Ya feelin’ it, fellow kids?
This month, would you believe, marks the 20th anniversary of Sega’s sexy sci-fi title Space Channel 5, an early release for the Dreamcast that introduced us to interstellar news reporter Ulala, whilst making “chu-chu-chu!” an indelible part of the gaming lexicon.
To celebrate the anniversary, a special double album of the original soundtrack has been made available in Japan. The Space Channel 5 20th Anniversary Gyun-Gyun Selection includes two CDs, featuring a whopping total of 50 tracks, all pulled from the famous rhythm action adventure. The video below offers a preview of some of the included ‘choons.
Fans interested in picking up the Gyun-Gyun Selection ź¦will need to go down the import route. Merch publisš¬her iam8bit is currently taking pre-orders on a shipment of discs, so if you want a copy for yourself. For European fans, your best bet is probably to go through
In regards to Ulala’s next adventure, Space Channel 5 VR: Kinda Funky News Flash is expecš„ted to launch spring 2020 on PSVR, SteamVR, Ocuš°lus, and HTC Vive.
Published: Dec 19, 2019 02:30 pm