{"id":256671,"date":"2020-11-07T08:00:00","date_gmt":"2020-11-07T13:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/jbsgame.com\/review-playstation-5-ps5\/"},"modified":"2020-11-07T08:00:00","modified_gmt":"2020-11-07T13:00:00","slug":"review-playstation-5-ps5","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/jbsgame.com\/review-playstation-5-ps5\/","title":{"rendered":"Review: PlayStation 5 (PS5)"},"content":{"rendered":"

New generation, new everything<\/h2>

Sony certainly killed it with the PS4, didn’t they? I mean, Microsoft handed them the “W” on a silver platter as soon as that draconian DRM presentation hit.<\/p>

But something remarkable happened: Microsoft fought back. Instead of throwing in the towel, they made strides in the backward compatibility arena that no publisher had done before. All the while, Sony crafted killer exclusive after exclusive, fighting the good fight with the thing that matters most: games. Sony had to work to sell those 112-million-plus units and take a coveted spot in the “top five all-time best-selling console” list.<\/p>

This generation, after all of the groundwork laid by Microsoft, we’re poised for a fairer fight. But Sony is really coming in swinging yet again with the PS5.<\/p>

[As this is our second of the two major console reviews, here’s a quick side note. We’ve made both articles fairly uniform, so you can compare and contrast them together. <\/span>You can find our PS5 unboxing article here<\/a>.]<\/span><\/sub><\/p>


The hardware<\/strong><\/p>

The PS5 is 15.4 inches tall, 10.24 inches deep, and 4.09 inches wide. This boy is big: so big, that it might not fit in your current entertainment setup. Sensing this, Sony did include a stand for the PS5, allowing folks to display it vertically. Even then, it might be an eyesore.<\/p>

I’m sort of an outlier in that I don’t mind the frankly bold design. Some might find it ridiculous, but I like that it stands out and there’s no hard and fast rule about how game consoles should look (the GameCube forever codified this).<\/p>

But while I’m okay with the Bubblegum Crisis<\/em> helmet motif, I have had issues moving this behemoth around —<\/span><\/span> even in terms of twisting it to plug in stuff behind it. It’s semi-wobbly when placed horizontally, which is more of a slight annoyance than a major problem. Now, time to move on from aesthetics and deeper into the hardware.<\/p>

Here’s a quick raw list of specs (you can compare them to the Series X<\/a>):<\/p>