TtWaV video and remix update: Enter the Metal

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[Haven’t heard about the  music video and remix project? Click here for the details. It could make you famous!]

Good news! The prior remixes in this ongoing sound/video experiment have now been joined by a majestic metal/chip tune remix of the  theme song by the , and man is it good! This week also brings us a serious, heartfelt cover of the song by the great Sir Tobbii, and an by the one and only Kaggen. Heads up — Tobbii and Kaggen are both from European countries where everyone sounds cute when they talk. That’s right, we’re talking about two sexy hot European dudes that like to play videogames and make music. Start drafting up those marriage proposals now ladies. Get in there before some other lucky filly snatches that gravꦕy up!

As for the music video and remix album, we’re still on track for finishing both of them up next week on December 21st, so there’s still time if you want to get in on the action. Remember, any sort of visual art is acceptable for consideration for the music video; still pictures, drawings, animation, video, whatever. I’m pretty sure we’re going to squeeze a little bit of into the finished product, proving oncꦯe and for all . You might as well w🌳hip sometime up this weekend and run it by me, right?It never hurts to try!

The same goes for remixes/covers/re-imaginings of the theme song. Throw something together and send it my way! At best, you’ll become rich and famous for your effort, and at worst, you’ll make me incredibly happy. It’s a win/win situation, dawg.

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Image of Jonathan Holmes
Jonathan Holmes
Destructoid Contributor - Jonathan Holmes has been a media star since the Road Rules days, and spends his time covering oddities and indies for Destructoid, with over a decade of industry experience "Where do dreams end and reality begin? Videogames, I suppose."- Gainax, FLCL Vol. 1 "The beach, the trees, even the clouds in the sky... everything is build from little tiny pieces of stuff. Just like in a Gameboy game... a nice tight little world... and all its inhabitants... made out of little building blocks... Why can't these little pixels be the building blocks for love..? For loss... for understanding"- James Kochalka, Reinventing Everything part 1 "I wonder if James Kolchalka has played Mother 3 yet?" Jonathan Holmes