who interact on the Bar Oasis fan page on Facebook.

The album contains ten tracks, with seven alternate mixes coming from Bar Oasis 1 and 2, and three new remixes for this release. The seven remasters take the best of the first two soundtracks and add some reverb, making them much more wide and open. There's also a "bar version" of the lovely vocal theme from Bar Oasis 2 that sounds like it was recorded live in a bar.

The three new remixes start with "Brazilian (Alt Ver. Feat.SPIKE)," featuring some great acoustic guitar work as opposed to the original's more electronic sound. The melancholy "Fill in This Black" from the original Bar Oasis gets a more upbeat take in "Fill in This Black (Delinquent REMIX Feat.EQP)," giving it some snappy percussion and a nice swing. Finally, "To? the Oasis" is a beautiful solo piano recording combining the vocal theme, "OASIS," with the main title theme.

This is more great stuff from Korean composer Nauts, although the promotion to obtain the release has ended. We'll keep an ear out for where to find it again, but in the meantime, enjoy a streaming sample of "To the Oasis" that we've been able to host.

Call of Duty: Black Ops II Soundtrack
Release Date: November 13, 2012
Price: $11.99
Availability: iTunes
Artist(s): Jack Wall, various others

I've never played a Call of Duty game, but I am glad I got to see my brother-in-law play some Black Ops II over the Thanksgiving break. Even without seeing the gameplay, Jack Wall's cool electronic, orchestral, and ethnic world music fusion would have been amazing, but in the context of all?? the cool futuristic gear and varied locales of the game, the soundtrack is even better.

The digital album features 49 tracks that come close to the 150-minute mark. There's a lot of music to enjoy, including everything from tense combat and cool espionage cues to more ambient exploration themes. It's all great, and what I love most is that you'll be listening to something out of the Africa?n desert at one moment then from the de??ep jungle during the next. It makes for a varied and entertaining listening experience even without playing the game.

I love the moody main theme, "Theme from Call of Duty Black Ops II," which is actually composed by Trent Reznor. Before you balk, there are no cheesy vocals, which was a wise decision -- it's perfect. "DeFalco's Theme" is easily my favorite with its flanged synths and guitar, creating a dark and ominous atmosphere,?? and the desert-themed "Farid" gets some serious badassness going with its hip percussion paired with ethnic guitar playing. You even ge??t some Mozart in here which will hopefully introduce the kiddies out there to REAL music.

In all, this has to be my favorite Jack Wall score? to date. It's fantastic, and you n?eed to check it out whether you play the game or not.

Release Date: October 9, 2012
Price: Not for Sale
Availability: Pre-order bonus
Artist(s): ACE

Code of Princess had me really excited at E3 2012, making my list for top soundtracks from the event. With music composed b ACE, a two-member group that worked extensively on the Xenoblade soundtrack, I had some high expectations.

This eight-track sampler comes with pre-order versions of the game along with accompanying artwork. After a bombastic and triumphant main theme, the album visits a number of character themes including the upbeat and vibrant "Holy Princess (Solange's Theme)" and the stereotypical desert-tinged "There's Nothing I Can't Steal (Ali's Theme)," which is actually quite good and sounds like something out of Wild Arms. The beautiful yet unsett??ling "Queen Distiny (Distiny's Theme)," which makes use of bell tones and choir, and the sleek Asian-flavored "Shooting Star Tsukikage (Tsukikage's Theme)" round out the char??acter theme selections.

From there, we get the playful and catchy "Band of Thieves" with a fun trumpet melody, the soothing "Calm?? Day," and the ro?ckin' battle theme, "Turn It Up!"

The selections here are great, although hardcore fans will want to seek out the full two-disc soundtrack release from Japan. It's unfortunately sold out and out of print as far as I can tell, so this sampler may be the best option if you can still f??ind one given the pre-order period is over.

COZMO ~ZUNTATA 25th Anniversary~ [Limited Edition]
Release Date: October 31, 2012
Price: 5,040 Yen ($61)
Availability: CD Japan
Artist(s): ZUNTATA

ZUNTATA may not be a household name, but it really should be. Alongside the important internal sound teams of the day, including Falcom's JDK Band and Konami's Kukeiha Club, Taito's ZUNTATA group got its start over 25 years ago, responsible for titles in the Ray, Darius, BUST-A-MOVE, and Space Invaders franchises, among many others.

This album celebrates 25 years of history with a special collection of music (two discs for the regular edition, four for the limited edition). The first disc features 12 original tracks composed by ZUNTATA members past and present with the theme "Cosmos" in mind. This is, of course, right up the alley of many of these composers, as Taito has been heavy on the shmup genre. I love the silly spoken intro and smooth electronic elements in "Candy Bomb" by Ray series composer TAMAYO, as well as the abstract "World collapse" by Darius Burst's Shohei Tsuchiya.

The second disc acts as a "best of" collection, which is great for the uninitiated as it introduces the listener to the diverse offerings ZUNTATA has made over the years. There are too many cool tracks to mention individually, but I do have a soft spot for the track from Raystorm, "Intolerance," as it is really one of th?e coolest boss themes ev?er.

The third disc, exclusive to the limited edition, contains rare, remixed, and unreleased tracks. There are tons of great material from Dariusburst, some cool Japanese-flavored material from The Legend of Kage, some rock from Pierrot World, and a lost ten-minute remix from the Raystorm Nue Tanz Mix album, which is? really a cool treat given my love for that game in particular. The fourth disc features live talk with ZUNTATA co??mposers in Japanese from a recent USTREAM event.

And there you have it. The bonus discs are worth the small bump in price, and long-time ZUNTATA fans will certainly want to jump on this along with those who want to learn more about ZUNTATA's history. The pack?aging is quite nic??e with tons of commentary from the composers (again, in Japanese).

Release Date: December 5, 2012
Price: 2,857 Yen ($34)
Availability: CD Japan
Artist(s): Various Artists

We posted about this two-disc collection of Final Fantasy arrangements some time ago, and now it's finally here. This album falls into the middling SQ remix album series; in fact, four of the tracks here are actually from previous SQ album, which is somewhat of a bummer.

The album sports tons of medleys covering everything from the original Final Fantasy through XIII. For the most part I remained unimpressed, especially with the grating bagpipes in one track, the minimalist whistle arrangement of "Battle on the Big Bridge," and the lisp-y version of "Melodies of Life" that would have otherwise been a beautiful track. While these are annoying, others are simply unremarkable, including an arrangement of my favorite track from Final Fantasy VII, "Lifestream" (??although the artist gets major kudos for picking this track).

As for what they've done right, there are some great Celtic arrangements to be heard, including a lovely version of the town theme from Final Fantasy III along with a rockin' take on "Crystal Tower" and a dubstep "Forbidden Land." The dance-infused versions of "A Fleeting Dream" and "At Zanarkand" from Final Fantasy X are also nice, as are a grungy medley of battle themes from across the series and a trippy "Man with the Machine Gun" that transitions into a cool space funk version of the battle theme from Final Fantasy VII.

My favorites are a dreamy medley of town themes from Final Fantasy I-III, a laid-back and moody rock medley from Final Fantasy VI, and a swingin' piano and guitar track from the original Final Fantasy, all which are amazing.

The album sports some great artwork, including sprite versions of more modern Final Fantasy characters, and first press editions come with a nice plastic sleeve. CD Japan is also offering f?ans the option to purchase the disc along wi??th the customer bonus disc found exclusively at Village/Vanguard stores in Japan, although it will set you back $60 total.

Overall, this is a somewhat hit-or-miss collection of tracks, not unlike past SQ albums.

[Sound Samples]

Initium Squared
Release Date: September 17, 2012
Price: $5
Availability: Bandcamp
Artist(s): Alexander Brandon

This is an interesting release. I've been a big fan of Alexander Brandon since his days in the demoscene, where he was known as Siren, quickly becoming one of the most popular artists at a very young age. Since then, he's found his way into games, having works on titles including Unreal and Deus Ex, as well as delving i?nto sound design and voice recording.

Initium Squared is actually an interactive audio demo from his sound studio, Funky Rustic. As you explore the pretty-looking fantasy world, you hear Brandon's music, sound design, and vocal work o??n display?. The soundtrack is being sold separately on Bandcamp, and it encompasses a lot of different styles, as you'd expect from a demo.

You have bumpin' electronic with a tinge of dubstep in "Kusanagi's Parkour," which keeps the wub wub at a minimum and is actually quite tasteful, while cinematic orchestral is explored in "Dragon Chase," gritty rock in "Filled with Fire," ambient electronic/fantasy fusion in "Palatial Caverns," and cool and contemplative in "Resolution Part 1." My two favorites, however, are the acoustic guitar-laden "Is Nothing Sacred" with?? its desperate melody and the scintillating "Citadel Undulation" which features a blaring synth melody.

All of?? this ?is great, although short at 15 minutes in total. But if you're a fan of Alexander Brandon and want a taste of just a few of the styles he's capable of, check it out. Check out the interactive demo as well -- it looks beautiful.

Jet Set Radio Original Soundtrack
Release Date: September 18, 2012
Price: $15.64
Availability: Sumthing Else Music Works
Artist(s): Hideki Naganuma, Richard Jacques, Toronto

Jet Set Radio is a much-beloved game that maybe hasn't aged so well. Still, the funky? hip hop beats and chopped-up vocal snippets still make for a unique and fun listening experience.

This album combines tracks form the original Jet Set Radio as well as Jet Set Radio Future to celebrate the recent ??digital release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. The bad part is that neither?? soundtrack is presented in its entirety, making this more of a "best of" compilation of sorts.

It all begins with the irreverent and playful "Let Mom Sleep," working in a series of sound effects and a British woman saying, "Would you stop playing with that radio of yours? I'm trying to get to sleep." It's quirky but strangely memorable. The super smooth "Sweet Soul Brother" is one of my favorites, while the bouncy "Rock It On" introduces CURSE WORDS. The ominous electro-choral track, "Grac?e and Glory" stands out for its weirdness, as do the digitized vocals in "Teknopathetic." The disco "Sne??akman" is another favorite, and British composer Richard Jacques even gets in on the action with "Everybody Jump Around," that fits right in with Hideki Naganuma's work.

In all, this is a great album for the uninitiated and for those who are having trouble tracking down the individual Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future albums released in the early 2000s.

Re:Birth II / Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange
Release Date: August 29, 2012
Price: 3,000 Yen ($36)
Availability: CD Japan
Artist(s): Kenji Ito

How many times can I listen to this album before writing about it? This is what I thought to myself on the fifth listen-through. As the title suggests, this album takes battle themes from the Romancing SaGa franchise and gives them ?the live rock treatment.

The problem is that most of these games were never released in the United States, so I never had the chance to take them in one by one. As a collection, they come off as a bunch of cool rock arrangements of tracks that were already cool and roc?k in style to begin with. With this liv??e performance upgrade, you'll probably like the album if you liked the original source material.

There are good moments found across the album, including the playful "Magical Tank Battle," the dirty jazz "Occult Castle Battle," and the epic "Four Demon Nobles Battle Medley" from Romancing SaGa 3, as well as the desperate "Believing My Justice" and "Decisive Battle! Saruin" from Minstrel Song. The contemplative closer, "Seven Heroes Battle," is also a nice touch. But the problem remains that among the great guitar solos and great technical rock, I haven't really ??walked away with anything from this album in terms of a memorable melody, even after repeat listens.

Still, Romancing SaGa fans will definitely want this. Just because I never latched on to the Romancing SaGa series doesn't mean there aren't fans out there who haven't. This al??bum is for them.

[Sound Samples]

Release Date: November 2, 2012
Price: 2,625 Yen ($32)
Availability: CD Japan
Artist(s): Shinji Hosoe, Ayako Saso, Yousuke Yasui

[Update:?? CD Japan has since started st?ocking this item as a regular item, and no longer requires the 2,000 Yen special order fee. Thanks for pointing this out, Don!] 

This is really awesome. Rockman EXE Transmission (Network Transmission outside of Japan) never received a proper soundtrack release, which was a huge shame given the amazing talent b?ehind its soun??dtrack. Fortunately, SuperSweep has come to the rescue with this album at long last, and it will blow your mind.

SuperSweep is the master at electronic music, and they don't disappoint here. But don't believe for a moment that the rock-oriented stuff you've come to love from Mega Man isn't here either. There's a nice blend of rock, electronic, and pop to enjoy, all of which are wonderfully composed. I would say that there are times that it feels like you're listening the a shmup soundtrack (SuperSweep is famous for this style), but it's so good that you probably won't?? mi??nd.

To zip through a few of my favorites, the juicy synth pop "Peaceful Event," the super upbeat and futuristic "Densan Area," and the playful s?pace adventure "Waterworks Cyberspace" should all catch your attention.

The real highlights, however, are the rockin' "Internet on Fire" with amazing guitar shredding and an instantly catchy melody, the heavy and foreboding "Zero Account" with its pressurizing bassline, and my absolute favorite, "Zero Gravity Area." The latter brings a funky edge to Mega Man that I never knew he needed, working in dreamy synth lines, snappy percussion, killer sweeps, and a ??melody that's been stuck in my head for over a week.

Unfortunately, the album's only available through SuperSweep's store, but CD Japan is doing a special order because they know this will be a popular item. The cost of that service, however, is 2,000 Yen on top of the item price, so it'??s quite hefty but worth it for true fans.

[Hear "Zero Gravity Zone" in Sound Card 011]

Release Date: October 30, 2012
Price: Not for Sale
Availability: Limited Edition bonus
Artist(s): Various Artists

So this is complicated. To celebrate the Zone of the Enders HD Collection release, Konami put together a remix album containing 13 songs, which was sold separately. Then t?hey packed in a disc with the LE version of the game containing exclusive arrangements not found on the remix album. T??he North American version, however, received a different pack-in containing eight of the 13 remixes from the standalone album.

Confused yet?

I've been playing through some Zone of the Enders now that the HD Collection is out. I can't say the music is overly memorable, but it certainly is great for setting up the futuristic world of the game. Therefore, the remixes here are fairly mood-setting more than anything else. This is stuff for the dance floor with a few exceptions. Fans will appreciate the Gradius boss theme cameo in "Leo! Le??o! (Smooth Remix)," the great?? melodic moments in "Compression Space (Evocation Mix)," and the tumultuous "Chaotic Fight (Firework DJs Remix)."

My favorite??, however, is the trance remix of the vocal theme, "Beyond the Bounds (Eshericks Remix)." There's a nice blend of strings and electronic elements along with exotic female vocals and warm English vocals. Maybe some will think it's cheesy, but I think it's ??the highlight of the disc.

So check out the HD Collection, and if you want an a??wesome package, pick up the LE and ge??t this soundtrack disc along with other goodies. The box itself is quite impressive as well.

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// 0 140487
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Sat, 24 Nov 2012 19:00:00 +0000 //

Mecha action brought up to speed

Zone of the Enders was a welcome departure from Hideo Kojima's legendary brainchild Metal Gear Solid back in 2001. While a stark contrast to tactical espionage action, Z.O.E. always weirdly felt like it could easily fit into MGS' universe and fiction, no doubt stemming from Yoji Shinkaw??a's beautiful design on the games' mecha.

The series isn't perfect, but anyone who played either Zone of the Enders or Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner certainly remembers their time with the titles. This has kept a strong following for the series and demand for a third entry, which has finally started development as of May this year. Now we have the solid Zone of the Enders HD Collection to help tide us over until the aforementioned proje?ct is i??n our hands.

Zone of the Enders HD Collection (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 [reviewed])
Developer: Kojima Productions, High Voltage Software 

Publisher: Konami
Release: October 30, 2012
MSRP: $39.99

If you're intimately familiar with these games after playing them countless times on your PlayStation 2, yes, these are the exact same games you remember. They stay true to the originals by keeping the exact same content, but upgrading the textures, smoothing out the jaggies, and expanding the aspect ratio to widescreen. These are the games you know and love, looking more beautiful than ever before. Read on for more tech??nical deta?ils.

The first Zone of the Enders was developed concurrently alongside Metal Gear Solid 2. Even back in 2001, it was clear which was neglected in design and budget. The story was a mess and, frankly, wasn't interesting at all (voice acting was equally painful to listen to). It follows Leo as a group of his friends are killed, and he happens upon Jehuty (your Orbital Frame from here on out) and its AI A.D.A., where they go on adventure not unlike Zelda where you must find particular upgrades so the ship can leave the Jupiter colony installation in one piece. The climax never really comes to a satisfying resolution, and the player can never really feel bothered to care for the characters.

It was the gameplay and the visuals that kept players invested. I can even recall a time when I thought it was the best-looking game I ever saw up to that point. Combat was quick, sleek, and made the player feel like a badass. Even though the player never meets any new enemies, ??and the camera can prove to be a problem occasionally, fighting always felt right. There is nothing quite as satisfying as pulling out insane combos with your sword, backing off to fire a few shots, boosting to the side to l?aunch some rockets, and finishing it all off with a final strike. All in beautiful HD now, to boot.

No other game (that I know of) to this day plays like Zone of the Enders. It holds up remarkably well, save for the awful story and voice acting. The game's aesthetic looks better th??an it ever has -- colors just pop with the increased resolution. Only the game's cinematics were no??t able to receive the HD treatment. But really, there isn't much reason to watch them anyway.

Flash forward ahead to 2003, and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner took everything that was said about the first Z.O.E. above, but multiplied it by ten. Even the PS2 version still looks gorgeous now. Kojima Productions went with a cel-shaded look where pa?rticle effects glow and shine through all of the action perfectly, and there's much more variety in the environments which all helps to creat??e a perfect storm of eye candy in HD. The anime cinematics were also redone in full HD this time around, so nothing was left untouched when it came out of its time capsule.

The story and voice acting are slightly better in this sequel, but there's still not much that can be said about them. It's all very forgettable. Again, it's the gameplay that makes all of the same problems passable. Combat moves much, much faster than in the first title, and the game will throw many more enemies at you than before. Good thing J??ehuty has a revitalized moveset and array of weapons to take care of them like it's ??nothing.

This is the best way to experience mecha action that no other game can offer like Z.O.E. But if you just want to catch up on the series, High Voltage Software did an amazing job bringing these cult classics up to s?peed on the Xbox 360. Be warned, however, that the PlaySt?ation 3 version (which we did not play for review) is well-documented to have a significantly lower performance.

If you're an old fan, dedicated fan, or a would-be brand new fan of the series, Zone of the Enders HD Collection is easily worth your time and money, especially with the inclusion of the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo and The 2nd Runner alone.

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// 0 139139
betvisa cricketZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket cricket score // // Sat, 03 Nov 2012 15:30:00 +0000 //

Follow us on Twitter and snag your copy now!

[Update: Contest over! Winners @tehOldsMobile, ??@SuperMonk4Ever, @noisybear, @JQM78, and @sundin0013!]

Destructoid is collaborating with our friends at Game Revolution to give away 10 copies of the brand new Zone of the Enders HD Collection! The bundle consists of high-definition remakes of the first two Zone games, i?ncluding redrawn art, impr??oved audio, and Achievement/Trophy support!

The game just hit the shelves this week in the U.S. for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PS Vita, and you c??an secure yourself a free copy right now! To enter, just follow @Dtoid and @Game_Revolution and tweet the following:

RT and follow @Dtoid and @Game_Revolution for a chance to win #ZoneOfTheEndersHD! //

You have until this Saturday, November 3 at 11:59 PM to enter, and you can tweet as m?any times as you'd like! We have five copies for Xbox 360 and five for PS3 to hand out between the two sites, and the winners will be chosen at ?random and contacted via Twitter DM, so don't forget to follow @Dtoid and @Game_Revolution! Open to anyone with a U.S. mailing address.

Good luck!

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// 0 109628
betvisa casinoZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket tv today // // Wed, 19 Sep 2012 18:30:00 +0000 //

Halloween with Zone of the Enders HD Collection doesn't sound? like a bad way to spend the day at all. In North America, the two-game pack will be out for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on Tues?day, October 30.

HD Collection compiles Zone of the Enders and the European special edition version of its follow-up, The 2nd Runner, while remastering both in high definition. There's also the inclusion of a playable Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo to ge??t excited ??about, as if that weren't enough already.

We've written about this collection enough that I'm beyond ready for it to finally come out. I can only imagine how impatient you hardcore ZOE fans are becoming.

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// 0 136051
betvisa888 liveZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL Cricket betting // // Sat, 14 Jul 2012 00:45:00 +0000 //

I screamed for joy the day Konami finally announced an HD re-release of the Zone of the Enders games. I love anything with mechs, and nothing even comes close to the fast paced nature of ZoE. Konam??i is showing it off at San Diego Comic-Con where I went hands-on, and both games look fantastic in HD. 

The only downside to the collection is that the CG sequences in the first ZoE look horrible as it's simply been upscaled. The visuals don't stand the test of time, but that only applies to the movie sequences. ZoE: The 2nd Runner, however, won't suffer the same issue as it uses anime visuals? which still look great.

Of course, what really matters is the actual gameplay visuals, and they just shine. The textures on Jehuty and enemy unit??s are so?? smooth and sleek, plus the HD effect adds a lot to the lights and bright colors throughout the game.

Screenshots like these don't do the collection justice. As far as I'm concerned, Zone of the Enders fans won't be disappointed.

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// 0 108515
betvisa888 casinoZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match // // Fri, 13 Jul 2012 22:45:00 +0000 //

Konami is teasing us with yet more Zone of the Enders HD Collection screenshots, fresh from Comic-Con. I must confess that?? I never played these titles the first time around, but with the new visual effects in 720p running at 60fps it looks like I might get to experience it for the first time in the best way possible.

With this and the sequel in the works, I imagine it's a rather splendid time to be a Zone of the Enders fan, or a newcomer to the series.

The post Zone of the Enders HD Collection: Mechs lookin’ sharp appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 108494
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket t20 2022 // // Thu, 14 Jun 2012 19:30:00 +0000 //

It's the next best thing to a new Zone of the Enders game. An HD upgrade. In a collection. Well, screens of an HD collection. Konami is still set to release the two ZoE remasters in a collection this Fall, and they've sent out some new screenshots todayto hold you o?ver until then. 

As you'll see from the images in our gallery, the HD upgrade looks really nice. The Frames look so sharp and clean. The recent Silent Hill Collection left a nasty taste in my mouth, but s??omehow I'm not too wo?rried about this one. 

You'll also find some screens from the game's new opening i??n our big ol' gallery. Enjoy.

The post Lovely HD: New Zone of the E??nders HD Collect??ion screens appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 130930
betvisa888Zone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Casino - Bangladesh Casino // // Wed, 06 Jun 2012 14:30:00 +0000 //

Thanks to my semi-adolescent brain, mech battles are easily some of the most awesome of which I can conceive. The ??notion of pitting giant robots with lasers, machine guns, and jets against one another is at the top of my list for videogame settings.

To my elation, the genre seems to be enjoying a resurgence in popularity as of late. With Steel Batallion, Mech Warrion, and now Zone of the Enders all se??eing sequels, I'm a kid in a metaphorical anime-inspired world stocked with missiles and robots.

The first beat of this mecha movement is the "rerelease" of the of the first two Zone of the Enders titles as part of an HD collection I played through the first 30 minutes or so at the Konami booth, and I left thoroughly impressed. That said, my shock had very little of it h??ad to do with the improvements Konami has made (which are substantive) and everything to do with the sheer quality of the original game.

In terms of an "HD remake," Zone of the Enders is about what you'd expect. Frame rate and resolution have been boosted, as has the quality of some of the textures; they've added achievements and cleaned up a lot of the audio as well. There isn't any new content, however, and they haven't tweaked anything in terms of gameplay. So you're really only paying for the higher resolution and the ability to play ZotE on a modern console.

It's nice that almost every facet ages well, and I think it makes for an excellent downloadable t??itle. Combat is fast-paced and feels brutal. Animations are nice and smooth, and the whole package fits nicely together. If I had to level one complaint, I'd say that the voice acting is pretty god-awful, but that's a small price to pay for such fantastic gameplay.

The release date is set for Octobe?r 25 in Japan, so keep an eye out for this sometime in Q4.

The post E3: Hands-on with Zone of the Enders HD appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 106194
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - کرکٹ بیٹ/کرکٹ شرط | // // Fri, 01 Jun 2012 22:45:00 +0000 //

Just a few days until E3! SO EXCITE!

To hype up the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo that will appear at Konami's E3 booth, Mega64 reminds us of the long road Raiden had to travel since 2008's Metal Gear Solid 4. Like many of us, the volatile job market has m?eant rough times?? for ol' Jack, but hopefully he's finally found his niche.

Oh! Apparently, a demo for Rising will also be included in the upcoming Zone of the Enders HD Collection in a move that echoes the MGS2 demo bundled with the original ZoE on PS2! I... was not aware of that. Anybody else know that? Doy! It was mentioned right here, silly goose!


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// 0 105721
betvisa888 liveZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Fri, 01 Jun 2012 05:40:00 +0000 //

When it comes to Hideo Kojima's giant robot series Zone of the Enders, I suspect people fall into one of four camps. Three of these are completely normal in the gaming spectrum; There's a group that loves it passionately enough that (like most everything Kojima's done outside of Metal Gear) you could in fairness call it "cult," another less enamored and a third who has no idea what Zone of the Enders even is. The fourth category consists of people who would know the game better as, "the one that came with the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo."

History is going to repeat itself to some degree, as Konami has announced that the upcoming Zone of the Enders HD Collection will include early access to the Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance demo. No word on if the demo will be included on a disc or as a download code, or even if the demo will be available when ZoE HD Collection releases, just that it's coming.

For those among you who have no interest in giant robots and anime storylines, don't fret. You won't have to buy Zone of the Enders this time to get your hands on the demo. It'll still be rel??easing on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network sometime after the loyalists have their fun.

Konami Pre-E3 Show [Konami]

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// 0 105623
betvisa888 liveZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 Live Login - Bangladesh Casino Owner // // Sat, 26 May 2012 01:30:00 +0000 //

Hey guys, if you missed today's LIVE LIVE LIVE Destructoid Show, here it is. Tara's out -- I honestly have no idea where she went -- but Anthony?? Carboni was good enough to fill in.

The big news today: Indie Game The Movie coming to home video and stuff, horseback combat in Skyrim, a new Zone Of The Enders title in the works, Deadlight looks great, Jet Set Radio coming to Vita, Crimson Dragon looking familiar, and 38 Studios is in a nasty situation.

Also, here's a Harry Potter For Kinect. Guess what it's about.

The post The DTOID Show: 38 Layoffs, Zone Of The Enders, & Horses appeared first on Destructoid.

// 0 129401
betvisa cricketZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match // // Sat, 26 May 2012 00:00:00 +0000 //

When I woke up today, I had no idea I would not only see one, but two Zone of the Enders-related news today. Of course, the hottest news was that Kojima Productions has officially started working on the thir??d en??try in the series. Also making the rounds today is a handful of Zone of the Enders HD Collection screenshots.

As it stands, I think both Zone of the Enders titles still look fantastic, but that visual boost to 720p with replaced visual effects makes them just that much better. ZoE HD Collection will also boast 60 frames per second and come with much higher quality sound effects and music. Sunrise has put together a brand-new opening animation for the collection? as well. A premium version of the collection will come in a special case with a remix CD and two booklets (one that encompasses the booklets from the original releases, and the other which covers the development of the HD release).

It was a good day to be a Zone of the Enders fan. Anyone else have their fingers crossed for a worldwide release of October 25th? To celebrate, I think I might dust off my copy of the original Zone of the Enders and pop it in tonight. It's been far too long.

Zone of the ??Enders HD Release Date and Screenshots [Andriasang]
Zone of the Enders HD Edition Full Resolution Scre??enshots [Andriasang]

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// 0 105358
betvisa casinoZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Captain, Schedule Of Team // // Fri, 25 May 2012 14:15:00 +0000 //


Zone of the Enders HD Edition has a final release date (October 25 in Japan) and new official website, but the hot news from a recen?t preview event is that a sequel is in the works.

Kojima Productions boss Hideo Kojima announced that the studio has started work on a ZoE sequel codenamed "Enders Project." Famitsu says that it's already in the works, with 3D hand-built models being captured into the game's Fox Engine. But, before you run off to celebrate, know that 4Gamer says that the title is only in the experimental stage as of now. Well, whatever stage th??ey're in, that early art looks killer.

Day made. Who's ready?

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// 0 129356
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Thu, 29 Mar 2012 21:30:00 +0000 //

Today is "Throwback Thurday" on Mash Tactics, and King Foom is cutting it close. Zone of the Enders is slated for the HD treatment this year, but until that actually happens, it still counts as a throwback, dammit! Konami's classic giant mech franchise, ZoE is oft praised as Hideo Kojima's second masterpiece, right behind the Metal Gear universe. If you've never played Zone of the Enders, or you're looking for that deep tickle of nostalgia, tune in and gaze upon th?e robotic spectacle.

Mash Tactics airs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific on Destructoid's Twitch TV channel. Watch King Foom play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community ?? and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything  else.


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// 0 102611
betvisa888 casinoZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Wed, 29 Feb 2012 17:30:00 +0000 //

Zone of the Enders, Hideo Kojima's contribution to? the battle mech genre, will see its high-definition release in autumn of this year, according to Konami. Yes, they've narrowed it? down to 3 of the remaining 10 months of 2012. It's helpful, but not quite what I'm looking for.

The Zone of the Enders HD Collection package containing Zone of the Enders and Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner will release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and features a graphical overhaul. The original Zone of the Enders is often jokingly referred to as the game you got when you bought the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo, but it wasn't bad. And the sequel is damn good, if stupid hard in spots. I'd recommend picking it up for The 2nd Runner alone if y??ou missed that the first time around.

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betvisa888 betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - آن لائن کرکٹ بیٹنگ | // // Tue, 31 Jan 2012 12:30:00 +0000 //

Siliconera dug up some fresh pictures of the brand new HD animated opening for the Zone of the Enders HD collection, which is set to hit the 360, PS3, and Vita later this year. The animation is being handled by the hit studio Sunrise, which is responsible for a ton of popular shows such as Cowboy Bebop, Gundam, and my favorite of theirs -- Escaflowne.

Even though ZOE 1 and 2 ended up being two of my favorite games of all time, initially I remember buying the first iteration solely for the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo -- I think I played that bite sized bit of the Tanker for at least 50 hours. They just don't make demos like that anymore!

Kojima Shares More Stills From Zon??e Of The Enders HD Collection’s New Opening [Siliconera]

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// 0 123322
betvisa cricketZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - 2023 IPL live cricket // // Sat, 17 Sep 2011 17:00:00 +0000 //

Guys, I'm scared. Going around Japan for the past week has increased my urge to get into action-figure collecting. I even bought a Gundam in Akihabara?! So imagine my excitement when I saw the finished looking version of Cyborg and Solid S??nake. They look amazing!

Then when I turned around, BOO?M! ?There were a couple of Zone of the Enders figures. Yup, I'm screwed.

In fact all the figures at Tokyo Game Show looked wonderful. Tomopop has some more images of the Street Fighter, God of War and Final Fantasy figures that were at the show. Oh! You can also pre-orders the Zone of the Enders right now.

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// 0 92593
betvisa888 cricket betZone of the Enders Archives – Destructoid - Jeetbuzz88 - live cricket match india pakistan // // Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:00:00 +0000 //

Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima is a feisty little minx. It wasn't that long ago that he tweeted something weird about Snatcher, and a few months later, we got a screengrab of a Snatcher 2 logo (which hasn't amounted to anything... yet) and the announcement of the radio drama prequel Sdatcher (which is a real thing, coming soon). In short, you can't always tell where they're going, but in the end, Kojima's tweets usually end up meaning something.

Now he's tweeting an image of a badass Zone of the Enders figure, with the letters "Z.O.E 3.D.S" looming ominously in the background. For those that don't know, Zone of the Enders was one?? of Kojima's PS2 projects that never developed a blockbuster-sized huge audience, but has a diehard following to this day. It's about giant robots blowing up stuff with lasers.

With Star Fox 3D promising to draw the 3D shmup fanbase to the 3DS, and hopefully make new fans of the genre in the process, it would make sense for Konami to follow that up with their own brand of 3D shmupping. On top of that, fans have been asking for a new Zone of the Enders for a while. It doesn't matter if it's a port of one of the PS2 games, or an all new title in the series. Either could look great in 3D, and give the 3DS's ever growing install base s??omething to play other than 1st party titles.

Let's hope that this turns out to be an actual game, and not some sort of 3DS exclusi?ve audio-only robot porn existential soap opera thing?.

[Via Kojima's Twitter. Thanks Adam Dork!]

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