Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom update adds Crazy Taxi inspired mode

Let’s go make some Psycho Money.

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom even lifts.

Panik Arcade has dropped for Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom that, among other things, adds a “Psycho Taxi” mode that focuses on the Crazy Taxi formula of delivering fares.

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Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is mostly a platformer, but some levels require you to maintain a timer that is filled by picking people up and delivering them to their des🃏tination, not unlike Sega’s class💃ic arcade game. However, it’s much more laidback because, again, the focus isn’t on this mechanic but rather on collecting gears.

Psycho Taxi is a side-mode that omits all that collection nonsense and instead focuses on working a day in the life of a ludicrous shuttler of passeng𓆏ers. From the sounds of things, it’s a new level rather than a repurposed existing one.

To access it, you need to find an N64 cart in one of the early levels: “Arcade Panic.” Once you ha💧ve this, you can visit a Psycho Taxi arcade unit to play the new mode.

I reviewed Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom earlier this year, and I loved it. I’ve been disappointed a few times by recent retro-inspired platformers, but it won me over with its infectious hyperactivity. I’m not sure I’m going to reinstall it specifically for this mode, but… You know what? Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just play some Crazy Taxi 3.

Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom iওs currently aꦏvailable for PC. With the Steam Summer Sale going on, it’s also marked down by 20%.

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Zoey Handley
Staff Writer - Zoey is a gaming gadabout. She got her start blogging with the community in 2018 and h🅠it the front page soon after. Normally found exploring indie experiments and retro libraries, she does her best to remain chronically uncool.
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