Who wants to buy every Japanese GBA game ever?

♑ This article is over 12 years old and may contain outdated information

795 games for $5800

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There is something very awe-inspiring about seeing every game for a particular platform in one place, like looking out an airplane window while flying over a major city and feeling like a god who could reshape the land with but a breath. Does anyone else feel t💜hat way, or is it just me?

Over on eBay, hit-japan has the up for sale. That’s 795 carts for $5800, or roughly $7.30 per cart. But hey, at least shipping is free and he’s willing to negotiate on price! I somehow doubt you’ll be able to talk him down to like a grand or something, though.

How does the GBA software count compare to other Nintendo platforms? According to Wikipedia (which may not be completely accurate), there were 1055 Famicom games, 1442 Super Famicom games, 814 Game Boy games from all regions combined, and 1297 DS games just in the US. The big daddy of software, Sony’s PlayStation 2, has seen over 2000 from all regions. And for kicks and giggles, the Virtual Boy only saw a pathetic 22.

[Tiny Cartridge]

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