That old ball and chain – The Daily Spelunk

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Today’s Spelunky Challenge!

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Only recently, after months and months of playing Spelunky, was it brought to my attention that angering Kali can have truly dire consequences. Yes, destroying her altar — intentionally or otherwise — will make a bunch of spiders come after you. Most of us realize this, I’m sure.

But if you take down a second altar? (Or, even worse, a third?) You’ll be stuck with a ball and chain, as shown in today’s episode of The Daily Spelunk. This probably goes without saying, but I’d advise against fighting a horde of starved piranhas when you’ve got something so heavy strapped to your leg. I regret nothing.

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Image of Jordan Devore
Jordan Devore
Jordan is a founding member of Destructoid and poster of seemingly random pictures. They are anything but random.