Will support cloud saves and two players locally/online
In case you haven’t heard, Level-5 isn’t giving up on Yo-Kai Watch. The fourth game arrived on Switch in Japan earlier this year, and ♏the publisher is re-releasing the original on the same platform very soon.
for the game gives us the rundown on what to expect, with the file size clocking in at 4.1GB, with support for both online and local play. Similarly, an updated trailer not only explains the gist of what Yo-Kai are (mischievous beings that often inhabit everyday objects), but also provides a look at the updated visual sty🙈le.
Re-releasing Yo-Kai Watch 1 is a weird prospect indeed, as the sequels do drastically improve upon pretty much everything the foundation of the original game laid down (the second game even retreads upon a lot of the same story beats, so you can jump right in). But if you really want to get in on the ground floor, it’s not a bad place to start: its charm trumps a ton of other current JRPGs, and logic would dictate that Level-5 will eventually give us Yo-Kai Watch 2 and 3 on Switch.
Published: Oct 1, 2019 09:30 am