Image via Bungie

The Destiny 2 community is worried over leaked plans for its future

Keep a pinch of salt at hand, just in case.

We’ve known for some time now that things are going to meaningfully change for Destiny 2 in Year 11, with the start of what is currently known as Frontiers. A recent leak, however, alleges some hugely unpopular changes for Destiny 2‘s content model, and players are already skeptical of it.

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These leaks about Destiny 2 came about very recently, alleging that Bungie is moving the game away from the current model (one yearly DLC with 3-4 seasons/episodes) to something lighter and easier to maintain. It would purportedly consist of two smaller DLCs and two seasons per year, with a lessened focus on narrative progression in lieu of activities, loot, and pure gameplay. This is too little information to go on – even if it is true – but the players are already a fair bit worried about what it might mean about Destiny‘s future.

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If the leaked plans for Destiny 2 are true, players won’t be happy about it

The biggest source of concern for the community is the leaker’s claim that there will be no more “week-to-week story beats or story released all at once.” Instead, we’d be getting only “one intro mission explaining the ‘why’ of the Season. That’s it,” . “Only thing other than that is traditional character banter throughout the [seasonal] activity.” A non-insignificant number of players are extremely unhappy about this potentially being true.

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Some players, specifically, believe that Bungie is attempting to turn Destiny 2 into a “lobby simulator” such as Fortnite and/or Apex Legends. This, presumably, refers to the fact that these games don’t put any meaningful emphasis on their lore and story development, opting instead to go all-in on gameplay. It’s not a decision without practical merit, to be sure, as keeping the Destiny story going is no mean feat. Yet, the story was a crucial reason as to why some players kept coming back to the game in the first place. I, myself, find the leaks worrying, if they’re true.

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It is, perhaps, surprising just how many Destiny 2 players have chimed in on this thread saying that they’re still playing the game almost exclusively due to the story. Then again, Bungie’s had a serious knack for out-there narrative developments for decades now, from Pathways Into Darkness onwards, and there’s potential here for the studio to alienate its oldest fans if Destiny 2 does end up turning into a “lobby simulator” in the end.

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Now, to be perfectly fair, it wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve seen a wildly popular Destiny 2 leak end up being a total wash in the end. Moreover, even if these leaks are 𝓀all true, Bungie could enꊰd up injecting enough Grimoire-style content every season that the narrative ends up trucking along at a reasonable pace.

Personally, I feel the bigger problem is that Bungie has lost a full third of its staff very recently, including some key veteran staff such as Luke Smith and Mark Noseworthy. The studio claims that this won’t affect Destiny 2 in the slightest, but I find that very hard to believe. The fact of the matter is that Bungie hasn’t told us virtually anything about Frontiers yet, and so it’s not hard to see why the community might be worried about it, given what’s been happening as of late. It’s an uncertain time to be a Destiny fan, that’s for sure.

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Image of Filip Galekovic
Filip Galekovic
A lifetime gamer and writer, Filip has successfully made a career out of combining the two just in time for the bot-driven AI revolution to come into its own.