Watch Swery goof around in motion capture for The Good Life

This article is over 7 years old🐈 and may contain outdated information

Who says work can’t be fun

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Swery decided to do some motion capture for his studio’s, White Owls, first title The Good Life as the protagonist, Naomi. In the video he’s mostly just goofing around and even a caption suggests they’re not going to use the animations. One involves “sheep shearing” where he uses his stuffed monkey Public Relations Representative, Sharapova, as the shee🏅p.

It’s not really clear if this is just a funny snippet of a longer, serious capture session, or if they just decided to goof around for a little while. Either way, you have to kick back and have fun every once and a while to keep yourself sane.

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Image of Cory Arnold
Cory Arnold
Pretty cool dude in Japan. 6/9/68