Unit Ready. Unit Lost. Unit Ready. Unit Lost.
Hey folks, welcome to the weekend, and I sincerely hope it finds you well. It would be ignorant of me to pretend that everything across the world was just fine and dandy right now. This is most assuredly one of the strangest and toughest years I remember facing. But I hope that you and yours are keeping safe🍨 and well, Please take care of yourself and others, and find the small joys wherever they lie in these pressing of times.
The opening week of June has seen me spending a lot of my free time mostly attempting to placate a savaged sleep schedule. I did, however, run through the campaigns that make up Electronic Arts’ Command and Conquer Remastered Collection. These strategy games recall the heady days of my youth, where I play the original C&C on, of all things, the Sega Saturn. A ridiculous compromise, but I made do, it was a lot of fun. You can check out my thoughts on the remaster right here.
But my business is not the focus of this article – yours is. Drop us a note below and fill us in on the vidya gamez that have been keeping you occupied these last seven days. It doesn’t matter if they’re old or new, whether you like ’em or not, just add your current obsessions to the list below, and show the community how you’re right on the cutting edge of entertainment.
Oh, and while you’re at it, why not check out our slick new forums. Simply sign up and soon you too can engage in learned discourse, while enjoying pictures of dopey kittens and anime characters. Just remember to be good to your fellow Dtoiders while you’re there!
Have a sa🐠fe and pleasant weekend, from all of us at Destructoid.
Published: Jun 13, 2020 05:00 am