Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima is a feisty little minx. It wasn’t that long ago that he tweeted something weird about Snatcher, and a few months later, we got a screengrab of a Snatcher 2 logo (which hasn’t amounted to anything… yet) and the announcement of the radio drama prequel Sdatcher (which is a real thing, coming soon). In short, you can’t always tell where they’re going, but in the end, Kojima’s tweets usually end up meaning something.
Now he’s tweeting an image of a badass Zone of the Enders figure, with the letters “Z.O.E 3.D.S” looming ominously in the background. For those that don’t know, Zone of the Enders was one of Kojima’s PS2 projects that never developed a blockbuster-sized huge audience, but has a diehard following to this day. It’s about giant robots blowing up stuff with lasers.
With Star Fox 3D promising to draw the 3D shmup fanbase to the 3DS, and hopefully make new fans of the genre in the process, it would make sense for Konami to follow that up with their own brand of 3D shmupping. On top of that, fans have been asking for a new Zone of the Enders for a while. It doesn’t matter if it’s a port of one of the PS2 games, or an all new title in the series. Either could look great in 3D, and give the 3DS’s ever growing install base something to play other than 1st party titles.
Let’s hope that this turns out to be an actual game, and not some sort of 3DS exclusive audio-only robot porn existential soap opera thing.
[Via . Thanks Adam Dork!]
Published: Aug 16, 2011 01:00 am