The Leader Tent might be a bit confusing in Cult of the Lamb. The protagonist, the… er, Lamb, doesn’t need to sleep. So, 🌸what do you use it ಌfor instead?
There are actually a couple of answers here.
In the normal game mode, it’s a late-game building. However, it’s not a necessary one. The only function the Leader Tent has is to advance to the next day. By that, I mean, the Lamb🐎 goes to sleep and wakes up in the morning. If you need your followers to get work done, this is quicker than holding the meditaಞte button down to make time go faster.
However, it has more of a function if yꦑou play in Penitence mode. When you start a new game, you can choose Penitence mode, which adds survival aspects (particularly sleep and hunger) to the game. In this way, the Lamb needs to sleep, and ergo the Leader Tent. You use it to sleep through the night and restore your sleep gauge.
If you’re wondering if the Leader Tent is in any way an analog to the Mating Tent. No, I’m sorry, the Lamb cannot mate with their followers, even if it’s in their personal tent.
So, to summarize, the Leader Tent is for sleeping in, 𝓡and that’s it.
Published: Jan 31, 2024 02:43 pm