Tech deals: Cheapest AMD Ryzen 7 and 55″ 4K TVs for $349

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If you’ve been eyeing a new PC build or picking up a budget HDTV, pay attention. eBay launched yet another flash coupon earlier today, with a retailer-specific for select tech purchases $25 or more (with a max savings cap of $50).

So if you’ve been thinking about picking up the new Core i5 Kaby Lake processor, or AMD’s sexy new Ryzen 7, you are in luck. For a limited time, the Core i5-7400 is only $152 after coupon, while AMD’s Ryzen 7 1700X and 1800X are now at $320 and $448, respectively.

Wh⛄ile we agree with the consensus that the 1700 is the better value buy, considering the new discounted $320 price point, it may not be such a bad idea as the basis for a new system build (given the 1700 is hovering around $300~$330).

While the eBay 20% off tech coupon works at about 19 retailers, most of the “deals” are really just for gadget and off-brand tech knickknacks. We’ve picked out some of the more noteworthy deals below, including an HDTV brand you’ve probably never heard of but the prices are stupid cheap and (real) user reviews are surprisingly decent. As of writing, you can now pick up a 55-inch 4K Ultra HDTV . Yep.

Finally, there are some pretty decent BenQ and Acer monitors on tap, of note is th💙e  24-inch G🉐Sync gaming monitor for only $350 after coupon. Most retailers have this at over $400 a pop with a list price of $500.

Update: As mentioned the 1.5 days flash eBay coupon is now expired. If you missed out, we’ve scoped out a few other Ryzen 5 and Ryzen 7 deals available on for first-time customers with the coupon code SPRING15. Deals listed below with latest prices.

Hardware Deals

Use code: SPRING15


  • – $179.99 (list $210)
  • – $249.99 (list $280)
  • – $299 (list $330)

Use code: PSHOPTECH417


  • — $448.99  (list price $500)
  • — $319.99  (list price $395)
  • — $151.99  (list price $280)


  •  — $499.95  (list price $550)
  •  — $349  (list price $399)
  •  — $329.95  (list price $380)


  • — $349  (list price $900)
  • — $349  (list price $800)
  • — $249  (list price $750)
  • — $199.36  (list price $600)

    Cheap Hard Drives

    • — $50.39  (list price $80)
    • — $48.79  (list price $190)
    • — $29.59  (list price $70)

    Note: While we’ve listed a deal on a Polaroid 49-inch 4K UHDTV above, it’s there mainly for reference against the Bolva HDTVs. Reviews on the Polaroid are dismal and you should avoid purchasing. This just gives you an idea that the prices for the Bolva are quite competitive for an off-brand HDTV.

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