Torzelan opens hell’s gate with Demon’s Crest death metal

This article is over 12 year🅘s old and may contain outdated information

Arrangement of the Demon’s Crest final boss theme

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What would Halloween be like without a little underworld summoning? Thanks to one of Dtoid’s most talented shredders, Torzelan, ܫwe all can jam out to the sweet sounds of unquenchableꦫ hellfire!

“Red Retaliation” is a death metal cover of “,” the final battle theme from the unholy Super Nintendo platformer Demon’s Crest. With crazy guitar licks and deep, guttural vocals, this is the kind of music that makes old Catholic ladies’ heads burst like in Scanners.

Torzelan whipped this up for October’s rock remix competition. I make a habit of checking the new competitions every month. You ought to as well. There’s some good sh*t.


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