Tezza and Shazza join DLC crew Tuesday
Arika has for Fighting EX Layer’s next DLC characters. Franchise veteran Sharon and Fatal Fury guest star Terry Bogard will both beℱ made available a𒁃s DLC characters from March 26.
Sharon, who starred in Street Fighter EX 2 & 3, is a gun-toting secret agent who lives undercover as a kindly nun. Well known for her shocking r🌄ed hair, dead-eye sharpshooting skills and weird, one-leg pants. In battle, Sharon utilises her effective military martial arts, along with🀅 her trusty six-shooter, to take out her opponent.
The Legendary Wolf, Terry Bogard, is the star of a zillion SNK fighters and one of fighting games most recognisable characters. Terry joins FEXL as part of a crossover deal that saw Skullomania appear in SNK’s own SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy. Terry will be bringing his famous repertoire of moves, such as Power Wave, Burn Knuckle and the almighty Buster Wolf.
Both Sharon and Terry Bogard will be made available for purchase on March 26. Sharon will be included free alongside the latest update, while Terry will be paid DLC, costing around $5. Fighting EX Layer is available now on PS4 and PC.
Published: Mar 24, 2019 08:00 am