WipEout Omega Collection gets physical edition, releases this June

 This article is over 🎐7 years 🌠old and may contain outdated information


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Sorry, I can’t bring myself to use catchy game-related words in the headline like “WipEout Omega Collection boosts into your living room this June.” Makes me cringe as much as how every ad says “slam dunk” during the NCAA basketball tournament. No, it “releases” on June 6 in America and June 7 in Europe, 2017 both digitally and . Seems like every release date I’ve reported on lately releases in America first by a day or two…weird.

As someone who still has more contact with Pyongyang than a Vita, this is a chance for me to catch up on WipEout 2048 finally.

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Image of Cory Arnold
Cory Arnold
Pretty cool dude in Japan. 6/9/68