Xbox will make cross buy/cross save ‘a platform feature’

 This article is over ź¦†9 years old and may contain outdated information

It’s about time!

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Quantum Breakź¦’s cross-buy and cross-save functionality will become a Xbox feature, says Xbox boss Phil šŸ’Spencer.

Replying to fans on Twitter, Spencer sšŸŽ‰aid that there were plans to make it a platform feature, as it would be “good for gamers.”

The reply acknowledges Xbox is looking beyond just first ź¦šparty games, too. 

The cross-buy / cross-save feature has been available on Sony platforms for some time, but up until now, Microsoft seemed to have focused on bringing backwards compatibility to the Xbox One.

Quantum Break is coming to PC and Xbox One on April 5, 2016. Pre-orders of the Xbox OnšŸ™ˆe version will receive a free copy of the game on PC. WšŸ¼oot.

What Xbox One game would you like tšŸ¤”o see offer cross-buy/save functionality?


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