Cave Story
Good things don’t happen in caves. A best-case scenario has some bats buzzing through your hair. A worst-case scenario? Ummm, bears or dragons or satanic cults. OR, satanic bears riding dragons. Yeah, fuck that.
Ubisoft wants to send two people to a cave to promote Far Cry Primal. There, they will either die or not die (that’s just a fact). At least the contest-organizer is offering a little bit of assistance to swing the pendulum toward the “not die” side.
Here’s how it all works: Shoot a tweet over to the Twitter handle @FarCryGame with the hashtag #CaveBnB to enter. The tweet should explain your motivation for wanting to sleep in a cave (normal people have none). If you win, Ubisoft will fly you and a companion to France for a few hours of survival training, followed by the night in a cave.
The contest is only open to residents of The United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Belgium, and The Netherlands. Other important rules ꦅcan be found . But, the most important rule of all is that if you hear bears chanting, just run far away from that cave.
Published: Jan 18, 2016 01:15 pm