Never a dull moment in gaming!
Keeping up with gaming news c🍒an be bloody hard.
In gaming terms, a week is an eternity, so here we are with this handy-dandy break✅down of the past week’s most iꩲmportant, interesting, or downright bizarre gaming news!
- There have been more leaks of Platinum’s currently unannounced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, this time in the form of a whole load of screenshots. That cell-shading looks just great.
- John Romero’s returned to his baby and made a brand new level for the original DOOM.
- Watch a video of a dog shitting in The Division’s beta. Do I need to justify this one? Thought not.
- Speaking of The Division, the beta testing for it will begin on January 28 for Xbox One, and January 29 on PC and PS4.
- This week on Xbox One, you’ll be able to play all of the games on EA Access for free. That’s assuming you have a currently active Xbox Live Gold subscription that is, so technically it isn’t free if you want to be pedantic. Still, there’re some good games in there that are totally worth checking out.
- Oh, and EA Access has also hit PC, in the form of Origin Access. Most of the games on the Xbox version are there, but there are a few minor differences.
- Vivendi♓’s sold the last of their Activision🧔 Blizzard assets. Should Ubisoft be worried?
- Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen finally launched on PC. Patrick’s got the low-down on whether the port is any good. Personally, I had some pacing problems with the game… it did kind of drag on a bit.
- Pokken Tournament’s finally got a release date. It’ll be hitting Wii U on March 18, bringing with it recently announced playable characters Braixen, Garchomp, Mewtwo and er… Chandelure. Sure, whatever, I’ll allow it.
- After cancelling all of its PSN pre-orders, Square Enix has dropped Hitman’s kinda-sorta episodic structure that confused everyone. Instead, they’ve strangely opted for it to be totally episodic. Kind of fitting that Hitman of all games is getting chopped up into itty-biddy pieces.
- Everybody’s favourite Final Fantasy protagonist, FFXIII’s Lightning, has spoken about being a Louis Vuitton model. Glad to see she’s putting just as much emotion into this as she did for her games.
- The future of Psychonauts got even more busy, as it’s been announced the original game will be coming to PS4, paving the way for Psychonauts 2 and VR spinoff Rhombus of Ruin.
- Gears of War 4 might be coming in Autumn/Fall of 2016, rather than its previously announced holiday launch window. That’s like… two whole months earlier. Yowza…
- Sony’s always been stiff competition for Microsoft, which means it’s no surprise that more porn is watched on PlayStation than Xbox.
That’s most of the last week in a nutshell✱! 🌳Shitting dogs, fighting chandeliers, console porn, and John Romero. Pretty average week, if you ask me.
What w﷽ere your biggest bi🍌ts of news from last week?
Keeping up with gaming news can be bloody hard. In gaming terms, a week is an eternity, so here we are with this🔥 handy-dandy breakdown of the past week’s most important, interesting, or downright bizarre gaming news!
There have been more leaks of Platinum’s currently unannounced Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game, in the form of a whole loa𒊎d of screenshots. That cell-shading looks just great.
John Romero’s returned to his baby and made a brand new level for the original DOOM.
Come watch a video of a dog pooping in The Division’s beta.
Speaking of The Division, t💮he beta testing for𝄹 it will begin on January 28 for Xbox One, and January 29 on PC and PS4.
Next week on Xbox One, you’ll be able to play all of the games on EA Access for free. That’s assuming you have a currently active Xbox Live Gold subscription that is, so technically it isn’t free if you want to be pedan🀅tic. Still, there’s s🎶ome good games in there that’re totally worth checking out.
Oh, and EA Access has also hit PC, in the form of Origin Access. There’s some pretty decent games in th🔜ere, so it might be a good deal if you don’t already own a lot of them.
Vivendi’s gunning for buying out Ubisof🎃t, as it’s sold off all of its remaining Activision Blizzard assets. Should Ubis💝oft be worried?
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen finally launched on PC this wee๊k. Pꦬatrick’s got the low-down on whether the port is any good.
ESPN’s going all in on eSports, as they’ve opened up their own dedicated eSpo✃rts divꦿision.
Pokken Tournament’s gotꩲ a release date. It’ll be hitting Wii Us on March 18, bringing with it recently announced playable characters Braixen, Garchomp, Mewtwo and ur… Chandelure. Nope, I don’t know either.
After cancelling all of its PSN pre-orders, HITMAN dropped its kinda-sorta episodic structure that confused everyone. Square Eniox have instead opted for it to be totally episodic. Kind of fitting HITMAN of all games is getting chopped up into ꦇiddy-biddy pieces.
Everybody’s favourite Final Fantasy protagonist, FFXIII’s Lightning, is now a Louis Vuitton model. Glad to see she’s putting just as much emotion into this as she did for꧙ the games…
The future of Psychonauts got even brighter this week, as it’s been announced the original game will be coming to PS4 ahead of the sequel Psychonauts 2 and VR spinoff Rhombus of Ruin.
Gears of War 4 might be coming in Autumn/Fall of 2016, rather than during the previously announced Holiday period. That’s like… two whole months. Yowza.
Sony&rsquo🧔;s always been stiff competition to Microsoft, which means it’s no surprise PlayStation users watch more porn than Xbox players.
That’s most of this w🥃eek in a nutshell! Shitting dogs, fighting chandeliers, console porn, and John Romero. Pretty 𒆙standard week, if you ask me!
What were your biggest bits of 🅺news from this week?
Published: Jan 18, 2016 02:00 am