There’s a weird subdivision of people who will only play PC games if they are on Steam. I understand the basic notion of this (it’s easier), but I do not understand the fundamentalists who follow this notion. Shouldn’t you want to play a good game regardless of how that’s accomplished?
Anyway, good news for people who want all of their hours logged and displayed online for everyone to see: Tribes: Ascend is now on Steam! There aren’t any Steam achievements, but there is a sale on the “Steam Starter Pack” which includes “a lifetime 50% XP Boost, 4 Bonus Weapons for base classes, 2 class unlocks, 4 Perks, and 800 Tribes Gold.” Currently on sale for $9.99, this will otherwise run you $19.99. That lifetime XP boost seems mighty tempting. This update also includes a new map, Stonehenge, first-person spectating, and some new supported languages for the game.
This is great news for Tribes: Ascend fans and Hi-Rez Studios since this will undoubtedly bring in way more llamas players into the game. If you’re new to the game, read over this and be prepared!
Published: Jun 27, 2012 07:30 pm