As much as I’m looking forward to picking Xenoblade (again), it doesn’t hold a candle to my most anticipated Wii game of 2012; Rhythm Heaven Fever. Like Xenoblade, this is a game that I’ve already imported, but I still can’t wait to pick it up a second time. Why do I love it so much? Take the most , short films from , and cartoons from classic and , put them in a rhythm game, and you pretty much have Rhythm Heaven Fever. Just as I sing the song anytime I see a real life lady bug, I’m sure I’ll be singing the every time I encounter a real life simian percussionist for the rest of my life.
I initially expected my love of the game to be something I couldn’t share with many other “hardcore” gamers, as cute, surreal rhythm action games haven’t exactly been big sellers on this side of the world of late. I may have been wrong about that, if the amount of fan videos for the game are any indication of fan interest in the game. First we had this sexy gaichi muchi remix of the game’s luchador level. Then there was a remix of the same song featuring yours truly. Now we have new versions of the video featuring Idiocracy and Old Spice superstar , Heavy from Team Fortress 2, and a very happy Japanese man. The Rhythm Heaven love doesn’t stop there. In fact, there is apparently an entire mini-genre of Team Fortress/Rhythm Heaven mash-ups called .
It warms my tired, old heart to see a game that is 100% focused on fun get so much positive internet attention. See the rest of the vid🔴eos, and more, after the jump.
Published: Dec 3, 2011 05:00 pm